c++ nested classes access - c++

Following is a simplified header file detailing three Classes. I want to be able to keep the pointer in my "Game" class private, and allow Introduction to modify it. However, as is, this is not working. As Introduction is a derivative of GameState, I thought I would be able to modify this pointer? Examples had shown that this was possible. I don't really want to move this to the Public space within Game.
class Introduction;
class Game;
class GameState;
class GameState
static Introduction intro;
virtual ~GameState();
virtual void handleinput(Game& game, int arbitary);
virtual void update(Game& game);
class Introduction : public GameState
virtual void handleinput(Game& game, int arbitary);
virtual void update(Game& game);
class Game
virtual void handleinput(int arbitary);
virtual void update();
GameState* state_;
The example I was following was here...http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/state.html
EDIT: I am wanting to do something like this...
void Introduction::handleinput(Game& game, int arbitary)
if (arbitary == 1)
std::cout << "switching to playing state" << std::endl;
game.state_ = &GameState::play;
EDIT: Thank you for the responses, I think getters and setters are the way to go. And I apologise that the problem was not clear. The problem was that I did not understand the implementation I was trying to follow. I still don't understand it, but clearly there are ways to accomplish the same thing.

I see two possible solutions.
Using Friend class
You can declare friend classes in your Game class.
Something like:
class Game {
// ...
// ...
friend class Introduction;
In this way, the class Introduction will be able to access to private member of Game class and modify it.
Getters And Setters
If you want to preserve data hiding principle, you can just provide a public member in order to modify the state of your game.
Here, an example:
class Game {
void setNewState(GameState* setter) noexcept;
const GameState* getCurrentState() const noexcept;
// ...

How about a getter and an setter?
class Game
GameState * getGameState() const { return state_; }
void setGameState(GameState * newState) { state_ = newState; }
GameState* state_;

You can make the pointer Protected and make Game a friend to GameState, to allow Game to access protected members in GameState.
But as the above comments indicate, its not really clear what you are actually asking.


Create a temporary interface into an object?

