Property tree: complete path and name - c++

I'd like to create a class that can be constructed from a property tree, as in this example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Test property tree -->
<lambda min="200000" max="200">100</lambda>
That is easy with a property tree, but then I need to access two properties of a subtree, as in this class:
parameter::parameter(boost::property_tree::ptree t)
// Set the value
value = t.get_value<double>();
// ?????
auto nodename = t.something();
// ?????
std::string nodepath = t.somethingelse();
// Get the attributes (or empty)
auto p = t.get_child("<xmlattr>", boost::property_tree::ptree());
// If we have attributes, read them
if (p != boost::property_tree::ptree())
min = t.get<double>("<xmlattr>.min");
max = t.get<double>("<xmlattr>.max");
if (min > max)
throw std::runtime_error("Min and max values invalid for the parameter " + nodename + ", path: " + nodepath);
min = +1.0;
max = -1.0;
// ... Someplace else
lambda = parameter(config.get_child("config.lambda"));
In the XML the mim/max attributes for lambda are invalid, and I need to throw an exception that could be read as
Min and max values invalid for the parameter lambda, path: config.lambda
Of course I could just pass the string, but it would defat the purpose. I've tried messing around t's iterator and data, but got nothing.
Can I obtain those values from a ptree?

I'd slightly shuffle the interface around so you don't drop the information you need prematurely:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
using boost::property_tree::ptree;
struct parameter {
parameter(ptree const& tree, ptree::path_type const& nodepath)
ptree const& t = tree.get_child(nodepath);
// Set the value
value = t.get_value<double>();
auto nodename = [nodepath] {
auto copy = nodepath;
while (!copy.single()) copy.reduce();
return copy.reduce();
// Get the attributes (or empty)
auto p = t.get_child("<xmlattr>", boost::property_tree::ptree());
// If we have attributes, read them
if (p != boost::property_tree::ptree())
auto min = t.get<double>("<xmlattr>.min");
auto max = t.get<double>("<xmlattr>.max");
if (min > max)
throw std::runtime_error("Min and max values invalid for the parameter " + nodename + ", path: " + nodepath.dump());
min = +1.0;
max = -1.0;
double min, max;
double value;
int main() {
ptree config;
std::ifstream xml("input.txt");
read_xml(xml, config);
auto lambda = parameter(config, "config.lambda");
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): Min and max values invalid for the parameter lambda, path: config.lambda


