ui_xprotolabinterface.h: No such file or directory - c++

I'm trying to build the Xscope interface for the Gabotronics xprotolab digital oscilloscope chip. I found the latest user interface tool on github and I cloned it. I followed these instructions to build the GUI on my Linux machine which is running Ubuntu 14.04.
Everything was going well until I typed make and I got the following error -
fatal error: ui_xprotolabinterface.h: No such file or directory
#include "ui_xprotolabinterface.h"
So I began to search for ui_xprotolabinterface.h and I couldn't find it anywhere! I removed the #include "ui_xprotolabinterface.h" line from the xprotolabinterface.cpp file (where these errors were originating from) and I get even more errors without it.
I checked the github source to see if there was an updated version of the code, but this is the most updated version...
Any solutions to this problem?


Qt creator could not parse stddef.h --> incorrect code completion and highlighting

I am developing a QT GUI for my application using QT Creator (4.11.0).
Recently, our IT updated my OS to Ubuntu 20.04 (from 18.04) - maybe the error is related to that.
I have not touched to project in some month but yesterday wanted to continue developing it.
However, within the IDE there are now thousands of errors highlighted at almost every line of my code. (with highlighted I mean that there is this red background and a red dot beside the line number)
On the very top, it says:
Warning: The code model could not parse an included file, which might lead to incorrect code completion and highlighting, for example.
cstddef:50:10: fatal error: 'stddef.h' file not found
The errors that are listed in the IDE are very wired like:
type `QMainWindow`is not a direct or virtual base of `MainWindow` (my class is called `MainWindow`)
I'm pretty sure it is not related to my code:
the code compiles and works fine - it is really just the IDE that is highlighting errors at every line of my code.
I have the same code on a Windows Computer and there no errors are listed in the IDE.
even if I start a brand new QT Widget project the errors appear within the template code provided by the QT Creator.
Since the GCC version changed with the update of the OS, I thought maybe I have to define a new KIT but this also did not help.
Is there anything I can do to fix the issue?
Do I have to reinstall the QT Creator?
I know, pictures are not very well-liked but here I think it might help to understand what I mean with "IDE is highlighting errors":
1. First
~/.profile :
export CPATH
maybe /usr/include/clang/10/include see in you file system.
2. Second
Logout / login.
3. Third
Specifying Build Settings (Projects -> Build -> in every config build) in Build Environment section: [unset] CPATH, C_INCLUDE_PATH and CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH
or [edit] replace this variable with the necessary values
I fixed this issue by sudo apt install clang-8.
Source: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator/+bug/1890434

Where is "nvinfer.h" from tensorrt located?

I have been trying to compile a basic tensorRT project on a desktop host -for now the source is literally just the following:
#include <nvinfer.h>
class Logger : nvinfer1::public ILogger
} glogger;
Upon running make, though, I receive the following message:
fatal error: nvinfer.h: No such file or directory #include <nvinfer.h>
The error is correct, too - I used locate to try to find it, but there's nothing on my machine that matches. I followed the install instructions for desktop installation of TensorRT 2.1 as described here: https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-tensorrt-download
So my question is, does anyone know where nvinfer.h is supposed to be? In other words, am I missing a needed package that contains it, or did I miss something else that's essential?
Small addendum: one thing I noticed is that libgie1 is not installed, and it was not included as a debian with the provided TensorRT download like the other packages such as gie-dev were.
Before using locate, if you recently added new files is a good practice to run sudo updatedb, if the file is on the pc you should see it after.
Anyway googling a bit it looks like the header your looking for is NvInfer.h, caps matters.

CoreAudio, AudioToolbox, AudioUnit etc. headers not found

I'm trying to build Ardour on OS X. I ran ./waf configure successfully, but trying to compile using ./waf results in numerous file-not-found when trying to #include files:
../libs/appleutility/CoreAudio/PublicUtility/CAStreamBasicDescription.h:51:11: fatal error:
'CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h' file not found
#include <CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h>
../libs/appleutility/CoreAudio/PublicUtility/CAAUParameter.h:50:10: fatal error:
'AudioToolbox/AudioUnitUtilities.h' file not found
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioUnitUtilities.h>
../libs/appleutility/CoreAudio/PublicUtility/AUParamInfo.h:49:10: fatal error:
'AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h' file not found
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>
I asked about this on the #ardour-osx IRC channel some 40 hours ago but haven't received a response yet.
How to resolve this problem?
The CoreAudio headers seem to be located in
so I added
to the build script (wscript) but the results are the same.
Those headers are available as a download from Apple. This is explained in the Xcode 4.3 what's new documentation.
Choose this menu:
Xcode > Open Developer Tool > More Developer Tools...
and download "Audio Tools for Xcode".

fatal error: 'libpq++' file not found

I would love to use libpq++ library in my C++ project but I am unable to get it working.
So far, I have installed libpqxx-dev libpqxx-4.0 packages on my Ubuntu 14.04 and provided -llibpq++ to clang++.
However, no matter what I do, I still get following error:
src/serverdata.h:4:10: fatal error: 'libpq++' file not found
It seems that I didn't install libpq++ properly but I don't really see any problem.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Seems to me, your src/serverdata.h has 4th line like:
#include "libpq++"
If so, change it to something like:
#include <pqxx/basic_connection.hxx>
PS. Files in dev packet are listed here

Exe built using pyinstaller on a Django with pylucene app giving JVM error

I am getting an error:
"Error occurred during initialization of VM
Unable to load native library: Can't find dependent libraries"
The error arises when I try to execute my exe file.
I have created exe file through pyinstaller on a django application. Application uses pylucine library. I think it may be the issue of error.
How to fix the error?
Since I can't be certain given you've provided very few details here is a shot in the dark to help solve your problem:
First, try removing the jvm.dll file that gets packaged with the pyinstaller -D youmodule.py command (for now work with the directory command rather than -F option). The reason why is here.
With that jvm.dll file gone, you should start seeing the actual error code - and with that the java class or dependency that isn't being loaded.
If it's a java class that isn't being properly loaded then you know instantly it must not be correcly represented in the classpath environment variable and you should do everything in your power to make sure it is:
e.g.: os.environ['CLASSPATH'] += 'the/path/to/the/jar'
Otherwise, consider bulking up your question with more details, especially if you can get a more meaningful error output.
I had the same error trying to run a .exe built with PyInstaller through wine.
My problem went away by adding C:\Program Files\Java\ [your jdk version here] \jre\bin\server to the PATH environment variable in wine - I suppose it might be the same in Windows.
It also reappeared if I tried to build with C:\Program Files\Java\ [your jdk version here] \jre\bin\server in my PATH, so I had to build without it and then append it before running it (I have no explanation as to why this happens).