Is it okay to set reduce_limit = false config in couchdb configuration? - mapreduce

I am working on a map/reduce review and I always have reduce_overflow_error each time I run the view, if I set reduce_limit = false in couchdb configuration, it is working, I want to know if there is negative effect if I change this config setting? thank you

The setting reduce_limit=true enforces CouchDB to control the size of reduced output on each step of reduction. If stringified JSON output of a reduction step has more than 200 chars and it‘s twice or more longer than input, CouchDB‘s query server throws an error. Both numbers, 2x and 200 chars, are hard-coded.
Since a reduce function runs inside SpiderMonkey instance(s) with only 64Mb RAM available, the limitation set by default looks somehow reasonable. Theoretically, reduce must fold, not blow up the data given.
However, in real life it‘s quite hard to fly under the limitation in all cases. You can not control number of chunks for a (re)reduction step. It means you can run into situation, when your output for a particular chunk is more than twice longer in chars, although other chunks reduced are much shorter. In this case even one uncomfortable chunk breaks entire reduction if reduce_limit is set.
So unsetting reduce_limit might be helpful, if your reducer can sometimes output more data, than it received.
Common case – unrolling arrays into objects. Imagine you receive list of arrays like [[1,2,3...70], [5,6,7...], ...] as input rows. You want to aggregate your list in a manner {key0:(sum of 0th elts), key1:(sum of 1st elts)...}.
If CouchDB decides to send you a chunk with 1 or 2 rows, you have an error. Reason is simple – object keys are also accounted calculating result length.
Possible (but very hard to achieve) negative effect is SpiderMonkey instance constantly restarting/falling on RAM overquota, when trying to process a reduction step or entire reduction. Restarting SM is CPU and RAM intensive and costs hundreds milliseconds in general.


Generate blocks of 128MB in Nifi

What I'm trying to do is to deposit into HDFS blocks of size of 128MB I've been trying several processors but can't get the good one or I haven't identify the correct property:
This is how prety much the flow looks like:
Right now I'm using PutParquet but this processor doesn't have a property to do that
The previous processor is a MergeContent and this is the configuration
and on the SplitAvro I have next configuration
Hope someone can help I'm really stuck trying to do this.
You shouldn't need the SplitAvro or ConvertAvroToJSON, if you use MergeRecord instead you can supply an AvroReader and JsonRecordSetWriter and it will do the conversion for you. If you know the approximate number of records that will fit in an HDFS block, you can set that as the Maximum Number of Entries and also the Max Group Size. Keep in mind those are soft limits though, so you might want to set it to something safer like 100MB.
When you tried with your flow from the description, what did you observe? Were the files still too big, or did it not seem to obey the min/max limits, etc.?

AWS Elasticsearch indexing memory usage issue

The problem: very frequent "403 Request throttled due to too many requests" errors during data indexing which should be a memory usage issue.
The infrastructure:
Elasticsearch version: 7.8
t3.small.elasticsearch instance (2 vCPU, 2 GB memory)
Default settings
Single domain, 1 node, 1 shard per index, no replicas
There's 3 indices with searchable data. 2 of them have roughly 1 million documents (500-600 MB) each and one with 25k (~20 MB). Indexing is not very simple (has history tracking) so I've been testing refresh with true, wait_for values or calling it separately when needed. The process is using search and bulk queries (been trying sizes of 500, 1000). There should be a limit of 10MB from AWS side so these are safely below that. I've also tested adding 0,5/1 second delays between requests, but none of this fiddling really has any noticeable benefit.
The project is currently in development so there is basically no traffic besides the indexing process itself. The smallest index generally needs an update once every 24 hours, larger ones once a week. Upscaling the infrastructure is not something we want to do just because indexing is so brittle. Even only updating the 25k data index twice in a row tends to fail with the above mentioned error. Any ideas how to reasonably solve this issue?
Update 2020-11-10
Did some digging in past logs and found that we used to have 429 circuit_breaking_exception-s (instead of the current 403) with a reason among the lines of [parent] Data too large, data for [<http_request>] would be [1017018726/969.9mb], which is larger than the limit of [1011774259/964.9mb], real usage: [1016820856/969.7mb], new bytes reserved: [197870/193.2kb], usages [request=0/0b, fielddata=0/0b, in_flight_requests=197870/193.2kb, accounting=4309694/4.1mb]. Used cluster stats API to track memory usage during indexing, but didn't find anything that I could identify as a direct cause for the issue.
Ended up creating a solution based on the information that I could find. After some searching and reading it seemed like just trying again when running into errors is a valid approach with Elasticsearch. For example:
Make sure to watch for TOO_MANY_REQUESTS (429) response codes
(EsRejectedExecutionException with the Java client), which is the way
that Elasticsearch tells you that it cannot keep up with the current
indexing rate. When it happens, you should pause indexing a bit before
trying again, ideally with randomized exponential backoff.
The same guide has also useful information about refreshes:
The operation that consists of making changes visible to search -
called a refresh - is costly, and calling it often while there is
ongoing indexing activity can hurt indexing speed.
By default, Elasticsearch periodically refreshes indices every second,
but only on indices that have received one search request or more in
the last 30 seconds.
In my use case indexing is a single linear process that does not occur frequently so this is what I did:
Disabled automatic refreshes (index.refresh_interval set to -1)
Using refresh API and refresh parameter (with true value) when and where needed
When running into a "403 Request throttled due to too many requests" error the program will keep trying every 15 seconds until it succeeds or the time limit (currently 60 seconds) is hit. Will adjust the numbers/functionality if needed, but results have been good so far.
This way the indexing is still fast, but will slow down when needed to provide better stability.

