Win32: capture handle to Display monitor - c++

I am currently developing an application that requires an HDC for each of the screens connected to the system.
I am currently using code like this:
std::vector<HDC> dcs;
HDC dcMain = ::GetDC(nullptr); // <-- don't understand this
::EnumDisplayMonitors(dcMain, nullptr, MONITORENUMPROC(&DisplayMonitorCallback), LPARAM(&dcs));
My callback is as follows:
BOOL DisplayMonitorCallback(const HMONITOR monitor, const HDC hdcMonitor, const LPRECT lprcMonitor, std::vector<HDC>& dcs)
// here is where it gets weird!
HBRUSH br = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 255, 0));
auto rst = FillRect(hdcMonitor, lprcMonitor, br);
// Process all monitors
return TRUE;
Notice that I am currently rendering a green brush on each screen. This works perfectly in THIS context (i.e. within the callback).
Now, the problem is, I am capturing those HDCs to use at a later time.
So a couple of lines later, I'm iterating over my dcs vector:
for (HDC dc : dcs)
HBRUSH br = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 255, 0));
RECT x = { 100, 100, 500, 500 };
auto rst = FillRect(dc, &x, br);
printf("%d", rst);
So, my questions are:
for the dcMain, I have to pass this in, is this the good way to get one?
why does the rendering work in the callback, but does not work when I capture the HDCs and iterate over them later?

yes, and this is mentioned in the EnumDisplayMonitors() documentation:
To paint the entire virtual screen optimally for each display monitor, you can use code like this:
hdc = GetDC(NULL);
EnumDisplayMonitors(hdc, NULL, MyPaintScreenEnumProc, 0);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
the HDCs are only valid inside of the callback, as #andlabs suggested. And this makes sense, because an HDC has to be obtained and then released, but only EnumDisplayMonitors() knows how each HDC is obtained, and so only it knows how to release each one correctly. Since there is no API function for releasing an enumerated HDC, this implies that the HDCs are not valid outside of the enumeration.
MSDN tells you how to obtain an HDC for a given monitor:
HMONITOR and the Device Context
Each physical display is represented by a monitor handle of type HMONITOR. A valid HMONITOR is guaranteed to be non-NULL. A physical display has the same HMONITOR as long as it is part of the desktop. When a WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message is sent, any monitor may be removed from the desktop and thus its HMONITOR becomes invalid or has its settings changed. Therefore, an application should check whether all HMONITORS are valid when this message is sent.
Any function that returns a display device context (DC) normally returns a DC for the primary monitor. To obtain the DC for another monitor, use the EnumDisplayMonitors function. Or, you can use the device name from the GetMonitorInfo function to create a DC with CreateDC. However, if the function, such as GetWindowDC or BeginPaint, gets a DC for a window that spans more than one display, the DC will also span the two displays.
For example:
typedef std::vector<HDC> hdc_vector;
BOOL CALLBACK DisplayMonitorCallback(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData)
mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi);
if (GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &mi))
HDC dc = CreateDC(NULL, mi.szDevice, NULL, NULL);
if (dc)
return TRUE;
hdc_vector dcs;
EnumDisplayMonitors(dcMain, nullptr, DisplayMonitorCallback, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&dcs));
for (HDC dc : dcs)
for (HDC dc : dcs)
Since you are clearly using C++11, I would suggest using std::unique_ptr for the memory management of the HDCs so you don't have to call DeleteDC() manually. And I would use a lambda for the callback, and change the std::vector to a std::map (so you can lookup the HDC of any specific monitor when needed):
typedef std::unique_ptr<std::remove_pointer<HDC>::type, decltype(::DeleteDC)> device_hdc;
typedef std::map<HMONITOR, device_hdc> device_hdc_map;
device_hdc_map dcs;
EnumDisplayMonitors(dcMain, nullptr,
[](HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData) -> BOOL {
mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi);
if (GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &mi))
HDC dc = CreateDC(NULL, mi.szDevice, NULL, NULL);
if (dc)
(*reinterpret_cast<device_hdc_map*>(dwData))[hMonitor] = device_hdc(dc, &::DeleteDC);
return TRUE;
for (device_hdc_map::value_type &dc : dcs)
// use dc.second.get() (the actual HDC) as needed ...


