Unit Test NService.Send from an API Controller - unit-testing

I have an API Controller which publishes a command using NServiceBus. I am using NUnit and NSubstitute for testing. I want to test that certain properties from the model are populated on the command
Here is my controller with a route.
public class FileServiceController : ApiController
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> ReleaseFile(FileReleaseAPIModels.ReleaseFileModel model)
var currentUser = RequestContext.Principal?.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
if (model.FileType.Equals("ProductFile"))
_logger.Info($"Releasing Product files for date: {model.FileDate.ToShortDateString()} ");
_bus.Send<IReleaseProductFiles>("FileManager.Service", t =>
t.FileId = Guid.NewGuid();
t.RequestedDataDate = model.FileDate;
t.RequestingUser = currentUser?.Name;
t.RequestDateTime = DateTime.Now;
return Ok();
In my test, I substitute(mock) Ibus and try to validate the call received. Here is the test method:
public async Task TestReleaseProductsFile()
var bus = Substitute.For<IBus>();
var dbContent = _container.Resolve<IFileManagerDbContext>();
var apiContext = new FileServiceController(bus, dbContent);
//Create a snapshot
var releaseDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
var result = await apiContext.ReleaseFile(new ReleaseFileModel
FileDate = releaseDate,
FileType = "ProductFile"
Assert.That(result, Is.Not.Null, "Result is null");
Assert.That(result, Is.TypeOf<OkResult>(), "Status code is not ok");
.Send<IReleaseProductFiles>(Arg.Is<string>("FileManager.Service"), Arg.Is<Action<IReleaseProductFiles>>(
action =>
action.FileId = Guid.NewGuid();
action.RequestedDataDate = releaseDate;
action.RequestingUser = String.Empty;
action.RequestDateTime = DateTime.Now;
This results in error - even though the message is actually sent. Here is the error message:
NSubstitute.Exceptions.ReceivedCallsException : Expected to receive exactly 1 call matching:
Send<IReleaseProductFiles>("Capelogic.Service", Action<IReleaseProductFiles>)
Actually received no matching calls.
Received 1 non-matching call (non-matching arguments indicated with '*' characters):
Send<IReleaseProductFiles>("Capelogic.Service", *Action<IReleaseProductFiles>*)
I am obviously missing something obvious here.

The problem here is with the Action<IReleaseProductFiles> argument to Send -- we can't automatically tell if two different actions are the same. Instead, NSubstitute relies on the references being equivalent. Because both the test and the production code create their own Action instance, these will always be different and NSubstitute will say the calls don't match.
There are a few different options for testing this. These examples relate to Expression<Func<>>, but the same ideas apply to Action<>s.
In this case I'd be tempted to test this indirectly:
public async Task TestReleaseProductsFile()
var bus = Substitute.For<IBus>();
var returnedProductFiles = Substitute.For<IReleaseProductFiles>();
// Whenever bus.Send is called with "FileManager.Service" arg, invoke
// the given callback with the `returnedProductFiles` object.
// We can then make sure the action updates that object as expected.
// ... remainder of test ...
Assert.That(result, Is.TypeOf<OkResult>(), "Status code is not ok");
Assert.That(returnedProductFiles.FileId, Is.Not.EqualTo(Guid.Empty));
Assert.That(returnedProductFiles.RequestedDataDate, Is.EqualTo(releaseDate));
Assert.That(returnedProductFiles.RequestingUser, Is.EqualTo(String.Empty));
I'd recommend having a look through the previously mentioned answer though to see if there is a better fit for your situation.


