I am developing a library. I have interface class that would be called from outside.
I have also an internal engine that should not be called from outside.
As I read here and there, I should hide the internal engine class and not even populate its header. Since I have the following structure:
#include "engine.hpp"
class interface{
enigne eng;
#include "engine.hpp"
//code that uses member variables and functions from eninge
class engine{};
To solve the problem of populating "engine.hpp", I should change the code to:
class engine;
class interface{
some_smart_pointer<enigne> eng_ptr;
#include "engine.hpp"
//code that uses member variables and functions from eninge
class engine{};
This solved the problem. However, from now engine is allocated dynamically. All its member variables are in the free store.
I can not understand that I have to change my design and allocate engine on the free store for solving the problem of hiding implementation details. Is there a better solution?
P.S. I am not asking about why this solution works. I know it's about knowing the size of engine class is mandatory if I would leave it on stack. My question is about asking for a different design that may solve the problem.
Both interface and engine have member variables.
You're using the PIMPL idiom. The other way to hide implementation is to use interfaces, i.e. an abstract base class and a factory function:
class interface{
virtual ~interface(){}
virtual void some_method() = 0;
// the factory function
static some_smart_pointer<interface> create();
#include "interface.hpp"
#include "engine.hpp"
class concrete : public interface{
virtual void some_method() override { /* do something with engine */ }
engine eng;
some_smart_pointer<interface> create(){ return new concrete; }
#include "interface.hpp"
int main()
auto interface = create();
return 0;
The drawback here is that you must allocate dynamically interface instead of engine.
More discussion about PIMPL and interfaces here and here
Based on STL containers and Howard Hinnant's stack allocator, a third way to avoid variables in the free store can be:
class interface{
// I disable copy here, but you can implement them
interface(const interface&) = delete;
interface& operator=(interface&) = delete;
engine* eng;
#include "interface.hpp"
#include "engine.hpp"
#include "short_alloc.h"
#include <map>
// use a stack allocator of 200 bytes
short_alloc<std::pair<interface*, engine>, 200>
> engines;
// operator[] implicitly creates an instance and returns a reference to it
// the pointer gets the address
// destroy the instance
I can not understand that I have to change my design and allocate engine on the free store for solving the problem of hiding implementation details.
You seem to already have explained it yourself:
I know it's about knowing the size of engine class
Indeed. If the interface had a member of engine type, then it would necessarily need to know the size of that member - otherwise the size of interface itself couldn't be known. The size of an incomplete type can not be known. Defining the member type would solve that but conflicts with your desire to hide the implementation.
Is there a better solution?
There is no better solution. PIMPL with free store - which is the pattern that you currently use - is as good as it gets.
Technically, PIMPL doesn't require you to use the free store. You can store the object anywhere you like. You could use static storage. But that would limit the number of instances that you can have. You can even allocate a buffer of memory as a member of interface, but you need to hard code the size of such buffer and it must match the size (and alignment) of engine.
I would categorise both of these theoretical suggestions as kludges - the latter in particular. Static storage may be worth it if your profiling suggests that the overhead of that particular extra allocation is significant and forgoing PIMPL is not an option.
This is the standard solution for this problem: It is named the PIMPL (pointer to implementation) idiom. And as the name says, it always involves a pointer (or smart pointer) to the implementation class because
C++ simply doesn't allow this:
class engine;
class interface{
enigne eng;
The typical solution to hide implementations and not force objects to be allocated on the heap is to put them in a detail namespace, and put the headers for those types in a detail subdirectory.
Note that some aspect of your implementation will be exposed as it will affect the ABI of your library. There's no solution that can give you both ABI insulation and avoiding allocating objects on the heap.
Chances are that you're best off using pimpl, as you describe.
This is another, "My code isn't working and i don't know why, " question i'm afraid. I just don't have enough knowledge of the stl to know why std::map::insert would throw an exception. If you know what cases it throws an exception, you can probably skip this wall of text and just answer. If you just desperately need some background on the issue, then have at it. I'll post my code and explain what is done, and i would be very grateful if all you with a better knowledge of the stl could explain what could be wrong with my call to insert.
