Finding the number of unique paths on a gird - c++

I'm trying to understand how to solve the problem of finding all unique paths in a grid using dynamic programming:
A robot is located at the top-left corner of a m x n grid (marked ‘Start’ in the diagram below). The robot can only move either down or right at any point in time. The robot is trying to reach the bottom-right corner of the grid (marked ‘Finish’ in the diagram below). How many possible unique paths are there?
I was looking at this article and I was wondering why in the below solution, the matrix is initialized at M_MAX + 2 and N_MAX + 2, and also why in the function signature of backtrack, why the last parameter is initialized with int mat[][N_MAX+2]
const int M_MAX = 100;
const int N_MAX = 100;
int backtrack(int r, int c, int m, int n, int mat[][N_MAX+2]) {
if (r == m && c == n)
return 1;
if (r > m || c > n)
return 0;
if (mat[r+1][c] == -1)
mat[r+1][c] = backtrack(r+1, c, m, n, mat);
if (mat[r][c+1] == -1)
mat[r][c+1] = backtrack(r, c+1, m, n, mat);
return mat[r+1][c] + mat[r][c+1];
int bt(int m, int n) {
int mat[M_MAX+2][N_MAX+2];
for (int i = 0; i < M_MAX+2; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < N_MAX+2; j++) {
mat[i][j] = -1;
return backtrack(1, 1, m, n, mat);
Then in the author's bottom-up approach solution:
const int M_MAX = 100;
const int N_MAX = 100;
int dp(int m, int n) {
int mat[M_MAX+2][N_MAX+2] = {0};
mat[m][n+1] = 1;
for (int r = m; r >= 1; r--)
for (int c = n; c >= 1; c--)
mat[r][c] = mat[r+1][c] + mat[r][c+1];
return mat[1][1];
I don't know what the purpose of the line mat[m][n+1] = 1; serves.
I'm not familiar with Java, so I apologize if these boil down to syntactical or language-specific questions.

Firstly, notice that the author and the second solution both use 1-based indexing. So, of course, mat[M_MAX+1][N_MAX+1] would be quite justified.
Now, notice the logic the author is using.
mat[r][c] = mat[r+1][c] + mat[r][c+1];
Hence, to prevent r+1 or c+1 from going out of bounds when c = n+1 or r = m+1, instead of adding an if-statement like this:
if (r == m)
mat[r][c] = mat[r][c+1];
if (c == n)
mat[r][c] = mat[r+1][c];
He has decided to simply add an extra row or column with 0 value stored in it. Hence:
mat[M_MAX+2][N_MAX+2] = {0};
Finally, in a bottom up approach, one must initialize mat[m][n] to 1. Instead of doing that, knowing that mat[m][n] = mat[m+1][n] + mat[m][n+1];, he initialized :
mat[m][n+1] = 1; // mat[m+1][n] = 0;
Feel free to ask any questions in comments.