Create CBitmap from CDC?

Using C++/MFC and GDI (not GDI+), the overall goal is to create an patterned HBRUSH, which will be used in OnCtlColor to outline an edit control in red, with the ability to turn the outline on and off. To do this, you attach a bitmap to an HBRUSH using CreatePatternBrush. Here is the code for doing that, using a stored bitmap resource:
BOOL ok = redBoxBitmap.LoadBitmap(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_mespe_EditBox_Red));
ok = redBoxBrush.CreatePatternBrush(&redBoxBitmap);
and in OnCtlColor
HBRUSH CModelEditorSpecies::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor)
int ctrlID=pWnd->GetDlgCtrlID();
hbr=(HBRUSH) redBoxBrush;
hbr = CDialog::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);
return hbr;
The above code all works as desired. However, it depends on the bitmap being sized to the edit control. What I need now is the ability to create the bitmap within the C++ program, sized to the client area of the control, which depends on both the design size of the control (in the dialog editor), and the user's setting of text size in Windows 10 settings.
I cannot find a straightforward way of either constructing a bitmap, or, better, creating an empty one of the proper size (can do), selecting it into a CDC (can do), drawing the red box into it (can do), then extracting the update bitmap from the CDC (how to do?).
Can anyone suggest either how to create the bitmap programmatically, or suggest a better method of getting an edit control boxed in red when the program calls for that?
Added in response to #Constantine Georgiou's answer of 3/9:
New code:
CBitmap redBoxBitmap; // member variables of class CModelEditorSpecies
CBrush redBoxBrush;
BOOL CModelEditorSpecies::OnInitDialog()
BOOL ok;
CRect r; defaultSpecies1Ctrl.GetClientRect(&r);
xx(r.Width(), r.Height()/*, redBoxBrush*/);
ok = redBoxBrush.CreatePatternBrush(&redBoxBitmap);
void CModelEditorSpecies::xx(const int w, const int h)
CDC *pDC=GetDC();
redBoxBitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC, w, h);
// Create a red pen
CPen redPen;
redPen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255, 0, 0));
// Draw the bitmap - red pen & default background brush
CBitmap *pOldBitmap=pDC->SelectObject(&redBoxBitmap);
CBrush editBoxBrush;
pDC->Rectangle(0, 0, w, h);
// Create the edit-control custom brush
This code produces an all-black edit control, as if the bitmap being used were monochrome. That would be expected if drawing in the dc does not affect the bitmap, or, if drawing in a dc-compatible bitmap does not use the colors in redPen and editBoxBrush, as suggested by #IInspectable.
Here's how to create the brush - used the Win32 functions instead of their MFC wrappers, but you can figure it out.
BOOL CModelEditorSpecies::OnInitDialog()
// Get edit-control's size
RECT rc;
// Create the bitmap and a memory-DC
HDC mDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
HBITMAP hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, rc.right, rc.bottom);
// Create a red pen
HPEN hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255, 0, 0));
// Draw the bitmap - red pen & default background brush
HBITMAP hOldBmp = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(mDC, hBmp);
HPEN hOldPen = (HPEN) SelectObject(mDC, hPen);
HBRUSH hOldBr = (HBRUSH) SelectObject(mDC, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOW));
Rectangle(mDC, rc.left,, rc.right, rc.bottom);
SelectObject(mDC, hOldBr);
SelectObject(mDC, hOldPen);
SelectObject(mDC, hOldBmp);
// Create the edit-control custom brush
redBoxBrush = CreatePatternBrush(hBmp);
// Clean-up - the SysColorBrush doesn't need to be deleted
return TRUE;
HBRUSH CModelEditorSpecies::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor)
return (nCtlColor == CTLCOLOR_EDIT && pWnd->GetDlgCtrlID() == IDC_MyEditControl) ?
redBoxBrush : CDialogEx::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);
Also check the alternatives I suggested in the comments. This one will be drawing into the edit-control's client area.