I wrote an object awhile ago that i use occasionally as my go to factory object. It's main purpose is basically to take a string and store both the string and a "create new object function" pointer, so that in the end, you can call a function, pass a string, and if there is a valid registration for it, it returns a new instance of a derived object. Less talk, more code, here's what i got:
#ifndef FACTORY_H
#define FACTORY_H
// library tools
#include <map>
#include <string>
// Simplified registration macros
#define DECLARE_DERIVED(T, base) static Factory<base>::DerivedRegister<T> reg;
#define DEFINE_DERIVED(T, base, s) Factory<base>::DerivedRegister<T> T::reg(s);
template<class base>
class Factory
template<class T>
static base * createT() { return new T;}
typedef std::map<std::string, base*(*)()> map_type;
virtual ~Factory(){ }
static base * createInstance(const std::string & s)
return nullptr;
std::map<std::string, base*(*)()>::iterator it = m_Map.find(s);
return it->second();
template <class T>
struct DerivedRegister;
static map_type m_Map;
template<class base>
template<class T>
struct Factory<base>::DerivedRegister : public Factory<base>
DerivedRegister(std::string const & s)
m_Map.insert(std::pair<std::string, base*(*)()>(s, &createT<T>));
here's a better explanation of what it does real quick. Let's say you have a base class, class A . and then you have any number of derived classes. I make a factory object somewhere templated to A, and then either create a derived register object manually, or use the macro at the top within the derived classes declaration to create a static registry object. Then you define it in the implementation and call it's constructor, passing in a string to be used to identify the object. using the factory member createInstance you can pass in a string identifier and have a derived object returned, pointed to by an A *.
class A
// the map for this factory template has to be defined somewhere, as it is static
Factory<A>::map_type Factory<A>::m_Map;
#include <A.h>
class B : public A
// anywhere in declaration of derived B
// just somewhere in cpp file
int main()
A * ptr;
Factory<A> factory;
ptr = factory.createInstance("B");
This object has worked for me in the past, mostly without a hitch. Now i'm doing a project a little more complicated. I've taken a liking to the data organization/ api design involved with game engines, and i'm just trying to implement a solution of cataloging, (but not instantiated) shaders, so that you have a whole list of the shaders you've programmed, but they will not be instantiated at run-time unless needed. That aside, this question actually has nothing to do with d3d11, or at least i hope not.
So here is what's going on. I have an object that represents a graphics-shader abstract class. All the shaders you wish to write must derive from this object. The you derive from and implement it's functions differently for all your different shaders.
let's call the base object "SYNC::D3D11Shader" in namespace sync and the derived shaders "ColorShader" "LightShader" and "TextureShader". Since i do not simply want to make an std::map of instances of these shaders within the rendering object, i make a factory within the rendering object like this.
class D3D11Renderer
// many other members...
Factory<D3D11Shader> m_ShaderFactory;
// many other member...
// define this templated classes map or you'll get undefined errors
Factory<SYNC::D3D11Shader>::map_type Factory<SYNC::D3D11Shader>::m_Map;
and then in the ColorShader i use the macros like so
class D3D11ColorShader : public SYNC::D3D11Shader
// ...lotsa members
DECLARE_DERIVED(D3D11ColorShader, SYNC::D3D11Shader)
// lotsa member...
// define the registery object with it's key here
DEFINE_DERIVED(D3D11ColorShader, SYNC::D3D11Shader, "ColorShader")
this all compiles fine, and where it throws it's exception is where i first call the registryObjects constructor in D3D11ColorShader.cpp, spefically at the insert call. the exception error is this:
Unhandled exception at 0x772315de in Syncopate.exe: 0xC0000005: Access
violation reading location 0x00000004.
So in reality, the question boils down to, when does std::map::insert throw an exception and why. I just knew everyone would be asking for some background on what i'm doing. Low and behold, a giant wall of text has appeared! All i really need is a hunch.
also should i or should i not tag d3d11, because the question doesn't really pertain to it?
Here's a problem:
std::map<std::string, base*(*)()>::iterator it = m_Map.find(s);
return it->second();
if the call to find fails (i,e. it can't find 's' in the map), then it will return m_Map.end(). Dereferencing that is a no-no.
My guess would be that this is due to the order of initialization of static variables. There is no way to control this order. So you are not guaranteed that your initialization:
Factory<A>::map_type Factory<A>::m_Map;
gets called before this initialization:
In this case the latter statement must be getting initialized first and so you map has not been allocated.