Dart Testing with Riverpod StateNotifierProvider and AsyncValue as state

This is my first app with Dart/Flutter/Riverpod, so any advice or comment about the code is welcome.
I'm using Hive as embedded db so the initial value for the provider's state is loaded asynchronously and using an AsyncValue of riverpod to wrapped it.
The following code works but I've got some doubts about the testing approach, so I would like to confirm if I'm using the Riverpod lib as It supposed to be used.
This is my provider with its deps (Preferences is a HiveObject to store app general config data):
final hiveProvider = FutureProvider<HiveInterface>((ref) async {
return await App.setUp();
final prefBoxProvider = FutureProvider<Box<Preferences>>((ref) async {
final HiveInterface hive = await ref.read(hiveProvider.future);
return hive.openBox<Preferences>("preferences");
class PreferencesNotifier extends StateNotifier<AsyncValue<Preferences>> {
late Box<Preferences> prefBox;
PreferencesNotifier(Future<Box<Preferences>> prefBoxFuture): super(const AsyncValue.loading()) {
prefBoxFuture.then((value) {
prefBox = value;
void _loadCurrentPreferences() {
Preferences pref = prefBox.get(0) ?? Preferences();
state = AsyncValue.data(pref);
Future<void> save(Preferences prefs) async {
await prefBox.put(0, prefs);
state = AsyncValue.data(prefs);
Preferences? get preferences {
return state.when(data: (value) => value,
error: (_, __) => null,
loading: () => null);
final preferencesProvider = StateNotifierProvider<PreferencesNotifier, AsyncValue<Preferences>>((ref) {
return PreferencesNotifier(ref.read(prefBoxProvider.future));
And the following is the test case, I'm mocking the Hive box provider (prefBoxProvider):
class Listener extends Mock {
void call(dynamic previous, dynamic value);
Future<Box<Preferences>> prefBoxTesting() async {
final hive = await App.setUp();
Box<Preferences> box = await hive.openBox<Preferences>("testing_preferences");
await box.clear();
return box;
void main() {
test('Preferences value changes', () async {
final container = ProviderContainer(overrides: [
prefBoxProvider.overrideWithValue(AsyncValue.data(await prefBoxTesting()))
addTearDown(() {
final listener = Listener();
fireImmediately: true,
verify(listener(null, const TypeMatcher<AsyncLoading>())).called(1);
// Next line waits until we have a value for preferences attribute
await container.read(preferencesProvider.notifier).stream.first;
verify(listener(const TypeMatcher<AsyncLoading>(), const TypeMatcher<AsyncData>())).called(1);
Preferences preferences = Preferences.from(container.read(preferencesProvider.notifier).preferences!);
preferences.currentListName = 'Lista1';
await container.read(preferencesProvider.notifier).save(preferences);
verify(listener(const TypeMatcher<AsyncData>(), const TypeMatcher<AsyncData>())).called(1);
final name = container.read(preferencesProvider.notifier).preferences!.currentListName;
expect(name, equals('Lista1'));
I've used as reference the official docs about testing Riverpod and the GitHub issue related with AsyncValues
Well, I found some problems to verify that the listener is called with the proper values, I used the TypeMatcher just to verify that the state instance has got the proper type and I check ("manually") the value of the wrapped object's attribute if It's the expected one. Is there a better way to achieve this ?
Finally, I didn't find too many examples with StateNotifier and AsyncValue as state type, Is there a better approach to implement providers that are initialized with deferred data ?
I didn't like too much my original approach so I created my own Matcher to compare wrapped values in AsyncValue instances:
class IsWrappedValueEquals extends Matcher {
final dynamic value;
bool matches(covariant AsyncValue actual, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) =>
equals(actual.value).matches(value, matchState);
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('Is wrapped value equals');
In the test, the final part is a bit different:
Preferences preferences = Preferences.from(container.read(preferencesProvider.notifier).preferences!);
preferences.currentListName = 'Lista1';
await container.read(preferencesProvider.notifier).save(preferences);
// the following line is the new one
verify(listener(IsWrappedValueEquals(Preferences()), IsWrappedValueEquals(preferences))).called(1);
I prefer my custom Matcher to the original code, but I feel that there are too many custom code to test something, apparently, common.
If anyone can tell me a better solution for this case, It'd be great.