The code I posted above does work, and after it runs all left is the HBRUSH handle (pattern-brush for your edit box). I can't see why you insist using the MFC wrappers instead. They are "higher-level" thin wrappers, so... "thin" actually, that you still have to perform almost exactly the same operations (create, select into a DC, perfrom some drawing operation, select out of the DC) as the GDI ones. The only operation you don't need to perform is delete the resource (the object's destructor will call DeleteObject() for you).
Anyways, if you prefer MFC over GDI, let's see what's wrong with your code. It has quite a few issues:
First and foremost, you need a memory DC to draw on a bitmap, the window DC you get by calling GetDC() draws on a window's surface.
The DC you get by calling GetDC() must be returned to the system (ReleaseDC()), because pDC is just a pointer, and the compiler won't call the destructor.
The objects you select into a DC must be selected out before it is destroyed, otherwise memory-leaks may be occurring.
So your code should be changed as shown below:
void CModelEditorSpecies::xx()
CRect r;
// Create the bitmap and a memory-DC
CBitmap redBoxBitmap;
CDC mDC, *pDC = GetDC();
redBoxBitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC, r.Width(), r.Height());
// Create a red pen and get the default background brush
CPen redPen;
redPen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255, 0, 0));
CBrush editBoxBrush;
// Draw the bitmap - red pen & default background brush
CBitmap *pOldBitmap = mDC.SelectObject(&redBoxBitmap);
CPen *pOldPen = mDC.SelectObject(&redPen);
CBrush *pOldBrush =mDC.SelectObject(&editBoxBrush);
// Create the edit-control custom brush
It's basically the same as the GDI version.

C++ Win32. SelectObject Fails, with GetLastError returning error 1400 (invalid window handle)

So I'm trying to make a clone of Pong in Win32, and things WERE working, but then I did a lot of stuff with the physics, and when I tested it, the sprite bitmaps weren't even displaying any more :/
So, here is how I initialise the rendering stuff:
int InitRenderer(int showCMD)
context = GetDC(winHandle);
ShowWindow(winHandle, showCMD);
ClearWindow(globalBuffer.hdcBack, globalBuffer.scrnRect);
Here is the CreateDoubleBuffer function:
void CreateDoubleBuffer(BUFFER *buffer)
buffer->hwnd = winHandle;
GetClientRect(winHandle, &(buffer->scrnRect));
buffer->hdcFront = GetDC(buffer->hwnd); //get a handle to the DC and plop it into the front buffer.
buffer->hdcBack = CreateCompatibleDC(buffer->hdcFront); //get a compatible DC for the Back buffer.
buffer->hdcBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC(buffer->hdcFront); //get a compatible DC for the bitmap.
buffer->hCompBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(buffer->hdcFront, buffer->scrnRect.right, buffer->scrnRect.bottom); //Create a compatible bitmap as a dummy, and store in the front buffer.
buffer->hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(buffer->hdcBack, buffer->hCompBitmap);
the BUFFER struct, for reference, looks like this:
struct BUFFER // This is our back buffering structure
HWND hwnd; // This holds the current window's handle
RECT scrnRect; // This holds the client rectangle of the window
HANDLE hCompBitmap; // This holds the compatible bitmap for the backbuffer
HANDLE hOldBitmap; // This is used for storage to free when the program quits
HANDLE hOldBitmap2; // This is used as storage to swap between selected bitmaps when using selectObject()
HDC hdcFront; // This is the front buffer (The part we see)
HDC hdcBack; // This is the back buffer (the part we draw to, then flip)
HDC hdcBitmap; // This is a temp buffer to swap the bitmap back and forth from
So I have a Sprite class which just wraps an HBITMAP and a string for the filename, and some functions to manipulate those. When I want to draw the sprite, this function is called:
void RenderSprite(BUFFER *buffer, HBITMAP bmp, Vec2I pos, Vec2F origin)
buffer->hOldBitmap2 = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(buffer->hdcBitmap, bmp); //we put the bitmap into the extra HDC to hold it there.
std::cout << GetLastError() << "\n";
BitBlt(buffer->hdcBack, pos.GetX() + (int)origin.GetX(), pos.GetY() + (int)origin.GetY(), buffer->scrnRect.right, buffer->scrnRect.bottom, buffer->hdcBitmap, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); //blit the bitmap into the backbuffer.