Minimum cuts on a rectangle to make into squares

I'm trying to solve this problem:
Given an a×b rectangle, your task is to cut it into squares. On each move you can select a rectangle and cut it into two rectangles in such a way that all side lengths remain integers. What is the minimum possible number of moves?
My logic is that the minimum number of cuts means the minimum number of squares; I don't know if it's the correct approach.
I see which side is smaller, Now I know I need to cut bigSide/SmallSide of cuts to have squares of smallSide sides, then I am left with SmallSide and bigSide%smallSide. Then I go on till any side is 0 or both are equal.
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int a, b; std::cin >> a >> b; // sides of the rectangle
int res = 0;
while (a != 0 && b != 0) {
if (a > b) {
if (a % b == 0)
res += a / b - 1;
res += a / b;
a = a % b;
} else if (b > a) {
if (b % a == 0)
res += b / a - 1;
res += b / a;
b = b % a;
} else {
std::cout << res;
return 0;
When the input is 404 288, my code gives 18, but the right answer is actually 10.
What am I doing wrong?
It seems clear to me that the problem defines each move as cutting a rectangle to two rectangles along the integer lines, and then asks for the minimum number of such cuts. As you can see there is a clear recursive nature in this problem. Once you cut a rectangle to two parts, you can recurse and cut each of them into squares with minimum moves and then sum up the answers. The problem is that the recursion might lead to exponential time complexity which leads us directly do dynamic programming. You have to use memoization to solve it efficiently (worst case time O(a*b*(a+b))) Here is what I'd suggest doing:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
int min_cuts(int a, int b, vector<vector<int> > &mem) {
int min = mem[a][b];
// if already computed, just return the value
if (min > 0)
return min;
// if one side is divisible by the other,
// store min-cuts in 'min'
if (a%b==0)
min= a/b-1;
else if (b%a==0)
min= b/a -1;
// if there's no obvious solution, recurse
else {
// recurse on hight
for (int i=1; i<a/2; i++) {
int m = min_cuts(i,b, mem);
int n = min_cuts(a-i, b, mem);
if (min<0 or m+n+1<min)
min = m + n + 1;
// recurse on width
for (int j=1; j<b/2; j++) {
int m = min_cuts(a,j, mem);
int n = min_cuts(a, b-j, mem);
if (min<0 or m+n+1<min)
min = m + n + 1;
mem[a][b] = min;
return min;
int main() {
int a, b; std::cin >> a >> b; // sides of the rectangle
// -1 means the problem is not solved yet,
vector<vector<int> > mem(a+1, vector<int>(b+1, -1));
int res = min_cuts(a,b,mem);
std::cout << res << std::endl;
return 0;
The reason the foor loops go up until a/2 and b/2 is that cuting a paper is symmetric: if you cut along vertical line i it is the same as cutting along the line a-i if you flip the paper vertically. This is a little optimization hack that reduces complexity by a factor of 4 overall.
Another little hack is that by knowing that the problem is that if you transpose the paper the result is the same, meaining min_cuts(a,b)=min_cuts(b,a) you can potentially reduce computations by half. But any major further improvement, say a greedy algorithm would take more thinking (if there exists one at all).
The current answer is a good start, especially the suggestions to use memoization or dynamic programming, and potentially efficient enough.
Obviously, all answerers used the first with a sub-par data-structure. Vector-of-Vector has much space and performance overhead, using a (strict) lower triangular matrix stored in an array is much more efficient.
Using the maximum value as sentinel (easier with unsigned) would also reduce complexity.
Finally, let's move to dynamic programming instead of memoization to simplify and get even more efficient:
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
constexpr unsigned min_cuts(unsigned a, unsigned b) {
if (a < b)
std::swap(a, b);
if (a == b || !b)
return 0;
const auto triangle = [](std::size_t n) { return n * (n - 1) / 2; };
const auto p = std::make_unique_for_overwrite<unsigned[]>(triangle(a));
/* const! */ unsigned zero = 0;
const auto f = [&](auto a, auto b) -> auto& {
if (a < b)
std::swap(a, b);
return a == b ? zero : p[triangle(a - 1) + b - 1];
for (auto i = 1u; i <= a; ++i) {
for (auto j = 1u; j < i; ++j) {
auto r = -1u;
for (auto k = i / 2; k; --k)
r = std::min(r, f(k, j) + f(i - k, j));
for (auto k = j / 2; k; --k)
r = std::min(r, f(k, i) + f(j - k, i));
f(i, j) = ++r;
return f(a, b);

Using Mean Squared error instead of SAD for image compensation

I have an assignment where image composition is done using SAD. And another task is to use MSE instead of SAD in the code. Im struggling with it so can anyone help me with this? Here is the code for SAD.
find_motion(my_image_comp *ref, my_image_comp *tgt,
int start_row, int start_col, int block_width, int block_height)
/* This function finds the motion vector which best describes the motion
between the `ref' and `tgt' frames, over a specified block in the
`tgt' frame. Specifically, the block in the `tgt' frame commences
at the coordinates given by `start_row' and `start_col' and extends
over `block_width' columns and `block_height' rows. The function finds
the translational offset (the returned vector) which describes the
best matching block of the same size in the `ref' frame, where
the "best match" is interpreted as the one which minimizes the sum of
absolute differences (SAD) metric. */
mvector vec, best_vec;
int sad, best_sad=256*block_width*block_height;
for (vec.y=-8; vec.y <= 8; vec.y++)
for (vec.x=-8; vec.x <= 8; vec.x++)
int ref_row = start_row-vec.y;
int ref_col = start_col-vec.x;
if ((ref_row < 0) || (ref_col < 0) ||
((ref_row+block_height) > ref->height) ||
((ref_col+block_width) > ref->width))
continue; // Translated block not containe within reference frame
int r, c;
int *rp = ref->buf + ref_row*ref->stride + ref_col;
int *tp = tgt->buf + start_row*tgt->stride + start_col;
for (sad=0, r=block_height; r > 0; r--,
rp+=ref->stride, tp+=tgt->stride)
for (c=0; c < block_width; c++)
int diff = tp[c] - rp[c];
sad += (diff < 0)?(-diff):diff;
if (sad < best_sad)
best_sad = sad;
best_vec = vec;
return best_vec;
I got the answer myself I think.
for (mse = 0, r = block_height; r > 0; r--,
rp+=ref->stride, tp+=tgt->stride)
for (c=0; c < block_width; c++)
int diff = tp[c] - rp[c];
temp = (diff*diff) / (block_height*block_width);
mse += temp;
temp = 0;
if (mse < best_mse)
best_mse = mse;
best_vec = vec;
return best_vec;

