Missing MSVCP120D.dll but don't have Visual Studios anymore - c++

I dug up an old project of mine from college when we exclusively used Visual Studios, and I'm looking to run it again. I don't have the exe anymore, just the debug version. When I run the debug version, I get the missing MSVCP120D.dll error. I have no way to recompile this into the release version. Is there a way for me to download the missing dlls, without downloading Visual Studios?

Incase you didn't know, MSVCP120D.dll is a dynamic link library for the IDE "Microsoft Visual C++ 12.0", which I believe is from Visual Studio 2013.
If you know the version of Visual Studio that you used (You specified 2010 and 2012 in the tags), you can use the following link to download the toolchain, Visual C++: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/kb/2977003
Another option is reverse-engineering, but this will be an incredibly difficult process and cannot give you the source that you originally used to create the debug version. Your best bet is to find the version you're after, if not re-writing it.
This installation, should you have the administrator privileges to perform it, should cause the error to cease, as your system will be able to find it in Sys32/Syswow64.
Edit: I would be vary wary to download a .dll from any other site other than Microsoft's official site, malicious DLLs are readily available from dodgy sites.


Visual Studio 2017 wont show c++ template/extansion

I am trying to use Microsoft visual studio IDE to run my c++ code, however, when I go to create a project, I do not see the option for a c++ project. I tried reinstalling the program to see if I could somehow install the package/extension however it just won't seem to come up.
The only templates that appear are in c# or f#.
If someone could please lead me into the right direction so that I can fix this, it would be great. Thank you.
I don't see any mention of C++ in the release notes.
According to this post on MSDN, there is no C++ support in the Mac version of Visual Studio. It contains links to instructions for using Visual Studio Code, as well as the option to install a VM running Windows.
Apparently Visual Studio Code supports C++ projects, since it can execute external tools. The Microsoft Visual C++ build tools are free for Windows, but I don't think there is a version for the Mac, so some other external compiler is necessary.

Visual Studio 2017 C++ Exe for any pc (linking vcruntime140.dll)

I'm very new to GUI programming in c++, thus I don't have that much experience.
I created myself a GUI for my programm using the Visual Studio 2017 CRL package and now I'm trying to make this exe available for everyone.
The application works fine for those who have Visual Studio or VC Runtime installed but for those who don't the programm throws something like: "vcruntime140.dll is missing on your computer to run this app".
I am not sure how to link these dll's in my programm so that EVERYONE is able to use it.
I'm also not quit sure how I would link dll's.
There's basically two options.
The Standard in the industry is to ship the Visual Studio 20xx Runtime Redistributable Installer alongside your program, and have it run before anyone tries to run your program themselves, to make sure that the .dll files are installed onto the target computer.
The other option is to change the way that the libraries are linked to the executable at compile-time. This is done with a flag in Visual Studio:
Basically, you want to change the Runtime Library field to either say Multi-Threaded or Multi-Threaded Debug depending on whether you're in Release or Debug mode, as opposed to "Multi-Threaded DLL", which is the default.
Note, however, that you need to make sure that every single library you're using was compiled the same way: if any of them were compiled using the DLL version of the Runtime Library, they'll interoperate with your code in funny ways, and the least of your problems will be that they'll need the DLLs installed anyways, defeating your effort.
Naturally, that's not an issue if all your libraries are Header-Only, but if any of them have been compiled, then you'll need to recompile them using the correct settings.
You need to install Visual Studio 2017 redistribuables on the machine (that's how it works for every version of Visual Studio).
However, I could not find any official link on Microsoft website (probably because this is not officially released yet)....
You probably need to use 2015 version (for which redistribuables are available here) and wait for 2017 to become an official release.

i have installed the Visual Studio 2015, but there is no C++ Project.?