SelectObject(buffer->hdcBitmap, buffer->hOldBitmap2); //put the old handle to the bitmap back where it belongs.
And it is at the start of this function where SelectObject fails, so buffer->hOldBitmap2 is null. The error returned by GetLastError is 1400, which means invalid window handle, so I guess winHandle (a global variable, just so you know) is messed up. But I don't see how. Here is how I initialise it:
int Game::Start(HINSTANCE instance, int showCMD)
WNDCLASSEX winClass = {0};
winClass.cbSize = sizeof(winClass); = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
winClass.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
winClass.hInstance = instance;
winClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
winClass.lpszClassName = _winClassName;
winClass.hCursor = (HCURSOR)LoadImage(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(OCR_CROSS), IMAGE_CURSOR, 0, 0, LR_SHARED); //using a cross for a cursor because we're hipsters here at cow_co industries.
* WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE gives the client a sunken edge.
//other stuff...
And I haven't changed this since the time when it worked.
In terms of what happens on-screen, I just get a blank white window, so no Crash message or whatever, but it's just...blank.
I've looked around other questions and the solutions to those seem to be related to issues registering the window class etc. I've checked mine and I can't see anything wrong with it. I've debugged, and hOldBitmap2 is the only part of the buffer that's null. The rest's fine.
Any help you sages of the Stack could provide would be much appreciated.
I just ran into this problem.
An application cannot select a single bitmap into more than one DC at
a time. Is the bitmap already selected into another DC? – theB Aug 27
'15 at 18:09
Is close!
SelectObject( hdc_bitmap, buf_bitmap )
SelectObject( hdc_bitmap, buf_bitmap )
SelectObject( hdc_bitmap, buf_bitmap )
This means if your RenderSprite function tries to draw the same sprite twice in a row,
it will fail.

Windows api get client dc bitmap size

I use the following code to get the size of the bitmap bound with Windows MFC View window's client area DC:
void CView::OnDraw(CDC* )
CDC *pDc = GetDC();
BITMAP bmpHeader;
memset( &bmpHeader, 0, sizeof(BITMAP));
HGDIOBJ hbmp = GetCurrentObject(pDc->m_hDC, OBJ_BITMAP);
GetObject(hbmp,sizeof(BITMAP), &bmpHeader);
int bmpWidth = bmpHeader.bmWidth;
int bmpHeight = bmpHeader.bmHeight;
According to MSDN GetDC() gets the client area dc:
Retrieves a pointer to a common, class, or private device context for the client area depending on the class style specified for the CWnd
So I suppose the bmpWidth and bmpHeight should be the same size as client area rect. But it isn't. It appears to be the size of entire window including toolbar area and menu area. Am I doing something wrong here?
Use GetClientRect to find with and height of client area. This is the area which does not include the titlebar and borders. Instead of calling GetDC(), use the CDC* parameter which is already provided, or else use CClientDC dc(this) which has automatic cleanup. In this case drawing should be something like this:
void CMyView::OnDraw(CDC* dc)
CRect rc;
dc->FillSolidRect(rc, RGB(0, 0, 255));
Use Window Functions to get information about Windows.
Most Window functions have equivalent in MFC. For example,
In WinApi: GetClientRect(HWND hwnd, LPRECT rc);
In MFC: CWnd::GetClientRect(LPRECT rc);

How do I get the number of displays in windows?

I want to count the number of active displays. For Mac I can use the following:
CGDisplayCount nDisplays;
CGGetActiveDisplayList(0,0, &nDisplays);
log.printf("Displays connected: %d",(int)nDisplays);
How can I achieve the same in Windows? I've found EnumDisplayMonitors but I can't work out how to use it.
As you have discovered, EnumDisplayMonitors() will do the job but it is a little tricky to call. The documentation states:
The EnumDisplayMonitors function enumerates display monitors (including invisible pseudo-monitors associated with the mirroring drivers) that intersect a region formed by the intersection of a specified clipping rectangle and the visible region of a device context. EnumDisplayMonitors calls an application-defined MonitorEnumProc callback function once for each monitor that is enumerated. Note that GetSystemMetrics (SM_CMONITORS) counts only the display monitors.
