Sitecore: Set a relative data source while using branch - sitecore

I'm trying to use the branch template for the first time.
Here I need to give an Item as data source for a treelist field for another item. And both are in the same branch.
Before using the branch, In the data template of Menucollection, I given the path of 'MenuItems' directly. With branching how we can make this dynamic?, since each item I created using branch may have different items in 'MenuItems'.

You can set the Source field to a relative query:
You can make the above more dynamic if needed using a different Sitecore Query, such as:
query:./ancestor-or-self::*[##templateid = '{parent-template-guid}']/*[##templateid = '{MenuItems-template-guid}']"
Note that if you want to use the enhanced syntax support that Treelist provides with relatives queries then you will need to apply a fix to the field to support this.


How to modify a RelNode tree?

I am using Apache Calcite to validate and rewrite SQL based on policies that put certain restrictions on these SQL queries. I am trying to modify a RelNode tree in order to rewrite the query to enforce these restrictions. I want to be able to remove certain parts from a query (after it has been validated). For example, I want to be able to remove projection fields (which I managed to do using RelBuilder.projectExcept) and to remove a table scan and its corresponding column references from a query.
Simple example:
SELECT,, c.baz
FROM a, b, c
WHERE a.index = b.index AND b.index = c.index
Let's say we want to remove table c from the query, to get to the following:
FROM a, b
WHERE a.index = b.index
I have tried using RelBuilder but this does not support removing nodes from the tree. I have also thought about an approach using RelVisitor but this seems quite complicated for this purpose. I think it would essentially require building a new RelNode tree. Lastly, implementing rules using RelRule seems like it would be a suitable option, but I cannot figure out from the Calcite documentation how to remove a particular RelNode and how to parameterize this (e.g. conditionally apply the rule if the table name is c).
Can anyone point me to a good approach? Alternatively, would it be easier to just modify the SqlNode parse tree?
A rule transforms (in this case TransformationRule) a RelNode to an equivalent RelNode i.e both should have the same row. Assumming you want to use HepPlanner with your custom rule registered and if the rule matches, it will eventually check whether the original rel and the transformed rel have the same row using RelOptUtil#verifyTypeEquivalence. I think mutating the relNode via RelVisitor or mutating the sqlNode via SqlVisitor is your best bet.

How can I change the order of the attributes in Weka?

I was doing a machine learning task in Weka and the dataset has 486 attributes. So, I wanted to do attribute selection using chi-square and it provides me ranked attributes like below:
Now, I also have a testing dataset and I have to make it compatible. But how can I reorder the test attributes in the same manner that can be compatible with the train set?
Changing the order of attributes (e.g., when using the Ranker in conjunction with an attribute evaluator) will probably not have much influence on the performance of your classifier model (since all the attributes will stay in the dataset). Removing attributes, on the other hand, will more likely have an impact (for that, use subset evaluators).
If you want the ordering to get applied to the test set as well, then simply define your attribute selection search and evaluation schemes in the AttributeSelectedClassifier meta-classifier, instead of using the Attribute selection panel (that panel is more for exploration).

