Parquet partitioning and HDFS filesize - hdfs

My data are in the form of relatively small Avro records, written in Parquet files (on average < 1mb).
Up to now I used my local filesystem to do some tests with Spark.
I partitioned the data using a hierarchy of directories.
I wonder if it would be better to "build" the partitioning onto the Avro record and accumulate bigger files... However I imagine that partitioned Parquet files would "map" onto HDFS partitioned files too.
What approach would be best?
Edit (clarifying based on comments):
"build the partitioning onto the Avro record": imagine that my directory structure is P1=/P2=/file.avro and that the Avro record contains fields F1 and F2. I could save all of that in a single Avro file containing the fields P1, P2, F1 and F2. Ie there is no need for a partitioning structure with directories as it is all present in the Avro records
about Parquet partitions and HDFS partitions: will HDFS split a big Parquet file on different machines, will that correspond to distinct Parquet partitions ? (I don't know if that is clarifying my question - if not that means I don't really understand)

the main reasoning behind using partitioning on folder level is that when Spark for instance reads the data and there is a filter on the partitioned column (extracted from the folder name as long as the format is path/partitionName=value) it will only read the needed folders (instead of reading everything and then applying filter). so if you want to use this mechanism use hierarchy in your folder structure (I use it often).
generally speaking I would recommend avoiding many folders with little data in them (not sure if is the case here)
about Spark input partitioning (same word different meaning), when reading from HDFS Spark will try to read files so that partitions will match files on HDFS (to prevent shuffling) so if data is partitioned by HDFS spark will match the same partitions. To my knowledge HDFS does not partition files rather it replicates them (to increase reliability) so I think a single large parquet file will translate to a single file on HDFS which will be read into a single partition unless you repartition it or define number of partition when reading (there are several ways to do it depending on Spark version. see this)


How can I explicitly specify the size of the files to be split or the number of files?

If only specify the partition clause, it will be divided into multiple files. The size of one file is less than 1MB (~ 40 files).
What I am thinking of:
I want to explicitly specify the size of the files to be split or the number of files when registering data with CTAS or INSERT INTO.
I have read this article:
Using bucketing method (like said in above article ) can help me specify the number of file or file size. However, it also said that "Note: The INSERT INTO statement isn't supported on bucketed tables". I would like to register data daily with Athena's INSERT INTO in the data mart.
what is the best way to build a partitioned data mart without compromising search efficiency? Is it best to register the data with Glue and save it as one file?

Spark Dataframe loading 500k files on EMR

I am running pyspark job on EMR ( 5.5.1 ) with Spark 2.1.0, Hadoop 2.7.3, Hive 2.1.1, Sqoop 1.4.6 and Ganglia 3.7.2 which is loading data from s3. There are multiple buckets that contain input files so I have a function which uses boto to traverse through them and filter them out according to some pattern.
Cluster Size: Master => r4.xlarge , Workers => 3 x r4.4xlarge
The function getFilePaths returns a list of s3 paths which is directly fed to spark dataframe load method.
Using Dataframe
file_list = getFilePaths() # ['s3://some_bucket/log.json.gz','s3://some_bucket/log2.json.gz']
schema = getSchema() # for mapping to the json files
df ='json').load(file_list, schema=schema)
Using RDD
master_rdd = sparkSession.sparkContext.union(
map(lambda file: sparkSession.sparkContext.textFile(file), file_list)
df = sparkSession.createDataFrame(master_rdd, schema=schema)
The file_list can be a huge list ( max 500k files ) due to large amount of data & files. Calculation of these paths only takes 5-20mins but when trying to load them as dataframe with spark, spark UI remains inactive for hours i.e. not processing anything at all. The inactivity period for processing 500k files is above 9hrs while for 100k files it is around 1.5hrs.
Viewing Gangilla metrics shows that only driver is running/processing while workers are idle. There are no logs generated until the spark job has finished and I haven't got any success with 500k files.
I have tried s3, s3n connectors but no success.
Figure out the root cause of this delay?
How can I debug it properly ?
In general, Spark/Hadoop prefer to have large files they can split instead of huge numbers of small files. One approach you might try though would be to parallelize your file list and then load the data in a map call.
I don't have the resources right now to test this out, but it should be something similar to this:
file_list = getFilePaths()
schema = getSchema() # for mapping to the json files
paths_rdd = sc.parallelize(file_list)
def get_data(path):
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
obj = s3.Object(bucket, path)
data = obj.get()['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')
return [json.loads(r) for r in data.split('\n')]
rows_rdd = rdd.flatMap(get_data)
df = spark.createDataFrame(rows_rdd, schema=schema)
You could also make this a little more efficient by using mapPartition instead so you don't need to recreate the s3 object each time.
EDIT 6/14/18:
With regards to handling the gzip data, you can decompress a stream of gzip data using python as detailed in this answer: . Basically just pass in obj.get()['Body'].read() into the function defined in that answer.
There's two performance issues surfacing
reading the files: gzip files can't be split to have their workload shared across workers, though with 50 MB files, there's little benefit in splitting things up
The way the S3 connectors spark uses mimic a directory structure is a real performance killer for complex directory trees.
Issue #2 is what slows up partitioning: the initial code to decide what to do, which is done before any of the computation.
How would I go about trying to deal with this? Well, there's no magic switch here. But
have fewer, bigger files; as noted, Avro is good, so are Parquet and ORC later.
use a very shallow directory tree. Are these files all in one single directory? Or in a deep directory tree? The latter is worse.
Coalesce the files first.
I'd also avoid any kind of schema inference; it sounds like you aren't doing that (good!), but for anyone else reading this answer: know that for CSV and presumably JSON, schema inference means "read through all the data once just to work out the schema"

