What is the mechanism to get load on a box to trigger an autoscaling group in AWS? - amazon-web-services

I've got my web servers set up to autoscale at certain times of the day.
I can measure the load on the box using scripts executed by Consul - and this can trigger events at certain thresholds.
I want to push these two together and trigger autoscaling at certain load levels. (Assume CPU load at 75% is the threshold).
My question is: What is the mechanism to get load on a box to trigger an autoscaling group in AWS?
I was not planning to use AWS Cloudwatch - but am interested if this is the solution.
I'm more interested in the autoscale triggering interface. Is it a queue or a rest endpoint?

As #mahdi said, you can easily use AWS Cloudwatch to do this.
However, if you want Consul (or anything outside the scope of an AWS "service") to do it, you can use lambda.
You would create a lambda function that scales your instance up or down (or both). Lambda can have many triggers, such as an HTTP endpoint through API Gateway. If you already have Consul set up to do it (sounds like you do since you said can trigger events at certain thresholds.) just make it issue the HTTP request to API Gateway to scale up or down.

You can create a CloudWatch alarm with a CPUUtilization metric and set it to change state when your instance has CPU utilization more than 75%. Then in the Auto Scaling Group, you use this alarm for scaling (in/out) policy. You can also control the number of instances in an Auto Scaling Group by manually (e.g. through your application running on one the instances) changing the Desired value. This documentation can be helpful.


How can I automatically trigger a terraform destroy in aws if the infrastructure has not been used for a certain time?

I want my infrastructure to be destroyed automatically if it has not been used for a certain amount of time, eg. 1 hour.
I am using S3 backend for terraform meaning I can apply or destroy from anywhere. I'm wondering if a good solution is to create an cloudwatch metric in my terraform script for the load balancer created. Then create a lambda function which keep checking this metric and do a terraform destroy if the load balancer has not had any incoming data for an hour?
create a lambda function which keep checking this metric and do a terraform destroy if the load balancer has not had any incoming data for an hour?
Yes, you can do that. The point is that AWS does not monitor your usage, except few cases in AWS Trusted Advisor which can detect not-utilized instances or load balancers.
So you would have to develop your own solution for that, and lambda with cloudwatch is a good way of doing this. Off course the issue is, how would you start the balancer later on when you get the metrics. Without LB, there won't be any new metrics generated to indicate that you have new requests.

How to schedule a load balancer to start/stop at specific times?

I have a loadbalancer which as per my application requirement should be turned on at specific time (Ex. 9:00AM) and turned off at another specific time(Ex. 5:00PM). Is there any way to achieve this using any of the AWS services like CloudWatch, AutoScaling etc.,
You can use CloudWatch Events for any scheduled operation
In case your needs are not fulfilled by the built-in targets, you'll have to code your custom logic in an AWS Lambda Function

How to scale an aws ecs service based on multiple alarms

We have a service running in aws ecs that we want to scale in and out based on 2 metrics.
Scale out when: cpu > 80% or connection_count > 9500
Scale in when: cpu < 50% and connection_count < 5000
We have access to both the cpu and connection count metrics and alarms in cloud watch. However, we can't figure out how to setup a dynamic scaling policy like this based on both of them.
Using the standard aws console interface for creating the auto scaling rules I don't see any options for multiple. Any links to a tutorial or aws docs on this would be appreciated.
Based on the responses posted in the support aws forums, nothing can be done for AND/OR/IF conditions. (https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=94984)
It does mention however that they already put a feature request to the cloudwatch team.
The following is mentioned as a workaround:
"In the meantime, a possible workaround can be to create a custom metric using a custom script which would run after every five minutes and get the data points from the CloudWatch metrics, then perform the AND or OR operation and then push the output to a custom metric. You can then create a CloudWatch alarm which would monitor this custom metric and then trigger actions accordingly."

Stopping EC2 instance when custom cloudwatch metric passes limit

I'm trying to find a way to make an Amazon EC2 instance stop automatically when a certain custom metric on CloudWatch passes a limit. So far if I've understood correctly based on these articles:
Discussion Forum: Custom Metric EC2 Action
CloudWatch Documentation: Create Alarms to Stop, Terminate, Reboot, or Recover an Instance
This will only work if the metric is defined as follows:
Tied to certain instance
With type of System/Linux
However in my case I have a custom metric that is actually not instance-related but "global" and if a certain limit is passed, I would need to stop all instances, no matter from which instance the limiting log is received.
Does anybody know if there is way to make this work? What I'd need is some way to make CloudWatch work like this:
If arbitrary custom metric value passes a certain limit -> stop defined instances not tied to the metric itself.
The main problem is that the EC2 option is greyed out as the metric is not tied to certain EC2 instance and I'm not sure if there's any way to do this without actually making the metric itself certain instance related.
Have the custom CloudWatch metric post alerts to an SNS topic.
Have the SNS topic trigger a Lambda function that shuts down your EC2 instances via a call to the AWS API.

AWS: Autoscaling based on the size of the queue

AWS auto scaling works based on the load (number of concurrent requests). It works perfectly for web sites and web APIs. However there are situations in which the number of required EC2 instances is not related to the requests but it depends on something else such as number of items in a queue.
For example an order processing system which pulls the orders from a custom queue (and not SQS) might need to scale out to process the order quicker. How can we make this happpen?
Auto scaling groups can be configured to scale in or out by linking their scaling policies to Cloud Watch alarms. Many people use CPU utilization as a scaling trigger but you can use any Cloud Watch metric you like. In your case you could use your queue's ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible metric.
For example, if you create an alarm that fires when the ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible > 500 and link that to the scale out policy of your auto scaling group, the group will create new instances whenever the queue has more that 500 messages in it.