C++ environment/IDE to avoid multiple reads of big data sets

I am currently working on a big dataset (approximately a billion data points) and I have decided to use C++ over R in particular for convenience in memory allocation.
However, there does not seem to exist an equivalent to R Studio for C++ in order to "store" the data set and avoid to have to read the data every time I run the program, which is extremely time consuming...
What kind of techniques do C++ users use for big data in order to read the data "once for all" ?
Thanks for your help!
If I understand what you are trying to achieve, i.e. load some data into memory once and use the same data (in memory) with multiple runs of your code, with possible modifications to that code, there is no such IDE, as IDE are not ment to store any data.
What you can do is first load your data into some in-memory database and write your c++ program to read data from that database instead of reading it directly from data-source in C++.
how avoid multiple reads of big data set.
What kind of techniques do C++ users use for big data in order to read
the data "once for all" ?
I do not know of any C++ tool with such capabilities, but I doubt that I have ever searched for one ... seems like something you might do. Keywords appear to be 'data frame' and 'statistical analysis' (and C++).
If you know the 'data set' format, and wish to process raw data no more than one time, you might consider using Posix shared memory.
I can imagine that (a) the 'extremely time consuming' effort could (read and) transform the 'raw' data, and write into a 'data set' (a file) suitable for future efforts (i.e. 'once and for all').
Then (b) future efforts can 'simply' "map" the created 'data set' (a file) into the program's memory space, all ready for use with no (or at least much reduced) time consuming effort.
Expanding the memory map of your program is about using 'Posix' access to shared memory. (Ubuntu 17.10 has it, I have 'gently' used it in C++) Terminology includes, shm_open, mmap, munmap, shm_unlink, and a few others.
From 'man mmap':
mmap() creates a new mapping in the virtual address space of the
calling process. The starting address for
the new mapping is specified in ...
how avoid multiple reads of big data set. What kind of techniques do
C++ users use for big data in order to read the data "once for all" ?
I recently retried my hand at measuring std::thread context switch duration (on my Ubuntu 17.10, 64 bit desktop). My app captured <30 million entries over 10 seconds of measurement time. I also experimented with longer measurement times, and with larger captures.
As part of debugging info capture, I decided to write intermediate results to a text file, for a review of what would be input to the analysis.
The code spent only about 2.3 seconds to save this info to the capture text file. My original software would then proceed with analysis.
But this delay to get on with testing the analysis results (> 12 sec = 10 + 2.3) quickly became tedious.
I found the analysis effort otherwise challenging, and recognized I might save time by capturing intermediate data, and thus avoiding most (but not all) of the data measurement and capture effort. So the debug capture to intermediate file became a convenient split to the overall effort.
Part 2 of the split app reads the <30 million byte intermediate file in somewhat less 0.5 seconds, very much reducing the analysis development cycle (edit-compile-link-run-evaluate), which was was (usually) no longer burdened with the 12+ second measure and data gen.
While 28 M Bytes is not BIG data, I valued the time savings for my analysis code development effort.
FYI - My intermediate file contained a single letter for each 'thread entry into the critical section event'. With 10 threads, the letters were 'A', 'B', ... 'J'. (reminds me of dna encoding)
For each thread, my analysis supported splitting counts per thread. Where vxWorks would 'balance' the threads blocked at a semaphore, Linux does NOT ... which was new to me.
Each thread ran a different number of times through the single critical section, but each thread got about 10% of the opportunities.
Technique: simple encoded text file with captured information ready to be analyzed.
Note: I was expecting to test piping the output of app part 1 into app part 2. Still could, I guess. WIP.