Apache Hadoop: Insert compress data into HDFS

I need to upload 100 text files into HDFS to do some data transformation with Apache Pig.
In you opinion, what is the best option:
a) Compress all the text files and upload only one file,
b) Load all the text files individually?
It depends - on your files size, cluster parameters and processing methods.
If your text files are comparable in size with HDFS block size (i.e. block size = 256 MB, file size = 200 MB), it makes sense to load them as is.
If your text files are very small, there would be typical HDFS & small files problem - each file will occupy 1 hdfs block (not physically), so NameNode (which handles metadata) will suffer some overhead on managing lot of blocks. To solve this you could either merge your files into single one, use hadoop archives (HAR) or some custom file format (Sequence Files for example).
If custom format is used, you will have to do extra work with processing - it will be required to use custom input formats.
In my opinion, 100 is not that much to significantly affect NameNode performance, so both options seem to be viable.

Tool for querying large numbers of csv files

We have large numbers of csv files, files/directories are partitioned by date and several other factors. For instance, files might be named /data/AAA/date/BBB.csv
There are thousands of files, some are in the GB range in size. Total data sizes are in the terabytes.
They are only ever appended to, and usually in bulk, so write performance is not that important. We don't want to load it into another system because there are several important processes that we run that rely on being able to stream the files quickly, which are written in c++.
I'm looking for tool/library that would allow sql like queries against the data directly off the data. I've started looking at hive, spark, and other big data tools, but its not clear if they can access partitioned data directly from a source, which in our case is via nfs.
Ideally, we would be able to define a table by giving a description of the columns, as well as partition information. Also, the files are compressed, so handling compression would be ideal.
Are their open source tools that do this? I've seen a product called Pivotal, which claims to do this, but we would rather write our own drivers for our data for an open source distributed query system.
Any leads would be appreciated.
Spark can be a solution. It is in memory distributed processing engine. Data can be loaded into memory on multiple nodes in the cluster and can be processed in memory. You do not need to copy data to another system.
Here are the steps for your case:
Build multiple node spark cluster
Mount NFS on to one of the nodes
Then you have to load data temporarily into memory in the form of RDD and start processing it
It provides
Support for programming languages like scala, python, java etc
Supports SQL Context and data frames. You can define structure to the data and start accessing using SQL Queries
Support for several compression algorithms
Data has to be fit into memory to be processed by Spark
You need to use data frames to define structure on data after which you can query the data using sql embedded in programming languages like scala, python, java etc
There are subtle differences between traditional SQL in RDBMS and SQL in distributed systems like spark. You need to aware of those.
With hive, you need to have data copied to HDFS. As you do not want to copy the data to another system, hive might not be solution.

Hive -- split data across files

Is there a way to instruct Hive to split data into multiple output files? Or maybe cap the size of the output files.
I'm planning to use Redshift, which recommends splitting data into multiple files to allow parallel loading
We preprocess all out data in hive, and I'm wondering if there's a way to create, say 10 1GB files which might make copying to redshift faster.
I was looking at and but I can't find anything
There are a couple of ways you could go about splitting Hive output. The first and easiest way is to set the number of reducers. Since each reduces writes to its own output file, the number of reducers you specify will correspond to the number of output files written. Note that some Hive queries will not result in the number of reducers you specify (for example, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM some_table always results in one reducer). To specify the number of reducers run this before your query:
set mapred.reduce.tasks=10
Another way you could split into multiple output files would be to have Hive insert the results of your query into a partitioned table. This would result in at least one file per partition. For this to make sense you must have some reasonable column to partition on. For example, you wouldn't want to partition on a unique id column or you would have one file for each record. This approach will guarantee at least output file per partition, and at most numPartitions * numReducers. Here's an example (don't worry too much about hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode, it needs to be set for this query to work).
CREATE TABLE table_to_export_to_redshift (
id INT,
value INT
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE table_to_export_to_redshift
PARTITION (country)
SELECT id, value, country
FROM some_table
To get more fine grained control, you can write your own reduce script to pass to hive and have that reduce script write to multiple files. Once you are writing your own reducer, you can do pretty much whatever you want.
Finally, you can forgo trying to maneuver Hive into outputting your desired number of files and just break them apart yourself once Hive is done. By default, Hive stores its tables uncompressed and in plain text in it's warehouse directory (ex, /apps/hive/warehouse/table_to_export_to_redshift). You can use Hadoop shell commands, a MapReduce job, Pig, or pull them into Linux and break them apart however you like.
I don't have any experience with Redshift, so some of my suggestions may not be appropriate for consumption by Redshift for whatever reason.
A couple of notes: Splitting files into more, smaller files is generally bad for Hadoop. You might get a speed increase for Redshift, but if the files are consumed by other parts of the Hadoop ecosystem (MapReduce, Hive, Pig, etc) you might see a performance loss if the files are too small (though 1GB would be fine). Also make sure that the extra processing/developer time is worth the time savings you get for paralleling your Redshift data load.