I have an object "World obj;" that has a normal interface of methods for it's typical funcitonality, but I want to have an additional interface of methods specifically for initializing that should only be visible when I specifically need them.
An example might be like this:
class World{
void draw();
void update();
void normalStuff();
void addATree(); // this should not be ordinarily available or visible,
void addACar(); // calling this might break the object
void addAClown();// if it's not in a ready state for it
int m_data;
Is there a way to relatively hide addATree(); etc in a way that makes sense? Ideally the mechanism for revealing those methods would also put the object into a ready state for them, or at least fault if it's not possible.
Different approaches would be possible:
Don't change the code, just change the spec
No need to change the code. Change the API specification and if the caller throws garbage in he gets garbage out.
Make the functions check if they are allowed
Always safe.
class World{
void addAClown() {
if(not allowed)
throw error or crash or output error message or just return;
else {
do the work;
int m_data;
Write a function that only exposes the Interface if allowed
You can't protect against someone getting the interface early and use it longer than allowed.
You could extract the interface functions into a separate class.
class WorldInterfaceToProtect {
void addATree() = 0; // this should not be ordinarily available or visible,
void addACar() = 0; // calling this might break the object
void addAClown() = 0;// if it's not in a ready state for it
then the main class can protect these functions.
class World : protected WorldInterfaceToProtect {
void draw();
void update();
void normalStuff();
void addATree(); // this should not be ordinarily available or visible,
void addACar(); // calling this might break the object
void addAClown();// if it's not in a ready state for it
int m_data;
You then need to add a function that exposes the interface.
class World ... {
WorldInterfaceToProtect *GetInterface() { return allowed_cond ? this : nullptr; }
Separate the class itself and the builder
This only helps if the functions to be called are only allowed during construction and not later. Depending on the design of the builder you can get a good protection.
class World{
friend class WorldBuilder;
void draw();
void update();
void normalStuff();
void addATree(); // this should not be ordinarily available or visible,
void addACar(); // calling this might break the object
void addAClown();// if it's not in a ready state for it
int m_data;
class WorldBuilder {
static World *Build(...);
Perhaps split the world into more composable parts:
struct WorldInterface
virtual void draw() = 0;
virtual void update() = 0;
virtual void normalStuff() = 0;
class World : public WorldInterface
void draw() override { /* actual drawing here */};
void update() override {};
void normalStuff() override {};
int m_data;
class TreeWorld : public WorldInterface
// takes a reference to the actual world engine and defers work to
// that
TreeWorld(World& worldEngine) : worldEngine_(worldEngine) {}
void draw() override { worldEngine_.get().draw(); };
void update() override { worldEngine_.get().update(); };
void normalStuff() override { worldEngine_.get().normalStuff(); };
void addATree() {
//do tree/world interaction here
std::reference_wrapper<World> worldEngine_;
class CarWorld : public WorldInterface
// takes a reference to the actual world engine and defers work to
// that
CarWorld(World& worldEngine) : worldEngine_(worldEngine) {}
void draw() override { worldEngine_.get().draw(); };
void update() override { worldEngine_.get().update(); };
void normalStuff() override { worldEngine_.get().normalStuff(); };
void addACar() {
//do car/world interaction here
std::reference_wrapper<World> worldEngine_;
extern void play_tree_game(TreeWorld world);
extern void play_car_game(CarWorld world);
int main()
World worldEngine;
// initialise engine here
// play tree-phase of game
// play car phase of game
Good answers all around, I'll just add this because it was missing(?)
class World{
void draw();
void update();
void normalStuff();
int m_data;
class BuildableWorld : public World
void addATree();
void addACar();
void addAClown();
Use the BuildableWorld at initialization phase and then just give a pointer to the base class type for others to use.
Sure, you need some way to give the "built" data for the base class to access, but that was not the issue here, right?
an alternative approach that has not been mentioned so far, may be to let addX() functions take parameters whose existence implies that World is in a valid state. Say, if you cannot add trees to a world without water, let World return an (optional) water object to pass to addTree ... in other words, you need to properly formalize World invariants:
class World{
void normalStuff();
auto getAvaliableWaterBuckets() -> optional<WaterBuckets>;
auto getAvaliableSoil() -> optional<SoilPack>;
void addATree( WaterBuckets&&, SoilPack&& );
// in the meanwhile, in user land:
if( auto water = world->getAvaliableWaterBuckets() )
if( auto soil = world->getAvaliableSoil() )
world->addTree( std::move(*water), std::move(*soil) );
world->recycleWater( std::move(*water) );
the benefit of this approach is that the user is not forced to think about world state validity ( an error prone task ), he just thinks about what he needs in order to add a tree ( simpler, hard to use incorrectly ). Moreover, this scales well because addX() functions can share different objects ( addFlowers needs water, ... ) enabling the correct management of a possibly complex internal world state.
Of course, IMHO, if you need to use addX() strictly on world construction only ( and you don't plan to add trees later ), then the factory approach already mentioned in the comments seems the way to go ...

Calling a function of another class from another class

I am working on a project where there are two player objects and one game object.
The two player objects need to access the game object's function display(), but i have no idea how this could be done.
Below is a snippet highlighting the core issue:
class Game
Game() {}
display() {...}
class Player
Player() {}
void input()
// display();
Please suggest a way to solve this problem. if you find fundamental issue with this design pattern, feel free to correct that!
Why not?
void input()
but probably, you need to pass a Player object to it. Thus, change it this way:
class Player; // FORWARD declaration
class Game
Game() {}
void display(Player& player); // Implement elsewhere not here.
// Another way
void display(Player* player = NULL); // Implement elsewhere not here.
void input()
game.Display(this); // another way

