Add source to an existing automake program - c++

I would like to edit an existing software to add a new source file (Source.cpp).
But, I can't manage the compilation process (it seems to be automake and it looks very complicated).
The software (iperf 2: is compiled using a classical ./configure make then make install.
If I just add the file to the corresponding source and include directory, I got this error message:
Settings.cpp:(.text+0x969) : undefined reference to ...
It looks like the makefile isn't able to produce the output file associated with my new source file (Source.cpp). So, I probably need to indicate it manually somewhere.
I searched a bit in the project files and it seemed that the file to edit was: "".
I added my source to the variable iperf_SOURCES in that file but it didn't workded.
Could you help me to find the file where I need to indicate my new source file (it seems a pretty standard compilation scheme but I never used automake softwares and this one seems very complicated).
Thank you in advance

This project is built with the autotools, as you already figured out.
The makefiles are built by automake. It takes its input in files that usually have a am file name extension.
The iperf program is built by the makefile generated from src/ This is indicated by:
bin_PROGRAMS = iperf
All (actually this is a simplification, but which holds in this case) source files of a to be built binary are in the corresponding name_SOURCES variable, thus in this case iperf_SOURCES. Just add your source file to the end of that list, like so (keeping their formatting):
iperf_SOURCES = \
Client.cpp \
# lines omitted
tcp_window_size.c \
Now, to reflect this change in any future generated src/Makefile you need to run automake. This will modify src/, which is a template that is used by config.sub at the end of configure to generate the actual makefile.
Running automake can happen in various ways:
If you already have makefiles that were generated after an configure these should take care of rebuilding themselves. This seems to fail sometimes though!
You could run automake (in the top level directory) by hand. I've never done this, as there is the better solution to...
Run autoreconf --install (possibly add --force to the arguments) in the top level directory. This will regenerate the entire build system, calling all needed programs such as autoheader, autoconf and of course automake. This is my favorite solution.
The later two options require calling configure again, IMO ideally doing an out of source built:
# in top level dir
mkdir build
cd build
../configure # arguments
make # should now also compile and link your new source file


How can I make a C++ program to read predefined files after installation on linux

My project folder has the following structure
My class Object.cpp has a couple of methods which reads from File.dat and File1.dat and parse the information to Map objects. My problem is that I am using Autotools (in which I'm very very newbie) for generating config and installer files and I don't know how to make all the DataFiles files accessible for the program after installation. The program doesn't work properly because of the code fails when trying to read those files through relative paths. Locally, the program runs perfectly after executing in terminal make && ./program.
How can I solve this issue? Thanks in advance for your help!
A platform independent way to do this with Autotools is using the $(datadir) variable to locate the system data directory and work relative to that.
So in your file you can create a name like this:
myprog_infodir = $(datadir)/myprog
# Set a macro for your code to use
myprog_CXXFLAGS = -DDATA_LOCATION=\"$(datadir)/myprog\"
# This will install it from the development directories
myprog_info_DATA = $(top_srcdir)/DataFiles/File.dat $(top_srcdir)/DataFiles/File1.dat
# make sure it gets in the installation package
extra_DIST = $(top_srcdir)/DataFiles/File.dat $(top_srcdir)/DataFiles/File1.dat
Then in your program you should be able to refer to the data like this:
std::ifstream ifs(DATA_LOCATION "/File.dat");
Disclaimer: Untested code
I figured out one method and will give my example here:
In my
AM_CPPFLAGS = -D MATRIXDIR="\"$(pkgdatadir)/matrix\""
nobase_dist_pkgdata_DATA = matrix/AAcode.txt \
matrix/BLOSUM50 matrix/BLOSUM70.50 matrix/BLOSUM100 matrix/BLOSUM50.50 \
matrix/BLOSUM75 matrix/BLOSUM100.50 matrix/BLOSUM55 matrix/BLOSUM75.50 \
... more not shown
I put quite some number of datafiles in the matrix directory, just show a few of them. In my source file, I simply use the macro MATRIXDIR:
scorematrix.cpp:string MatrixScoreMethod::default_path=MATRIXDIR;
This seems to work well for me. You can use other versions of the data automake variable, such as dist_data_DATA instead of pkgdata. It is a good idea to use pkgdata this way your data will not be mixed with other packages. The nobase_ is to tell automake not to strip the matrix directory during install. Those escaped double quotes seems to be needed for string type so that you don't get compiler errors.

Out of source builds (external build directory) with Cargo?