This leads us to an easier solution: GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS). Indeed this may be even better than EnumDisplayMonitors() if you have psuedo-monitors.
As illustration of calling EnumDisplayMonitors() try this:
BOOL CALLBACK MonitorEnumProc(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData)
int *Count = (int*)dwData;
return TRUE;
int MonitorCount()
int Count = 0;
if (EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, MonitorEnumProc, (LPARAM)&Count))
return Count;
return -1;//signals an error
Not tested, but essentially you only need to provide the callback for the enum function:
int numMonitors = 0;
BOOL CALLBACK MonitorEnumProc(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData)
//lprcMonitor holds the rectangle that describes the monitor position and resolution)
return true;
int main()
EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, MonitorEnumProc, NULL);
The problem with above approaches is that they do not detect the correct number of monitors in Clone, Internal, External topologies. They get the correct number only in Extended topology. There is a way to get the correct number of monitors in any topology with QueryDisplayConfig function. You have to use QDC_ALL_PATHS in flags and count only unique monitors found.
UINT32 numPathArrayElements = 0;
UINT32 numModeInfoArrayElements = 0;
LONG retCode = ::GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes(flags, &numPathArrayElements, &numModeInfoArrayElements);
auto pathArray = std::make_unique<DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO[]>(numPathArrayElements);
auto modeInfoArray = std::make_unique<DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO[]>(numModeInfoArrayElements);
retCode = ::QueryDisplayConfig(flags, &numPathArrayElements, pathArray.get(), &numModeInfoArrayElements, modeInfoArray.get(), &currTopologyId);
Use DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo to get the monitor name from the path target.
targetName.header.size = sizeof(targetName);
targetName.header.adapterId = pathInfo.targetInfo.adapterId; =;
LONG retCode = ::DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(&targetName.header);
You will get the monitor name in:
targetName.monitorDevicePath, targetName.monitorFriendlyDeviceName

Transparent radio button control with themes using Win32

I am trying to make a radio button control with a transparent background using only Win32 when themes are enabled. The reason for doing this is to allow a radio button to be placed over an image and have the image show (rather than the grey default control background).
What happens out of the box is that the control will have the grey default control background and the standard method of changing this by handling either WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC or WM_CTLCOLORBTN as shown below does not work:
hdcStatic = (HDC)wParam;
SetTextColor(hdcStatic, RGB(0,0,0));
return (LRESULT)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
My research so far indicates that Owner Draw is the only way to achieve this. I've managed to get most of the way with an Owner Draw radio button - with the code below I have a radio button and a transparent background (the background is set in WM_CTLCOLORBTN). However, the edges of the radio check are cut off using this method - I can get them back by uncommenting the call to the function DrawThemeParentBackgroundEx but this breaks the transparency.
void DrawRadioControl(HWND hwnd, HTHEME hTheme, HDC dc, bool checked, RECT rcItem)
if (hTheme)
static const int cb_size = 13;
RECT bgRect, textRect;
HFONT font = (HFONT)SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0);
WCHAR *text = L"Experiment";
DWORD state = ((checked) ? RBS_CHECKEDNORMAL : RBS_UNCHECKEDNORMAL) | ((bMouseOverButton) ? RBS_HOT : 0);
GetClientRect(hwnd, &bgRect);
GetThemeBackgroundContentRect(hTheme, dc, BP_RADIOBUTTON, state, &bgRect, &textRect);
if (dtFlags & DT_SINGLELINE) /* Center the checkbox / radio button to the text. */ = + (textRect.bottom - - cb_size) / 2;
/* adjust for the check/radio marker */
bgRect.bottom = + cb_size;
bgRect.right = bgRect.left + cb_size;
textRect.left = bgRect.right + 6;
//Uncommenting this line will fix the button corners but breaks transparency
//DrawThemeParentBackgroundEx(hwnd, dc, DTPB_USECTLCOLORSTATIC, NULL);
DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, dc, BP_RADIOBUTTON, state, &bgRect, NULL);
if (text)
DrawThemeText(hTheme, dc, BP_RADIOBUTTON, state, text, lstrlenW(text), dtFlags, 0, &textRect);
// Code for rendering the radio when themes are not present
The method above is called from WM_DRAWITEM as shown below:
hTheme = OpenThemeData(hDlg, L"BUTTON");
HDC dc = pDIS->hDC;
wchar_t sCaption[100];
GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, pDIS->CtlID), sCaption, 100);
std::wstring staticText(sCaption);
DrawRadioControl(pDIS->hwndItem, hTheme, dc, radio_group.IsButtonChecked(pDIS->CtlID), pDIS->rcItem, staticText);
SetTextColor(hdcStatic, RGB(0,0,0));
return TRUE;
So my question is two parts I suppose:
Have I missed some other way to achieve my desired result?