An alternative design pattern would control the initialization of the singleton factories. If you have an explicit Initialize function on each which creates the factory object then you can call this at the start of your main. E.g.
class Factory {
static Factory* instance_;
static Initialize(){instance_=new Factory;}
Factory* instance(){return instance_;}
static Factory* Factory::instance_ = NULL;
If you have a lot of factories you will probably want a single initialize function that initializes them all, and you will have to remember to add in the new factories as you create them.
Okay, i have actually been laboring over this error for about a day, and only now do i realize what is wrong.
problem 1:
the derived shaders header was never actually included anywhere throughout the project, and despite the fact that it never needs to be directly instantiated, it still has to be included somewhere so it can be linked and included in build.
problem 2:
interesting enough, just like combinatorial said, the initialization order was not done one after the other, but then looking over my old code, it seemed to initialize correctly before. what the difference here was, i put the factory of the derived objects within a different object then the base class. what i used to do was declare a static function and static factory within the base class so that you could instantiate any of it's registered derived classes from the base class itself. When the factory is included within the base class instead, and instantiation is done through a static function, the initialization order of all the statics seems to be constently in order ( not sure if this is always true). It runs fine now after changing this.
so now, my answer, you can get operating system exceptions like this for trying to use references to objects that were never actually included anywhere in your project. I don't have a very good knowledge of compilers or linkers to tell you why it seemed to compile fine, despite this object never being included. If someone wants to extend my answer, please.
I use MSVC++ 2010 express if that pertains to this predicament.
I have a class in my library which I want to expose to the users. I don't want to expose the whole class as I might want to make a binary incompatible changes later. I am confused with which of the following ways would be best.
Case 1:
struct Impl1;
struct Handle1
// The definition will not be inline and will be defined in a C file
// Showing here for simplicity
void interface()
struct Impl1 : public Handle1
void interface(){ /* Do ***actual*** work */ }
int _data; // And other private data
Case 2:
struct Impl2
struct Handle2
// Constructor/destructor to manage impl
void interface() // Will not be inline as above.
Impl2* _impl;
struct Impl2
void interface(){ /* Do ***actual*** work */ }
int _data; // And other private data
The Handle class is only for exposing functionality. They will be created and managed only inside the library. Inheritance is just for abstracting implementation details. There won't be multiple/different impl classes. In terms of performance, I think both will be identical. Is it? I am thinking of going with the Case 1 approach. Are there any issues that needs to be taken care of?
Your second approach looks very much like the compilation firewall idiom (sometimes known as the PIMPL idiom).
The only difference is that in the compilation firewall idiom, the implementation class is usually (but not always) defined as a member. Don't forget the constructor
(which allocates the Impl) and the destructor (which frees it). Along with the copy constructor and assignment operator.
The first approach also works, but it will require factory functions to create the objects. When I've used it, I've simply made all of the functions in the Handle pure virtual, and let the client code call them directly.
In this case, since client code actually has pointers to your object (in the compilation firewall idiom, the only pointers are in the Handle class itself), and the client will have to worry about memory management; if no cycles are possible, this is one case where shared_ptr makes a lot of sense. (The factory function can return a
shared_ptr, for example, and client code may never see a raw pointer.)
I've been programming in Java way too long, and finding my way back to some C++. I want to write some code that given a class (either a type_info, or its name in a string) can create an instance of that class. For simplicity, let's assume it only needs to call the default constructor. Is this even possible in C++, and if not is it coming in a future TR?
I have found a way to do this, but I'm hoping there is something more "dynamic". For the classes I expect to wish to instantiate (this is a problem in itself, as I want to leave that decision up to configuration), I have created a singleton factory with a statically-created instance that registers itself with another class. eg. for the class Foo, there is also a FooFactory that has a static FooFactory instance, so that at program startup the FooFactory constructor gets called, which registers itself with another class. Then, when I wish to create a Foo at runtime, I find the FooFactory and call it to create the Foo instance. Is there anything better for doing this in C++? I'm guessing I've just been spoiled by rich reflection in Java/C#.
For context, I'm trying to apply some of the IOC container concepts I've become so used to in the Java world to C++, and hoping I can make it as dynamic as possible, without needing to add a Factory class for every other class in my application.
