How can I get Eclipse to make assumptions about my template parameters? - templates

I have
template <typename T> class Foo : public T { /* ... */ }
and I only instantiate it with Ts which are subclasses of Bar. If it helps, I can static_assert that's the case.
So, Eclipse CDT doesn't recognize T is "really" also a Bar. I can't complain about that - but can I make it understand that? That is, can I somehow tell the Indexer to look for methods and types in class Bar as a base class of Foo?

This is a really good question!
Currently, there is no way to tell Eclipse that a template will only be instantiated with arguments that are subclasses of a particular type.
However, there is an upcoming C++ language feature that will allow you to express this relationship in your code, and for Eclipse to pick up on it as well: Concepts.
Concepts allow you to constrain template parameters such that they have to satisfy a concept, which can be thought of as a type predicate - a boolean function on types, evaluated at compile-time.
For example, you can write a concept like this:
template <typename T>
concept bool DerivedFromBar = std::is_base_of<Bar, T>::value;
This defines a concept DerivedFromBar which is satisfied only by types that are derived from Bar.
You can then use this concept in your class template definition:
template <DerivedFromBar T> class Foo : public T { /* ... */ }
Note the use of DerivedFromBar instead of the usual typename to declare the template parameter T. This tells the compiler that T is constrained to satisfy DerivedFromBar.
Once you express your code in this way, Eclipse can, in principle, make inferences that would allow it to offer members of Bar as auto-completion proposals when calling a method on an object of type T inside the template.
Concepts is currently supported by GCC, with other compilers such as MSVC and clang working on implementing it.
Bug 492682 tracks Concepts support in Eclipse CDT. Taking advantage of Concepts for better auto-completion would then be a follow-up feature.


std::optional with optional variadic template [duplicate]

Suppose we have a class template with default template parameter:
template <typename T = int>
class Foo {};
We can omit angle brackets when creating a variable inside a function:
int main()
Foo a; // gets properly deduced as Foo<int>
But we can't do that for member variables:
struct S
Foo a; // Deduce Foo<int>
We can't have derivative types such as this:
Foo* ptr; // Foo<int>*
Foo& ref; // Foo<int>&
int Foo::* mem_ptr; // int Foo<int>::*
std::function<Foo(const Foo&)> fn; // std::function<Foo<int>(const Foo<int>&)>
We can't accept parameters and return them:
Foo Bar(const Foo&); // Foo<int> (*)(const Foo<int>&)
Why? Is this considered a bug in the standard? Is there a proposal to fix it? Are there any actual problems with omitting angle brackets?
My use case:
I have a class template which provides default argument. The template parameter is an expert-only feature that I myself never use but it is there for those 1% of experts who want that total flexibility. Now for other 99% I want to hide the fact that Foo is actually a class template but it doesn't work because users have to type Foo<> when declaring it as a member variable, current solution is this:
template <typename T = int>
class BasicFoo {};
using Foo = BasicFoo<>;
But it complicates implementation code and is not elegant at all.
Is this considered a bug in the standard?
Templates are a named construct which generates another construct (classes/functions/variables) based on a set of parameters. The name of a template is not the name of the construct which it generates. The name of a template is just the name of the template; to name the thing the template generates, you must provide the template parameters.
Foo is the name of a template; Foo<> is the name of a class generated by that template and its associated template parameters.
There are a couple of places where C++ allows a template to be used in such a way that its parameters are deduced from a sequence of expressions. But these are very specific places, created for convenience purposes. They do not exist for the purpose of hiding the fact that a name represents a template rather than the generated construct.
Is there a proposal to fix it?
There is nothing broken to fix. And there are at present no proposals adding changes in this way.
Are there any actual problems with omitting angle brackets?
Define "actual problem". Is it theoretically possible to have the language altered so that, if all of a template's parameters are defaulted, the name of the template can be used without template parameters to simultaneously mean the template and the thing the template generates?
It is probably possible. But it would be complicated to specify. You would need a serious spec-doctor, one who understands the C++ grammar at a deep level, to know for sure whether it is possible, and what exactly would need to be changed to do it.
But at the end of the day, it would only ever be useful for a small, select set of templates: templates that have default values for all of its parameters. The real question is whether that is a common enough case to be worth the effort.
I don't consider myself a language expert, but my stance would be that the problem your proposal tries to tackle is solved much simpler in the same way std::(basic_)string does it.
We have
class CharT,
class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>,
class Allocator = std::allocator<CharT>
> class basic_string;
and then a set of typedefs for "non-expert" users, such as std::string for std::basic_string<char>.
If an expert user wants to make use of the other template parameters, they can themselves define a type alias, which is nice and coherent with the above. Moreover, this cleanly separates the template from the types that are created from it.
Your suggestion of allowing templates with defaults for all parameters to be named by MyTemplate alone, instead of requiring MyTemplate<>, or making use of using MyTemplate = MyBasicTemplate<>;, has the following issues:
It complicates the grammar and specification of the language. You need to touch the allowed syntax of all the contexts mentioned in your question, adding the ability to use a template name where a type name would be expected, but only if the relevant template has default values for all template parameters. And if you don't change all of them, you introduce weirdly inconsistent behavior.
There is some overlap between your suggestion and CTAD, but CTAD is decidedly about reducing type verbosity for initialization. CTAD offers significant comfort within its scope and is extensible through deduction guides, whereas your proposal's syntactic sugar is only relevant in a tiny usage niche, with much smaller benefits.
There is the danger of accidentally using the wrong template parameters (did you mean the default template parameters or did you just forget to specify the ones you wanted?). Even if that is not a concern in your use case, the standard would have to concern itself with that potential issue.
There is also the danger of your suggestion conflicting with deduction guides. Who should win?
Your problem is easily and conveniently solved with existing language tools (see above). I disagree that this "complicates" implementation code (complexity is literally only increased by a single typedef/using, (re)naming your template is absolutely trivial work) or that it is inelegant.
Overall, the problem you intend to solve (saving library implementers a using, or users a <> (or using), exclusively for all-defaulted templates) is fringe at best and will not be a sufficient motivation for significantly altering several core aspects the language. That's my prediction at least.

