vector<string> doesnt work when using seperate classes - c++

I have a txt file which has a rogue-like level
I load it like so:
void File::LoadLevel()
ifstream input_file;"Level_1.txt");
if (
while (input_file >> _level)
string _level;
vector<string> _level_instance;
I print it out like this:
for (int i = 0; i < _level_instance.size(); i++)
cout << _level_instance[i] << endl;
which works fine.
however I have a vector in another class as well and i use a getter like this:
vector<string>GetlevelData(){ return _level_data; }
and I change the LoadLevel() from this:
to this:
Level Lvl;
I make an method in 'Level' class which prints it out to the screen same as before
it compiles but it doesnt print out anything why?
By the way in the int main() neccesary methods are executed which is OpenLevel() from File class and Print() from Level class
passing it &by reference didnt work
here are both methods in Level.h:
void SetLevelData(const std::string &string) {
vector<string>& GetlevelData(){ return _level_data; }
in File.cpp:
void File::LoadLevel()
ifstream input_file;
Level lvl;"Level_1.txt");
if (
while (input_file >> _level)
it doesnt work it prints nothing, even though i added '&'
the result is same when i try it with 'push_back' method in Level.h
Here is int main() just in case:
int main()
File f;
Level lvl;
return 0;
And PrintLevel() in Level.cpp:
void Level::PrintLevel()
for (int i = 0; i < _level_data.size(); i++)
cout << _level_data[i] << endl;

The GetlevelData function returns its vector by value which means a whole new copy of it is created. Anything you push into that vector will be lost when the copy goes out of scope (which happens when the expression Lvl.GetLevelData().pushback(_level) is done).
You should return it by reference instead:
vector<string>& GetlevelData(){ return _level_data; }
// ^
// |
// Return by reference

vector<string>GetlevelData() returns a copy of the vector and not a reference to it.
So your Lvl.GetLevelData().push_back(_level); returns a copy adds data to the vector and then deletes that copy again. So you add it to a vector that will be immediately be deleted again.
You would need to return it either by reference:
vector<string>& GetlevelData(){ return _level_data; }
Or write a method to push back the data:
void push_back( const std::string &string) {


C++: Setters and Getters for Arrays

I am struggling to find the correct format for initializing a (private) array within a class and getting/setting the values from outside the class.
My code is semi-functional, but feels awkward in incorrectly formatted.
It is returning only the first element of the array, I want it to return all the contents. Read code comments for additional details.
Note: This is (a very small part of) a project I am working on for school -- an array must be used, not a vector or list.
class Student {
// Upon researching my issue, I read suggestions on passing pointers for arrays:
void SetDaysToCompleteCourse(int* daysToCompleteCourse[3]);
int* GetDaysToCompleteCourse(); // Ditto # above comment.
int daysToCompleteCourse[3];
#include "student.h"
void Student::SetDaysToCompleteCourse(int* daysToCompleteCourse) {
// this->daysToCompleteCourse = daysToCompleteCourse; returns error (expression must be a modifiable lvalue)
// Feels wrong, probably is wrong:
this->daysToCompleteCourse[0] = daysToCompleteCourse[0];
this->daysToCompleteCourse[1] = daysToCompleteCourse[1];
this->daysToCompleteCourse[2] = daysToCompleteCourse[2];
int* Student::GetDaysToCompleteCourse() {
return daysToCompleteCourse;
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "student.h"
int main()
Student student;
int daysToCompleteCourse[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
int* ptr = daysToCompleteCourse;
std::cout << *student.GetDaysToCompleteCourse(); // returns first element of the array (1).
I gave this my best shot, but I think I need a nudge in the right direction.
Any tips here would be greatly appreciated.
I would say:
// student.h
class Student
// If you can, don't use numbers:
// you have a 3 on the variable,
// a 3 on the function, etc.
// Use a #define on C or a static const on C++
static const int SIZE= 3;
// You can also use it outside the class as Student::SIZE
void SetDaysToCompleteCourse(int* daysToCompleteCourse);
// The consts are for "correctness"
// const int* means "don't modify this data" (you have a setter for that)
// the second const means: this function doesn't modify the student
// whithout the const, student.GetDaysToCompleteCourse()[100]= 1 is
// "legal" C++ to the eyes of the compiler
const int* GetDaysToCompleteCourse() const; // Ditto # above comment.
// Always initialize variables
for (int i= 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
daysToCompleteCourse[i]= 0;
int daysToCompleteCourse[SIZE];
// On GCC, you can do
//int daysToCompleteCourse[SIZE]{};
// Which will allow you not to specify it on the constructor
// student.cpp
void Student::SetDaysToCompleteCourse(int* newDaysToCompleteCourse)
// It's not wrong, just that
// this->daysToCompleteCourse[0] = daysToCompleteCourse[0];
// use another name like newDaysToCompleteCourse and then you can suppress this->
// And use a for loop
for (int i= 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
daysToCompleteCourse[i]= newDaysToCompleteCourse[i];
const int* Student::GetDaysToCompleteCourse() const
return daysToCompleteCourse;
// main.cpp
#include <iostream>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Student& student)
const int* toShow= student.GetDaysToCompleteCourse();
for (int i= 0; i < Student::SIZE; i++) {
stream << toShow[i] << ' ';
return stream;
int main()
Student student;
int daysToCompleteCourse[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
// You don't need this
//int* ptr = daysToCompleteCourse;
//You can just do:
// On C++ int* is "a pointer to an int"
// It doesn't specify how many of them
// Arrays are represented just by the pointer to the first element
// It's the FASTEST and CHEAPEST way... but you need the SIZE
const int* toShow= student.GetDaysToCompleteCourse();
for (int i= 0; i < Student::SIZE; i++) {
std::cout << toShow[i] << ' ';
// Also works:
//std::cout << student.GetDaysToCompleteCourse()[i] << ' ';
std::cout << std::endl;
// Or you can do: (because we defined operator<< for a ostream and a Student)
std::cout << student << std::endl;
You can check out it live here:

How to push_back an object properly?

Hi I have an issue with pushing back object to a vector of objects.
class boxes {
int x = 0;
void setx (int input) {
x = input;
int getx () {
return x;
} box;
vector <boxes> tetris;
cout << box.getx();
cout << tetris.back().getx();
Why the two prints have different values? The first one is giving me x=5, the second x=0.
If you provide a copy constructor, make sure you implement it correctly. My bug was there.

C++ - one function makes others malfunction

Here is my task:
Write class Word which has:
pointer on array of characters
constructors and destructors
function to read word
function to check if character which is passed to it as argument occurs in word and return position of occurance
function to check which of two words has more occurances of number 10 and to return that number of occurances
Here is my solution. I compiled it without errors but it doesn't work as it shoud.
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
class Word
char *content;
int length;
Word(char *);
void print_content(void);
int check_character(char);
friend int check_number(Word,Word);
Word::Word(char *n)
content=new char [length];
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
delete content;
void Word::print_content(void)
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
int Word::check_character(char a)
int position=0;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
return position;
else return 0;
int check_number(Word n,Word m)
int counter_n=0;
int counter_m=0;
for(int i=1;i<n.length;i++)
for(int i=1;i<m.length;i++)
return counter_n;
else if(counter_n<counter_m)
return counter_m;
else return 0;
int main()
char characters1[]="qwerty10",*p1,*p2;
char characters2[]="stackoverflow101010";
Word first(p1);
Word second(p2);
Function check_number(first,second) for some reason makes other functions to work incorrectly, if you call it by removing "//" you will see that first.print_content() and second.print_content() don't give us correct result. Or if function first.check_character('r') is first called, second.check_character('j') second called and then check_number(first,second), then two firsly called functions don't work.
What's reason for this strange behaviour?
Word objects are passed by copy to check_number, but you did not define the copy constructor. So default one is used by the compiler and this one copies pointer (char* content). Temporary objects passed to the function are pointing to data created first and second in the main function...upon deletion (temprary objects are deleted after the function is called), they delete the pointers, so first and second objects are pointing to deleted memory. You have undetermined behaviour here, this explains side effects you experienced.
Passing objects by reference to check_number is an easy way to fix your problem. Here is a working code (including many fixes because you did not access arrays correctly):
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
class Word
char *content;
int length;
Word(char *);
void print_content(void);
int check_character(char);
friend int check_number(const Word&,const Word&); // changed here
Word::Word(char *n)
content=new char [length];
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
content[i]=n[i]; // changed here
delete [] content; // changed here
void Word::print_content(void)
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
cout<<""<<content[i]; // changed here
int Word::check_character(char a)
int position=0;
for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
if(content[i]==a) // changed here
return position;
else return 0;
int check_number( const Word& n, const Word& m)// changed here
int counter_n=0;
int counter_m=0;
for(int i=1;i<n.length;i++)
if((n.content[i-1]=='1')&&(n.content[i]=='0')) // changed here
for(int i=1;i<m.length;i++)
if((m.content[i-1]=='1')&&(m.content[i]=='0')) // changed here
return counter_n;
else if(counter_n<counter_m)
return counter_m;
else return 0;
int main()
char characters1[]="qwerty10",*p1,*p2;
char characters2[]="stackoverflow101010";
Word first(p1);
Word second(p2);
This outputs:
Declaring a copy constructor is another way to fix the problem:
Word( const Wodr& word ) :
length( word.length ),
content( new char[word.length] )
memcpy( content, word.content, word.length );
That would be less efficient than passing objects by const reference, but would make your code safer (it's good to always declare copy constructor to prevent bug you experienced here).
Finally, if you are lazy, you can also declare the copy constructor as private, to prevent compiler to copy objects, just declare it, don't impelment it:
class Word
Word( const Word& word ); // this makes argument passed by copy impossible.
Then, compiler will not let you call check_number.

