Trying to get an the pokerstove api to work - c++

I want to mess around with pokerstove, but I'm having some issues.
Getting boost to work under windows can be a bit of a challenge. One of the easier ways is to install precompiled librares. There is a batch of them available at sourceforge. If you're working with Visual Studio 2010, you will probably need the 32 bit libraries. boost precomplied libraries
Under windows, the cmake gui can be used to construct solution and project files for Visual Studio 2010. To do this, browse source to locate the programs directory git/pokerstove/programs. Then create a build dir for the project. At the bottom of the gui click Configure, then Generate. You may have to edit the git/pokerstove/programs/CMakeLists.txt to point cmake to your installation of boost.
Once you've done that, you should be able to select
Menu->Build->Build Solution
to build the sample program."
Those are the instructions it gives to windows users. I did most of that and tried to build solution, but I'm getting these errors.
I've tried moving around my boost folder with no luck.


Installing a library in Visual Studio 2019 C++

I am trying to install this library in Visual Studio 2019
The instructions only show how to do so for linux/unix I was curious how I would do this for windows. I can download the .zip but where would I extract this and how do I get Visual Studio to install the library.
Visual Studio can directly open a CMake project (CMakelists.txt indicates that).
That said, very often projects are in theory "cross platform" but in practise they don't work in Windows because no one has bothered to test them there (mostly because an alternative would already exist or the actual developers do not care much). Projects that have better chances to work with Windows usually come also with a .vcxproj/.sln.
click on project, properties, link editors , input and add the dependencies (with keyboards only )

How to use Chromium Embedded Framework with Visual Studio 2017 (C++)?

I would like to use CEF with VS 2017 using C++ (not C#, so CEFSharp won't work here). I can't quite understand how to do this. From what I have read, it seems like I need to build the source into a .sln file and then modify the existing code, however their site also says there are binaries available to download, which is confusing me.
How do I program in C++ using CEF and VS 2017?
Download CEF3 binaries, and extract archive to folder
Download and install CMake
Open CMake, and set:
Where is the source code: folder
Where to build the binaries: folder/build
Press Configure
Press Generate
Open solution in folder/build/cef.sln
Build Debug/Release
Reference in your project folder/build/libcef_dll_wrapper/[Debug|Release]/libcef_dll_wrapper.lib
Copy files to your bin folder:

C++ OpenGL Project Setup using GLEW, assimp, SDL2 and CMake with CodeBlocks

I've done a whole tutorial about making a 3D Rendering Engine in OpenGL with Java and lwjgl and the guy who made the tutorial also wrote the engine in C++
To increase my knowledge about programming I wanted to take a look at the C++ version too. Also I believe (and I might be totally wrong) that I'm actually able to do a lot more with C++ than with java. The main problem I have is that I cannot get the engine running despite the included instructions and I would really appreciate if someone can help me out.
this is the engine i want to setup:
I want to use CodeBlocks for this project since it was recommended and unlike Visual Studio it is free.. I also already downloaded glew, assimp and sdl and I installed CMake which are needed for this to run. Now I have to put that together according to this instruction here:
- Make sure CMake is both installed and added to the system PATH.
- Open a Terminal and run:
# install dependencies
# Install GLEW in %PROGRAMFILES%/GLEW or SET %GLEW_ROOT_DIR% to where GLEW is on your machine (Example: D:\PATH_TO_GLEW)
# Install SDL2 in %PROGRAMFILES%/SDL2 or SET %SDL2_ROOT_DIR% to where SDL2 is on your machine (Example: D:\PATH_TO_SDL2)
# Install ASSIMP in %PROGRAMFILES%/ASSIMP or SET %ASSIMP_ROOT_DIR% to where ASSIMP is on your machine (Example: D:\PATH_TO_ASSIMP)
cd build
# REPLACE "Visual Studio 12" with your preferred build toolchain (Maybe you want "Codeblocks - MinGW Makefiles")
# BTW VS 10 is VS 2010, VS 11 is VS 2012 and VS 12 is VS 2013, BLAME MicroSoft for the naming! LOL!
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12" ../
# open the generated SLN file (or cbp file if using CodeBlocks) and build!
- Copy the DLLs in /lib/_bin/ to /build/Debug/ and /build/Release/
- In Visual Studio, set the Startup project to 3DEngineCpp
- Move the res folder into the build folder
- Run
Major problem is, since I've only done java coding in eclipse I'm a bit confused..
What does he mean by "Open a Terminal and run: '''Shell" ?? and how am I supposed to install glew, sdl2 and assimp? what's cd build? and why do I need CMake, it isn't really mentioned what it does..?
Maybe someone can elaborate (step by step if possible) what I need to do in order to get this running, thanks a lot!
No guarantees my steps will work flawlessly as external dependencies in C++ is still very painful to deal with for me, but I'll give you some leads and hope you make some progress. Also, I've never used Code::Blocks, so I'm not sure if Visual Studio projects are compatible with it. This is the only way I know how to do things on Windows.
First, you'll need to install CMake. CMake is a utility that generates project files so that the project can be easily compiled on certain platforms. It generates Visual Studio project files on Windows, which will allow you to open the project in Visual Studio, and compile them from there.
In order to build the project, you'll have to sort out its dependencies first.
Download GLEW's sources and extract everything. It comes with Visual Studio project files
Open up Visual Studio with Administrator permissions
Open up GLEW's project
Build everything
Run the install "project" to get Visual Studio to install GLEW
Download Assimp's source from GitHub
Extract the project root directory somewhere. The root directory is the directory where CMakeLists.txt is in
Open CMake's GUI utility
Click Browse Source, and select that directory
Select an output directory by clicking Browse Build
Click Configure, when that's done click Generate. This will generate a Visual Studio project file for you
Open project with Visual Studio, build everything. Run install like you did before to install Assimp
SDL2: SDL's sources come with Visual Studio project files, so you can repeat the steps for GLEW to install it.
Now you can finally start attempting to get the engine to work. No guarantees that it'll work, but I'd try the same thing I suggested for Assimp as they're both CMake projects. Once the project files are generated, you can open it up in Visual Studio. Except this time, you won't really be installing it. You can modify the sources and run it like you would any other C++ project.