Having used CMake, I've become used to out-of-source builds, which are encouraged with CMake. How can out-of-source builds be done with Cargo?
Using in-source-builds again feels like a step backwards:
Development tools need to be configured to ignore paths. Sometimes multiple plugins and development tools - especially using VIM or Emacs!
Some tools can't be configured to easily hide build files. While dotfiles are typically hidden, they will still show Cargo.lock and target/, worse still, recursively exposing their contents.
Deleting un-tracked files to remove everything outside of version control, typically to cleanup editor temp files or some test output, can backfire if you forgot to add a new file to version control and don't manually check the file list properly before deleting them.
Dependencies are downloaded into your source code path, sometimes adding *.rs files in the target directory as part of building indirect deps, so operating on all *.rs files may accidentally pickup other files which aren't in a hidden directory, so might not be ignored even after development tools have been configured.
While it's possible to work around all these issues, I'd rather just have an external build path and keep the source directory pristine.
You can specify the directory of the target/ folder either via configuration file (key or environment variable (CARGO_TARGET_DIR). Here is an example using a configuration file:
Suppose you want to have a directory ~/work/ in which you want to save the Cargo project (~/work/foo/) and next to it the target directory (~/work/my-target/).
$ cd ~/work
$ cargo new --bin foo
$ mkdir .cargo
$ $EDITOR .cargo/config
Then insert the following into the configuration file:
target-dir = "./my-target"
If you then build in your normal Cargo project directory:
$ cd foo
$ cargo build
You will notice that there is no target/ dir, but everything is in ~/work/my-target/.
However, the Cargo.lock is still saved inside the Cargo project directory, but that kinda makes sense. For executables, you should check the Cargo.lock file into your git! For libraries, you shouldn't. I guess having to ignore one file is better than having to ignore an entire folder.
Lastly, there are a few caveats to changing the target-dir, which are listed in the PR which introduced the feature.
While useful manually setting this up isn't all that convenient, I wanted to be able to build multiple crates within a source tree, having all of them out-of-source, something that ../target-dir configuration option wouldn't achieve.
Helper utility for convenient out-of-source builds
Using the environment variable I've written a small utility to wrap cargo, so it automatically builds out-of-source, supporting crates both at the top-level, on in a subdirectory of the source tree.
Thanks to Lukas for pointing out CARGO_TARGET_DIR and target-dir configuration option.
What I really wanted was a dynamic CARGO_TARGET_DIR that changes relative to where I am.
This bash alias puts all builds in a mirrored directory structure, e.g. instead of putting target into ~/mydir/myproj it puts in into ~/rustbuild/mydir/myproj
alias cargo='CARGO_TARGET_DIR=$(echo $PWD | sed "s|$HOME|$HOME/rustbuild|g") cargo'
You could also make your rustbuild directory hidden.

How do I compile multi-file C++ programs in all subdirectories?

I have a bunch of C++ programs each in its own sub-directory. Each sub-directory has a single C++ program in several files -- a .h and a .cpp file for each class plus a main .cpp program. I want to compile each program placing the executable in the corresponding sub-directory. (I also want to run each program and redirect its output to a file that is placed in the corresponding sub-directory but if I can get the compilation to work, I shouldn't have a problem figuring out this part.)
I'm using the bash shell on a UNIX system (actually the UNIX emulator Cygwin that runs on top of Windows).
I've managed to find on the web, a short scrip for compiling one-file programs in the current directory but that's as far as I've gotten. That script is as follows.
for f in *.cpp;
do g++ -Wall -O2 "$f" -o "{f/.cpp/}";
I would really appreciate it someone could help me out. I need to do this task on average once every two weeks (more like 8 weeks in a row, then not for 8 weeks, etc.)
Unless you're masochistic, use makefiles instead of shell scripts.
Since (apparently) each executable depends on all the .h and .cpp files in the same directory, the makefiles will be easy to write -- each will have something like:
whatever.exe: x.obj y.obj z.obj
g++ -o whatever.exe x.obj y.obj z.obj
You can also add a target in each to run the resulting executable:
With that you'll use make run to run the executable.
Then you'll (probably) want a makefile in the root directory that recursively makes the target in each subdirectory, then runs each (as described above).
This has a couple of good points -- primarily that it's actually built for this kind of task, so it actually does it well. Another is that it takes note of the timestamps on the files, so it only rebuilds the executables that actually need it (i.e., where at least one of the files that executable depends on has been modified since the executable itself was built).
Assuming you have a directory all of whose immediate subdirectories are all c++ programs, then use some variation on this...
for D in */; do cd "$D";
# then either call make or call your g++
# with whatever arguments in here
# or nest that script you found online if it seems to
# be doing the trick for you.
cd ../;
That will move in to each directory, do its thing (whatever you want that to be) and then move back out.