I/O overloading and reading from text files

I need to define a read and a print function for a class that has an array of objects as a private variable. I have to read in objects from a text file and print them to the screen. To do this I need to overload the << and >> operators. I understand I need to use loops to read and print the information stored in the array but I'm not sure how to accomplish this. My lecturer has given us a skeleton code which is basically function prototypes and the main function which I need to stick to. I understand how this works with public structs as I have done this exact scenario using that but the private variables of class' are tripping me up.
class EmployeeList {
bool isEmpty() const;
bool isFull() const;
int size() const; //Number of employees in list
Employee item(int i) const; //i'th employee
void setItem(int i,const Employee& e);
//I/O functions, sets the i'th emplyee to e
void read(istream&);
void print(ostream&) const;
enum {MAXSIZE = 100};
Employee list[MAXSIZE];
int count; //Number of employees in the current list
EmployeeList::EmployeeList() {
count = 0;
EmployeeList::EmployeeList(istream& in) {
//list[MAXSIZE] = in;
bool EmployeeList::isEmpty() const {
return (count == 0);
bool EmployeeList::isFull() const {
return (count == MAXSIZE);
int EmployeeList::size() const {
return count;
Employee EmployeeList::item(int i) const {
void EmployeeList::setItem(int i, const Employee& e) {
void EmployeeList::read(istream& in) {
Employee tempList;
while (in >> tempList) {
void EmployeeList::print(ostream& out) const {
for (int i=0; i < size(); i++) {
cout << out;
The above part is the Class EmployeeList while the below part are overloading functions. The commented out parts are ideas that I thought might work but didn't.
istream& operator>>(istream& in, EmployeeList& l) {;
return in;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const EmployeeList& l) {
return out;
Below is the main function given to us.
int main() {
ifstream infile("a1in.txt");
if(!infile) {
cout << "file 'alin.txt' not found.";
EmployeeList theList(infile);
cout << endl;
cout << theList.size() << " employees read:\n" << theList << endl;
Hope someone can steer me in the right direction! Let me know if you need more of the code. Thanks!
Employee read and print functions:
void Employee::read(istream& in) {
in >> name >> id >> salary;
void Employee::print(ostream& out) const {
out << getName() <<" "<< getID() <<" "<< getSalary() << endl;
Employee overloading:
istream& operator>>(istream& in, Employee& e) {;
return in;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Employee& e) {
return out;
EDIT 2: Updated read() function. The line with the while is where the error is.
void EmployeeList::read(istream& in) {
Employee inEmployee;
while (in >> inEmployee && count < MAXSIZE) {
list[count] = inEmployee;
EDIT 3: Here is the print() function I have so far. It does indeed print but I get the default constructor information rather than information from the file. Is this a read or print function issue? I'm thinking read function still.
void EmployeeList::print(ostream& out) const {
cout << endl;
for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {
out << list[count];
Array Bounds
In your class, you have:
Employee list[MAXSIZE];
Given this, there is an error the code you tried:
EmployeeList::EmployeeList(istream& in) {
list[MAXSIZE] = in;
list only has elements from list[0] to list[MAXSIZE - 1]. list[MAXSIZE] is one past the end of the array, and is invalid.
That said, I'd strongly recommend against having a constructor that takes an istream&. It is far better to construct an empty object with the default constructor, then use its read(istream&) method (via operator <<) to load the data. In other words, rather than:
EmployeeList theList(infile);
EmployeeList theList;
infile >> theList;
If you're required to have a constructor that takes an istream&, just have it call read() after initializing the object:
EmployeeList::EmployeeList(istream& in): count(0) {
Note that only one constructor is called, so the initialization in EmployeeList::EmployeeList() does not happen in EmployeeList::EmployeeList(istream&). I hear the new version of C++ deals with this unnecessary repetition, but for the time being that's where we are.
Another thing: your code will be less confusing with better variable names. In this case:
void EmployeeList::read(istream& in) {
Employee tempList;
while (in >> tempList) {
Don't say tempList because it's not a "temporary list", it's a single Employee that has been read. Better would be:
void EmployeeList::read(istream& in) {
Employee inEmployee;
while (in >> inEmployee) {
list[count++] = inEmployee;
This looks like a homework so i'll try to just give you a hint:
void EmployeeList::read(istream& in) {
Employee tempList;
while (in >> tempList) {
//here you are creating a tempList so after you fill in the values in tempList
//the tempList is to become a part of Employee list[MAXSIZE];
and how do you fill in the values? You do this using your constructor and maintaining the count
EmployeeList::EmployeeList(istream& in) {
You could start off by figuring out how to read in input. The approach, which is likely incomplete, that I would take is this:
EmployeeList::EmployeeList(istream& in) {
count = 0;
read(in); // delegate it to avoid duplication
void EmployeeList::read(istream& in) {
Employee tempList;
while (in >> tempList && count < MAXSIZE) {
list[count] = tempList;
You will need to overload operator>> for Employee class for this to work.
Here is how I would write this, without the skeleton constraint. Feel free to adapt to your assignment requirements.
Iostreams are hard to master. You have to read about std::getline, the std::ios flags and stringstreams to understand how to parse an employee list with them.
I prefer giving you a working template (that you cannot use for your assignment since I don't make use of the skeleton at all), since there is a lot to say about iostreams.
Also feel free to ask questions, so that I can enhance my answer with your actual problems.