Visitor pattern and constness

I am running into a problem concerning the visitor pattern and constness.
Assume a visitor pattern implementation in C++ for a small game in which you draw stuff on the screen (depending on the internal state of the drawable objects) and at the same time run a logic that can change their internal state (pretty much any game you can imagine). Please, forgive any errors in code as this is done on the fly.
//Forward declaration of classes and visitor...
//class Game_actor; This one will be abstract, virtual, whatever.
class Game_actor_item;
class Game_actor_player;
class Game_actor_invisible;
class Visitor
// virtual void visit(Game_actor& r)=0;
virtual void visit(Game_actor_player& r)=0;
virtual void visit(Game_actor_item& r)=0;
virtual void visit(Game_actor_invisible& r)=0;
Then, some interface-like basics:
//This one defines stuff that can be on the screen.
class Drawable
virtual void draw(Screen&)=0;
//This one defines stuff that changes its state. Let's assume that do_logic
//returns an integer that means something to the controller and can be
//interpreted via a long list of "message_codes" (1=Add score, 2=Substract
//score, 3=Something else...). Each actor will run its logic and return its
//message, that will be stored and interpreted later. This is mostly crap,
//I know, but makes for a quick example.
class Game_actor
float x;
float y;
virtual int do_logic()=0;
void accept_visitor(Visitor& v)=0;
Next, our object hierarchy: Items and the player are derived from the actor, that defines part of their internal state. They can, of course, be drawn to the screen. There's a particular actor that won't be drawn, because it is invisible and controls something else.
class Game_actor_item: public Drawable, public Game_actor
//Lines and lines of code.
virtual void draw(Screen& s) {/* [...] */}
virtual int do_logic() {/* [...] */}
class Game_actor_player: public Drawable, public Game_actor
//Lines and lines of code.
virtual void draw(Screen& s) {/* [...] */}
virtual int do_logic() {/* [...] */}
class Game_actor_invisible: public Game_actor
//Lines and lines of code.
virtual int do_logic() {/* [...] */}
Finally, visitor specialization. We're gonna define two visitors, one is going to collect all drawable actors and other is going to dispatch messages to the game controller. Drawable actors will be collected from
a vector of its base class
class Visitor_drawing:public Visitor
std::vector<Drawable *> draw_all_these;
// virtual void visit(Game_actor& r)
virtual void visit(Game_actor_player& r) {draw_all_these.push_back(&r);}
virtual void visit(Game_actor_item& r) {draw_all_these.push_back(&r);}
//This one won't be drawn.
virtual void visit(Game_actor_invisible&) {}
std::vector<Drawable *> get_me_the_drawables() {return draw_all_these;}
class Visitor_logic:public Visitor
std::vector<int> messages;
// virtual void visit(Game_actor& r)
virtual void visit(Game_actor_player& r) {messages.push_back(r.do_logic());}
virtual void visit(Game_actor_item& r) {messages.push_back(r.do_logic());}
virtual void visit(Game_actor_invisible&) {messages.push_back(r.do_logic());}
std::vector<int> fetch_me_the_messages() {return messages;}
So, that's our setup. It is missing the "accept_visitor" methods, but I'm sure you get the idea here. Every final branch of the hierarchy just does void accept_visitor(Visitor& v) {v.visit(*this);}.
At any given time in our loop we collect drawable things and run logic:
std::vector<Game_actor*> actors;
Visitor_drawing dw;
Visitor_logic dl;
for(Game_actor * g : actors)
std::vector<Drawable *> draw_these=dw.get_me_the_drawables();
std::vector<int> messages=dl.fetch_me_the_messages();
for(Drawable * d : draw_these) d->draw(screen);
for(int * m : messages) interpret_message(m);
And here's my problem: I really want to keep my objects const where they should be. One requisite for this is that drawing them is never going to change their internal state (save a mutable int times_drawn, for example) so they could (and should (??)) be const. Doing their logic may change their state at each given turn (for example, moving them around the screen).
Given this particular setup, how would you manage having a const and non const visitor?. I have tried splitting the base visitor into const and non const base classes so they do
class Const_visitor
virtual void visit(const Thing&)=0;
class Non_const_visitor
virtual void visit(Thing&)=0;
class Visitor_drawing:public Const_visitor
virtual void visit(const Thing&)=0;
class Visitor_logic:public Non_const_visitor
virtual void visit(Thing&)=0;
But it seems that I would have to implement separate "accept_visitor" methods as the compiler doesn't distinguish between calls:
void accept_visitor_const(Const_visitor& v)=0;
void accept_visitor(Non_const_visitor& v)=0;
This leads to all kinds of duplication in the base visitor classes (basically writing everything twice, const and non const versions) and then separating the calls in the main loop: there's no single accept_visitor anymore and you have to know in advance what kind of visitor are you expecting (the side effect is that it really reads "I will accept this visitor that promises not to change my internals", which is somewhat desirable).
Anyway, Am I missing any other option that does not radically change this setup?. Is this a suitable and desirable option?
As always, many thanks in advance.

