Regex for extracting all words between word and character - regex

i know basic of regex performing with R. But here i have a file like :
**[2016-04-28 14:00:06,603],,,,,SERVICE_ID=441,DEBUG,DBSEntryServlet,DBSEntryServlet: delegateToRequestManager:: SERVICE_ID=541,SERVICE_ID=9981
[2016-04-28 14:00:06,608],,,,,,DEBUG,DBSEntryServlet, SERVICE_ID=00234,SERVICE_ID=11134,IMD=6767**
I wanted to extract timestamp alongwith all the SERVICE_ID in that line.
So, my expected output is:
[2016-04-28 14:00:06,603] SERVICE_ID=441 SERVICE_ID=541 SERVICE_ID=9981
[2016-04-28 14:00:06,608] SERVICE_ID=00234 SERVICE_ID=11134
The code which I tried was only extracting one SERVICE_ID.
a <- readLines("C:\\MY_FOLDER\\vinita\\sample.txt")
testi <- rm_between(a,"SERVICE_ID",",",extract = T)

We replace the 2 or more , with " " to get 'str2', then using regex lookarounds, we match one or more space (\\s+) that follows the ]) followed by characters (.*) till the end of the string, replace it with "" so that we can extract the [2016-04..,03] part. From the 'str2', we extract the substrings "SERVICE_ID=" followed by numbers (\\d+) into a list, paste them together and finally paste it with the 'str3'.
str2 <- gsub(",{2,}", " ", str1)
str3 <- sub("(?<=\\])\\s+.*", "", str2, perl = TRUE)
paste(str3, sapply(str_extract_all(str2, "SERVICE_ID=\\d+"), paste, collapse=" "))
#[1] "[2016-04-28 14:00:06,603] SERVICE_ID=441 SERVICE_ID=541 SERVICE_ID=9981"
#[2] "[2016-04-28 14:00:06,608] SERVICE_ID=00234 SERVICE_ID=11134"
str1 <- c("[2016-04-28 14:00:06,603],,,,,SERVICE_ID=441,DEBUG,DBSEntryServlet,DBSEntryServlet: delegateToRequestManager:: SERVICE_ID=541,SERVICE_ID=9981",
"[2016-04-28 14:00:06,608],,,,,,DEBUG,DBSEntryServlet, SERVICE_ID=00234,SERVICE_ID=11134,IMD=6767")

str1 <- c("[2016-04-28 14:00:06,603],,,,,SERVICE_ID=441,DEBUG,DBSEntryServlet,DBSEntryServlet: delegateToRequestManager:: SERVICE_ID=541,SERVICE_ID=9981",
"[2016-04-28 14:00:06,608],,,,,,DEBUG,DBSEntryServlet, SERVICE_ID=00234,SERVICE_ID=11134,IMD=6767")
str2 <- gsub(",{2,}", " ", str1)
str4 <- sub("\\].*","",str2,perl = TRUE)
str5 <- sub("\\[","",str4,perl = T)
service_ids <- sapply(str_extract_all(str2,"SERVICE_ID=\\d+"), function(x){paste(x,collapse = " ")})
net <- cbind(str5,service_ids)


Keep string up to first occurrence of pattern in R

I would like to keep the string up to the first occurrence of the following pattern: lower case letter followed by upper case, followed by lower case again.
For example
"This is My testString, how to keepUntil test"
I would like to return This is My test
This is what I have tried unsuccessfully so far:
"This is My testString, how to keepUntil test" %>% gsub("(.*[a-z])[A-Z][a-z]?.*", "\\1", .)
We can use strsplit
strsplit(str1, "(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])", perl = TRUE)[[1]][1]
#[1] "This is My test"
or with sub
sub("([A-Za-z ]+[a-z])[A-Z].*", "\\1", str1)
#[1] "This is My test"
str1 <- "This is My testString, how to keepUntil test"
You can use a recursive function with regex capturing groups to extract always the first (leftmost) instance of the pattern you want, regardless of how many sections your text has.
regex <- "^(.*[a-z])[A-Z].*$"
text <- "This is My testString, how to keepUntil test"
ExtractFirstPart <- function(Text,Regex) {
firstpart <- str_match(Text,Regex)[2]
if ( {
} else {
firstpart <- ExtractFirstPart(firstpart,Regex)
Using this function, you will get:
> ExtractFirstPart(text,regex)
[1] "This is My test"