C++ Reading Objects from File Error

fstream file;
Patient Obj("XXX",'M',"XXX");"Patients.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::app);
Patient x;*)&x,sizeof(x));
I'm writing objects to files using this code but when i reading data VC++ 6 Crashes and thows a exception 'Access violation' .(Writing is successful)
Entire Code
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include "Patient.cpp"
using namespace std;
int main(){
fstream file;
Patient Obj("XXX",'M',"XXX");"Patients.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::app);
Patient x;*)&x,sizeof(x));
return 0;
That seems like a brittle and non-portable way to marshal classes. One thing that could be happening with the way you do this is that you aren't making a deep copy of the data you're serializing. for instance, if one of the members of your Patient class is a std::string, a bare pointer is written to the file, but no string data is written. Worse, when you read that back in, the pointer points... somewhere...
A better way to deal with this issue is to actually implement a class specific method that knows exactly how to serialize and unserialize each member.
I'm not a C++ guru. Onething it doesn't seem correct here is that Object x in your code is not initialized.
Here's how you can read and write strings:
void writestring(std::ostream & out, const std::string & s)
std::size_t size = s.size();
out << s;
std::string readstring(std::istream & in)
std::size_t size;*)&size,sizeof(size));
char* buf = new char[size+1];,size);
buf[size] = 0;
std::string s(buf);
delete [] buf;
return s;
If patient has pointers (e.g. to strings as I think it does based on its constructor) then your saving saves just the pointers, not values they point to. So loading initializes pointers to places in memory which might well be deleted or moved.
ok, here is the code I could not add to the comment below
class Patient : public Person{
bool savePerson(fstream& stream) const
// you should do to Person the same thing I did for Patient
return true;
bool saveMedicalDetails(fstream& stream) const
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
// we suppose here that the strings cannot contain 'end-of-line'
// otherwise you should save before any data of a string
// the number of characters in that string, like
// stream<<mD[i].doctors_name.size()<<" "<<mD[i].doctors_name<<endl;
return stream;
bool savePaymentDetails(fstream& stream)const
return stream;
bool save(fstream& stream) const
return savePerson(stream) ||
saveMedicalDetails(stream) ||
bool loadPerson(fstream& stream)
// you should do to Person the same thing I did for Patient
return true;
bool loadMedicalDetails(fstream& stream)
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
// we suppose here that the strings cannot contain 'end-of-line'
// otherwise you should load before any data of a string
// the number of characters in that string, like
// int size;
// stream>>size;
// char *buffer=new char[size+1];
// *(buffer+size)=0;
// mD[i].doctors=buffer;
// delete [] buffer;
return stream;
bool loadPaymentDetails(fstream& stream)
return stream;
bool load(fstream& stream) const
return savePerson(stream) ||
saveMedicalDetails(stream) ||
I figured it out using char arrays instead of strings will solve this problem , thanks all for your great help !