Calling virtual method from base class C++

I'm new to C++ and i'm having a hard time figuring out what's wrong with my virtual functions. So, here's what i have:
class GEntity
virtual void tick(void);
virtual void render(void);
void GEntity::tick(void){}
void GEntity::render(void){}
class GLiving : public GEntity
virtual void tick(void);
virtual void render(void);
void GEntity::tick(void){}
void GEntity::render(void){}
Then i have other classes that derive from GLiving (Player, Enemy) which implement their own versions of this two methods:
class Player : public GLiving
void tick(void);
void render(void);
void GEntity::tick(void)
//Here there's some actual code that updates the player
void GEntity::render(void)
//Here there's some actual code that renders the player
Now, if i declare an object of class Player, and call the render/tick method, everything goes well, but i am in a situation in which i add my player to an arraylist (a struct i created) of GEntity, and then, when i get it back, i get it as a GEntity, and i need to call the render/tick methods without knowing it's derived class...
I've tried with the code above, but i get an access violation in the line where i call either the render or tick method, on the extracted GEntity...
...is what i want even possible to achieve?
(sorry if my english is not so good, but i'm italian)
If you have an array of GEntity then, each time you "add" a derived type, the equivalent of this happens:
GEntity g;
Player p;
g = p; // object slicing, you assigned a Player to a GEntity object.
g.render(); // GEntity::render() gets called
On the other hand, you can use a pointer to a base class to access a derived method:
GEntity* g;
Player p;
g = &p;
g->render(); // calls Player::render()
So a way to deal with polymorphism in containers is to have arrays/containers of (preferably smart) pointers to the base class. This example uses raw pointers for simplicity, but you should use smart pointers in real code:
std::vector<CEntity*> entities;
entities.push_back(new Player);
entities.push_back(new GLiving);
// some c++11
for ( auto e : entities) {

How to access class members from a method?

I want to access the engine from inside my eventReceiver object. They are fellow members of the game class, but how do I reach it?
// game.h
class game
3dEngine* engine;
eventReceiver* receiver;
// eventReceiver.h
class eventReceiver
eventReceiver () {}
virtual bool OnEvent (const SEvent& event)
>>> engine->quit(); // how to access engine from here??
return true;
Should I use 'this' ? I don't understand why receiver can't see the engine.
Implement the class as a Singleton and write a getter for the engine property. Accessing code could then look like:
I would recommend you though, that you create a quite() method in the game class itself hiding implementation details and allowing you to handle overall application shutdown and not just of the 3dEngine:
If you dont want to implement the game class as singleton you could also pass a reference/pointer of a game object to the constructor of your event handler:
class CloseButtonHandler : public eventHandler {
game& game;
CloseButtonHandler(game& game) : game(game) {
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event){
The eventReceiver shouldn't know anything about the engine. That's a bad design. There are a few solutions. One reasonable solution is to derive game from eventReceiver since game can clearly receive events. You can then implement the game-specific OnEvent handler in game itself. From there you can call engine->quit.
I don't know how elegant this design is, but it works.
I just separated the receiver from the game class and gave its constructor a pointer to the instance of myGame. (Thanks to Paranaix)
class eventReceiver {
eventReceiver (game* gameInstance) : gamei(gameInstance)
virtual bool OnEvent (...)
game* gamei;
int main() {
game myGame;
eventReceiver receiver (&myGame);