I am facing problem, I want to write c++ code in visual studio 2015, but I can't create c++ project because there is no c++ template in the New Project window.
I am creating new project in this way
File > New > Project > Visual C++
but there is no c++ template. Please help
The VS2015 installer does not install C++ by default.
Since you already have Visual Studio installed, you can modify the existing install.
On Control Panel->Programs and Features (or run appwiz.cpl) find and run the Installer for Visual Studio 2015.
Wait for Installer dialog to load.
Click the Modify button on the bottom of the installer dialog.
On the Features Tab, expand Programming Languages.
Select Visual C++.
Click the UPDATE button on the bottom right.
That should do it. You may have to insert the install media or suffer through a download, but these days Windows caches the installer info so everything needed may already be present on your system.
Go to the online menu (it's below Recent and Installed. There you'll be able to download C++ templates and samples. See this MSDN article which describes it in greater details.
While most users will be unblocked by the accepted solution, there is another scenario where Visual C++ is not working as intended for VS2015.
I was installing both VS2015 and VS2017 on the same system on the same day. Long story short, I got this person's problem.
From the link:
I am also running into this -- but in my case, I also installed full
VS2015 Pro. It shows that the VC++ common tools are installed, but
they are not on disk in the usual location, they seem to be in the
MSVS/Shared folder (Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual
Studio/Shared/14.0/VC/bin/cl.exe reports version 19.00.124218.2).
Uninstalling VS2015 removes these, and reinstalling puts them back in
For me at least, it goes worse than just the batch files -- I can't
actually create any C++ projects. Trying to create one just causes the
"New Project" window to pop up again; no error, no warning.
No amount of uninstalling components from both 2015 or 2017 got me
into a usable state (Shared\14.0\VC still persisted as the install
dir, I couldn't find what component was keeping those tools on-disk
and preventing them from being removed). I ended up just copying the
contents of "Microsoft Visual Studio/Shared/14.0" into the "Microsoft
Visual Studio 14.0" folder -- a gross hammer, and VS2015 still can't
create C++ projects, but it got me unstuck, and existing build systems
started finding tools again.
VS team -- I totally get the goals of the layout change, and I love
what you guys are doing with VS overall. But please treat this as a
major bug; you can't decide to permanently change the location of
build tools that have been in one place for multiple years, as it will
break many, many existing build systems. At best, install them in both
locations; let VS2015 manage the "Visual Studio 14.0/VC" dir like it
always has, and let VS2017 manage the Shared/14.0 dir (via the "VS2015
C++ build tools" package). They should be unrelated.
Uninstall all copies of Visual Studio
If you have frameworks that can install copies or partial copies of Visual Studio, or rely on them, consider uninstalling them too. For me, this was a couple versions of Qt.
Nuke C:\Windows\Temp and %temp%
Nuke anything visual studio related in C:\PROGRA~1,2,3, %appdata%, and %localappdata%
Install the oldest version of Visual Studio you want to use first
Try to build a C++ Win32 console app with that version
If you can do that, you're unblocked. Otherwise, yikes! I don't know what to do next short of a full registry deep-dive keyword purge or a re-install of Windows. With an SSD, the latter is probably faster TBH.

