If I apply a setting in two config files in the .ebextensions folder does the last file override the setting in the first file?
For example take two files with instance role setting defined:
IamInstanceProfile: aws-ec2-role
IamInstanceProfile: aws-app-role
Which role will the Beanstalk EC2 instance be given? aws-ec2-role or aws-app-role?
.ebextensions are executed in alphabetical order so aws-app-role would be the final result for your IamInstanceProfile option setting.
Your syntax for the .ebextensions would cause a compilation error if you tried to deploy them, here is the correct way to do what you want.
IamInstanceProfile: aws-app-role
Currently I have a AWS Codecommit repository and an AWS Elastic Beanstalk enviroment in which I upload updates with the EB CLI, using eb deploy.
I have some config files that are ignored in .gitignore, I want to establish a AWS CodePipeline so when I push changes to repository, automatically run the test functions and upload the changes directly to Elastic Beanstalk
I tried implementing a simple pipeline where I push code to CodeCommit and Deploys to Elastic Beantstalk but I get the following error:
2019-09-09 11:51:45 UTC-0500 ERROR "option_settings" in one of the configuration files failed validation. More details to follow.
2019-09-09 11:51:45 UTC-0500 ERROR You cannot remove an environment from a VPC. Launch a new environment outside the VPC.
2019-09-09 11:51:45 UTC-0500 ERROR Failed to deploy application.
This is the *.config file that isn't in Codecommit
VPCId: vpc-xxx
Subnets: 'subnet-xxx'
EnvironmentType: SingleInstance
ServiceRole: aws-xxxx
WSGIPath: xxx/wsgi.py
SystemType: enhanced
DB_NAME: xxxx
DB_USER: xxxx
DB_HOST: xxx
DB_PORT: xxxx
SecurityGroups: sg-xxx
I noticed some syntax that is a little different from the above:
Subnets: value has '' around them, could this be causing the issue and if you have this here, are '' supposed to be around the other values ?
From the config file it's look like that you are using single instance. For Single instance you don't need to specify autoscaling launch configuration. Just remove the last two line it will work fine.
I think from what I have been reading is that I should not commit my config files, but add them in CodeBuild so it generates the .zip file that would be deployed to ElasticBeanstalk.
I just followed this tutorial to learn how to use eb command.
One thing I want to do is to modify the Health Check Type of the auto scaling group created by Elastic-Beanstalk to ELB. But I just can't find how to do it.
Here's what I have done:
Change the Health Check Type of the environment dev-env to ELB through the AWS console.
Use eb config save dev-env --cfg my-configuration to save the configuration file locally.
The ELB health check type doesn't appear inside .elasticbeanstalk/saved_configs/my-configuration.cfg.yml file. This means that I must specify the health check type somewhere else.
Then I find another article saying that you can put the health check type inside .ebextensions folder.
So I make a modification to eb-python-flask, which is the example of the tutorial.
Here's my modification of eb-python-flask.
I thought that running eb config put prod, and eb create prod2-env --cfg prod with my eb-python-flask would create an environment whose health-check-type of the auto scaling group is ELB. But I was wrong. The health check type created by the eb commands is still EC2.
Anyone know how to set the health check type programmatically?
I don't want to set it through AWS console. It's inconvenient.
An ebextension like the below will do it:
Type: "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup"
HealthCheckType: ELB
HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
I use the path .ebextensions/autoscaling.config
eb create prod3-env --cfg prod command uses git HEAD version to create a zip file to upload to elastic beanstalk.
This can be discovered through eb create --verbose prod3-env --cfg prod command, which shows you a verbose output.
The reason I failed to run my own configuraion is that I didn't commit the config file to git before running eb create prod3-env --cfg prod.
After committing the changes of the code, I successfully deployed an Auto Scaling Group whose Health Check Type is ELB.
How can I launch an AWS EB application "single-instance environment"1 using a config file? I'm guessing there's an option I can set in either my config.yml file, or in my .config file in .ebextensions, but I have been googling myself in circles trying to find what the option is called.
Found the documentation on all the options available for .ebextensions files here.
Looks like adding the following to a config file in .ebextenstions will do the trick:
- namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment
option_name: EnvironmentType
value: SingleInstance
In the documentation you can see that the default for this option is LoadBalanced.
I am looking to copy a file from s3 bucket ls-Bucket to my EC2 in /tmp/ folder. I want to do this when i upload my war file to elastic beanstalk and hit deploy.
here is my config file for .ebextentions folder setup.conf
# Copy script from s3-bucket to PATH: /tmp/myFile.txt
source: https://ls-Busket.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/myFile.txt
authentication: S3Access
type: S3
roleName: aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role
buckets: ls-Busket
I use the upload and deploy using Elastic Beanstalk and everything is OK (Health)
but when I SSH into my instance and check the tmp folder I can't see my file and can't see any ERRORs
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong.
Any help is appreciated, new to AWS.
Thanks in advance
Your method of file creation is not quite right.
Try this:
type: S3
roleName: aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role
buckets: ["ls-Busket"]
source: https://ls-Busket.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/myFile.txt
authentication: S3Access
How can I change the instance type of an existing Elastic Beanstalk application?
Currently I am changing it in the web interface:
I tried changing it with the command line tool:
eb setenv InstanceType=t2.medium
It didn't throw an error, but also didn't change the instance type.
The setenv command is for changing Environment Variables. Hence the command you tried is bash equivalent of:
export InstanceType=t2.medium
And doesnt really do anything for your beanstalk environment.
You can create an environment using the -i option during create
eb create -i t2.micro
Or, you can use eb config to edit a currently running environment. This will open up a text editor. Look for the section that looks like:
IamInstanceProfile: aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role
EC2KeyName: aws
InstanceType: t1.micro
And edit the t1.micro to t2.micro. (save and quit)
But just to make your life easier, you can save the below as .elasticbeanstalk/saved_configs/default.cfg.yml and the CLI will use all these settings on all future creates.
CrossZone: true
BatchSize: '30'
BatchSizeType: Percentage
IamInstanceProfile: aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role
EC2KeyName: aws
InstanceType: t2.micro
ConnectionDrainingEnabled: true
RollingUpdateType: Health
RollingUpdateEnabled: true
Interval: '30'
More scriptable way:
aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --environment-name "your-env-name" --option-settings "Namespace=aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration,OptionName=InstanceType,Value=t2.micro"
The accepted solution didn't work for me in 2020.
As of today (26th, February 2020), in my .ebextensions/02_python.config I had to add the following under option_settings:
# ...
InstanceTypes: 'm5.large'
Reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/using-features.managing.as.html#environments-cfg-autoscaling-namespace.instances