Open CV 2.2 Include Directory Missing

I have several Windows 7 64bit systems with OpenCV 2.2 installed on them using CMake and Visual Studio 2008 Standard. CMake generates everything in C:\libs\OpenCV-2.2.0\build just fine and Visual Studio 2008 compiles everything without complaint.
However, every time I do this process on various machines I find that the include directory (C:\libs\OpenCV-2.2.0\build\include\opencv2) is either empty or nearly so. I usually end up thrashing around compiling different versions and poking on random project files until it appears and every time I think I have it figured out. However, with each new install I'm back to the begining.
Is this a known issue for 64bit build of OpenCV 2.2 on Windows 7 64bit using Visual Studio 2008 and is there a known workaround?
Various questions here seem to be hinting at the same thing and guides online are either old or don't reference the problem at all.
To solve this problem compile everything in release and debug then right click the INSTALL project in Visual Studio 2008 and choose Build. This will "install" numerous files and move all the include files into the proper location.
Now /include will contain subfolders
and /include/opencv2 will contain numerous subfolders:
I just had the same problem. The Answer which explains that you have to rightclick and build the "INSTALL" project after you have built the debug/release works for me now. BUT: for me it was not a "build" folder which was created, but a folder called "install". Inside of that folder there is a include folder now which contains all the stuff you need for the include. The OpenCV version im using is OpenCV v3.2.
well i have the same problem with visual studio 2010,
and the answer
""To solve this problem compile everything in release and debug then right click the INSTALL project in Visual Studio 2008 and choose Build. This will "install" numerous files and move all the include files into the proper location""
cannot work on this. because when you choose 2010 visual configuration
there are no option to do debg or release. u do this afterwars from visual studio
when complile in debug or release mod. has one anny answer.
you my friend that have managed to create a full buld properly
can you please make one with qt support ,and with examples and docs cmake configuration amd please e mail it to me??
it wont take you more than some minutes
and this will be a great help because i try many days to solve it
How are you making \build\ ?
I didn't think opencv did out-of-source builds properly. At least I've never got them to work - have you tried setting the build dir to a completely separate tree?

Simultaneous development in Visual Studio and Qt Creator

I'm going to develop a bunch of projects with Qt that should compile both under Visual Studio with Qt integration (commercial) and Qt Creator with LGPL SDK. My primary IDE is VS but I've grown to like Qt Creator too. It would be nice to be able to work in both of them simultaneously. I need to do it in some extent anyway.
The most annoying problem is project management. Should I create .pro file first and then import it to VS? Or should I create VS project first and create .pro file by Qt integration utilities? What's the best way to do it?
I would like to hear your ideas on the subject.
I use the .pro files as a basis and create VS projects from them. Using scoping rules I can set options that are specific for the VC++ compiler or the MinGW compiler. I haven't encountered any VS option yet I couldn't specify in a .pro file. OK, make that one: trying to set the warning level to 4 (win32:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG += /W4) didn't work because /W3 was still present.
For adding new files to the project I sometimes just add them to the .pro files and setup the VS project again. That way I don't have to worry about keeping both in sync.
Using this approach makes it easy to do automatic builds under a variety of compilers (Microsoft, Intel, MinGW, 64bit cross compilers)
Do you mean Qt Designer or Qt Creator? Qt Designer is the form builder, Qt Creator is the IDE.
I would recommend delegating your project management to CMake. Qt Creator now has support for cmake. cmake generates you project files based on a simple set of description files. I now use cmake even if I am just using visual studio because it is much easier to manage common settings between related projects than updating loads of settings in different dialog boxes. It also is also a multi platform build and is very clever at discovering the build tools and libraries installed on the developer system and creating the appropriate build output, make files, and ide project files.
I am glad you were able to solve you current issue QT Creator is a great tool. As much I like QT Creator and dislike Visual Studio, if you need to work with other developers on windows skipping support for visual studio in the future may not be an option.
I have had good luck using CMake ( ) to generate my project files. I am working on a Linux/windows project where the developers can use just about any IDE and compiler. Learning to use CMake is easy, learning to make good cmake scripts takes a little time though. However, QT Creator has the ability to create the CMake projects for you, and you can customize and learn just as much of the CMake build script language as you need to.
Like this I have worked with visual studio, Code::blocks, QT Creator, clang, gcc/mingw and the vc++ compiler.
My approach was to create the project in VC++ and then export it to pro. I then tweaked all the pro files by hand and I keep them in sync by hand.
It's better to start with VC++, because VC++ has many more options that Qt's pro files.
Once you start changing more advanced options you will want to sync by hand
Make sure that both toolchains output the files in the same directories, or you might encounter issues such as moc files in your project dir that are updated only by QtCreator, while VC++ only updates the ones in GenratedFiles which the compiler can't see due to the former.
I have dropped Visual Studio for C++ development. Now I use only Qt Creator. All the troubles with parallel ways just do not worth it.