Combining lines in character vector in R

I have a character vector (content) of about 50,000 lines in R. However, some of the lines when read in from a text file are on separate lines and should not be. Specifically, the lines look something like this:
[1] hello,
[2] world
[3] ""
[4] how
[5] are
[6] you
[7] ""
I would like to combine the lines so that I have something that looks like this:
[1] hello, world
[2] how are you
I have tried to write a for loop:
for(i in 1:length(content)){
if(content[i+1] != ""){
content[i+1] <- c(content[i], content[i+1])
But when I run the loop, I get an error: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed.
Can anyone suggest a better way to do this, maybe not even using a loop?
I am actually trying to apply this to a Corpus of documents that are all many thousands lines each. Any ideas on how to translate these solutions into a function that can be applied to the content of each of the documents?
you don't need a loop to do that
x <- c("hello,", "world", "", "how", "\nare", "you", "")
dummy <- paste(
c("\n", sample(letters, 20, replace = TRUE), "\n"),
collapse = ""
) # complex random string as a split marker
x[x == ""] <- dummy #replace empty string by split marker
y <- paste(x, collapse = " ") #make one long string
z <- unlist(strsplit(y, dummy)) #cut the string at the split marker
gsub(" $", "", gsub("^ ", "", z)) # remove space at start and end
I think there are more elegant solutions, but this might be usable for you:
chars <- c("hello,","world","","how","are","you","")
###identify groups that belong together (id increases each time a "" is found)
ids <- cumsum(chars=="")
#split vector (an filter out "" by using the select vector)
select <- chars!=""
splitted <- split(chars[select], ids[select])
#paste the groups together
res <- sapply(splitted,paste, collapse=" ")
#remove names(if necessary, probably not)
res <- unname(res) #thanks #Roland
> res
[1] "hello, world" "how are you"
Here's a different approach using data.table which is likely to be faster than for or *apply loops:
dt <- data.table(x)
dt[, .(paste(x, collapse = " ")), rleid(x == "")][V1 != ""]$V1
#[1] "hello, world" "how are you"
Sample data:
x <- c("hello,", "world", "", "how", "are", "you", "")
Replace the "" with something you can later split on, and then collapse the characters together, and then use strsplit(). Here I have used the newline character since if you were to just paste it you could get the different lines on the output, e.g. cat(txt3) will output each phrase on a separate line.
txt <- c("hello", "world", "", "how", "are", "you", "", "more", "text", "")
txt2 <- gsub("^$", "\n", txt)
txt3 <- paste(txt2, collapse = " ")
unlist(strsplit(txt3, "\\s\n\\s*"))
## [1] "hello world" "how are you" "more text"
Another way to add to the mix:
tapply(x[x != ''], cumsum(x == '')[x != '']+1, paste, collapse=' ')
# 1 2 3
#"hello, world" "how are you" "more text"
Group by non-empty strings. And paste the elements together by group.

Split string by words in R

I would like to split a string by two words:
s <- "PCB153 treated HepG2 cells at T18"
strsplit(s, split = <treated><at>)
What should I write instead of <>?
I would get:
"PCB153" "HepG2 cells" "T18"
strsplit(s, split="treated|at")
#[1] "PCB153 " " HepG2 cells " " T18"
You have to enter it as a string. To split on treated:
s <- "PCB153 treated HepG2 cells at T18"
s2 <- strsplit(s,split="treated")
To split on treated and at:

String rearrangement in R

I am on the lookout for two R functions that would perform the following string rearrangements:
(1) place the parts following a ", " in a string at the start of a string, e.g.
name="2,6-Octadien-1-ol, 3,7-dimethyl-, (E)-"
should yield
(note that there could be any number of ", " in a string, or none at all, and that the parts after the ", " should be placed at the start of the string successively, starting from the end of the string. What would be the most efficient way of achieving this in R (without using loops etc)?
(2) place the parts between "<" and ">" at the start of a string and remove any ", ".
name="Pyrazine <2-acetyl-, 3-ethyl->"
should yield
(this is a simpler gsub problem, right?)
The part between the "<" and ">" could be in any place in the string though.
name="Cyclohexanol <4-tertbutyl-> acetate"
should yield
"4-tertbutyl-Cyclohexanol acetate"
Any thoughts would be welcome!
For the first problem:
name <- c("2,6-Octadien-1-ol, 3,7-dimethyl-, (E)-",
sapply(strsplit(name, "(?<!\\d), ?", perl = TRUE), function(x)
paste(rev(x), collapse = ""))
# [1] "(E)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-Octadien-1-ol" "(E)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-Octadien-1-ol"
For the second problem:
name <- c("Pyrazine <2-acetyl-, 3-ethyl->",
"Cyclohexanol <4-tertbutyl-> acetate")
inside <- gsub(", ", "", sub("^.*<(.+)>.*$", "\\1", name))
outside <- sub("^(.*) <.*>(.*)$" , "\\1\\2", name)
paste0(inside, outside)
# [1] "2-acetyl-3-ethyl-Pyrazine" "4-tertbutyl-Cyclohexanol acetate"

