Get only one QOpenGLContext for different QT widgets - c++

I've the following problem :
I want to get an application composed of many view which render a common OpenGL scene from a different point of view, illumination, and others options.
Basically, my question is what is the best way to do that with qt ?
My first attempt was to create multiple QOpenGLWidget and get a common QOpenGLContext where I stored the textures but also the meshes and shaders.
But it didn't work for meshes because Vertex Array Objects seem to not be shareable.
After lot of tries, a possible solution is to store one VAO for each widget that need the mesh but this look really awful.
So, I wonder if there is a good alternative for this kind of problem, or maybe a good documentation to understand how these QOpenGLContext work.
The simplest idea that I've imagined is to create only one QOpenGLContext and use it in the different widgets. But I don't know how to just create a QOpenGLContext alone nor what kind of QWidgets is able to display these renderings.
It's my first post so I don't know if it's clear enough or if I need to describe my whole architecture.

You already tried, so I pass the word about shared contexts.
An OpenGL context is bound to a window: if you want only one context, the straight answer is to have only one window.
Using the widgets module, you can have multiple views of a same scene using multiple viewports in a same QOpenGLWidget. Something like:
void myWidget::paintGL() {
0, 0,
this->width()/2, this->height()/2
// draw scene from one point of view
this->width()/2, this->height()/2,
this->width()/2, this->height()/2
// draw scene from an other point of view
You should probably design a viewport class to store and manage the rendering parameters for each viewport.
The drawback is that you will have to detect in which viewport the user is clicking to handle interactions: some kind of if event.pos.x is between 0 and this->width()/2 ....
An other way could be to let down the widgets module and use Qt Quick and QML: a quick window declares a unique OpenGL context, where each quick item is like a viewport, but encapsulated in its own object so you don't have to think about where the user is interacting.
Inherit QQuickItem instead of QOpenGLWidget and export your class to QML using the qmlRegisterType() macro. You can then create a QQuickView in your program to load a QML code where you declare your items. An example from Qt's documentation here.

I think since multiple views/surfces can update independently, unfortunately its not possible to have one single QOpenGLContext that does the job. And sharing contexts have the limitation you already point out in your question.
QOpenGLContext can be moved to a different thread with moveToThread().
Do not call makeCurrent() from a different thread than the one to
which the QOpenGLContext object belongs. A context can only be current
in one thread and against one surface at a time, and a thread only has
one context current at a time.
Link :
So one way you can get it working is have independent updates to your views in a sequential order and make the context current one by one and render before moving on to the next view. This will guarantee that the context is current in only one view at any given time. Perhaps use a QMutex to serialize the updates.
Alternatively you can also pass the context around among threads and serialize their updates, but this is a bad approach.


glCreateShader gives same ID

Background :
I have a Shader class in my c++/OpenGL3.1/GLSL/Qt program. My program uses several shaders based on different GLSL sources files.
My application can run many different 3D renderers based on the QGLWidget implementation and each one creates its own shaders.
When I create my first 3d renderer and initialize my shaders, shaders IDs are generated with the help of glCreateShader & glCreateProgram, without any problem.
Problem :
But when I create a second 3d renderer, the OGL functions retrieving the ID give exactly the same but I expect to have new ones. It means that my two renderers will send the data to the same GPU program...
It's obvious that in the GPU program, uniform variables are mixed and when running the second renderer, the first one displays a weird rendering.
Indeed, when I close one of the two renderer, all shaders are killed... and the second renderer cannot display anything.
Idea ?
I'm completely lost and my logical deduction is that glCreateShader & glCreateProgram give ID according to their own thread id. QGLWidget running probably its own thread to call the rendering functions, it may trouble the persistence...
Any idea of how to solve this problem ?
If both your QOpenGLWidget share the same parent window, then by default they share the same context. If you don't want that, the easier is probably to create a new top-level widget (any QWidget with no parent) with your second QOpenGLWidget.
Please note that this is different from the older QGLWidget class. From Qt documentation:
When multiple QOpenGLWidgets are added as children to the same top-level widget, their contexts will share with each other. This does not apply for QOpenGLWidget instances that belong to different windows.
This means that all QOpenGLWidgets in the same window can access each other's sharable resources, like textures, and there is no need for an extra "global share" context, as was the case with QGLWidget.
There is no problem to solve.
Each QGLWidget has its own OpenGL context. And, unless you are explicitly sharing objects between them, each context has its own separate list of objects.
You can only use an OpenGL object with the OpenGL context that created it. So long as you keep the objects separate, and only use them with the context that created it, you should be fine.