Is it possible to fix the clipped button corners issue with my code and still have a transparent background
After looking at this on and off for nearly three months I've finally found a solution that I'm pleased with. What I eventually found was that the radio button edges were for some reason not being drawn by the routine within WM_DRAWITEM but that if I invalidated the radio button control's parent in a rectangle around the control, they appeared.
Since I could not find a single good example of this I'm providing the full code (in my own solution I have encapsulated my owner drawn controls into their own class, so you will need to provide some details such as whether the button is checked or not)
This is the creation of the radiobutton (adding it to the parent window) also setting GWL_UserData and subclassing the radiobutton:
HWND hWndControl = CreateWindow( _T("BUTTON"), caption, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_OWNERDRAW,
xPos, yPos, width, height, parentHwnd, (HMENU) id, NULL, NULL);
// Using SetWindowLong and GWL_USERDATA I pass in the this reference, allowing my
// window proc toknow about the control state such as if it is selected
SetWindowLong( hWndControl, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)this);
// And subclass the control - the WndProc is shown later
SetWindowSubclass(hWndControl, OwnerDrawControl::WndProc, 0, 0);
Since it is owner draw we need to handle the WM_DRAWITEM message in the parent window proc.
hTheme = OpenThemeData(hDlg, L"BUTTON");
HDC dc = pDIS->hDC;
wchar_t sCaption[100];
GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, pDIS->CtlID), sCaption, 100);
std::wstring staticText(sCaption);
// Controller here passes to a class that holds a map of all controls
// which then passes on to the correct instance of my owner draw class
// which has the drawing code I show below
controller->DrawControl(pDIS->hwndItem, hTheme, dc, pDIS->rcItem,
staticText, pDIS->CtlID, pDIS->itemState, pDIS->itemAction);
SetTextColor(hdcStatic, RGB(0,0,0));
return TRUE;
Here is the DrawControl method - it has access to class level variables to allow state to be managed since with owner draw this is not handled automatically.
void OwnerDrawControl::DrawControl(HWND hwnd, HTHEME hTheme, HDC dc, bool checked, RECT rcItem, std::wstring caption, int ctrlId, UINT item_state, UINT item_action)
// Check if we need to draw themed data
if (hTheme)
HWND parent = GetParent(hwnd);
static const int cb_size = 13;
RECT bgRect, textRect;
HFONT font = (HFONT)SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0);
DWORD state;
// This method handles both radio buttons and checkboxes - the enums here
// are part of my own code, not Windows enums.
// We also have hot tracking - this is shown in the window subclass later
if (Type() == RADIO_BUTTON)
state = ((checked) ? RBS_CHECKEDNORMAL : RBS_UNCHECKEDNORMAL) | ((is_hot_) ? RBS_HOT : 0);
else if (Type() == CHECK_BOX)
state = ((checked) ? CBS_CHECKEDNORMAL : CBS_UNCHECKEDNORMAL) | ((is_hot_) ? RBS_HOT : 0);
GetClientRect(hwnd, &bgRect);
// the theme type is either BP_RADIOBUTTON or BP_CHECKBOX where these are Windows enums
DWORD theme_type = ThemeType();
GetThemeBackgroundContentRect(hTheme, dc, theme_type, state, &bgRect, &textRect);
if (dtFlags & DT_SINGLELINE) /* Center the checkbox / radio button to the text. */ = + (textRect.bottom - - cb_size) / 2;
/* adjust for the check/radio marker */
// The +3 and +6 are a slight fudge to allow the focus rectangle to show correctly
bgRect.bottom = + cb_size;
bgRect.left += 3;
bgRect.right = bgRect.left + cb_size;
textRect.left = bgRect.right + 6;
DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, dc, theme_type, state, &bgRect, NULL);
DrawThemeText(hTheme, dc, theme_type, state, caption.c_str(), lstrlenW(caption.c_str()), dtFlags, 0, &textRect);
// Draw Focus Rectangle - I still don't really like this, it draw on the parent
// mainly to work around the way DrawFocus toggles the focus rect on and off.