First-run of queries are extremely slow

Our Redshift queries are extremely slow during their first execution. Subsequent executions are much faster (e.g., 45 seconds -> 2 seconds). After investigating this problem, the query compilation appears to be the culprit. This is a known issue and is even referenced on the AWS Query Planning And Execution Workflow and Factors Affecting Query Performance pages. Amazon itself is quite tight lipped about how the query cache works (tl;dr it's a magic black box that you shouldn't worry about).
One of the things that we tried was increasing the number of nodes we had, however we didn't expect it to solve anything seeing as how query compilation is a single-node operation anyway. It did not solve anything but it was a fun diversion for a bit.
As noted, this is a known issue, however, anywhere it is discussed online, the only takeaway is either "this is just something you have to live with using Redshift" or "here's a super kludgy workaround that only works part of the time because we don't know how the query cache works".
Is there anything we can do to speed up the compilation process or otherwise deal with this? So far about the best solution that's been found is "pre-run every query you might expect to run in a given day on a schedule" which is....not great, especially given how little we know about how the query cache works.
there are 3 things to consider
The first run of any query causes the query to be "compiled" by
redshift . this can take 2-20 seconds depending on how big it is.
subsequent executions of the same query use the same compiled code,
even if the where clause parameters change there is no re-compile.
Data is measured as marked as "hot" when a query has been run
against it, and is cached in redshift memory. you cannot (reliably) manually
clear this in any way EXCEPT a restart of the cluster.
Redshift will "results cache", depending on your redshift parameters
(enabled by default) redshift will quickly return the same result
for the exact same query, if the underlying data has not changed. if
your query includes current_timestamp or similar, then this will
stop if from caching. This can be turned off with SET enable_result_cache_for_session TO OFF;.
Considering your issue, you may need to run some example queries to pre compile or redesign your queries ( i guess you have some dynamic query building going on that changes the shape of the query a lot).
In my experience, more nodes will increase the compile time. this process happens on the master node not the data nodes, and is made more complex by having more data nodes to consider.
The query is probably not actually running a second time -- rather, Redshift is just returning the same result for the same query.
This can be tested by turning off the cache. Run this command:
SET enable_result_cache_for_session TO OFF;
Then, run the query twice. It should take the same time for each execution.
The result cache is great for repeated queries. Rather than being disappointed that the first execution is 'slow', be happy that subsequent cached queries are 'fast'!

High rate of InternalServerError from DynamoDB

So according to Amazon's DynamoDB error handling docs, it's expected behavior that you might receive 500 errors sometimes (they do not specify why this might occur or how often). In such a case, you're suppose to implement retries with exponential backoff, starting about 50ms.
In my case, I'm processing and batch writing a very large amount of data in parallel (30 nodes, each running about 5 concurrent threads). I expect this to take a very long time.
My hash key is fairly well balanced (user_id) and my throughput is set to 20000 write capacity units.
When I spin things up, all starts off pretty well. I hit the throughput and start backing off and for a while I oscillate nicely around the max capacity. However, pretty soon I start getting tons of 500 responses with InternalServerError as the exception. No other information is provided, of course. I back off and I back off, until I'm waiting about 1 minute between retries and everything seizes up and I'm no longer getting 200s at all.
I feel like there must be something wrong with my queries, or perhaps specific queries, but I have no way to investigate. There's simply no information about my error coming back from the server beyond the "Internal" and "Error" part.