open62541 client fails when calling method with custom datatype input argument

I'm using open62541 to connect to an OPC/UA server and I'm trying to call methods that a certain object on that server provides. Those methods have custom types as input arguments; for example, the following method takes a structure of three booleans:
<opc:Method SymbolicName="SetStatusMethodType" ModellingRule="Mandatory">
<opc:Argument Name="Status" DataType="VisionStatusDataType" ValueRank="Scalar"/>
<opc:OutputArguments />
Here, VisionStatusDataType is the following structure:
<opc:DataType SymbolicName="VisionStatusDataType" BaseType="ua:Structure">
<opc:Field Name="Camera" DataType="ua:Boolean" ValueRank="Scalar"/>
<opc:Field Name="StrobeController" DataType="ua:Boolean" ValueRank="Scalar"/>
<opc:Field Name="Server" DataType="ua:Boolean" ValueRank="Scalar"/>
Now, when calling the method, I'm encoding the data into an UA_ExtensionObject, and wrap that one as an UA_Variant to provide it to UA_Client_call. The encoding looks like this:
void encode(const QVariantList& vecqVar, size_t& nIdx, const DataType& dt, std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<UAptr<UA_ByteString>>> itOut)
if (dt.isSimple())
auto&& qVar =;
auto&& uaVar = convertToUaVar(qVar, dt.uaType());
auto pOutBuf = create<UA_ByteString>();
auto nStatus = UA_encodeBinary(, dt.uaType(), pOutBuf.get());
itOut = std::move(pOutBuf);
for (auto&& dtMember : dt.members())
encode(vecqVar, nIdx, dtMember, itOut);
UA_Variant ToUAVariant(const QVariant& qVar, const DataType& dt)
if (dt.isSimple())
return convertToUaVar(qVar, dt.uaType());
std::vector<UAptr<UA_ByteString>> vecByteStr;
auto&& qVarList = qVar.toList();
size_t nIdx = 0UL;
encode(qVarList, nIdx, dt, std::back_inserter(vecByteStr));
auto pExtObj = UA_ExtensionObject_new();
auto nSizeAll = std::accumulate(vecByteStr.cbegin(), vecByteStr.cend(), 0ULL, [](size_t nSize, const UAptr<UA_ByteString>& pByteStr) {
return nSize + pByteStr->length;
auto&& uaEncoded = pExtObj->content.encoded;
uaEncoded.typeId = dt.uaType()->typeId;
uaEncoded.body.length = nSizeAll;
auto pData = = new UA_Byte[nSizeAll];
nIdx = 0UL;
for (auto&& pByteStr : vecByteStr)
memcpy_s(pData + nIdx, nSizeAll - nIdx, pByteStr->data, pByteStr->length);
nIdx += pByteStr->length;
UA_Variant uaVar;
UA_Variant_setScalar(&uaVar, pExtObj, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_EXTENSIONOBJECT]);
return uaVar;
The DataType class is a wrapper for the UA_DataType structure; the original open62541 type can be accessed via DataType::uaType().
Now, once a have the variant (containing the extension object), the method call looks like this:
auto uavarInput = ToUAVariant(qvarArg, dtInput);
UA_Variant* pvarOut;
size_t nOutSize = 0UL;
auto nStatus = UA_Client_call(m_pClient, objNode.nodeId(), m_uaNodeId, 1UL, &uavarInput, &nOutSize, &pvarOut);
The status is 2158690304, i.e. BadInvalidArgument according to UA_StatusCode_name.
Is there really something wrong with the method argument? Are we supposed to send ExtensionObjects, or what data type should the variant contain?
Is it possible that the server itself (created using the .NET OPC/UA stack) is not configured correctly?
N.B., the types here are custom types; that is, the encoding is done manually (see above) by storing the byte representation of all members next to each other in an UA_ByteString - just the opposite of what I'm doing when reading variables or output arguments, which works just fine.
The problem is the typeId of the encoded object. For the server in order to understand the received data, it needs to know the NodeId of the encoding, not the actual NodeId of the type itself. That encoding can be found by following the HasEncoding reference (named "Default Binary") of the type:
auto pRequest = create<UA_BrowseRequest>();
auto pDescr = pRequest->nodesToBrowse = UA_BrowseDescription_new();
pRequest->nodesToBrowseSize = 1UL;
pDescr->nodeId = m_uaNodeId;
pDescr->browseDirection = UA_BROWSEDIRECTION_BOTH;
auto response = UA_Client_Service_browse(m_pClient, *pRequest);
for (auto k = 0UL; k < response.resultsSize; ++k)
auto browseRes = response.results[k];
for (auto n = 0UL; n < browseRes.referencesSize; ++n)
auto browseRef = browseRes.references[n];
if (ToQString("Binary"))
m_nodeBinaryEnc = browseRef.nodeId.nodeId;
Once you have that NodeId, you pass it to UA_ExtensionObject::content::encoded::typeId:
auto pExtObj = UA_ExtensionObject_new();
auto nSizeAll = std::accumulate(vecByteStr.cbegin(), vecByteStr.cend(), 0ULL, [](size_t nSize, const UAptr<UA_ByteString>& pByteStr) {
return nSize + pByteStr->length;
auto&& uaEncoded = pExtObj->content.encoded;
uaEncoded.typeId = dt.encoding();
uaEncoded.body.length = nSizeAll;
auto pData = = new UA_Byte[nSizeAll];
nIdx = 0UL;
for (auto&& pByteStr : vecByteStr)
memcpy_s(pData + nIdx, nSizeAll - nIdx, pByteStr->data, pByteStr->length);
nIdx += pByteStr->length;