How to mock UnitOfWork when using transactions (NUnit and NSubstitute)

I have created a Web API using ASP.NET Core 3.1 and EF Core 5.0. Data is stored in a MSSQL database.
I have implemented UnitOfWork and repository pattern.
The UnitOfWork class has a method used to create transactions and it look like this:
public async Task ExecuteTransaction(Func<Task> insideTransactionFunction)
var transaction = await _context.Database.BeginTransactionAsync();
await insideTransactionFunction();
await transaction.CommitAsync();
catch (Exception)
await transaction.RollbackAsync();
Im trying to write tests, for service classses that uses the UnitOfWork class to modify the data in the SQL database. Fx when adding a user using the UserService:
public async Task<User> AddUserAsync(User user)
await _unitOfWork.ExecuteTransaction(async () =>
//Add user locally to generate the local id
await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();
//...Some logic that uses the generated user id...
if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email.User) == false)
//Inviting the user returns the generated Azure User id
user.AzureUserId = _azureService.InviteUser(user.Email);
await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();
return user;
A test for the above method could look like this:
public async Task AddUserAsync_UserQualifiesForAzureInvite_AzureUserIdSetOnCreatedUser()
var unitOfWork = Substitute.For<IUnitOfWork>();
var azureService = Substitute.For<IAzureService>();
var uut = new UserService(unitOfWork, azureService);
var newUser = new User { ... some setup ... };
var azureUserId = Guid.NewGuid();
var createdUser = await _uut.AddUserAsync(newUser); //Returns right away
Assert.That(createdUser.AzureUserId, Is.EqualTo(azureUserId));
The problem is that the transaction created with UnitOfWork is ignored and the user is returned straight away.
public async Task<User> AddUserAsync(User user)
//Skipped from here...
await _unitOfWork.ExecuteTransaction(async () =>
//...To here
return user;
So my question is: How can i mock the UnitOfWork class and still be able to test code wrapped in the the transaction?
My architecture was fundamentally flawed. Check out the comments and links made by Panagiotis Kanavos.
The solution was to get rid of UnitOfWork and the repositories and it seems testable now.

Unit testing of Saga handlers in rebus and correlation issues

I have this simple Saga in Rebus:
public void MySaga : Saga<MySagaData>
private IBus bus;
private ILog logger;
public MySaga(IBus bus, ILog logger)
if (bus == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("bus");
if (logger == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("logger");
this.bus = bus;
this.logger = logger;
protected override void CorrelateMessages(ICorrelationConfig<MySagaData> config)
config.Correlate<Event>(m => m.MyObjectId.Id, s => s.Id);
config.Correlate<Event>(m => m.MyObjectId.Id, s => s.Id);
public Task Handle(Event1 message)
return Task.Run(() =>
this.Data.Id = message.MyObjectId.Id;
this.Data.State = MyEnumSagaData.Step1;
var cmd = new ResponseCommandToEvent1(message.MyObjectId);
public Task Handle(Event2 message)
return Task.Run(() =>
this.Data.State = MyEnumSagaData.Step2;
var cmd = new ResponseCommandToEvent2(message.MyObjectId);
and thanks to the kind mookid8000 I can test the saga using FakeBus and a SagaFixture:
public void TestInitialize()
var log = new Mock<ILog>();
bus = new FakeBus();
fixture = SagaFixture.For<MySaga>(() => new MySaga(bus, log.Object));
idTest = new MyObjectId(Guid.Parse("1B2E7286-97E5-4978-B5B0-D288D71AD670"));
public void TestIAmInitiatedBy()
evt = new Event1(idTest);
var testableFixture = fixture.Data.OfType<MySagaData>().First();
Assert.AreEqual(MyEnumSagaData.Step1, testableFixture.State);
// ... more asserts
public void TestIHandleMessages()
evt = new Event2(idTest);
var testableFixture = fixture.Data.OfType<MySagaData>().First();
Assert.AreEqual(MyEnumSagaData.Step2, testableFixture.State);
// ... more asserts
public void TestCleanup()
The first test method that check IAmInitiatedBy is correctly executed and no error is thrown, while the second test fail. It looks like a correlation issues since fixture.Data contains no elements and in fixture.LogEvents contains as last elements this error: Could not find existing saga data for message Event2/b91d161b-eb1b-419d-9576-2c13cd9d9c51.
What is this GUID? Is completly different from the one I defined in the unit test? Any ideas? Is legal what I'm tryng to test (since I'm using an in-memory bus)?
This line is bad: this.Data.Id = message.MyObjectId.Id. If you checked the value of Data.Id before you overwrote it, you would have noticed that the property already had a value.
You do not assign the saga ID - Rebus does that. And you should leave that property alone :)
Regarding your error - when Rebus wants to log information about a specific message, it logs a short name for the type and the message ID, i.e. the value of the automatically-assigned rbs2-msg-id header. In other words: It's not the value of the property m.MyObjectId.Id, you're seeing, it's the message ID.
Since the saga fixture is re-initialized for every test run, and you only deliver an Event2 to it (which is not allowed to initiate a new instance), the saga will not be hit.