Compiling C++Builder project on command line

Is there a way to compile a C++Builder project (a specific build configuration) from the command line?
Something like:
CommandToBuild ProjectNameToBuild BuildConfiguration ...
There are different ways for automating your builds in C++Builder (as of my experience, I'm speaking about old C++Builder versions like 5 and 6).
You can manually call compilers - bcc32.exe (also dcc32.exe, brcc32.exe and tasm32.exe if you have to compile Delphi units, resource files or assembly language lines of code in your sources) and linker - ilink32.exe.
In this case, you will need to manually provide the necessary input files, paths, and keys as arguments for each stage of compilation and linking.
All data necessary for compilation and linking is stored in project files and, hopefully there are special utilities, included in the C++Builder installation, which can automate this dirty work, provide necessary parameters to compilers and linker and run them. Their names are bpr2mak.exe and make.exe.
First you have to run bpr2mak.exe, passing your project *.bpr or *.bpk file as a parameter and then you will get a special *.mak file as output, which you can use to feed on make.exe, which finally will build your project.
Look at this simple cmd script:
#bpr2mak.exe YourProject.bpr
#ren YourProject.mak makefile
You can provide the real name of "YourProject.mak" as a parameter to make.exe, but the most straightforward way is to rename the *.mak file to "makefile", and then make.exe will find it.
To have different build options, you can do the following:
The first way: you can open your project in the IDE, edit options and save it with a different project name in the same folder (usually there are two project files for debug and release compile options). Then you can provide your building script with different *.bpr files. This way, it looks simple, because it doesn't involves scripting, but the user will have to manually maintain coherency of all project files if something changes (forms or units added and so on).
The second way is to make a script which edits the project file or make file. You will have to parse files, find compiler and linker related lines and put in the necessary keys. You can do it even in a cmd script, but surely a specialised scripting language like Python is preferable.
msbuild project.cbproj /p:config=[build configuration]
More specifics can be found in Building a Project Using an MSBuild Command.
A little detail not mentioned.
Suppose you have external dependencies and that the .dll file does not initially exist in your folder
You will need to include the external dependencies in the ILINK32.CFG file.
This file is usually in the folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\CBuilder6\Bin\ilink32.cfg
(consider your installation location)
In this file, place the note for your dependencies.
Example: A dependency for TeeChart, would look like this (consider the last parameter):
-L"C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\CBuilder6\lib";"C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\CBuilder6\lib\obj";"C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\CBuilder6\lib\release";"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart 805 for Builder 6\Builder6\Include\";"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart 805 for Builder 6\Builder6\Lib\"
You will also need to include the -f command to compile.
In cmd, do:
//first generate the file.mak
1 - bpr2mak.exe MyProject.bpr
//then compile the .mak
2 - make.exe -f MyProject.mak
You can also generate a temporary mak file with another name, as the answer above says, directly with bpr2mak
bpr2mak.exe MyProject.bpr -oMyTempMak.mak

Can I have one makefile to build a hierarchical project?

I have several hundred files in a non-flat directory structure. My Makefile lists each sourcefile, which, given the size of the project and the fact that there are multiple developers on the project, can create annoyances when we forget to put a new one in or take out the old ones. I'd like to generalize my Makefile so that make can simply build all .cpp and .h files without me having to specify all the filenames, given some generic rules for different types of files.
My question: given a large number of files in a directory with lots of subfolders, how do I tell make to build them all without having to specify each and every subfolder as part of the path? And how do I make it so that I can do this with only one Makefile in the root directory?
EDIT: this almost answers my question, but it requires that you specify all filenames :\
I'm sure a pure-gmake solution is possible, but using an external command to modify the makefile, or generate an external one (which you include in your makefile) is probably much simpler.
Something along the lines of:
all: myprog
zsh -c 'for x in **/*.cpp; echo "myprog: ${x/.cpp/.o}" >>'
and run
make find_sources && make
note: the exact zsh line probably needs some escaping to work in a make file, e.g. $$ instead of $. It can also be replaced with bash + find.
One way that would be platform independent (I mean independent from shell being in Windows or Linux) is this:
DIRS = relative/path1\
dd = absolute/path/to/subdirectories
#$(foreach dir, $(DIRS), $(MAKE) -C $(dd)$(dir) build -f ../../Makefile ;)
... build here
note that spaces and also the semicolon are important here, also it is important to specify the absolute paths, and also specify the path to the appropriate Makefile at the end (in this case I am using only one Makefile on grandparent folder)
But there is a better approach too which involves PHONY targets, it better shows the progress and errors and stops the build if one folder has problem instead of proceeding to other targets:
.PHONY: subdirs $(DIRS)
subdirs: $(DIRS)
$(MAKE) -C $# build -f ../../Makefile
all : prepare subdirs
build :
... build here
Again I am using only one Makefile here that is supposed to be applicable to all sub-projects. For each sub-project in the grandchild folder the target "build" is created usinf one Makefile in the root.
I would start by using a combination of the wildcard function:
and the file functions
For exclusion (ie: backups, as Jonathan Leffler mentioned), use a seperate folder not in the vpath for backups, and use good implicit rules.
You will still need to define which folders to do to, but not each file in them.
I'm of two minds on this one. On one hand, if your Make system compiles and links everything it finds, you'll find out in a hurry if someone has left conflicting junk in the source directories. On the other hand, non-conflicting junk will proliferate and you'll have no easy way of distinguishing it from the live code...
I think it depends on a lot of things specific to your shop, such as source source control system and whether you plan to ever have another project with an overlapping code base. That said, if you really want to compile every source file below a given directory and then link them all, I'd suggest simple recursion: to make objects, compile all source files here, add the resultant objects (with full paths) to a list in the top source directory, recurse into all directories here. To link, use the list.