LeetCode 380: Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)

I came across this leetcode problem Insert Delete GetRandom where it is asked to implement a Data Structure to support Insert, Delete and getRandom in average O(1) time, and solved it as using map and a vector.
My solution passes all the test cases except for the last one and I'm not able to figure out why? The last test case is really very large to debug.
I changed my code a little bit and then it passes but still didn't got why the previous one didn't pass.
Non-Accepted Solution:
class RandomizedSet {
map<int, int> mp;
vector<int> v;
/** Initialize your data structure here. */
RandomizedSet() {
/** Inserts a value to the set. Returns true if the set did not already contain the specified element. */
bool insert(int val) {
if(mp.find(val) == mp.end()){
mp[val] = v.size()-1;
return true;
else return false;
/** Removes a value from the set. Returns true if the set contained the specified element. */
bool remove(int val) {
if(mp.find(val) == mp.end()){
return false;
int idx = mp[val];
swap(v[idx], v[v.size()-1]);
if(mp.size()!=0) mp[v[idx]] = idx;
return true;
/** Get a random element from the set. */
int getRandom() {
if(v.size() == 0) return 0;
int rndm = rand()%v.size();
return v[rndm];
* Your RandomizedSet object will be instantiated and called as such:
* RandomizedSet* obj = new RandomizedSet();
* bool param_1 = obj->insert(val);
* bool param_2 = obj->remove(val);
* int param_3 = obj->getRandom();
Accpeted Solution:
The problem is in remove function, when i change the remove function by below code, it passes.
if(mp.find(val) == mp.end()){
return false;
int idx = mp[val];
swap(v[idx], v[v.size()-1]);
mp[v[idx]] = idx;
return true;
I don't understand why is this happening. I placed the mp.erase(val) in the last and replaced the if(mp.size()!=0) mp[v[idx]] = idx to mp[v[idx]] = idx only.
Both versions of remove function are able to handle corner case - when there is only single element left in the map and we want to remove it.
LeetCode 380
This is because of undefined behavior when the element removed is the last element.
e.g, say the operations are
insert(1) // v = [1], mp = [1->0]
insert(2) // v = [1,2], mp = [1->0, 2->1]
int idx = mp[val]; // val = 2, idx = 1
mp.erase(val); // mp = [1->0]
swap(v[idx], v[v.size()-1]); // idx = v.size()-1 = 1, so this does nothing.
v.pop_back(); // v = [1]
if(mp.size()!=0) mp[v[idx]] = idx; // mp[v[1]] = 1.
// But v[1] is undefined after pop_back(), since v's size is 1 at this point.
I am guessing that it doesn't clear the memory location accessed by v[1], so v[1] still points to 2, and it ends up putting 2 back into mp.

How to convert any value to an object and add members with boost::property_tree json