Equivalent to `<T extends MyClass>` in C++

In Java you can define a generic type, that should interhit from anoter, by <T extends MyClass> void myMethod(T item)
Is there an equivalent in cpp? I tried template<class T : Draw_Shape> class MyClass, but dont work.
When reading below, please be aware that I am not a Java programmer. My knowledge of Java is almost entirely abstract, and possibly out of date. So if Java implemented reification of generics in the last version or two I don't know about it.
So Java Generics and C++ templates share some common syntax and uses, but they are very different things under the hood.
Java Generics are a wrapper of automatically written casts and compile time type checks around a single core type.
C++ templates on the other hand generate new unrelated types for each set of template arguments.
The extends MyClass syntax in Java does two things. First, it permits that "core" type of the generic to know that the T is not merely an Object, but actually a subclass of some interface. This is required for the "core" type to use methods safely (without can-fail-at-runtime dynamic casts).
In C++ this doesn't happen because there is no "core" type generated by a template instantiation. Each template instantiation is independently compiled, and so knows if the operations are valid or not.
The second thing it does is it gives type errors when the wrong type is passed to the generic. The third thing it does is it allows Java to check the Generic code for validity prior to it being instantiated.
For the second, C++ can use concepts (if your compiler is new enough) or use a technique known as SFINAE that is equally powerful, but syntactically awful and honestly its ability to solve this problem was an accident of language development (it is accidentally Turing complete).
For the third, checked templates in C++, it has been proposed many times, but keeps running into compile time performance issues. So there isn't a way to do it in C++, short of instantiating a template.
Do nothing:
No, seriously. Embrace duck typing and don't constrain template parameters. The only big downside is ugly error messages, and rarely "same named operation has different meanings".
template<class T> class MyClass{
this generates clean error messages. There are some downsides in that other code cannot test if MyClass<X> is a valid instantiation without a hard compiler error.
template<class T,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Draw_Shape,T>, bool> =true
class MyClass{
note that the =true does not compare the test to the value true. It is not ==true. What is going on here is ridiculously complex and annoying; using SFINAE for this purpose is a hack, and this is just a monkey-see monkey-do way to make it clean.
template<class T> requires std::is_base_of_v<Draw_Shape,T>
class MyClass{
template<std::is_derived_from<Draw_Shape> T>
class MyClass{
note that concepts requires a modern C++ complier and std library.