You could always use templates, though I'm not sure that this is what your looking for:
template <typename T>
instantiate ()
return T ();
Or on a class:
template <typename T>
class MyClass
Welcome in C++ :)
You are correct that you will need a Factory to create those objects, however you might not need one Factory per file.
The typical way of going at it is having all instanciable classes derive from a common base class, that we will call Base, so that you'll need a single Factory which will serve a std::unique_ptr<Base> to you each time.
There are 2 ways to implement the Factory:
You can use the Prototype pattern, and register an instance of the class to create, on which a clone function will be called.
You can register a pointer to function or a functor (or std::function<Base*()> in C++0x)
Of course the difficulty is to register those entries dynamically. This is typically done at start-up during static initialization.
// OO-way
class Derived: public Base
virtual Derived* clone() const { return new Derived(*this); }
// start-up...
namespace { Base* derived = GetFactory().register("Derived", new Derived); }
// ...or in main
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
GetFactory().register("Derived", new Derived(argv[1]));
// Pointer to function
class Derived: public Base {};
// C++03
namespace {
Base* makeDerived() { return new Derived; }
Base* derived = GetFactory().register("Derived", makeDerived);
// C++0x
namespace {
Base* derived = GetFactory().register("Derived", []() { return new Derived; });
The main advantage of the start-up way is that you can perfectly define your Derived class in its own file, tuck the registration there, and no other file is impacted by your changes. This is great for handling dependencies.
On the other hand, if the prototype you wish to create requires some external information / parameters, then you are forced to use an initialization method, the simplest of which being to register your instance in main (or equivalent) once you have the necessary parameters.
Quick note: the pointer to function method is the most economic (in memory) and the fastest (in execution), but the syntax is weird...
Regarding the follow-up questions.
Yes it is possible to pass a type to a function, though perhaps not directly:
if the type in question is known at compile time, you can use the templates, though you'll need some time to get acquainted with the syntax
if not, then you'll need to pass some kind of ID and use the factory approach
If you need to pass something akin to object.class then it seems to me that you are approaching the double dispatch use case and it would be worth looking at the Visitor pattern.
No. There is no way to get from a type's name to the actual type; rich reflection is pretty cool, but there's almost always a better way.
no such thing as "var" or "dynamic" in C++ last time I've checked(although that was a WHILE ago). You could use a (void*) pointer and then try casting accordingly. Also, if memory serves me right, C++ does have RTTI which is not reflection but can help with identifying types at runtime.
When implementing singletons in c++, I see two ways to store implementation data :
(A) put all implementation data in the private section and implement class as usual
(B) "pimpl idiom for singletons" : hide implementation data by placing it to the 'Impl' structure, which can be defined in the implementation file. Private section contains only a reference to the implementation structure.
Here is a concept code to clarify what I mean by (A) and (B) implementation options :
(A) SingletonClassMembers.hpp :
// a lot of includes required by private section
#include "HelperClass1.hpp"
#include "HelperClass2.hpp"
// some includes required by public section
// ...
class SingletonClassMembers {
static SingletonClassMembers& getInstance();
// public methods
SingletonClassMembers ();
SingletonClassMembers (const SingletonClassMembers&); //not implemented
SingletonClassMembers& operator=(const SingletonClassMembers&); //not implemented
HelperClass1 mMember1;
HelperClass2 mMember2; //and so on
(A) SingletonClassMembers.cpp :
#include "SingletonClassMembers.hpp"
SingletonClassMembers& getInstance() {
static SingletonClassMembers sImpl;
return sImpl;
(B) SingletonHiddenImpl.hpp :
// some includes required by public section
// ...
class SingletonHiddenImpl {
static SingletonHiddenImpl& getInstance();
// public methods
SingletonHiddenImpl ();
~SingletonHiddenImpl ();
SingletonHiddenImpl (const SingletonHiddenImpl&); //not implemented
SingletonHiddenImpl& operator=(const SingletonHiddenImpl&); //not implemented
struct Impl;
Impl& mImpl;
(B) SingletonHiddenImpl.cpp :
#include "SingletonHiddenImpl.hpp"
#include "HelperClass1.hpp"
#include "HelperClass2.hpp"
struct SingletonHiddenImpl::Impl {
HelperClass1 member1;
HelperClass2 member2;
static inline SingletonHiddenImpl::Impl& getImpl () {
static Impl sImpl;
return sImpl;
SingletonHiddenImpl::SingletonHiddenImpl ()
: mImpl (getImpl())
So, using (B) approach, you can hide implementation details better and (unlike pimpl idiom for ordinary classes) there`s no performance loss. I can`t imagine conditions where (A) approach would be more appropriate
The question is, what are the advantages of storing implementation data as class members (A) ?