Interactions between Onscreen and Offscreen rendering in Qt5 with QOpenGL\* classes

To make some onscreen and offscreen rendering via Qt5 OpenGL framework, such that the resources can be easily shared between both rendering parts. Specifically,
the rendering work is done through the offscreen part (the framebuffer might be larger than the display screen);
the results of the offscreen rendering can be displayed in multiple onscreen parts (say, QOpenGLWidgets) under different settings, e.g. different sizes, for simplicity;
the results of the offscreen rendering can also be extracted from GPU and saved into a QImage or cv::Mat object;
the above tasks can be executed asynchronously (doing the second offscreen rendering, while displaying or extracting the first offscreen result).
Current solution:
Since I don't know how to share resources between both parts, the actual rendering work are done redundantly in both parts in my current solution:
The onscreen part:
A QMainWindow containing multiple QOpenGLWidget (subclass of QOpenGLWidget) objects;
The offscreen part:
A custom class involving members of QOffscreenSurface, QOpenGLContext, and QOpenGLFramebufferObject pointers, as well as a QOpenGLFunctions pointer to invoke OpenGL functions do the actual rendering work, much similar to this link.
The actual renderer:
As the reason above, the actual rendering work is extracted into a seperated class and both parts (onscreen and offscreen) have its handle.
There are two QOpenGLContexts:
When doing the offscreen work in a background thread (for asynchronously rendering), it says the QWindow-based QOffscreenSurface are not allowed to exist outside the gui thread;
When doing this in the main (GUI) thread, it says the QOpenGLContext is invalid.
So my questions are:
Should I do the offscreen and onscreen work in the same GUI thread or not?
What is the best way of communicating and sharing resources between the offscreen and onscreen parts?
A brief actual code example doing a simple rendering work (say, draw a triangle via shading language) will be much appreciated.
Assuming that QOpenGLContext *main_ctx is the context that was created by QOpenGLWidget for actual rendering, you can create another context ctx in any thread and make it share textures and buffers with the first one:
ctx = std::make_unique<QOpenGLContext>();
I don't think that QOffscreenSurface must be a QWindow-based.
offscreen_surface = std::make_unique<QOffscreenSurface>();
Then create a QOpenGLFramebufferObject and render into it from the second context (second thread).
Then use its texture in the main context: glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fbo->texture());. Maybe there is a need for some synchronization when doing this.

Issues creating independent OpenGL Viewports

In my application I'm trying to implement multiple viewports to allow the user to view a scene from multiple perspectives. Each of my viewports need to be able to switch between wireframe, shaded, lighting, etc. I can currently render from different perspectives in each viewport, but I have issues.
When I try to set various settings such as glPolygonMode() or qglClearColor() within any viewport, these settings only seem to apply to a single viewport, generally the very last viewport that was created. This isn't a signals/slots issue, since these connections are handled internally within each widget, and cannot be mixed up between widgets.
Attempts at solving the problem:
Since I'm using Qt as the library for managing all UI related things, I'm sure there are a lot of things Qt has taken care of for creating and setting up each OpenGL instance for me, so there may be things that I'm overlooking that I don't know about.
I've checked the constructors available for QGLWidgets, and seen that a QGLWidget can take in another QGLWidget as a "sharedwidget", and also a QGLContext object.
I currently use the "sharedwidget" route, because without it for some reason I can't get textures to bind for more than 1 viewport. However, this doesn't solve the problem of not being able to switch between wireframe or shaded in each QGLWidget instance.
I've also tried the QGLContext route. By default each QGLWidget
creates a new context anyways, but when trying to assign new ones or
sharing a single Context between all of them I would just get issues
with my shaders not linking (I believe the initializeGL slot is not
getting called in that case), leading to a crash every time a context is shared to another QGLWidget:
ASSERT: "QOpenGLFunctions::isInitialized(d_ptr)" in file
line 2018
Currently, my application takes on the following hierarchy:
ViewportWidget [dynamic array]
QGLWidget (custom variation)
The only thing each QGLWidget needs to share is the pointer to the current "map", so that each can render the map based on whatever settings are set within that particular widget's instance.
I perform the following functions for setting up a viewport:
I create a new ViewportWidget, parent it and add it to the appropriate frame and Layout. If the viewport isn't the first one, then it also passes the very first QGLWidget to be used as a "sharedwidget"
The viewport then creates a QGLFormat with a swap interval of 1, and passes said format into the constructor of a new QGLWidget.
I then am forced to call "makeCurrent()" for the viewport, otherwise I crash with the reason:
ASSERT: "false" in file qgl.cpp, line 122
Is it even possible to have separate QGLWidgets with different "polygonMode"'s, or "clearColor"'s? I'm just worried that I'm doing something wrong that will bite me in the butt later on, which I want to avoid.

How to share OpenGL context or data?