Bounded Type Parameters in C++, any reason for the lack of it?

Java and I guess C#(and others) support Bounded Type Parameters which lets us restrict what types may be used in template classes/functions.
I am curious if there is a reason, official or otherwise, for not adding native support for bounded types to C++? Anything to do with how templates are currently processed? Multiple inheritance issues?
I would expect it to be quite useful.
C++ has SFINAE which can be exploited via std::enable_if fairly easily. In conjunction with type_traits it is actually, IMO, more powerful than the bounded types that Java and C# have. With a little work you can also make some nice constexpr functions to test these things out for you. Combine that with some macros and you have something that looks sorta like it
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#define ENABLE_IF typename std::enable_if<
#define THEN(T) ,T>::type
class foo {};
class bar : public foo {};
template<class T, class U>
constexpr bool extends() {
return std::is_base_of<
typename std::remove_reference<U>::type,
typename std::remove_reference<T>::type
template<class T>
ENABLE_IF extends<T, foo>() THEN(void) test(T&& v) {
std::cout << "T extends foo!!";
int main() {
Now I'm not sure I would recommenced this but it is doable and as of now I see no issue in doing it beyond SFINAE being hard to debug
The simple fact is, the reason why this is not in is because nobody has come up with a feature that would make it work without horrific side effects. The Committee has been working on the problem for a decade or more, and the latest iteration still isn't fit for purpose.
Also, the generic restrictions you refer to are not bounded types at all. The only bound they support is "X inherits from Y", essentially, and frankly, SFINAE with std::is_base_of covers this situation just fine. C++ would need something far more powerful to be useful, since run-time inheritance is one of the least useful features.
Most of the time, the constraints on a template argument should not be on the type, but on the operations that the template needs. C++ does that, in a somewhat awkward way, simply because you get an error message if an operation that the template uses isn't there. For example:
template <class T>
void show(T t) {
std::cout << t << std::endl;
If you call this template function with a type that doesn't implement operator<< you'll get an error. The Java approach would be to define an interface with a print method, and require that the user pass an object of a type that implements that interface. The C++ approach doesn't require all that mechanism.
The problem with doing this in C++ is that you can get error messages that are very confusing. Often the missing operation is used in some low-level part of another template, and the error message has no clear relation to the code that you wrote. That's one of the drives behind concepts: the author of the template can set out what operations it uses, and passing an object whose type doesn't support those operations will result in a violation of the concept right at the interface, instead of deep within the implementation, so you will probably get a more useful error message.
The purpose of the bounded type parameter is to raise a compile-time error in case of a mismatch of the supplied type and a desired base-class, so this is easily achievable in C++11 and up, with a static_assert and supplying to it the value of the std::is_base_of as follows:
template <typename T>
class C {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<SomeBoundedBaseClass, T>::value, "Bounded type parameter violation!");
//...the rest of the class C
where SomeBoundedBaseClass is your class to which you want to bound the type parameter T to be a descendant of or match exactly.
Also note that this way you can mention any custom message to be shown as a compile error, so it has even an advantage over the Java's built-in functionality. Needless to say that C++ is more verbose, but it gives also more freedom.

