generated path does not match custom route? - ruby-on-rails-4

(Rails 4.2)
I have a miss-match of routes that's in the routes.rb file vs the generated from my page. What is it I am doing wrong?
This is the raked route I want to access :
see_hint_deck_card_tracker GET /decks/:deck_id/cards/:card_id/trackers/:id/see_hint(.:format) trackers#see_hint
I am actually taken to what I think is the correct url, but it tells me I don't have a route for this page:
I have the following routes:
resources :decks do
resources :cards do
resources :trackers do
member do
get 'see_hint'
app/controllers/tracker_controller.rb :
class TrackerController < ApplicationController
def show_hint
puts 'we found this'
inside my /decks/:id/cards/:id/show I have this link_to: (get_tracker, calls for a helper method to get the correct tracker)
<%= link_to "Reveal Hint", see_hint_deck_card_tracker_path(#card.deck, #card, get_tracker), id: "reveal_hint_button" %>

I think your error message is probably telling you you don't have a Controller for that route, not that the Route is missing. This is because you're using the plural resources in your routes.rb, but your controller name is singular:
# Your Code:
resources :trackers
controller TrackerController
# Expected Code:
resources :trackers
controller TrackersController
You'll also want to make sure your controller is available at app/controllers/trackers_controller.rb (note the plurality).


Routes in Rails SAML IdP

I'm trying to get this gem to work with Rails 4 application that will serve as a SAML identity provider.
The thing that is confusing me is the routes and the template I assume should be rendered. In the gem controller, there is this:
def new
render template: "saml_idp/idp/new"
My routes are just the basic setup from the example, which I assume should match the action in my custom controller that inherits from the gem controller.
I have this in my controller.
class SamlIdpController < SamlIdp::IdpController
def idp_authenticate(email, password)
def idp_make_saml_response(user)
And my routes.rb file:
get '/saml/auth' => 'saml_idp#new'
get '/saml/metadata' => 'saml_idp#show'
So, what am I missing here? There should be a view rendered, instead I'm getting No Route Matches errors. Thanks.
As per Doc, I think you missed including SamlIdp::IdpController module
please include SamlIdp::IdpController rather than excluding.
Hope, It will work.
The new update for saml_idp gem wants to include SamlIdp::Controller as a module. And the controller class can inherit from ApplicationController
In your case it will be:
class SamlIdpController < ApplicationController
include SamlIdp::Controller

Customize resource routing in Rails 4

think of the resource routing of a photo-class for example.
If I this to my routes.rb I will get following routes:
resources :photos
# GET '/photos/', :to => 'photos#index'
# GET '/photos/:photo_id/, :to => 'photos#show'
# and so on and so on
Now what I want is to replace the word /photos in all the routes with a simple /p so that I can get a short URL like /p/1 for the first photo. Is there a way to simply alter the resource-line or do I have to manually add each route?
This will make all your routes via :photos through p
resources :p, :controller => "photos"
To be more concise and avoid the issue with p_id, you could do it like this :
resources :photos, path: 'p'
This way, you benefits from the readibility on your end (it will generate helpers like edit_photo_path, you will access variables as photo_id in case of a nested route and such) and generate the named URLs you do want.