Thank you
Using case A has following benefits:
You reduce dependency between classes SingletonClassMembers and SingletonHiddenImpl.
You don't need to create configurator pattern in class SingletonClassMembers if you trying avoid restriction on (1) by dependency injection
This case is weak, but anyway: it is simple to maintenance single class
In multithreading environment you will need to support both class synchronization mechanism, while in single class only single locks is needed.
As you only have one instance of your singleton, you can actually move your helpers into the implementation class as "static" there without requiring them to be private inside the header. Of course you don't want to initialise them until you start your class so you would use some kind of smart-pointer, could be auto_ptr here or boost::scoped_ptr, or a pointer with boost::once initialisation (more thread-safe) with deletes in your singleton's destructor.
You can call this model C and probably has the best of both worlds as you completely hide your implementation.
As is the case with any singleton, you need to be extra careful not to throw in your constructor.
When considering efficiency with pimpl, it is not the heap that causes overhead, but the indirection (done by delegation). This delegation typically isn't optimized out (at least not at the time I was considering this ;-)), so there is not a big gain apart from the startup (1 time) penalty for creating the impl. (BTW, I didn't see any delegation functions in your example)
So I don't see that much difference in using pimpl in normal classes or in singletons. I think in both case, using pimpl for classes with limited interface and heavy implementation, it makes sense.
I've been spoiled using Java in the last few months! I have a C++ project where I would like to decouple a class interface (.h file) from its implementation details. But the class's member fields have to be in its declaration, and it seems like I have this unavoidable dependency linking if I want to tweak the class's member fields.
I know one way to do this is using polymorphism + class inheritance (make the interface a base class, make the implementation a derived class), but if I remember right, that requires virtual functions, which are something I would like to avoid -- this is on a DSP and it's advantageous not to get too "C++-y" with things.
any suggestions?
You want the PIMPL idiom.
You know, I thought about this and your objection to PIMPL for a bit.
I have an ugly hack I use sometimes for cases like this, where I resent paying the indirection penalty. Though usually my complaint is with calling new, and not with the pointer dereference. I present my ugly hack thusly:
// IHaveOpaqueData.h
class IHaveOpaqueData {
// To make sure there are no alignment problems, maybe ::std::uin64_t
typedef maximally_aligned_type_t internal_data_t[32]; // Some size I hope is big enough
void iCanHazMemberFunction();
// ...
internal_data_t data;
// IHaveOpaqueData.cpp
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
namespace { // Hide it in an anonymous namespace
struct RealData {
int icanhazmembervariable_;
double icanhazdoublevariable_;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(RealData) < sizeof(IHaveOpaqueData::internal_data_t);
void IHaveOpaqueData::iCanHazMemberFunction()
// Use a reference to help the optimize make the right decision
RealData &datathis = *(reinterpret_cast<RealData *>(&(this->data)));
datathis.icanhazmembervariable_ = datathis.icanhazdoublevariable_;
Yes, this is ugly. BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT (or if you have a C++[01]x compiler the static_assert keyword) helps make it not be a total disaster. There may be a clever way to use unions to mitigate some of the twitchiness I have over alignment issues as well.
Use the pimpl idiom. Read here: http://www.devx.com/cplus/Article/28105/0/page/3
It will help decoupling the implementation from the interface and will reduce (to a minimum) all compilation dependencies. You can even avoid virtual functions.
Here's an old idea :) - opaque data type plus a set of functions, i.e. "there and back [to C] again":
// oi.hpp
namespace oi // old idea
struct opaque; // forward declaration
void init( opaque& ); // ctor
void fini( opaque& ); // dtor
int get_foo( const opaque& ); // getter
void set_foo( opaque&, int ); // setter
// oi.cpp
namespace oi
struct opaque // definition
int foo_; // data members
// ...
// function definitions
The runtime cost of accessing the structure via reference is probably the same as with pimpl, so this is probably an inferior solution given some important idioms like RAII cannot be used.