Templates accepting "anything" in C++

I have a simple template struct associating a string with a value
template<typename T> struct Field
std::string name; T self;
I have a function that I want to accept 1-or-more Fields of any type, and the Fields may be of possible different types, so I'm using a std::initializer_list because C++, to my knowledge, lacks typed variadic arguments, cannot determine the size of variadic arguments, and must have at least one other argument to determine where to start.
The problem is that I don't know how to tell it to accept Fields that may be of different types. In Java, I would just use foo(Field<?> bar, Field<?>... baz), but C++ lacks both typed variadic arguments and wildcards. My only other idea is to make the parameter of type
std::initializer_list<Field<void*>>, but that seems like a bad solution... Is there a better way to do it?
A couple of things...
C++11 (which you seem to have since you are talking about std::initializer_list) does have typed variadic arguments, in particular they are named variadic templates
Java generics and C++ templates are completely different beasts. Java generics create a single type that stores a reference to Object and provides automatic casting in and out to the types in the interface, but the important bit is that it performs type erasure.
I would recommend that you explain the problem you want to solve and get suggestions for solutions to your problem that are idiomatic in C++. If you want to really mimic the behavior in Java (which, I cannot insist enough is a different language and has different idioms) you can use type erasure in C++ manually (i.e. use boost::any). But I have very rarely feel the need for full type erasure in a program... using a variant type (boost::variant) is a bit more common.
If your compiler has support for variadic templates (not all compilers do), you can always play with that, but stashing the fields for later in a vector may be a bit complicated for a fully generic approach unless you use type erasure. (Again, what is the problem to solve? There might be simpler solutions...)
Java generics are closer to just stuffing a boost::any into the self variable than to C++ templates. Give that a try. C++ templates create types that have no runtime or dynamic relarionship to each other by default.
You can introduce such a relationship manually, say via a common parent and type erasure and judicious use of pImpl and smart pointers.
C type variardic arguments are out of style in C++11. Variardic template arguments are very type safe, so long as your compiler has support for them (Nov 2012 CTP for MSVC 2012 has support for them (not update 1, the CTP), as does clang, and non-ancient versions of gcc).
Templates in C++ is a kind of metaprogramming, closer to writing a program that writes a program than it is to Java Generics. A Java Generic has one shared "binary" implementation, while each instance of a C++ template is a completely different "program" (which, via procedures like COMDAT folding, can be reduced to one binary implementation), whose details are described by the template code.
template<typename T>
struct Field {
T data;
is a little program that says "here is how to create Field types". When you pass in an int and double, the compiler does something roughly like this:
struct Field__int__ {
int data;
struct Field__double__ {
double data;
and you wouldn't expect these two types to be convertible between.
Java generics, on the other hand, create something like this:
struct Field {
boost::any __data__;
template<typename T>
T __get_data() {
template<typename T>
void __set_data(T& t) {
property data; // reading uses __get_data(), writing uses __set_data()
where boost::any is a container that can hold an instance of any type, and access to the data field redirects through those accessors.
C++ provides means to write something equivalent to Java generics using template metaprogramming. To write something like C++ templates in Java, you'd have to have your Java program output custom Java byte or source code, then run that code in a way that allows a debugger to connect back to the code that writes the code as the source of the bugs.
There is no need to use wildcards in C++ templates, since in C++ it always knows the type, and is not "erased" like in Java. To write void foo(Field<?> bar, Field<?>... baz) method(or function) in C++, you would write:
template<class T, class... Ts>
void foo(Field<T> bar, Field<Ts>... baz);
Each Field<Ts> can be a different type. To use the variadic parameters inside the function, you just use baz.... So say you want to call another function:
template<class T, class... Ts>
void foo(Field<T> bar, Field<Ts>... baz)
You can also expand the type with Field<Ts>..., so if you want to put it in a tuple(you can't put them in array since they can be different types):
template<class T, class... Ts>
void foo(Field<T> bar, Field<Ts>... baz)
std::tuple<Field<Ts>...> data(baz...);
This is not very idiomatic for C++. It can be done, perhaps; Coplien's book might have some ideas. But C++ is strongly typed because it believes in typing; trying to turn it into Smalltalk or fold it like a pheasant may lead to tears.