I need to shared data (textures, vertex-buffers,... ) across all OpenGL widgets in a application.
The following code isn't working:
I've found some solutions that have one main QGLWidget and other are constructed using this main widget. Unfortunately, I can't use this approach, because all my QGLWidgets are equal and almost certainly the first(main) created QGLWidget will be destroyed before others are.
Possible approach:
single shared OpenGL context between all QGLWidgets
not working: just one QGLWidget gets rendered correctly, others behave as they weren't rendered, corrupted/random data
error for each QGLWidget construction except first one:
QGLWidget::setContext: Context must refer to this widget
Another approach:
main OpenGL context and create sub-context for each QGLWidget
not working: context->isSharing() returns false
code that I use for context creation, context1 and context2 are later passed to constructors of QGLWidgets:
QGLContext *mainContext = new QGLContext(format), *context1, *context2;
context1 = new QGLContext(format);
context2 = new QGLContext(format);
cout << mainContext->isSharing() << " " << context1->isSharing() << endl;
With regards to the first approach, you are not setting up sharing but trying to force the same context to be used with different QGLWidgets. As pointed out above, this is wrong and will not work.
Instead, create the QGLWidgets normally and pass the first QGLWidget in the shareWidget parameter when creating the others. This way you will get a separate context for each QGLWidget but they will all share with the context of the first one (and thus with each other). See
Destroying the first widget before the others should not be an issue since the shared objects will be around until any of the sharing contexts are alive.
I realize that it has been almost a year since this question has been asked, but I believe the comment above may be inaccurate.
To be more precise, while it may be indeed invalid to use a single QGLContext with multiple QGLWidgets, this would be a limitation of Qt's OpenGL implementation rather than a limitation of OpenGL or the windowing system. It certainly seems valid to use the same context to render to multiple windows. For example, the functions wglMakeCurrent and SwapBuffers accept as parameters device handles alongside OpenGL context handles. To quote the wglMakeCurrent documentation:
The hdc parameter must refer to a drawing surface supported by OpenGL.
It need not be the same hdc that was passed to wglCreateContext when
hglrc was created, but it must be on the same device and have the same
pixel format.
I do not even want to go into problems with SwapBuffers, since there are several bug reports all over the web regarding Qt5, which seems to force making the OpenGL context current unnecessarily before SwapBuffers is called.
This has been updated since QT 5.4 and you should now use QOpenGLWidget instead of QGLWidget. Global sharing of contexts has been written into QOpenGLWidget now so you don't have to code it yourself. You just need to enable the sharing flag Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts before you create QGuiApplication.

Qt and OpenGL, using one context for multiple widgets

I recently asked a question about how to get around sharing issues with vertex array objects and frame buffer objects across multiple contexts, I was then convinced that using multiple contexts just caused more headaches then solutions.
I am using Qt and currently my setup is that I have one invisible QGLWidget which I then use in the constructor of my visible QGLWidget's in order to share resources, this works great accept that I cannot share certain things across the contexts.
I wish to find a solution where I am able to use a single context to render all of my different widget's, this question refers to using the QGLWidget constructor where you pass in the QGLContext you desire to be shared, however this does not seem to use one common context, but instead set the context to be used by one QGLWidget, when you try to use it on a second widget, a qWarning is called which informs you that the QGLContext must refer to the widget you are passing it to.
The goal of my application is to have 2 seperate GUI's which render different scenes, yet share the same context. Currently I have a 'World' editor which edits a scene and saves it to a file to be used in my game engine, and I also have a 'Material' editor which allows you to graphically edit a material similar to UDK's Material editor, there is a preview window which utilizes OpenGL.
Ideally I would like to keep my current design of having one unified game editor which is navigable by tabs, rather than having separate programs for each part of the editor.
The only thing that seemed like it was a decent solution was using the QGraphicsView and setting a QGLWidget as the viewport, however this does not seem to work at all. I can render basic primitives, however anything more and it falls apart.
Does anyone have experience dealing with this issue of multiple OpenGL Widgets, and if so could you explain the process you took to achieve your goal?
I don't quite understand why you are having so much trouble, I'm building a CAD-like app so share a few contexts, like this:
I use an application-wide hidden QGLWidget as a member of my main window class, this is the context shaders are loaded in.
For each document window, the window class has a hidden QGLWidget member, this is the context geometry is loaded in. The shader context is used as the 'shared' widget for it, allowing documents access to the application wide shaders.
Each of the 5 viewports in each document window is a visible QGLWidget, this is where the actual rendering takes place. The document window geometry QGLWidget is used as the 'shared' widget, so the viewports have access to the document-wide geometry data and the application-wide shaders.
The shared widget parameter allows you to create an 'inheritance' tree of contexts, every context has access to it's own and all it's ancestors data (but not it's childrens or siblings).