I am working on someone else code in C++, and I found a weird call to a certain function func(). Here is an example:
What is the difference between func() and (*this).func()?
What are the cases where the call to func() and (*this).func() will execute different code?
In my case, func() is not a macro. It is a virtual function in the base class, with an implementation in both base and derived class, and no free func(). The if is located in a method in the base class.
There actually is a difference, but in a very non-trivial context. Consider this code:
void func ( )
std::cout << "Free function" << std::endl;
template <typename Derived>
struct test : Derived
void f ( )
func(); // 1
this->func(); // 2
struct derived
void func ( )
std::cout << "Method" << std::endl;
test<derived> t;
Now, if we call t.f(), the first line of test::f will invoke the free function func, while the second line will call derived::func.
It is impossible to tell from the snippet but possibly there are two callable objects called func(). The (*this).func(); makes sure the member function is called.
A callable object could be (for example) a functor or a lambda expression:
struct func_type
void operator()() const { /* do stuff */ }
func_type func; // called using func();
auto func = [](){ /* do stuff */ }; // called using func();
For example:
#include <iostream>
class A
// member
void func() { std::cout << "member function" << '\n'; }
void other()
// lambda
auto func = [](){ std::cout << "lambda function" << '\n'; };
func(); // calls lambda
(*this).func(); // calls member
int main()
A a;
lambda function
member function
Another case when those two lines will call different functions:
#include <iostream>
namespace B
{ void foo() { std::cout << "namespace\n"; } }
struct A {
void foo() { std::cout << "member\n"; }
void bar()
using B::foo;
int main ()
A a;
With type dependent name, it may be different:
void func() { std::cout << "::func()\n"; }
struct S {
void func() const { std::cout << "S::func()\n"; }
template <typename T>
struct C : T
void foo() const {
func(); // Call ::func
(*this).func(); // Call S::func
Looking at this answer I can see how to call a pointer to a member function by explicitly passing in this. However, what if I want the function passed in to be a member of the current object and to use the implicit this.
I've written this, which seems to work, but is it valid code, and is there a better way (C++14 or below) avoiding the dynamic_cast<>? Source on onlinegdb.com
#include <iostream>
class Base
// From https://stackoverflow.com/a/9779391/1270789
template<typename T, typename R>
R proxycall(T *obj, R (T::*mf)(int))
return (obj->*mf)(42);
// My attempt
template<typename T, typename R>
R proxycall(R (T::*mf)(int))
return ((dynamic_cast<T *>(this))->*mf)(42);
virtual ~Base() {}
class Foo: public Base
int doFoo(int x) { std::cout << "doing foo\n"; return x / 2; }
int doCall() { return proxycall(this, &Foo::doFoo); } // OK
int doNoThisCall() { return proxycall(&Foo::doFoo); } // Is this OK?
int main()
Foo foo;
std::cout << foo.doCall() << '\n';
std::cout << foo.doNoThisCall() << '\n';
return 0;
How to read the following code for main?
I do not know this
Code :
class one
void operator()() const
I want to call the operator To main?
void operator()() const defines a function call operator, which can be used as:
one ob;
ob(); // calls ob.operator()()
For another, more complete, example.
#include <iostream>
class Two
int operator()(const char *str) const
std::cout << "operator() called with " << str << std::endl;
return 101;
int main()
Two two;
int n = two("'test'");
std::cout << "operator() returned " << n << std::endl;
operator() called with 'test'
operator() returned 101
You can create an instance of the class in the main function and call the function using that instance.
class one
void operator()() const
int main() {
one obj_one;
// calling the member function -> method
return 0;
I have created a class Base which has a function addSuccessor() that takes address of function as argument and stores it in successor. How do I pass a function of another object in addSuccessor().
Here is my program. I think my main() has some mistake.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base{
void (*successor)()=NULL;
void addSuccessor ( void (*f)() )
void start()
cout<<"In Class"<<endl;
cout<<"No Successor"<<endl;
class Second{
void foo()
int main()
Base obj;
Second obj2;
Function pointers are very limited. Use a std::function (defined in header <functional>) instead, which can store any invocable object in a type-erased manner, and provide a template member function to set the functor in which perfect forwarding is used to forward the provided functor to successor: (std::forward is defined in header <utility>)
class Base {
std::function<void()> successor;
template <typename F>
void add_successor(F&& f)
successor = std::forward<F>(f);
void start()
if (successor) {
} else {
std::cout << "No Successor\n";
Then, you can pass a lambda expression to add_successor:
obj.add_successor([&]{ obj2.foo(); });
(live demo)
As a complement to the discussion above (based on #L.F.'s answer):
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
class Base {
std::function<int(int)> successor;
template <typename F>
void add_successor(F&& f)
successor = std::forward<F>(f);
void start()
if (successor) {
auto z = std::invoke(successor, 100);
std::cout << "Output = " << z << "\n";
} else {
std::cout << "No Successor\n";
class Second {
int foo(int x)
auto y = x + x;
std::cout << "Successor\n";
return y;
int main()
Base obj;
Second obj2;
obj.add_successor([&](int x)->int { return obj2.foo(x); });
Can a function be assigned or alter its definition, just like overriding a function by derived classes.
But at this time, it is out of scope from the class.
I mean like this:
class MClass
void function(); // this is the function I am referring to.
void MClass::function() { }
MClass mclass;
void globalFunction() { }
mclass.function = globalFunction; //is this even possible?
Your function() is a real function, you want function Callback instead.
see sample program: on ideone
#include <functional>
class MClass
std::function<void(void)> func_ptr;
void setFuncPtr(const std::function<void(void)>& ptr)
func_ptr = ptr;
void callFuncPtr()
You could set func_ptr to any callabe objet
MClass m;
m.setFuncPtr(globalFunction); // set to standalone function
// set lambda to it
m.setFuncPtr([](){ std::cout << " do something " << std::endl; });
Or bind to other object
struct Test
void print() { std::cout << "Test::print" << std::endl; }
Test t;
m.setFuncPtr(std::bind(&Test::print, t));
You could also pass parameter to function by using std::bind and placeholders.
There are two ways :
c++03 - you can use function pointer :
class MClass
void (*function)();
void globalFunction()
// ...
MClass obj;
mclass.function = globalFunction;
in c++11 you can use functors :
class MClass
std::function<void()> function;
void globalFunction()
// ...
MClass obj;
mclass.function = globalFunction;
I tried to build a minimal example:
struct Functor
void operator()(int& a)
a += 1;
void other(int& a)
a += 2;
template <typename foo>
class Class
void function()
int a = 10;
std::cout << a << std::endl;
int main()
Class<Functor> c;
My question about this: Why is it even possible to call the operator on the pure type without an object? How can I call the function other the same way as I call operator()?
You're not calling it on a pure type. foo() invokes the constructor, and evaluates to a temporary foo object, on which you then invoke operator().
To do the equivalent with a "normal" member function, just do:
You are not "call[ing] the operator on the pure type without an object". The syntax foo()(a) is creating a temporary of type foo (this is the foo() part) and then calling operator() on that object with a as argument: (the (a) part).
Pure type example:
struct Functor
void operator()(int& a)
a += 1;
void other(int& a)
a += 2;
static void one_more(int& a)
a += 3;
template <typename foo>
class Class
void function()
int a = 10;
std::cout << a << std::endl;
int main()
Class<Functor> c;