How to edit Informatica XML Target Definition - informatica

For some reason my XML Target Definition, which I imported via an XSD file, is in 'read only' mode and I cannot seem to figure out a way to get it into 'edit mode'.
I am using Informatica PowerCenter Version 8.6 HotFix 8

Did you try going to the target designer and right click on Edit XML Definition?


TEIID Importing ddl into vdb ddl

Currently my VDB DDL file is getting quite big. I want to split into different files using the following.
INTO test OPTIONS ("ddl-file" '/path/to/schema1.ddl')
However, this does not seem to work.
Can the DDL file path be relative, how?
The schema test, can it be VIRTUAL?
Does "DDL-FILE" refer to "ddl-file"?
What should I put in my main VDB ddl and what should I put in my extra ddl's. Should the
extra ddl's contain server configuration details or should they be defined as a VDB.
I would like to see a working example on how to use this.
This will be used in a teiid springboot project where you can only load one main vdb file. It is not workable to have one very large ddl file.
I tried multiple approaches but it does not seem to work, either giving me a null pointer with no error codes or error codes that tell me nothing.
Also the syntax in Teiid 9.3 seems different:
INTO test OPTIONS ("ddl-file" '/path/to/schema.ddl')
This feature is currently not implemented in Teiid Spring Boot. This issue is captured in
Update: I added the needed code to master, should be available with 1.7 release meanwhile you can build the master branch and test it out.

Error provisioning namespace. ORA-20001 Request could not be processed at Oracle Apex

I finally managed to install Oracle Apex 5.1.2 but I have problem with creating a workspace. Whenever I try to do so at the end I get an error:
I tried to create this workspace with following values:
The strange thing is that when I try to use Yes as option to Reuse Existing Schema no schemas are listed. Is it possible that Apex somehow doesn't have access to managing schemas?
I am using APEX with ORDS. At home page I get info that I have 1 workspace and 1 schema.
I've tried:
Using strong passwords as mentioned here
Changing provisioning type to request: Effect is the same. If user request a space and I accept it I get the exact same error.
Enabled OMF with parameter DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST = '/u01/app/oracle/oradata' -> *.dbf files are not created before and after the change in directory.
The root cause of this problem was installing APEX both on CDB$ROOT, so as a result, and on PDB1. I uninstalled APEX from root, repaired with #utlrp.sql script as in this tutorial and installed APEX again, but only on PDB1. Workspace was successfully created.
I had the same problem (apex 18.1/ords) in a database without CDB configured. The solution in my case was to run #apex_rest_config.sql script.
After that, the workspace is created without any problem.
If you don't want to reinstall apex to move it from the CDB to the PDB I suggest you try setting PDB mapping in your ords config file.
I did it by adding
<entry key="db.serviceNameSuffix"></entry>
to the end of my defaults.xml (you can find its location by running
$ java -jar ords.war configdir ).
Then access apex with /yourpdb in the path: e.g.
This will run apex from that PDB instead of from the CDB and will create the workspace in there, that should work OK. It did for me.
I had same problem at ORACLE 12c, according to this link my problem has been solved. The problem is the users can't create workspace in CDB, so you must change session container to pdf files by the following steps :
$root> cd ~/TEMP/apex
$root> sqlplus
Enter user-name: sys as sysdba
Enter password:
SQL> exec dbms_xdb.sethttpport(0); /*set port*/
SQL> alter session set container=YOURAPPEXPDB;
SQL> exec dbms_xdb.sethttpport(8181);
SQL> alter system register;
//install oracle apex again
to remove oracle apex i use this link, its perfectly worked for me.

WSO2 BAM 2.5 - Output Event Adaptor

Two questions on WSO2 BAM 2.5 Output Event Adaptor - 1) Why is there no "email" option in the output event adaptor type? As per the documentation, it should be there. Even if I create my own XML file for the Email event adaptor and drop it in the required folder, then type "email" is not recognized and the BAM is showing that as "inactive". 2) Which directory and file does the default logger output event adaptor write the logs to? I have configured that and I can see that the messages have got generated through Hive scripts and written to BAMNotifications column family but I am not able to see the logs in the repository/logs directory log files? Please help.
1) This issue occurred because of an OSGI loading issue in soap output adapter (It causes failure to some other output adapters). We have fixed that in next BAM version. For the moment to overcome this issue, please remove the soap output adapter jar (from plugins directory), restart and continue.
2) It needs to go to wso2carbon.log file. Can you please verify the log4j properties.

Sharepoint 2013 workflow not firing when document checked in but works if checked out

We have a document library that has both Document sets and Documents. We also have a Workflow that is manually started by the user on any item in this library. The problem we are having is that the workflow doesn't start if the document is checked in and . If the document is checked out, it works fine. The workflow runs fine on a Document Set.
Looking into the log files, I see the following messages:
Skip lookup field SortBehavior as it's not dependent lookup, but it has PrimaryFieldId ID 46fff461-81e3-b73a-9fba-f4f1e8088cbe
Skip lookup field CheckedOutUserId as it's not dependent lookup, but it has PrimaryFieldId ID 46fff461-81e3-b73a-9fba-f4f1e8088cbe
Skip lookup field SyncClientId as it's not dependent lookup, but it has PrimaryFieldId ID 46fff461-81e3-b73a-9fba-f4f1e8088cbe
The target list of field Taxonomy Catch All Column, TaxCatchAll, does not exists in the current web or the current user does not have permissioin to see it. Skip it. 46fff461-81e3-b73a-9fba-f4f1e8088cbe
Immediately below these lines, I see the following message:
The file "" is not checked out. You must first check out this document before making changes......
The workflow is very simple and only logs a test message. I am not sure why SharePoint is trying to check-out the document but I have a feeling that it has something to do with the above messages.
Anyone has any idea why this is happening?
We were able to fix the issue after getting some support on Microsoft TechNet forum.
Assuming the workflow is a SharePoint Designer Workflow, Open SharePoint Designer and Connect to your site. Click on Workflows from the left navigation, and click on your workflow. Workflow information page will open. In the "Settings" area in the right pane, uncheck the "Automatically update the workflow status to the current stage name". This will fix the problem.

FinalBuilder 7 - Where are log files?

i did found a file named XXX.fbl7 which is type is named "FinalBuilder Log File".
if this is the file how can i open it?
once i click it from windows explorer i get "The project file specified on the command line was not found or invalid"
In the desktop application, Tools->Options->Logging section there is tab that allows you to export the logs to text, xml and HTML.
In a Final Builder Project, you can also use a Final Builder Action to create a separate log file in the format you want.
Personally I just use the Final Builder Server Notification options to let me know when things have failed, then go to the web server and review the full log in the web page.
Final Builder log files are binary files. You can't open them without having the product installed. As far as I remember, there was an option to export them as text files. But I haven't used FB for years, so I might be wrong.