// That coupled with some of my other drawing meant this was the only way I found
// to get a reliable focus effect.
BOOL bODAEntire = (item_action & ODA_DRAWENTIRE);
BOOL bIsFocused = (item_state & ODS_FOCUS);
BOOL bDrawFocusRect = !(item_state & ODS_NOFOCUSRECT);
if (bIsFocused && bDrawFocusRect)
if ((!bODAEntire))
HDC pdc = GetDC(parent);
RECT prc = GetMappedRectanglePos(hwnd, parent);
DrawFocus(pdc, prc);
// This handles drawing when we don't have themes
GetTextMetrics(dc, &tm);
RECT rect = { rcItem.left , ,
rcItem.left + tm.tmHeight - 1, + tm.tmHeight - 1};
DWORD state = ((checked) ? DFCS_CHECKED : 0 );
if (Type() == RADIO_BUTTON)
DrawFrameControl(dc, &rect, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONRADIO | state);
else if (Type() == CHECK_BOX)
DrawFrameControl(dc, &rect, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | state);
RECT textRect = rcItem;
textRect.left = rcItem.left + 19;
SetTextColor(dc, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));
SetBkColor(dc, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));
DrawText(dc, caption.c_str(), -1, &textRect, DT_WORDBREAK | DT_TOP);
Next is the window proc that is used to subclass the radio button control - this
is called with all windows messages and handles several before then passing unhandled
ones on to the default proc.
LRESULT OwnerDrawControl::WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData)
// Get the button parent window
HWND parent = GetParent(hWnd);
// The page controller and the OwnerDrawControl hold some information we need to draw
// correctly, such as if the control is already set hot.
st_mini::IPageController * controller = GetWinLong<st_mini::IPageController *> (parent);
// Get the control
OwnerDrawControl *ctrl = (OwnerDrawControl*)GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_USERDATA);
switch (uMsg)
if (controller)
int ctrlId = GetDlgCtrlID(hWnd);
// OnCommand is where the logic for things like selecting a radiobutton
// and deselecting the rest of the group lives.
// We also call our Invalidate method there, which redraws the radio when
// it is selected. The Invalidate method will be shown last.
controller->OnCommand(parent, ctrlId, 0);
return (0);
// We just treat doubleclicks as clicks
PostMessage(hWnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);
if (controller)
// This is our hot tracking allowing us to paint the control
// correctly when the mouse is over it - it sets flags that get
// used by the above DrawControl method
// We invalidate to repaint
// Track the mouse event - without this the mouse leave message is not sent
tme.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT);
tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE;
tme.hwndTrack = hWnd;
return (0);
if (controller)
// Turn off the hot display on the radio
return (0);
RECT rcItem;
GetClientRect(hWnd, &rcItem);
HDC dc = GetDC(parent);
RECT prc = GetMappedRectanglePos(hWnd, parent);
DrawFocus(dc, prc);
return (0);
return 1;
// Any messages we don't process must be passed onto the original window function
return DefSubclassProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
Finally the last little piece of the puzzle is that you need to invalidate the control (redraw it) at the right times. I eventually found that invalidating the parent allowed the drawing to work 100% correctly. This was causing flicker until I realised that I could get away by only invalidating a rectangle as big as the radio check, rather than as big as the whole control including text as I had been.
void InvalidateControl()
// GetMappedRectanglePos is my own helper that uses MapWindowPoints
// to take a child control and map it to its parent
RECT rc = GetMappedRectanglePos(ctrl_, parent_);
// This was my first go, that caused flicker
// InvalidateRect(parent_, &rc_, FALSE);
// Now I invalidate a smaller rectangle
rc.right = rc.left + 13;
InvalidateRect(parent_, &rc, FALSE);
A lot of code and effort for something that should be simple - drawing a themed radio button over a background image. Hopefully the answer will save someone else some pain!