OpenCV pixel access pointr vs. at() - Different values

I encountered weird behaviour when trying to access pixels as shown below:
void Dbscan::regionQuery(int i, int j, std::vector<Point>* res) const {
// check rect. grid around center point
const size_t row_min = std::max(0, i-eps_);
const size_t row_max = std::min(n_rows_, i+eps_+1);
const size_t col_min = std::max(0, j-eps_);
const size_t col_max = std::min(n_cols_, j+eps_+1);
assert(masked_img_.depth() == CV_8UC1);
for (int m = row_min; m<row_max; ++m) {
const uchar* mask_ptr = masked_img_.ptr(m);
for (int n = col_min; n<col_max; ++n) {
assert(*mask_ptr ==<uchar>(m, n));
if (<uchar>(m, n) == 255) {
Basically, the second assertion as shown fails and I'm rather clueless as to what is going on. Does anyone have an idea how to best approach debugging the problem above?
Bests regards
cv::Mat::ptr returns a pointer to the beginning of the row from the argument, which is an address of an element in the first column of this row. cv::Mat::at returns a reference to the element in the row and column from the argument. In your code the row matches, but the column doesn't (unless your col_min evaluates to 0), thus you need to move the pointer from cv::Mat::ptr n elements to match your column as well:
for (int m = row_min; m<row_max; ++m) {
const uchar* mask_ptr = masked_img_.ptr(m);
for (int n = col_min; n<col_max; ++n) {
assert(*(mask_ptr + n) ==<uchar>(m, n));
if (<uchar>(m, n) == 255) {

C++: is this a correct way to use integer variables as pointers to a function call?

I am a C++ newbie.
Context: I found this third-party snippet of code that seems to work, but based on my (very limited) knowledge of C++ I suspect it will cause problems. The snippet is as follows:
int aVariable;
int anInt = 1;
int anotherInt = 2;
int lastInt = 3;
aVariable = CHAIN(anInt, anotherInt, lastInt);
Where CHAIN is defined as follows (this is part of a library):
int CHAIN(){ Map(&CHAIN, MakeProcInstance(&_CHAIN), MAP_IPTR_VPN); }
int _CHAIN(int i, int np, int p){ return ASMAlloc(np, p, &chainproc); }
int keyalloc[16384], kpos, alloc_locked, tmp[4];
int ASMAlloc(int np, int p, alias proc)
int v, x;
// if(alloc_locked) return 0 & printf("WARNING: you can declare compound key statements (SEQ, CHAIN, EXEC, TEMPO, AXIS) only inside main() call, and not during an event.\xa");
v = elements(&keyalloc) - kpos - 4;
if(v < np | !np) return 0; // not enough allocation space or no parameters
Map(&v, p); Dim(&v, np); // v = params array
keyalloc[kpos] = np + 4; // size
keyalloc[kpos+1] = &proc; // function
keyalloc[kpos+2] = kpos + 2 + np; // parameters index
while(x < np)
keyalloc[kpos+3+x] = v[x];
x = x+1;
keyalloc[kpos+3+np] = kpos + 3 | JUMP;
x = ASMFind(kpos);
if(x == kpos) kpos = kpos + np + 4;
return x + 1 | PROC; // skip block size
int ASMFind(int x)
int i, j, k; while(i < x)
k = i + keyalloc[i]; // next
if(keyalloc[i] == keyalloc[x]) // size
if(keyalloc[i+1] == keyalloc[x+1]) // proc
j = x-i;
i = i+3;
while(keyalloc[i] == keyalloc[j+i]) i = i+1; // param
if((keyalloc[i] & 0xffff0000) == JUMP) return x-j;
i = k;
return x;
The weird thing is that running
effectively executes
CHAIN(anInt, anotherInt, lastInt);
Somehow. This is what led me to believe that aVariable is, in fact, a pointer.
Is it correct to store a parametrized function call into an integer variable like so? Does "aVariable" work just as a pointer, or is this likely to corrupt random memory areas?
You're calling a function (through an obfuscated interface), and storing the result in an integer. It might or might not cause problems, depending on how you use the value / what you expect it to mean.
Your example contains too many undefined symbols for the reader to provide any better answer.
Also, I think this is C, not C++ code.

