Python-Install scikits.talkbox to Anaconda in Windows 8 - python-2.7

I am using Python 2.7 and Anaconda2. I tried to install it using
but Anaconda cloud only has
for linux 64 channel.
but I want this toolbox for signal processing.
How can I install it in Anaconda?

You can pip it on anaconda console:
pip install --user scikits.talkbox
It may ask for installing Visual C++ for python, it is here.


installing seaborn without sudo

I am trying to install seaborn without using sudo. I have already installed on my python 2.7 and windows 7 setting with the following cmd commands :
pip install pandas
pip install xlrd
pip install matplotlib
and they all were installed like charm.
`pip install seaborn` did not work
i have attached the error message.[last lines of emssage][1]
You may be interested in installing precompiled python wheel binaries for Windows.
That, or use something like Anaconda python.

trouble installing biopython

I'm following the directions from the Biopython website ( but I keep getting an error during installation. I have python 2.7 installed on my laptop.
python2.7 -m pip install biopython
I just get the error:
No module named pip
I looked up this error and tried something stack overflow suggested:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
But I just got another error:
sudo: apt-get: command not found
As long as you have Python 2.7.9 onwards this should automatically install pip for you:
python -m ensurepip
It would be useful to know what Operating System you have to help improve the instructions here.
Many dependency issues are solved here at Annaconda where you fetch python, lots of nice libs, etc.. Install it accordingly to your platform.. windows, Linux or Mac OS.
Biopython is installed by Annaconda by default (including matplotlib and other dependencies)... if I recall correctly. Otherwise its from commandline conda search biopython and or conda install pip. And then commandline pip install biopython.

how avoid Anaconda to hijack pip

I have 2 versions of Python installed on my PC (Windows 7, 64Bit).
Python 2.7 Version installed with Anaconda
Python 3.6 Version installed directly from (the "regular IDLE")
Now, i would like to install the necessary packages on the 3.6 using pip, but anaconda keeps on hijacking the command.
For example, on typing in the cmd window:
pip install numpy
and i get:
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in
Which is the case for python2.7, but i was trying to install it for version 3.6 installed without Anaconda.
I tried re-installing pip hoping it would erase the hijacking by Anaconda2 ... failed.
I am contemplating to remove Anaconda2 altogether although i risk that in windows, removing a programme does not necessaraly remove the dependencies.
Any lead please ?
I think what you are looking for is pip3 install pip3 and you should be able install packages for python3
It should come as standard with python3 installation setup.
First check if it is there with
where pip3
For any further issues check this post
You don't need to uninstall anaconda2. Both python versions can co-exist and libraries different managed by different package installers pip for python 2 and pip3 for python 3 respectively.
Hope this answers your question.
Install it with pip3, because you want it for python 3:
pip3 install numpy

installing pygame over anaconda

I am trying to install pygame over anaconda. My OS is windows 7 64 bit and I downloaded the following files:
I get this error after "pip install pygame":
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pygame (from versions: ) Some externally hosted files were ignored as access to them may be unreliable (use --allow-external
What am I missing?
This worked for me when installing pygame with anaconda. I believe that if you go into the terminal on anaconda and type
Pip install pygame
It installs the latest version of pygame into your environment

Install Python package located on Github

I'm trying to follow this tutorial.
First step would be to install DeCaf.
I'm farely new to Python and so far I've only installed packages via easy_install, pip or Windows binaries.
How do I go about installing the DeCaf package? I tried downloading the ZIP from Github, and do a python install but it doesn't seem to work.
I'm on Windows 7, and use Anaconda 1.8.
You can use the pip that ships with anaconda. Not sure that this library works on Windows as it requires c++ compiler with omp thread. From the anaconda terminal try:
pip install git+
You can try the following:
i.e: installing ipdb package which is not there in anaconda list:
Following will try to install package from anaconda:
conda install ipdb
Following will show list of repo's from where you can install the package with versions:
anaconda search -t conda ipdb
Following will show more details about the package and repo:
anaconda show conda-forge/ipdb
Finally this will install the package from the repo:
conda install --channel ipdb