I have a program that modifies a JSON document if necessary. The program has to add a child to another value whether or not it's an already an object. The program should behave like so:
If the object with key "x" does not exist, create object with key "x" and add value y as a child.
If the object with key "x" DOES exist, set value y as a child.
If the key "x" exists and is ANY OTHER type, delete it, create an object with the key "x" and then add value y as a child.
I see ways to test if property tree values exist or whether they are specified types, but none to test if it's an object or not an object.
Here's a simple program I made illustrating what I mean:
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
const char *json = "{"
"\"object\" : { \"mighty\" : \"wind\" },"
"\"boolean\" : true"
void printTree( std::string name, boost::property_tree::ptree tree )
std::cout << "Pass '" << name << "'" << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss;
boost::property_tree::write_json( ss, tree );
std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
catch( std::exception &e )
std::cout << "Could not make create json: " << e.what() << std::endl;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
boost::property_tree::ptree tree;
// Load it
std::istringstream ss_json( json );
boost::property_tree::read_json( ss_json, tree );
// Add a value to an object that doesn't exist
tree.put( "none.value", "hello!" );
// Print to see
printTree( "Nonexistent value test", tree );
// Add a value to the object
tree.put( "object.value", "bello!" );
// Print this one
printTree( "Adding value test", tree );
// Convert boolean to an object and add a value
tree.put( "boolean.value", "mello!" );
// Print it
printTree( "Converting value test", tree );
The output will be:
Pass 'Nonexistent value test'
"object": {
"mighty": "wind"
"boolean": "true",
"none": {
"value": "hello!"
Pass 'Adding value test'
"object": {
"mighty": "wind",
"value": "bello!"
"boolean": "true",
"none": {
"value": "hello!"
Pass 'Converting value test'
Could not make create json: <unspecified file>: ptree contains data that cannot be represented in JSON format
You can see in the output, the last step fails to convert to JSON (doesn't throw when I try to set it).
How can I achieve scenario 3 in my list above?
If the key "x" exists and is ANY OTHER type, delete it, create an object with the key "x" and then add value y as a child. Also, they don't observe any of the JSON data types.
Your plan is pretty doomed. Property Tree is not a JSON library. Property Trees can have data and child nodes at the same node. E.g.
ptree p;
auto& x = p.put_child("x", {});
write_json(std::cout, p);
"x": "hello"
But adding
/*auto& a = */ p.put_child("x.a", {});
write_json(std::cout, p);
Fails with Live On Coliru
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::wrapexcept<boost::property_tree::json_parser::json_parser_error>'
what(): <unspecified file>: ptree contains data that cannot be represented in JSON format
A workaround would be to remove any value prior to or when adding properties:
auto& a = p.put_child("x.a", {});
a.add("prop1", 123);
a.add("prop2", "one two three");
a.add("b.prop1", "nesting");
write_json(std::cout, p);
Would print Live On Coliru
Finer notes
It might seem more efficient to check the presence of a value before clearing it:
if (x.get_value_optional<std::string>()) {
But due the the stringly typed nature of Property Tree storage there's no difference as the condition will just always be true for std::string. (Similarly there's no way to retrieve a value by reference.)
Note ALSO that when setting the n.prop1 nested property, you MAY have to also check that b has no value if you don't control the source data, because otherwise it would fail again.
Assuming that your object graph structure is reasonably predictable (or even static), I'd suggest getting it over with ahead of time:
for (auto key : { "x", "x.a", "x.a.b" }) {
if (auto child = p.get_child_optional(key)) {
std::cout << "clearing " << key << std::endl;
Which can be generalized with a helper:
clear_values("x.a.b", p);
Which could be implemented as
void clear_values(ptree::path_type path, ptree& p) {
if (path.empty())
auto head = path.reduce();
auto child = p.get_child_optional(head);
if (child) {
clear_values(path, *child);
In fact with such a helper it might become opportune to also create the expected hierarchy on the fly:
void clear_values(ptree::path_type path, ptree& p, bool create = false) {
if (path.empty())
auto head = path.reduce();
auto child = p.get_child_optional(head);
if (!child && create) {
child = p.put_child(head, {});
if (child) {
clear_values(path, *child, create);
Now it would even work well without any pre-existing data:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using boost::property_tree::ptree;
void clear_values(ptree::path_type path, ptree& p, bool create = false) {
if (path.empty())
auto head = path.reduce();
auto child = p.get_child_optional(head);
if (!child && create) {
child = p.put_child(head, {});
if (child) {
clear_values(path, *child, create);
int main() {
ptree p;
clear_values("x.a.b", p, true);
auto& a = p.get_child("x.a");
a.add("prop1", 123);
a.add("prop2", "one two three");
a.add("b.prop1", "nesting");
write_json(std::cout, p);
"x": {
"a": {
"b": {
"prop1": "nesting"
"prop1": "123",
"prop2": "one two three"