Audio Processing C++ - FFT

I'm probably going to ask this incorrectly and make myself look very stupid but here goes:
I'm trying to do some audio manipulate and processing on a .wav file. Now, I am able to read all of the data (including the header) but need the data to be in frequency, and, in order to this I need to use an FFT.
I searched the internet high and low and found one, and the example was taken out of the "Numerical Recipes in C" book, however, I amended it to use vectors instead of arrays. Ok so here's the problem:
I have been given (as an example to use) a series of numbers and a sampling rate:
X = {50, 206, -100, -65, -50, -6, 100, -135}
Sampling Rate : 8000
Number of Samples: 8
And should therefore answer this:
0Hz A=0 D=1.57079633
1000Hz A=50 D=1.57079633
2000HZ A=100 D=0
3000HZ A=100 D=0
4000HZ A=0 D=3.14159265
The code that I re-wrote compiles, however, when trying to input these numbers into the equation (function) I get a Segmentation fault.. Is there something wrong with my code, or is the sampling rate too high? (The algorithm doesn't segment when using a much, much smaller sampling rate). Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#define SWAP(a,b) tempr=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=tempr;
#define pi 3.14159
void ComplexFFT(vector<float> &realData, vector<float> &actualData, unsigned long sample_num, unsigned int sample_rate, int sign)
unsigned long n, mmax, m, j, istep, i;
double wtemp,wr,wpr,wpi,wi,theta,tempr,tempi;
actualData.resize(2*sample_rate, 0);
for(n=0; (n < sample_rate); n++)
if(n < sample_num)
actualData[2*n] = realData[n];
actualData[2*n] = 0;
actualData[2*n+1] = 0;
// Binary Inversion
n = sample_rate << 1;
j = 0;
for(i=0; (i< n /2); i+=2)
if(j > i)
SWAP(actualData[j], actualData[i]);
SWAP(actualData[j+1], actualData[i+1]);
SWAP(actualData[(n-(i+2))], actualData[(n-(j+2))]);
SWAP(actualData[(n-(i+2))+1], actualData[(n-(j+2))+1]);
m = n >> 1;
while (m >= 2 && j >= m) {
j -= m;
m >>= 1;
j += m;
while(n > mmax) {
istep = mmax << 1;
theta = sign * (2*pi/mmax);
wtemp = sin(0.5*theta);
wpr = -2.0*wtemp*wtemp;
wpi = sin(theta);
wr = 1.0;
wi = 0.0;
for(m=1; (m < mmax); m+=2) {
for(i=m; (i <= n); i += istep)
j = i*mmax;
tempr = wr*actualData[j-1]-wi*actualData[j];
tempi = wr*actualData[j]+wi*actualData[j-1];
actualData[j-1] = actualData[i-1] - tempr;
actualData[j] = actualData[i]-tempi;
actualData[i-1] += tempr;
actualData[i] += tempi;
wr = (wtemp=wr)*wpr-wi*wpi+wr;
wi = wi*wpr+wtemp*wpi+wi;
mmax = istep;
// determine if the fundamental frequency
int fundemental_frequency = 0;
for(i=2; (i <= sample_rate); i+=2)
if((pow(actualData[i], 2)+pow(actualData[i+1], 2)) > pow(actualData[fundemental_frequency], 2)+pow(actualData[fundemental_frequency+1], 2)) {
fundemental_frequency = i;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
vector<float> numbers;
vector<float> realNumbers;
ComplexFFT(numbers, realNumbers, 8, 8000, 0);
for(int i=0; (i < realNumbers.size()); i++)
cout << realNumbers[i] << "\n";
The other thing, (I know this sounds stupid) but I don't really know what is expected of the
"int sign" That is being passed through the ComplexFFT function, this is where I could be going wrong.
Does anyone have any suggestions or solutions to this problem?
Thank you :)
I think the problem lies in errors in how you translated the algorithm.
Did you mean to initialize j to 1 rather than 0?
for(i = 0; (i < n/2); i += 2) should probably be for (i = 1; i < n; i += 2).
Your SWAPs should probably be
SWAP(actualData[j - 1], actualData[i - 1]);
SWAP(actualData[j], actualData[i]);
What are the following SWAPs for? I don't think they're needed.
SWAP(actualData[(n-(i+2))], actualData[(n-(j+2))]);
SWAP(actualData[(n-(i+2))+1], actualData[(n-(j+2))+1]);
The j >= m in while (m >= 2 && j >= m) should probably be j > m if you intended to do bit reversal.
In the code implementing the Danielson-Lanczos section, are you sure j = i*mmax; was not supposed to be an addition, i.e. j = i + mmax;?
Apart from that, there are a lot of things you can do to simplify your code.
Using your SWAP macro should be discouraged when you can just use std::swap... I was going to suggest std::swap_ranges, but then I realized you only need to swap the real parts, since your data is all reals (your time-series imaginary parts are all 0):
std::swap(actualData[j - 1], actualData[i - 1]);
You can simplify the entire thing using std::complex, too.
I reckon its down to the re-sizing of your vector.
One possibility: Maybe re-sizing will create temp objects on the stack before moving them back to heap i think.
The FFT in Numerical Recipes in C uses the Cooley-Tukey Algorithm, so in answer to your question at the end, the int sign being passed allows the same routine to be used to compute both the forward (sign=-1) and inverse (sign=1) FFT. This seems to be consistent with the way you are using sign when you define theta = sign * (2*pi/mmax).