Hyperledger fabric make peer not running - blockchain

On Windows, inside Vagrant, I am trying to run make peer in /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric.
I am getting the following error:

Instead of giving the command:
make peer
Try these :
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-membersrvc:latest
to pull the latest images published by the Hyperledger fabric project from DockerHub.

It says latest tag is not found for the base image. Looks like a Fabric bug at that point of time, and I reckon that this issue would have got solved by now.
If not, pull the image yourself manually. And tag it yourself as latest
For E.g,
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-baseimage:x86_64-0.1.0
docker tag hyperledger/fabric-baseimage:x86_64-0.1.0 hyperledger/fabric-baseimage:latest


How to change the setting of apache superset from sqlite to MySQL

Can anyone provide a steps to Change the setting of apache superset from sqlite to MySQL?
I have create superset_config.py to override the configuration
after adding the property i am able to enabled swagger url
I have added SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql://root:xxxxxx#' property in superset_config.py file
but still it is connecting with SQLlite.
I wrote article that can help you.
I had problem using docker compose and native installation . Port is closed can be due to networking problem or problem with packages. Host.docker.internal doesn’t worked for me on Ubuntu 22. I would like to recommend to not follow official doc and use better approach with single docker image to start. Instead of running 5 containers by compose, run everything in one. Use official docker image, here image. Than modify docker file as follows to install custom db driver:
FROM apache/superset
USER root
RUN pip install mysqlclient
RUN pip install sqlalchemy-redshift
USER superset
Second step is to build new image based on docker file description. To avoid networking problems start both containers on same network (superset, your db) easier is to use host network. I used this on Google cloud example as follow:
docker run -d --network host --name superset supers
The same command to start container with your database. —network host. This solved my problems. More about in whole step to step tutorial: medium or here blog

docker context create ecs myecs - requires exactly one argument

I'm trying to create a Docker context that will automatically integrate with AWS's ECS.
I'm following this tutorial
The author just does:
docker context create ecs myecs and gets a "pick an integration" prompt, whereas I get an error saying it needs exactly 1 argument.
docker context create" requires exactly 1 argument.
See 'docker context create --help'.
Usage: docker context create [OPTIONS] CONTEXT
Create a context
You need to install the Docker Compose CLI preview
The below curl is from here: Docker docs
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/compose-cli/main/scripts/install/install_linux.sh | sh
sudo docker context create ecs myecs
It didn't work without sudo for me for some reason.
After the script finished I had some weird errors:
cp: cannot stat '/tmp/tmp.d4QjhW8T6k/docker-compose': No such file or directory and docker context create ecs myecs didn't work at first, but once I tried with sudo it worked fine.
EDIT: . ~/.zshrc (or just close your terminal and open a new one) made it possible for me to run docker context create ecs myecs without sudo.
Author of the blog/tutorial here. It looks like you don't have the pre-requsite installed. In the blog I call out the pre-req in pieces like this.
....In July, Docker released a beta for Docker Desktop that embedded these functionalities and, on September 15th, Docker released an updated experience in their Docker Desktop stable channel....
and then
...For now the only thing you need is Docker Desktop and an AWS account. For this test , I am using Docker Desktop (stable) version
and finally
The core of this integration is built around a new tool dubbed Compose CLI (this is not to be confused with the original docker-compose CLI). This new CLI surfaces to the user as new functionalities in the docker command. While in Docker Desktop all this plumbing is completely hidden and available out of the box, if you are using a Linux machine you can set it up using either a script or a manual install. This new CLI is, essentially, a new version of the docker binary.
Eager to understand more how we could make it more clear / front and center that there were stuff to install and/or minimum software versions you had to use.
Thanks for trying it out!
If you're on Linux and you're running the docker context create ecs myecscontext command from the docs then try enabling experimental features in docker:
Edit /etc/docker/daemon.json
Set contents to
"experimental": true
Restart docker service sudo systemctl restart docker
Exit your terminal and open a new one so that the changes take effect.
I had same issue but after installing Docker Desktop version problem resolved.
Server side version doesn't have such kind of functionality.

Connecting Hyperledger Composer to Fabric: Error trying install composer runtime

While following the tutorial on this link, I encontered the following error under the section "Deploy to the running Hyperledger Fabric". My Hyperledger Fabric is not running and I do not know why. The error I get is shown below:
tom#tom:~/hyperledger/my-network/dist$ composer network deploy -a my-network.bna -p hlfv1 -i PeerAdmin -s randomString
Deploying business network from archive: my-network.bna
Business network definition:
Identifier: my-network#0.1.6
Description: My Commodity Trading network
✖ Deploying business network definition. This may take a minute...
Error: Error trying deploy. Error: Error trying install composer runtime. Error: Connect Failed
Command failed
When I use docker ps -a, no hyperledger containers are shown to have run. Where could I have gone wrong?
I just realized I needed to install docker-compose which deals with running multiple docker containers instead of just using docker client.
For docker-compose installation, I consulted the manual
I think you did not start your fabric, if you are developing locally. Please look at https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/installing/development-tools.html for the environment setup and the scripts you need to run inorder to have a local fabric.
When you run docker ps you should see something like this docker list of containers

BlockChain : Issue setting up dev environment for hyperledger fabric

I am a beginner in the blockchain technology and wanted to get some hands on by setting up a dev environment for hyperledger fabric.
I tried to setup the dev environment and was following the official documentation at https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html
In the step when I call the script network_setup.sh to bring the network up, It fails at the last step with an error as -
Trying to pull repository docker.io/hyperledger/fabric-testenv ..
Pulling repository docker.io/hyperledger/fabric-testenv
ERROR: Error: image hyperledger/fabric-testenv not found
The image itself is not available in the repository and hence the script fails.
Can someone guide me on how to overcome this and where can I find good references for setting up a fabric dev environment.
Yes, something blew up, so the URL had to be changed. The instructions have been updated, and the curl command points to a new URL now. Try it again, should work now. change logged here https://gerrit.hyperledger.org/r/#/c/8591/

Python/Django Elastic Beanstalk now failing on deploy

I'm working on a project that I haven't touched in about 4 months. Before everything on the deploy was working fine, but now I'm getting an error when trying to deploy an update.
Failed to pull Docker image amazon/aws-eb-python:3.4.2-onbuild-3.5.1: Pulling repository amazon/aws-eb-python time="2016-01-17T01:40:45Z" level="fatal" msg="Could not reach any registry endpoint" . Check snapshot logs for details. Hook /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre/03build.sh failed. For more detail, check /var/log/eb-activity.log using console or EB CLI.
In the eb-activity log, it further states [CMD-AppDeploy/AppDeployStage0/AppDeployPreHook/03build.sh] : Activity execution failed, because: Pulling repository amazon/aws-eb-python before repeating what was shown in the UI.
The original was using a Preconfigured Docker 64bit Debian jessie v1.3.1 running Python 3.4. I've tried upgrading to the latest, which is version 2.0.6, but it never completes (don't need to get into specifics of that error, separate issue and I'd like to stay on 1.3.1 if possible). I've also tried upgrading to the latest 1.x but it has the same result of upgrading to 2.0.6.
Any ideas, or anything else I should be looking for clues?
Docker Hub has deprecated pulls from Docker clients on 1.5 and earlier. Make sure that your docker client version is at least above 1.5. See https://blog.docker.com/2015/10/docker-hub-deprecation-1-5/ for more information.