Compare std::vector of pairs with pugi::xml_object_range attributes

I'm writing some convenience functions for my XML parser based on pugixml, and now I have the problem that I want to retrieve only XML nodes with a specific attribute name and value!
XML example:
<Reader measurement="..." type="Mighty">
<IP reader="1"></IP>
<IP reader="2"></IP>
<IP reader="3"></IP>
<IP reader="4"></IP>
<Reader measurement="..." type="Standard">
My try:
std::string GetNodeValue(std::string node, std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string>> &attributes)
pugi::xml_node xmlNode = m_xmlDoc.select_single_node(("//" + node).c_str()).node();
// get all attributes
pugi::xml_object_range<pugi::xml_attribute_iterator> nodeAttributes(xmlNode.attributes());
// logic to compare given attribute name:value pairs with parsed ones
// ...
Can someone help me or give me a hint?! (maybe with Lambda Expressions)
To solve this we have to use XPath.
Create XPath from node name and attributes
#param XML node name
#param vector of attribute name:value pairs
#return XPath string
std::string XmlParser::CreateXPath(std::string node, std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string>> &attributes)
// create XPath
std::string xpath = node + "[";
for(auto it=attributes.begin(); it!=attributes.end(); it++)
xpath += "#" + it->first + "='" + it->second + "' and ";
xpath.replace(xpath.length()-5, 5, "]");
return xpath;
catch(std::exception exp)
return "";
CreateXPath constructs a valid XML XPath statement from given node name and attribute list.
Return requested XmlNode value
#param name of the XmlNode
#param filter by given attribute(s) -> name:value
#return value of XmlNode or empty string in case of error
std::string XmlParser::GetNodeValue(std::string node, std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string>> &attributes /* = std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string>>() */)
std::string nodeValue = "";
if(attributes.size() != 0) nodeValue = m_xmlDoc.select_node(CreateXPath(node, attributes).c_str()).node().child_value();
else nodeValue = m_xmlDoc.select_node(("//" + node).c_str()).node().child_value();
return nodeValue;
catch(std::exception exp)
return "";

Why don't the changes to my variables survive until the next iteration?

I want to update instances of a struct that I am storing in a map within a loop, but the changes to the instance variables don't survive the iterations of the loop (within one iteration, the new variables get properly set, in the next operation they are reset to their initial value).
Here is a simplified version of what I am doing:
map<int, RegionOverFrames>* foundRegions = new map<int, RegionOverFrames>;
for (int i = 0; i < frames.size(); i++) {
// find all regions in current frame
map<int, RegionOverFrames> regionsInCurrentFrame;
for (Region region: currentFrame.regions) {
if (foundRegions->count(region.regionId) == 0) {
RegionOverFrames foundRegion;
foundRegion.regionId = region.regionId;
regionsInCurrentFrame[region.regionId] = foundRegion;
(*foundRegions)[region.regionId] = foundRegion;
else if (foundRegions->count(region.regionId) > 0) {
RegionOverFrames foundRegion = (*foundRegions)[region.regionId];
regionsInCurrentFrame[region.regionId] = foundRegion;
// update found regions (either by adding weight or setting the end index)
for (auto it = foundRegions->begin(); it != foundRegions->end(); it++) {
RegionOverFrames foundRegion = it->second;
// the region that was found before is also present in this frame
if (regionsInCurrentFrame.count(foundRegion.regionId) > 0) {
float weight = currentFrame.getRegion(foundRegion.regionId).getWeight();
foundRegion.accumulatedWeight += weight; // this update of accumulatedWeight is not present in the next loop, the accumulatedWeight only gets assigned the value of weight here, but in the next iteration it's reset to 0
Could it have something to do with the fact that I am using an iterator it to access the objects within my map<int, RegionOverFrames>* foundRegions or with the fact that foundRegions is declared with a pointer and stored on the heap?
Note RegionOverFrames is a simple struct looking like this:
struct RegionOverFrames {
int regionId;
double accumulatedWeight;
Your issue is that you are creating a copy of the found region rather than updating the object found in the map.
RegionOverFrames foundRegion = it->second;
// ^ copy created
You should use references instead:
RegionOverFrames &foundRegion = it->second;
// ^ use reference