Can't Compile Solution in Debug Mode Because MSVCR100D.dll is Missing

I am running Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop on a 64 bit machine with windows 8.
I create a completely new Win32 Console Application (in C++) and accept the default options. I then build and run the solution in both debug and release modes and it works all find and dandy. Next I configure the include and library directories for the dynamic SFML library. I link to the debug and release .lib files and put the debug and release .dll files in the proper directories. I then add some simple code which uses the library, build and run the application in debug mode and I get this error: "The program can't start because MSVCR100D.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." If I build and run the application in release mode it works with no errors. (And yes I have the redistributables installed 32 and 64 bit.) Now from what I understand and according to this thread that .dll file is for debugging only and is not included in the redistributable package (which would explain why it doesn't work in debug mode). The answer says that developers have it installed with visual studio by default. This is obviously not the case as evidence from the error and I've reinstalled visual studio and restarted my computer twice now.
In conclusion, how do I simply compile my solution in debug mode without getting this error?
I'm afraid someone will mark this as a duplicate so here we go:
LINK - "...you appear to be linking to the debug version of the runtime, it is not normal to distribute apps linked against the debug version of the runtime."
Doesn't pertain to me because I'm not distributing this app, just trying to run it in debug mode.
LINK - "I compiled my program using Microsoft visual c++ 2010 Express Edition and tried to run it on another machine that did not have the same compiler."
This person get's the error when he runs what hes compiled on a different computer, not when actually compiling the application.
LINK - "If you get this error for your release build..."
I dont.
LINK - "You can compile your project in "Release"..."
My project is not ready to be released therefore I should compile my project in debug mode.
MSVCR100D.dll is the dll for Visual Studio 10, so somewhere something is depending on it (the SFML dlls?). Whatever you compile (in debug mode) with Visual Studio 2012 will require MSVCR110D.dll, which you should have available on your machine as part of the installation.
I suggest you build SFML yourself on your own version of Visual Studio, it's pretty easy. In fact, the binaries available on the site as part of the SFML 2.0 RC are rather old and you'll do yourself a huge favor by building from the latest sources, as a lot of fixes and improvement were applied in the meantime.
(Also, definitely use 2.0 instead of 1.6. The site is rather misleading, but on the SFML forums virtually everyone will recommend you use the last version)
This message generally states that the dll is referred to directly or indirectly in your application and is missing.
The 'D' at the end show us this is the Debug version of the file, this is DLL file is provided with the Visual Studio 2010 installation. So the MSVCR100D.dll would be provided with the installation of Visual Studio 2010.
Of course, you could be missing other versions 2008 (MSVCR90D) 2010 (MSVCR100D) 2012 (MSVCR110D) or the 2013 (MSVCR120D), each dll is provided according to the Visual Studio version.
There are a few ways to solve this:
Check to be sure that you're compiling all the components of your
project in Release mode. If this does not solve the issue continue
to the next steps.
You could solve this locally by installing Visual Studio 2010 on your
machine. This is not what I would recommend, but it would surely
overcome the issue
You could also download the file from this third party website and
copy it to your projects bin:
This option is the LEAST recommended option.
Run dependency Walker and see what file depends on the MSVCR100D.dll
and the try and fix that file in order to break your dependency. You can download depends here: http://www.dependencywalker.com/
Check to be sure that you're project is linking the correct version of
the CRT and any other libraries you may be using (e.g., MFC, ATL,
Note: Installing the redistributables alone will NOT solve this problem, since the redistributables only contain the release version of the file MSVCR100.dll (notice no 'D')
MSVCR100D is part of the 2010 Visual Studio package - indicating that some components of your system are compiled with the older version of Visual Studio, so you will need to install the Visual Studio 2010 version - you can probably still develop with the 2012 version, just as long as [parts of] the 2010 is on the machine.
Or you need to recompile some components that your application depends on to use the 2012 (msvcr110d) libraries - if you have all the source code, that would be my preferrred method.

Visual Studio 2005 Deployment

I have created an application on Windows XP, Visual Studio 2005, C++.
I want to run the application using its .EXE file on a different computer but it crashes.
I think it maybe related to some .dll missing files.
Am I in the right direction?
If so, how do I know which files are missing?
Is there a build option in the Visual to copy all the requested .dll to a specific place?
The most likely answer is that the other computer is missing the Microsoft VC++ redistributable files. You can download the VS2005 (or VS2005 SP1) file from Microsoft. It's name is vcredist_x86.exe (assuming standard x86 build). Just run it on the target PC and then retry your app.
If you assume it is a missing DLL you can also use the Dependency Walker
But I agree to Joel that most probably it will be the redist package that is missing or if you tried to use a debug version you might need the non redist package.
But you don't have to download them. They should be part of your VS installation. Somewhere in the VC/redist folder.
I use dependency walker to watch which dlls are missing for my program.
There's an in depth discussion of the options and steps required to get Visual Studio 2005 C++ Applications to run on machines which don't have Visual Studio installed here.
It includes detailed instruction for Visual C++ Express users too.