vectors and threading in C++ - c++

I would like to request for comments/ideas on how to resolve a vector and threading issue that is becoming a bit convoluted. I have researched the issue and have not found a working solution.
The intention is to have 5 person objects (stored in a vector) and then call each of their method to read a book concurrently (hence the threads). The read function contains a never ending loop.
I have the following code(simplified) set up:
class Book{
// some data
// some functions
class Person{
// some data vars
int id;
Book abook;
// some functions
Person(int index=0); // constructor
void readBook();
int main(void){
vector<thread> threads;
int num_of_persons = 5;
for(int i=0; i<num_of_persons; i++){
PersonsVector.push(Person(i)); //create different people
threads.push_back(thread(PersonsVector[i].readBook)); //read book in thread
// wait for threads to finnish or kill threads
for(auto& thread: threads)
My issue is really in how to call the readBook() function and push this to a thread
threads.push_back(thread(PersonsVector[i].readBook)); //read book in thread
Various variations for example these below lead to errors...
threads.push_back(thread(&PersonsVector[i].Person::readBook, this));
threads.push_back(thread(&Person::PersonsVector[i].Person::readBook, this));
Any ideas how I could resolve this issue?

A pointer-to-method must be called using a combination of a pointer specifying the class and method + an instance of said class on which to invoke said method.
This... thing:
actually says...
Get me the class Person,
then a vector within an unspecified instance of Person, which does not contain any such vector...
then an index i within that invalid vector,
then somehow get the constructor of that instance,
then somehow get a method readBook() from within that constructor.
See the problem? That's invalid syntax in so many varied ways.
The correct syntaxes are as follows:
For the pointer-to-method: &Person::readBook
For the instance: PersonsVector[i]
...and you need to give these to std::thread via some mechanism that will bundle the pointer-to-method and instance and make them callable for you - such as a lambda, std::bind, etc. - something like this:
std::thread theThread{
[] // not sure which capture is needed... :/
(someInstance.*pointerToMethod)(the, args);
// i.e.

You can use a lambda:
threads.push_back(thread([&PersonsVector[i]])(Person& p){ p.readBook(); });