Ruby on rails - removing routes created by resource

I have the following in my routes file
resources :users do
resource :question
which creates a /users/:user_id/question route to question#show among other ones. However instead of a URL which has user id in it to show every question the particular user created, I want a URL to show details of one specific question. Something like /question/:id
So to do this I added the line below to my routes file
resources :questions, param: :question_id
which generated a list of routes
questions_path GET /questions(.:format) questions#index
POST /questions(.:format) questions#create
new_question_path GET /questions/new(.:format) questions#new
edit_question_path GET /questions/:id/edit(.:format) questions#edit
question_path GET /questions/:id(.:format) questions#show
PATCH /questions/:id(.:format) questions#update
PUT /questions/:id(.:format) questions#update
DELETE /questions/:id(.:format)
This list produces the /questions/:id path but unfortunately with the same questions#show connection which collides with the previous one. So I removed the "resources :questions, param: :question" and added the following
get 'questions/:id', :to => 'questions#show_question'
This produces the appropriate route but for some reason doesn't get rid of routes created from "resources :questions, param: :question" even after restarting the server. So every time i visit /question/:id it's going to question#show instead of question#show_question
How do i get rid of the effect of "resources :questions, param: :question" even after having removed it from the routes.rb file?
I would remove the route get 'questions/:id', :to => 'questions#show_question'
and use shallow routes instead
resources :users do
resources :questions, shallow: true
And then your url_helper should be
<td><%= link_to 'Show', question_path(question) %></td>
This allows URLs for resources that otherwise would be deeply nested such as a comment on a blog post like /users/a-long-permalink/comments/1234 to be shortened to just /comments/1234.
More info on shallow routes here

Rails Routes not conforming to expected controller action

I've spent several hours trying to understand why my Rails 4 app doesn't seem to want to route to the expected controller action.
In summary: every single action that I attempt in the browser URL seems to go to the index view, even though my routes appear to be correct. I've attempted to restart the server, etc hoping that might fix it, but right now I'm completely lost.
For example, if I try to access the URL at localhost:3000/leads#new I get the following error message:
Missing template leads/index, application/index with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :raw, :ruby, :jbuilder, :coffee]}. Searched in: * "/Users/me/Sites/azimuth/app/views"
If I add a template for index.html.erb to the app/views/leads folder, then I don't get the error message - however every single path goes to that same index view - leads#show, leads#edit, etc - all of them.
Here is the routes.rb:
Azimuth::Application.routes.draw do
# get 'leads', to: 'leads#new'
resources :applicants
resources :contacts
resources :leads
PagesController.action_methods.each do |action|
get "/#{action}", to: "pages##{action}", as: "#{action}_page"
root "pages#home"
note that the commented line - get 'leads', to: 'leads#new' - seems to be the only way to properly get the routing to work. Using resources :leads (which I understand is best practice?) is giving me fits.
Here's the leads_controller.rb:
class LeadsController < ApplicationController
def new
#lead =
def create
#lead =
flash[:success] = "Thank you for reaching out! We'll be in touch soon."
redirect_to 'home'
render 'new'
def index
#lead = Lead.all
def lead_params
params.require(:lead).permit(:first_name, :last_name, :subject, :message)
Rake routes - appears that things should work fine. (Note this is just showing the routes relevant to the Leads object).
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
leads GET /leads(.:format) leads#index
POST /leads(.:format) leads#create
new_lead GET /leads/new(.:format) leads#new
edit_lead GET /leads/:id/edit(.:format) leads#edit
lead GET /leads/:id(.:format) leads#show
PATCH /leads/:id(.:format) leads#update
PUT /leads/:id(.:format) leads#update
DELETE /leads/:id(.:format) leads#destroy
I'm very confused, can't seem to track down what's going on, and would appreciate any help!
Correct me if you are wrong, but I think you are trying to access the wrong URL. You said you were visiting localhost:3000/leads#new in your browser. The correct URL for that route would be localhost:3000/leads/new
When are you are defining routes in your config/routes.rb file, the #'s are used to let rails know that you are specifying that a method of one of your controllers should respond to this URL. The actual URL's do not contain #'s (typically speaking).

Rails 4 renaming route for "create" action

# routes.rb
resource: :users, only: :create, path_names: { create: 'register' }
Following the routing guide at, this line is expected to replace /users with /users/register, but the path_names argument seems to have no effect whatsoever. What am I doing wrong?
Interesting that it only applies to new and edit. In any case, this is the work around I used
resource :users, only: :nothing do
post "register", to: :create
Done this way to make it slightly easier to enable more actions for users in the future
From rails guide:
The :path_names option lets you override the automatically-generated
"new" and "edit" segments in paths
It seems that you can't rename the create action.