Asp. NET MVC 4.5 - How to Unit Test Actions?

In Asp.net MVC 4.5 , using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.
is there a way to really unit test an ActionResult? All documentation I have seen only tests the view name!
Assert.AreEqual("Action Method", result.ViewName);
Well, I want to have a really test. How can I test the response of the controller-action ?
Given something basic along the lines of:
public ActionResult Display(string productCode)
var model = new ProductModel(productCode);
if (model.NotFound)
return this.RedirectToRoute("NotFound");
return this.View("Product", model);
Instead of something that asserts like Assert.AreEqual("Action Method", result.ViewName); (which can be a valid test.
You have many options including...
Looking at the model type
public void Display_WhenPassedValidProductCode_CreatesModel()
using (var controller = this.CreateController())
// Arrange Mocks on controller, e.g. a Service or Repository
// Act
var result = controller.Display(string.Empty) as ViewResult;
var model = (ProductModel)result.Model;
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(model, typeof(ProductModel));
Looking at the model population process
public void Display_WhenPassedValidProductCode_PopulatesModel()
using (var controller = this.CreateController())
const string ProductCode = "123465";
// Arrange Mocks on controller, e.g. a Service or Repository
// Act
var result = controller.Display(ProductCode) as ViewResult;
var model = (ProductModel)result.Model;
Assert.AreEqual(ProductCode, model.ProductCode);
Looking at the type of action result
public void Display_WhenNotFound_Redirects()
using (var controller = this.CreateController())
const string ProductCode = "789000";
// Arrange Mocks on controller, e.g. a Service or Repository
// Act
var result = controller.Display(ProductCode) as RedirectToRouteResult;
Assert.IsNotNull(result); // An "as" cast will be null if the type does not match
Basically you can test pretty much anything, pick an example on your code base and try and test it. If you get stuck construct a decent question and post it here.