Drupal 8: Altering Search API queries

I'm working on a project which includes the following activated modules:
Drupal core 8.2.3
Database Search 8.x-1.0-beta4
Search API 8.x-1.0-beta4
Search API Term Handlers 8.x-1.0-beta4
Views 8.2.3
I have a list of nids which need to be excluded from the search result of the site-wide search. The search uses Search API and has been setup using Views.
The table in the database is: "search_api_db_default_index"
The field I wish to target is: "nid"
I wasn't able to get HOOK__search_api_query_alter or HOOK_search_api_results_alter to fire, so I am attempting to manipulate the query through HOOK_views_query_alter.
I have attempted to use both the "addWhere" and "addCondition" methods with the following syntax:
When using the addCondition method, I attempted
$query->addCondition('search_api_db_default_index.nid', $oneBadNid, '<>');
$query->addCondition('search_api_db_default_index.nid', $manyBadNids, 'NOT IN');
and when using the addWhere method, I attempted
$query->addWhere('AND', 'search_api_index_default_index.nid', $oneBadNid, '<>');
$query->addWhere('AND', 'search_api_index_default_index.nid', $manyBadNids, 'NOT IN');
Regardless of whether or not I prefix the field with the table name, searching always results in triggering the following notice:
Unknown field in filter clause: 'search_api_db_default_index.nid' .
It seems that the field name is always wrapped in an html encoded string representing a single quotation, but this occurs both when using double quotations or single quotations around the supplied table.field parameter.
I am not even sure that this is what is keeping me from altering my query, but it is the only thing close to an error which I have discovered in this process. It's also possible that I'm simply not supposed to be targeting the table in the manner written, but I did not find any documentation directing me to the proper methodology.
I would appreciate any insight into this issue! Thanks!
Generally you can use
$fields = $query->getIndex()->getFields();
on the query to get an array of fields you can use within the search_api query.
Piggy-backing off of Nebel54's comment, and attempting this on my own, you don't need to include the 'table' name when setting the addCondition. However, I did need to use hook_search_api_query_alter over a views-specific one.
function mymodule_search_api_query_alter(\Drupal\search_api\Query\QueryInterface &$query) {
// Ensure field_myfield is being indexed
$fields = $query->getIndex()->getFields();
if (isset($fields['field_myfield'])) {
$query->addCondition('field_myfield', 'myvalue', '<>');

Using a bucket as a datasource for a droplink/tree field

I'm trying to enable content editors to select an item that resides in a bucket in a droplink field but I'm unable to find a field type/datasource that enables this.
I need to allow the user to select a single item (so not a multilist), the items are in a bucket as the number of items may be huge and the search api would be most helpful to the editors.
Is there a field or datasource query that will enable a lookup field to select a single bucketed item?
The simplest solution is to use a Sitecore multilist with search field.
First you need to set the source of your field to display items within your bucket of a specific template(s).
Example: StartSearchLocation={11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}&Filter=+_templatename:sample item
Here is an article describing how to set the source of your field: Sitecore 7 field types
If you need to limit the selection to one item then you need to also apply some regex. To achieve this you need to enable standards values in the view tab so you can alter the data section.
In the data section add the following regex: ^({[^}]+}\|?){0,1}$ and add some validation text.
This article provides additional infromation:Limit selected items on Sitecore multilist field
Just in case anyone else comes across this as I did, you can also use a query in the source field to filter the items in a droplink.
You can also use ##templatename='Your Template Name'
Keep in mind that unless your bucketed items aren't numerous (for some reason), the suggested answer is probably better since it provides search, and will not create a massive dropdown list of items.
I made some custom fields for this very purpose:
It gives you the same rich search interface you normally get when searching in buckets.

List updating when shouldnt?

I am using a static class in my application. It basically uses an access database, and copies itself to various lists.
When the user modifies some data, the data is updates in the list, using LINQ, if there is no entry in the list for the modification then it will add a new item to the list.
This all works fine.
However on the 1st data interrogation, I create the original list, basically all records in the users table, so I have a list lstDATABASERECORDS.
What I do after populating this list I do lstDATABASERECORDSCOMPARISON=lstDATABASERECORDS
this enables me to quickly check whether to use an update or append query.
However when I add to lstDATABASERECORDS a record is added in lstDATABASERECORDSCOMPARISON too.
Can anyone advise?
You are assigning two variables to refer to the same instance of a list. Instead, you may want to try generating a clone of your list to keep for deltas (ICloneable is unfortunately not that useful without additional work to define cloneable semantics for your objects), or use objects that implement IEditableObject and probably INotifyPropertyChanged for change tracking (there's a few options there, including rolling your own).
There's nothing built in to the framework (until EF) that replicates the old ADO recordset capability to auto-magically generate update queries that only attempt to modify changed columns.