How to trim and replace a string

string<-c(" this is a string ")
Is it possible to trim-off the white spaces on both the sides of the string (or just one side as required) and replace it with a desired character, such as this, in R? The number of white spaces differ on each side of the string and have to be retained on replacement.
"~~~~~~~this is a string~~"
This seems like an inefficient way of doing it, but maybe you should be looking in the direction of gregexpr and regmatches instead of gsub:
x <- " this is a string "
pattern <- "^ +?\\b|\\b? +$"
startstop <- gsub(" ", "~", regmatches(x, gregexpr(pattern, x))[[1]])
text <- paste(regmatches(x, gregexpr(pattern, x), invert=TRUE)[[1]], collapse="")
paste0(startstop[1], text, startstop[2])
# [1] "~~~~this is a string~~"
And, for fun, as a function, and a "vectorized" function:
## The function
replaceEnds <- function(string) {
pattern <- "^ +?\\b|\\b? +$"
startstop <- gsub(" ", "~", regmatches(string, gregexpr(pattern, string))[[1]])
text <- paste(regmatches(string, gregexpr(pattern, string), invert = TRUE)[[1]],
collapse = "")
paste0(startstop[1], text, startstop[2])
## use Vectorize here if you want to apply over a vector
vReplaceEnds <- Vectorize(replaceEnds)
Some sample data:
myStrings <- c(" Four at the start, 2 at the end ",
" three at the start, one at the end ")
# Four at the start, 2 at the end three at the start, one at the end
# "~~~~Four at the start, 2 at the end~~" "~~~three at the start, one at the end~"
Use gsub:
gsub(" ", "~", " this is a string ")
[1] "~~~~this~is~a~string~~"
This function uses regular expressions to replace (i.e. sub), all occurrences of a pattern inside a string.
In your case, you have to express the pattern in a special way:
gsub("(^ *)|( *$)", "~~~", " this is a string ")
[1] "~~~this is a string~~~"
The pattern means:
(^ *): Find one or more spaces at the start of the string
( *$): Find one or more spaces at the end of the string
`|: The OR operator
Now you can use this approach to tackle your problem of replacing each space with a new character:
txt <- " this is a string "
foo <- function(x, new="~"){
lead <- gsub("(^ *).*", "\\1", x)
last <- gsub(".*?( *$)", "\\1", x)
mid <- gsub("(^ *)|( *$)", "", x)
gsub(" ", new, lead),
gsub(" ", new, last)
> foo(" this is a string ")
[1] "~~~~this is a string~~"
> foo(" And another one ")
[1] "~And another one~~~~~~~~"
For more, see ?gsub or ?regexp.
Or using a more complex pattern matching and gsub...
gsub("\\s(?!\\b)|(?<=\\s)\\s(?=\\b)", "~", " this is a string " , perl = TRUE )
#[1] "~~~~this is a string~~"
Or with #AnandaMahto's data:
gsub("\\s(?!\\b)|(?<=\\s)\\s(?=\\b)", "~", myStrings , perl = TRUE )
#[1] "~~~~Four at the start, 2 at the end~~"
#[2] "~~~three at the start, one at the end~"
This uses the positive and negative lookahead and look behind assertions:
\\s(?!\\b) - match a space, \\s not followed by a word boundary, (?!\\b). This would work by itself for everything except the last space before the first word, i.e. by itself we would get
"~~~~ this is a string~~". So we need another pattern...
(?<=\\s)\\s(?=\\b) - match a space, \\s that is preceded by another space, (?<=\\s) and is followed by a word boundary, (?=\\b).
And it is gsub so it tries to make the maximal number of matches that it can.