c++ class method thread [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Start thread with member function
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
i have a class that has a method that needs to be running continuously but also be able to receive input from user. So i thought i would make the method run separately using a thread.
the code looks something like this(just the backbone):
class SystemManager
int command;
bool commandAcK;
bool running;
//other vars
void runningAlgorithm()
while (running)
if (commandAcK)
//solve command
//run algorithm
//print results
void readCmd()
cin >> command;
commandAcK = true;
int main()
SystemManager *SM = new SystemManager;
thread tRunning = SM->runningAlgorithm();
now the errors look like this:
no suitable constructor exists to convert from "void" to "std::thread"
Error C2440 'initializing': cannot convert from 'void' to 'std::thread'
i have found a new method and it doesn't give me any errors
std::thread tRunning(&SystemManager::runningAlgorithm, SystemManager());
the first thing i don't understand is that this method doesn't use an instance of the class just the generic function. How can i link it to a specific instance? I need it so it can read the values of the variables.
Secondly what does "&" in front of SystemManager do?
Thirdly is there a better way of doing it? Do you have any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
std::thread tRunning(&SystemManager::runningAlgorithm, SystemManager()); does use an instance of your class. The instance it uses is SystemManager() which is a temporary and only available to the thread. If you need to share the instance then you need to create one yourself and pass it by reference to the thread like
SystemManager sys_manager;
std::thread tRunning([&](){sys_manager.runningAlgorithm();});
And now your call site and your thread have the same instance.
Also note that command and commandAck need to be protected by some sort of synchronization since you can write to them while reading causing a data race and subsequently undefined behavior. Using std::atmoic should work for you.
The constructor for std::thread accepts a functor, and optionally it's arguments. A functor is anything that can be "called" using operator().
Then it starts a thread and inside that thread calls your functor.
std::thread tRunning(&SystemManager::runningAlgorithm, SystemManager());
This will call the member function SystemManager::runningAlgorithm, passing in the only argument being this (SystemManager() creates a temporary instance).
Remember that member functions always accept this as the first argument.
&SystemManager::runningAlgorithm returns the address of the member function runningAlgorithm from the class SystemManager.
In modern C++ this code can be simplified (i.e. made more readable) with a lambda:
std::thread tRunning([]{ SystemManager().runningAlgorithm(); });
The line
thread tRunning = SM->runningAlgorithm();
takes the result of running SM->runningAlgorithm() (a void), and tries to construct a thread from it. If you look at the relevant constructor, though, you can see it needs a function-like argument (with possibly arguments).
One way of running it is through a lambda function:
thread tRunning(
Two other things to note:
You should join the thread before its destructor is called, in this case:
You have a (short lived) memory leak. Why not just create it on the stack?
SystemManager SM;
thread tRunning(
Uhm... I guesss you need to study some of the basic concepts of c++, before going multithread.
However... In your code,
thread tRunning = SM->runningAlgorithm();
tries to put the result of your function (that is void... ) inside a variable of type thread... Non likely to be right.
Instead, your second code takes 2 arguments:
std::thread tRunning(
&SystemManager::runningAlgorithm, //a pointer to a method (a pointer to the code of your function, and that is why you use the "&", even though you could have left that out)
SystemManager()); // An instance of the value, built on the stack.
I guest that you are confused by the lack of the word "new" (coming from higher level language?), but that's how it works here:
SystemManager sm = SystemManager(); // <- variable created on the stack, will be automatically destroyed when out of scope
SystemManager *psm = new SystemManager(); // Created in the heap, while in the stack remains just a pointer to it.
//You will need to delete it when done with :
delete psm;
To answer the question
How can i link it to a specific instance? I need it so it can read the values of the variables.
You can do:
int main()
SystemManager SM; // = SystemManager(); // <- this is not needed
std::thread tRunning(SystemManager::runningAlgorithm, SM);
// Access SM as you need
I still think you should first get used to the underlying concepts or it will be really difficult to go on.

Trying to start threads of a member function from within a class

Here's a quick outline of my class:
class foo{
vector<string> rawData;
vector<vector<string> > slicedData;
void readData();
void sortData();
static void selectionSort(vector<string>);
Basically, readData populates rawData with information from an external file. Once it does this, sortData splits that data into subsets, each of which is stored in slicedData. I need to spawn a thread of selectionSort to sort each subset, and I have to do so inside of sortData.
I've tried it this way within sortData:
thread *threads = new thread[slicedData.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < slicedData.size(); i++){
threads[i] = thread(selectionSort,slicedData[i]);
...but when I do so, g++ throws error: attempt to use a deleted function.
For the record, I need to store the threads in an array so I can join them later. I realize this could be done more elegantly with the boost library and thread groups, but I'm trying to keep this project dependency-free.
I couldn't reproduce your error, but the following code compiles for me.
I would recommend using a vector of threads and calling emplace_back() to create the threads inside the vector..
Something like this:
class foo
std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > slicedData;
void sortData()
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
// for each slice add a new thread passing the function and data
// to its constructor
for(auto& slice: slicedData)
threads.emplace_back(&foo::selectionSort, std::ref(slice));
// NOTE: use of std::ref() to pass by reference
// now join the threads to prevent the threads vector
// going out of scope before they finish
for(auto&& thread: threads)
static void selectionSort(std::vector<std::string>&); // pass by reference
Also note I pass the data by reference because I suspect you don't really want to sort a copy of the data.
The error isn't in the threading code that you have shown here. Probably, your sortData method doesn't wait for the threads to complete (use thread.join as Galik described), and your foo goes out of scope and gets deleted while the threads are still trying to use it. That's why you see "attempt to use a deleted function"

How to use a single object in multiple threads?

