Graql shell doesn't remember queries - vaticle-typeql

After starting a mindmaps graph and connecting with the Graql shell, I try adding a type and an instance:
insert person isa entity-type;
insert 'carl' isa person;
However, when I open up the visualiser I can't see either the type or instance.
If I run a match query in the shell, I can see it just fine.

For every insert or delete query that you write in the Graql Shell, you need to need to write commit command at the end. Only then will your types or instances be persisted in the graph.
So in your case it would be:
insert person isa entity-type;
insert 'carl' isa person;


How to see 'full' SQL Error Messages in BigQuery?

I am writing a large MERGE statement in BigQuery.
When I attempt to run this query the validator gives me an error involving a lot of ...'s that hides the useful information as shown below:
Value has type ARRAY<STRUCT<eventName STRING, eventUUID STRING, eventDate DATE, ...>> which cannot be inserted into column Events, which has type ARRAY<STRUCT<eventName STRING, eventUUID STRING, eventDate DATE, ...>> at [535:1]
I am extremely confident these two array objects match exactly, however since I am struggling to get around this I would love to see the full error message.
Is there any way to see the full error?
I have looked into the Google Logging tool and cannot see any additional information.
I have also tried the following Cloud Shell command:
bq --format=prettyjson show -j [Job Id Goes Here]
Again, this seems to provide no additional information.
This approach feels pretty silly but it could be the last resort for really long nest type.
Use INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS to get a full string of the target type, in your case, type of column Events.
Use CREATE TABLE <yourDataset>.<yourTempTable> AS SELECT ... to dump one row of the Value into a table. Use 1) again to see its full type string.

PDI - Update field value in Logging tables

I'm trying create a transformation that can change field value in DB (postgreSQL what i use).
Case :
In postgre db I have table called Monitoring and it has several field like id, date, starttime, endtime, duration, transformation name, status, desc. All those value I get from Transformation Logging.
So, when I run the transformation it will insert into Monitoring table and set value for field status with Running. And when it done it will update the status into Finish. What I'm trying is to define value in table field by myself not take it from Transformation Logging so I can customize the value like I want to.
Goal is Update transformation status value from 'running' to 'finish/error/abort etc' in my db using pentaho and display that status in web app
I have thinking to used Modified Java Script step to do it but if there any other way maybe? A better one. (Just need opinion about this)
Apart from my remark, did you try the Value Mapper?
modified javascript is not a good idea to use. Ideally, it shouldn't be used due to the performance issue. You can use "add constant" step or "User defined Java Class" for an alternative.
You cannot change the values of the built-in Logging tables, for the simple reason that they are reserved for PDI usage. This causes a known issue in case of hard error: for example the status is not set to finish when the data base server crashes, or when a NullException is not catch by the DPI code.
You have some work around.
The simplest, the one used in the ETL-Pilot is to test (Status=Finish OR LogDate< 15 minutes ago) is the web app.
You can update the table when the transformation is not running. For example, put an hourly (or less) crontab that changes to Finish the status of any transformation whose LogDate is older than 15 mn. This crontab may be a simple SQL or included in a transformation that also check the tables size and/or send an email in case of potential error.
You can copy the table (if it is a non locking operation in your DB system), modify the Status column and use this table for your web app.

Select stmt in source qualifier along with procedure call in Informatica

We have a situation where we are dealing with a relational source(Oracle). The system is developed in a way where we have to first execute a package which will enable data read from Oracle and user will be able to get results out of select statement. I am trying to find a way on how to implement this in informatica mapping.
What we tried
1. In PreSQL we tried to execute the package and in SQL query we wrote select statement - data not getting loaded in target.
2. In PreSQL we wrote a block in which we are executing the package and just after that(within same beging...end block) we wrote insert statement on top of select statement - This is inserting data through insert statement however I am not in favor of this solution as both source and target are dummy which will confuse people in future.
Is there any possibility to implement this solution somehow by using 1st option.
Please help and suggest.
The stored procedure transformation is there for this purpose configure it to execute source pre load
Pre-Sql and data read are not a part of same session. From what I understand, this needs to be done within the same session as otherwise the read is granted only for the session.
What you can do, is create a stored procedure/package that will grant read access and then return the data. Use it as a SQL Override on your SQ. This way SQ will read the data as usual. The concept:
execute immediate 'GiveMeTheReadAccess';
select * from MyTable;
And use the ReadMyData on the Source Qualifier.

MySQL check if table has correct schema

I am currently developing server software in C++ with a MySQL data backend. I am using the official MySQL/connector library from Oracle to work with MySQL. The connection itself is working and I'm not having any issues with that.
My problem is that the database and the table schemas tend to change every once in a while because new tables and columns keep getting added. Also exiting column may be changed for the same reason. To make sure I recognize outdated server software quickly I wanted to add a warning when the database has changed.
My first idea was to hardcode how the database (and tables and such) should look and then check whether the current database matches the hardcoded data. But I have no clue how to achive that.
In summary I want to be able to detect whether
A table has been added or removed
A column in a table has been altered
A column in a table has been added or removed
with as little C++ code as possible. Also it should be quite easy to maintain.
Additional information will be added when required.
I would suggest the following approach:
1) fork and execute the mysql command line client. Set up a pair of pipes, to mysql's standard input and output.
2) At this point you should be able to execute simple commands by piping them to mysql via the standard input pipe, and read the output from the standard output pipe.
You will need to make careful notes as to the output format of each mysql command, so that you know when you finished reading its output, and you can send the next command.
3) As the first order of being, execute:
show tables;
The output that comes back will list all tables in the database. Parsing the output into a list of table names is trival. Then execute for each table:
show create table <tablename>;
The resulting output shows all fields in the table, its keys, and constraints. Pretty much all of this table's schema. Lather, rinse, repeat, for every table.
4) In this manner you can capture a basic schema of the entire database, for comparison purposes. If necessary, use the same approach to capture the triggers, and other objects. You'll likely need to do some minor massaging of the data, and exclude a few bits. "show create table", for example, will include the current AUTO_INCREMENT values, which you can ignore.
This general approach, of driving a mysql process via its standard input and output, is bit wobbly, of course. With a little bit of work, you can use mysql's native client library, and execute all of these commands, and capture their results, directly. This should be more reliable.

Drop constraints only if it exists in mysql server 5.0

i want to know how to drop a constraint only if it exists. is there any single line statement present in mysql server which will allow me to do this.
i have tried the following command but unable to get the desire output
alter table airlines
drop foreign key if exits FK_airlines;
any help to this really help me to go forward in mysql
I do not believe this is possible in a single line, unless you are willing to detect the error and move on (not a bad thing).
The INFORMATION_SCHEMA database contains the info you need to tell if the foreign key exists, so you could implement it in a 2 step process.
yep not possible the if exist is available only for database table and view :
yep 2 step process is a good way like gahooa said