* One big caveat with this is it only works 100% correctly for owner controls that are over a background (such as a fill rectangle or an image). That is ok though, since it is only needed when drawing the radio control over a background.
I've done this some time ago as well. I remember the key was to just create the (radio) buttons as usual. The parent must be the dialog or window, not a tab control. You could do it differently but I created a memory dc (m_mdc) for the dialog and painted the background on that. Then add the OnCtlColorStatic and OnCtlColorBtn for your dialog:
virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColorStatic(HDC hDC, HWND hWnd)
RECT rc;
GetRelativeClientRect(hWnd, m_hWnd, &rc);
BitBlt(hDC, 0, 0, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -, m_mdc, rc.left,, SRCCOPY);
SetBkColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));
if (IsAppThemed())
return (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColorBtn(HDC hDC, HWND hWnd)
return OnCtlColorStatic(hDC, hWnd);
The code uses some in-house classes and functions similar to MFC, but I think you should get the idea. As you can see it draws the background of these controls from the memory dc, that's key.
Give this a try and see if it works!
EDIT: If you add a tab control to the dialog and put the controls on the tab (that was the case in my app) you must capture it's background and copy it to the memory dc of the dialog. It's a bit of an ugly hack but it works, even if the machine is running some extravagant theme that uses a gradient tab background:
// calculate tab dispay area
RECT rc;
GetClientRect(m_tabControl, &rc);
m_tabControl.AdjustRect(false, &rc);
RECT rc2;
GetRelativeClientRect(m_tabControl, m_hWnd, &rc2);
rc.left += rc2.left;
rc.right += rc2.left; +=;
rc.bottom +=;
// copy that area to background
HRGN hRgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rc);
GetRelativeClientRect(m_hWnd, m_tabControl, &rc);
SetWindowOrgEx(m_mdc, rc.left,, NULL);
SelectClipRgn(m_mdc, hRgn);
SendMessage(m_tabControl, WM_PRINTCLIENT, (WPARAM)(HDC)m_mdc, PRF_CLIENT);
SelectClipRgn(m_mdc, NULL);
SetWindowOrgEx(m_mdc, 0, 0, NULL);
Another interesting point, while we're busy now, to get it all non-flickering create the parent and children (buttons, statics, tabs etc) with the WS_CLIPCHILDREN and WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style. The the order of creation is essential: First create the controls you put on the tabs, then create the tab control. Not the other way around (although it feels more intuitive). That because the tab control should clip the area obscured by the controls on it :)
I can't immediately try this out, but so far as I recall, you don't need owner draw. You need to do this:
Return 1 from WM_ERASEBKGND.
Call DrawThemeParentBackground from WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC to draw the background there.
Knowing the sizes and coordinates radio button, we will copy the
image to them closed.
Then we create a brush by means of
BS_PATTERN style CreateBrushIndirect
Farther according to the
usual scheme - we return handle to this brush in reply to COLOR -
the message (WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC).
I have no idea why you are doing it so difficult, this is best solved via CustomDrawing
This is my MFC Handler to draw a Notebook on a CTabCtrl control. I'm not really sure why i need to Inflate the Rectangle, because if i don't do it a black border is drawn.
And another conceptional bug MS made is IMHO that i have to overwrite the PreErase drawing phase instead of the PostErase. But if i do the later the checkbox is gone.
afx_msg void AguiRadioButton::OnCustomDraw(NMHDR* notify, LRESULT* res) {
if (cd->dwDrawStage == CDDS_PREERASE) {
HTHEME theme = OpenThemeData(m_hWnd, L"Button");
CRect r = cd->rc; r.InflateRect(1,1,1,1);
DrawThemeBackground(theme, cd->hdc, TABP_BODY, 0, &r,NULL);
*res = 0;
*res = 0;