I want to use a single object in multiple threads using c++. I know from java that threads share all variables, but it seems that in c++ it is different.
I have the following structure to store the date
Class Flow: has multiple integers
Class UE: has a list<Flow*>
Class FlowTable: has a map<int,UE*>
Now have two threads(Objects: InOutReader and OutInReader), each of them has a FlowTable* and shall read and/or insert data to the FlowTable.
in the main() of my starter I call new FlowTable(), create the threaded objects and give the FlowTable* to them using a setter. But in the end it looks like that the two threads work with different FlowTable objects.
class InOutReader{
//read data from somewhere(tap-interface1)
//extract address from ip packet and tcp/udp header etc
Flow* myflow = new Flow(IPsrc,IPdest);
class OutInReader{
//read data from somewhere(tap-interface1)
//extract address from ip packet and tcp/udp header etc
Flow* myflow = new Flow(IPsrc,IPdest);
this->myflowTable->existsFlow(myflow);// should return true if a flow with the same data was inserted before
main programm
FlowTable* myflowTable;
InOutReader ior = InOutReader();
InOutReader oir = InOutReader();
void main(){
myFlowTable = new FlowTable();
std::thread t1 = std::thread(startThreadOne);
std::thread t2 = std::thread(startThreadtwo);
What I have to do to use the same FlowTable Object in multiple threads?
I can't make heads or tails of your explication, but if you want to have the two threads sharing the same dynamically allocated FlowTable, the solution in C++ is incredibly simple:
FlowTable* sharedFlowTable = new FlowTable();
std::thread t1( startThread1, sharedFlowTable );
std::thread t2( startThread2, sharedFlowTable );
// ...
Then declare startThread1 and startThread2 to take a FlowTable* as argument. (This is a lot simpler than in Java; in Java, where you'd have to define one class per thread, deriving from Runnable, and give each class a constructor which took a FlowTable, and copied it to a member variable so that the run function could find it.)
Of course, if the value pointed to by sharedFlowTable really is a FlowTable, and no inheritance and factory functions are involved, you could just make it a local variable in main, rather than a pointer, and pass &sharedFlowTable to the threads. This would be even simpler, and more idiomatic in C++. (And I have to thank #5gon12eder for pointing this out. Embarrassingly, because I'm usually the one arguing against dynamic allocation unless it is necessary.)

