Missing file in OpenCV 3.1.0 for Ubuntu 14.04 - c++

I am trying to run this code Domain Transform Filter on Ubuntu 14.04. This code has been originally written on Windows 7 Visual studio. When I try to run this code on Ubuntu, I get the error
error: opencv2/core/internal.hpp: No such file or directory
I tried to download this file for Ubuntu but this is specifically related to Windows.
Is there any way to get this file for Ubuntu ?

Install an older OpenCV.
The file is for instance contained in libopencv-core-dev 2.3.1 on Ubuntu 12.04. (So it is not related to Windows.)
If that is not an option, you probably need to correct your existing code for OpenCV 3.


Build C++ RTMAPS package on Ubuntu 16.04 & Ubuntu 18.04

I'm working on a C++ project that should support Ubuntu 18 & Ubuntu 16.
I'm actually working on QT (but I'm not sure this is useful information): QT 5.13.2 GCC 64bit
With a C++ compiler: GCC(C++, x86 64bit in /usr/bin)
This project uses a library that I acquired when installing the RTMAPS SDK.
So when I compile it and use it in a PC with Ubuntu 18.04 it works fine. When I try using it in a PC with Ubuntu 16.04 I get the error:
Error: Unable to load package /path/: it was built for another operating system (Ubuntu 18.4)
I have compiled this same project in a Ubuntu 16.04 PC and it runs in the that PC.
Is there a way to compile on Ubuntu 18.04 targeting 16.04? (or in general different versions?)
If the library is also a problem, can I just copy paste one generated in Ubuntu 16.04?
Can I have RTMAPS's libraries for both OSs in the smae environement?

OpenCV trying to use windows to show image throws exception

I´m trying to create named windows and show an image from them using OpenCV in c++. When I try it, I will get an error saying:
The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows,
GTK+2.x or Cocoa support. If you are on Ubuntu or Debian, install
libgtk2.0-dev and pkg-config, then re-run cmake or configure script in
function 'cvNamedWindow'.
I´m on a raspberry pi using Ubuntu MATE and I didnt have this problem when I was testing on my laptop using Ubuntu. I have checked that all neccessary libraries are installed. So I run cmake again to recompile it, but it still doesn t work.
Is there something different I need to do for Ubuntu MATE? Or is there something else I should try?

Can not find <torch/extension.h>

I create a pytorch extention, followed by this link
but it throws out the error that
fatal error: torch/extension.h: No such file or directory.
ubuntu 18.04
code::blocks 17.04
gcc 7.4.0
#include <torch/extension.h>
I expect the code to run.
Is there any document to fix this problem?
is the canonical header file that create Python bindings for C++/Cuda extensions.
So Try upgrading the version of Pytorch if it's not in newest version.

How to install OpenCV for C++ on Mac and configure with Netbeans

I am having trouble trying to install OpenCV correctly and configure it with Netbeans.
One of my University units is using Visual Studio with OpenCV but I do not own a Windows PC so need to install OpenCV on my Mac OSX 10.12.3 and configure it to work with netbeans in a C++ project.
I have explored many avenues to do this but can't seem to come to a solution.
If someone could provide a step by step guide, that would be very helpful. Ideally I would like the most recent version of OpenCV.
Option 1
Install Oracle VirtualBox for free on your Mac and then install Windows in a virtual machine. It is a single file on your Mac so you can remove all that ugly Microsoft stuff as soon as you finish your class. You can run the virtual machine at the same time as macOS (it is not dual boot and doesn't mess with your boot sector) and copy and paste between the two, share files between the two and use networking from the virtual machine.
Option 2
Get a free Amazon EC2 Windows instance and run your OpenCV and NetBeans on there. You can connect from home using RDP from your Mac and also from school so your work is always accessible.
Option 3
Install homebrew on your Mac, then install OpenCV and NetBeans with
brew install opencv
brew install Caskroom/cask/netbeans
Then configure the two to work together as per this post.

opencv2/opencv.hpp: No such file or directory using Eclipse IDE

I'm trying to test OpenCV (3.0.0) with Eclipse IDE (Version: Mars Release (4.5.0)) but for some reason I fail to successfully include all the library path.
Can you tell me how is it possible that the include directory is in the project explorer with the file *opencv.hpp* in it but still fails to find it during the build process? And how can I fix it?
I'm not sure what operating system you are using or how you installed OpenCV but I faced the same problem when installing OpenCV 3.1.0 on Ubuntu 15.10. I was following these instructions.
It turns out that after I ran make I forgot to run make install to actually install the compiled libraries.
I'm not sure if this problem has anything to do with Eclipse.