CommonDomain - how to unit test aggregate root

I have a small system that uses Jonathan Oliver's CommonDomain and EventStore.
How can I unit test my aggregate roots in order to verify that correct events are raised?
Consider following aggregate root:
public class Subscriber : AggregateBase
private Subscriber(Guid id)
this.Id = id;
private Subscriber(Guid id, string email, DateTimeOffset registeredDate)
: this(id)
this.RaiseEvent(new NewSubscriberRegistered(this.Id, email, registeredDate));
public string Email{ get; private set; }
public DateTimeOffset RegisteredDate { get; private set; }
public static Subscriber Create(Guid id, string email, DateTimeOffset registeredDate)
return new Subscriber(id, email, registeredDate);
private void Apply(NewSubscriberRegistered #event)
this.Email = #event.Email;
this.RegisteredDate = #event.RegisteredDate;
I would like to write a following test:
// Arrange
var id = Guid.NewGuid();
var email = "test#thelightfull.com";
var registeredDate = DateTimeOffset.Now;
// Act
var subscriber = Subscriber.Create(id, email, registeredDate);
// Assert
var eventsRaised = subscriber.GetEvents(); <---- How to get the events?
// Assert that NewSubscriberRegistered event was raised with valid data
I could set up whole EventStore with memory persistence and synchronous dispatcher, hook up mock event handler and store any published events for verification, but it seems a bit of overkill.
There is an interface IRouteEvents in CommonDomain. Looks like I could mock it to get the events directly from AggregateBase but how would I actually pass it to my Subscriber class? I don't want to 'pollute' my domian with testing-related code.
I've found out that AggregateBase explicitly implements IAggregate interface, which exposes ICollection GetUncommittedEvents(); method.
So the unit test looks like that:
var eventsRaised = ((IAggregate)subscriber).GetUncommittedEvents();
and no dependency on EventStore is required.
I just pushed up NEventStoreExample with code I gathered in various places (StackOverflow, Documently, Greg Young's skillcast).
It's a very basic implementation of NEventStore that uses CommonDomain to rebuild aggregate state and an EventSpecification base test class to test aggregate behaviour.
Here is a fairly simple test fixture that uses NUnit and ApprovalTests to test CommonDomain aggregate roots . (ApprovalTests is not required - just kinda makes life simple).
The assumption is that
1) the fixture is instantiated with an aggregate (perhaps already set in a certain state) along with a series of 'given' events to be applied.
2) the test will then invoke a specific command handler as part of the TestCommand method - current expectation is a Func that returns the command that is handled
3) the aggregate snapshot, commands, and events all contain 'rich' ToString methods
The TestCommand method then compares the expected with the approved interactions within the aggregate.
public class DomainTestFixture<T>
where T : AggregateBase
private readonly T _agg;
private readonly StringBuilder _outputSb = new StringBuilder();
public DomainTestFixture(T agg, List<object> giveEvents)
_agg = agg;
_outputSb.AppendLine(string.Format("Given a {0}:", agg.GetType().Name));
giveEvents.ForEach(x => ((IAggregate) _agg).ApplyEvent(x));
giveEvents.Count == 0
? string.Format("with no previously applied events.")
: string.Format("with previously applied events:")
giveEvents.ForEach(x => _outputSb.AppendLine(string.Format(" - {0}", x)));
((IAggregate) _agg).ClearUncommittedEvents();
var snapshot = ((IAggregate) _agg).GetSnapshot();
_outputSb.AppendLine(string.Format("which results in the state: {0}", snapshot));
public void TestCommand(Func<T, object> action)
var cmd = action.Invoke(_agg);
_outputSb.AppendLine(string.Format("When handling the command: {0}", cmd));
_outputSb.AppendLine(string.Format("Then the {0} reacts ", _agg.GetType().Name));
var raisedEvents = ((IAggregate) _agg).GetUncommittedEvents().Cast<object>().ToList();
raisedEvents.Count == 0
? string.Format("with no raised events")
: string.Format("with the following raised events:")
raisedEvents.ForEach(x => _outputSb.AppendLine(string.Format(" - {0}", x)));
var snapshot = ((IAggregate) _agg).GetSnapshot();
var typ = snapshot.GetType();
_outputSb.AppendLine(string.Format("and results in the state: {0}", snapshot));
and an example usage
public void Test_Some_Aggregate_Handle_Command()
var aggId = Guid.Empty;
var tester = new DomainTestFixture<PartAggregate>(
new PartAggregate(aggId, null),
new List<object>()
new PartOrdered(),
new PartReceived()
(agg) =>
var cmd = new RejectPart();
return cmd;