Error about std::promise in C++

I am trying to pass my class instance into threads and the return the processed objects from threads. I've googled about C++ multithreading, and found that std::promising can be helpful.
However, I am stuck at the very beginning. Here is my code:
void callerFunc()
std::promise<DataWareHouse> data_chunks;
// DataWareHouse is my customized class
//data_chunks has a vector<vector<double>> member variable
// ............
void run_thread(std::promise<DataWareHouse> data_chunks)
// ...
vector<vector<double>> results;
// ...
The above code generates an error:
`error C2248: 'std::promise<_Ty>::promise' : cannot access private member declared in class 'std::promise<_Ty>'`
May I know what am I wrong and how to fix it?
Many thanks. :-)
Your first problem is that you are using std::thread -- std::thread is a low level class which you should build higher abstractions up on. Threading is newly standardized in C++ in C++11, and all of the rough parts are not filed off yet.
There are three different patterns for using threading in C++11 that might be useful to you.
First, std::async. Second, std::thread mixed with std::packaged_task. And third, dealing with std::thread and std::promise in the raw.
I'll illustrate the third, which is the lowest level and most dangerous, because that is what you asked for. I would advise looking at the first two options.
#include <future>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
typedef std::vector<double> DataWareHouse;
void run_thread(std::promise<DataWareHouse> data_chunks)
DataWareHouse results;
results.push_back( 3.14159 );
std::future<DataWareHouse> do_async_work()
std::promise<DataWareHouse> data_chunks;
std::future<DataWareHouse> retval = data_chunks.get_future();
// DataWareHouse is my customized class
//data_chunks has a vector<vector<double>> member variable
std::thread t = std::thread(&run_thread,std::move(data_chunks));
t.detach(); // do this or seg fault
return retval;
int main() {
std::future<DataWareHouse> result = do_async_work();
DataWareHouse vec = result.get(); // block and get the data
for (double d: vec) {
std::cout << d << "\n";
Live example
With std::async, you'd have a function returning DataWareHouse, and it would return a std::future<DataWareHouse> directly.
With std::packaged_task<>, it would take your run_thread and turn it into a packaged_task that can be executed, and a std::future extracted from it.
std::promise<> is not copyable, and in calling run_thread() you are implicitly trying to invoke the copy constructor. The error message is telling you that you cannot use the copy constructor since it is marked private.
You need to pass a promise by reference (std::promise<DataWareHouse> &). This is safe if callerFunc() is guaranteed not to return until run_thread() is finished with the object (otherwise you will be using a reference to a destroyed stack-allocated object, and I don't have to explain why that's bad).
You're trying to pass the promise to the thread by value; but you need to pass by reference to get the results back to the caller's promise. std::promise is uncopyable, to prevent this mistake.
void run_thread(std::promise<DataWareHouse> & data_chunks)
The error is telling you you cannot copy an std::promise, which you do here:
void run_thread(std::promise<DataWareHouse> data_chunks)
and here:
std::thread(&run_thread,data_chunks); // makes copy of data_chunks
You should pass a reference:
void run_thread(std::promise<DataWareHouse>& data_chunks);
// ^
And then pass an std::reference_wrapper to the thread, otherwise it too will attempt to copy the promise. This is easily done with std::ref:
std::thread(&run_thread, std::ref(data_chunks));
// ^^^^^^^^
Obviously data_chunks must be alive until the thread finished running, so you will have to join the thread in callerFunc().

Encapsulated boost thread_group. Questions about ids and synchronization

I´m using a class that encapsulates a thread_group, and have some questions about it
class MyGroup{
boost::this_thread::id _id;
boost::thread::thread_group group;
int abc;
//other attributes
void foo();
In the class constructor, i launch N threads
for (size_t i=0;i<N;i++){
group.add(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&foo,this)));
void foo(){
_id = boost::this_thread::get_id();
//more code.
abc++ //needs to be sync?
So, here are my questions.
Do class attributes need to be synchronized?
Do every thread get a different id? For example, if I have
void bar(){
will this result in different ids for each thread, or the same for everyone?
Thanks in advance !
Yes, shared data access must be protected even if you use thread creation helpers as boost.
In the end they all will execute the same code at the same time, and there is nothing a library can do to put protection around a variable you own and you manage.
If this->_id prints the current thread id then yes, it will print different values while different threads access it.
I don't know what you are doing with this thread_group so this may or may not apply.
Yes, all threads will have a unique ID.
Yes, you need to protect your shared state, you can do this with synchronization or by 'avoiding' shared state by copying it or with message passing.
A relevant pattern here is the 'actor' pattern.
Essentially rather than just create threads in your constructor, consider either:
a) have a class that derives from boost::thread and store thread specific members there. you can then access the member variables in the thread which won't be global to the group.
class MyThreadClass : public boost::thread
int thread_local_int;
b) have a class that contains a boost::thread as a member variable
class MyThreadClass : public boost::thread
int thread_local_int;
boost::thread t;
boost::thread& GetThread()
return t;
store a collection of either of these in your MyGroup class and use thread_group::add_thread to put the threads in the thread_group.
You can now be incredibly thoughtful about which state is shared in the thread_group (it should be synchronized or read-only) and which state is local to your actor (or thread) and how it's accessible.
Note, I have a personal reluctance against using TLS because I like having some control and guarantees over lifetimes of objects and threads and I just find this easier when I don't use it; YMMV and its great for some uses...