typedef vs public inheritance in c++ meta-programming

Disclaimer: the question is completely different from Inheritance instead of typedef and I could not find any similar question so far
I like to play with c++ template meta-programming (at home mostly, I sometimes introduce it lightly at work but I don't want to the program to become only readable to anyone who did not bother learning about it), however I have been quite put out by the compiler errors whenever something goes wrong.
The problem is that of course c++ template meta-programming is based on template, and therefore anytime you get a compiler error within a deeply nested template structure, you've got to dig your way in a 10-lines error message. I have even taken the habit of copy/pasting the message in a text-editor and then indent the message to get some structure until I get an idea of what is actually happening, which adds some work to tracking the error itself.
As far as I know, the problem is mostly due to the compiler and how it output typedefs (there are other problems like the depth of nesting, but then it's not really the compiler fault). Cool features like variadic templates or type deduction (auto) are announced for the upcoming C++0x but I would really like to have better error messages to boot. It can prove painful to use template meta-programming, and I do wonder what this will become when more people actually get into them.
I have replaced some of the typedefs in my code, and use inheritance instead.
typedef partition<AnyType> MyArg;
struct MyArg2: partition<AnyType> {};
That's not much more characters to type, and this is not less readable in my opinion. In fact it might even be more readable, since it guarantees that the new type declared appears close to the left margin, instead of being at an undetermined offset to the right.
This however involves another problem. In order to make sure that I didn't do anything stupid, I often wrote my templates functions / classes like so:
template <class T> T& get(partition<T>&);
This way I was sure that it can only be invoked for a suitable object.
Especially when overloading operators such as operator+ you need some way to narrow down the scope of your operators, or run the risk of it been invoked for int's for example.
However, if this works with a typedef'ed type, since it is only an alias. It sure does not work with inheritance...
For functions, one can simply use the CRTP
template <class Derived, class T> partition;
template <class Derived, class T> T& get(partition<Derived,T>&);
This allows to know the 'real' type that was used to invoke the method before the compiler used the public inheritance. One should note that this decrease the chances this particular function has to be invoked since the compiler has to perform a transformation, but I never noticed any problem so far.
Another solution to this problem is adding a 'tag' property to my types, to distinguish them from one another, and then count on SFINAE.
struct partition_tag {};
template <class T> struct partition { typedef partition_tag tag; ... };
template <class T>
typename boost::enable_if<
typename T::tag,
It requires some more typing though, especially if one declares and defines the function / method at different places (and if I don't bother my interface is pretty soon jumbled). However when it comes to classes, since no transformation of types is performed, it does get more complicated:
template <class T>
class MyClass { /* stuff */ };
// Use of boost::enable_if
template <class T, class Enable = void>
class MyClass { /* empty */ };
template <class T>
class MyClass <
typename T::tag,
/* useful stuff here */
// OR use of the static assert
template <class T>
class MyClass
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((/*this comparison of tags...*/));
I tend to use more the 'static assert' that the 'enable_if', I think it is much more readable when I come back after some time.
Well, basically I have not made my mind yet and I am still experimenting between the different technics exposed here.
Do you use typedefs or inheritance ?
How do you restrict the scope of your methods / functions or otherwise control the type of the arguments provided to them (and for classes) ?
And of course, I'd like more that personal preferences if possible. If there is a sound reason to use a particular technic, I'd rather know about it!
I was browsing stackoverflow and just found this perl from Boost.MPL I had completely forgotten:
The idea is that you give the macro 3 arguments:
The condition to check
a message (C++ identifier) that should be used for display in the error message
the list of types involved (as a tuple)
It may help considerably in both code self documentation and better error output.
What you are trying to do is to explicitly check whether types passed as template arguments provide the concepts necessary. Short of the concept feature, which was thrown out of C++0X (and thus being one of the main culprits for it becoming C++1X) it's certainly hard to do proper concept checking. Since the 90ies there have been several attempts to create concept-checking libraries without language support, but, basically, all these have achieved is to show that, in order to do it right, concepts need to become a feature of the core language, rather than a library-only feature.
I don't find your ideas of deriving instead of typedef and using enable_if very appealing. As you have said yourself, it often obscures the actual code only for the sake of better compiler error messages.
I find the static assert a lot better. It doesn't require changing the actual code, we all are used to having assertion checks in algorithms and learned to mentally skip over them if we want to understand the actual algorithms, it might produce better error messages, and it will carry over to C++1X better, which is going to have a static_assert (completely with class designer-provided error messages) built in into the language. (I suspect BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT to simply use the built-in static_assert if that's available.)