Sitecore Experience Editor Publish Menu - sitecore

I am trying to publish entire site from experience editor. However publish option in Home menu only showing up Publish Item Dialog. Is there any way I can publish site from experience editor.
The reason is my current item has sublayouts with datasources at different folders in sitecore tree. When I do publish Item, item changes get published along with images however changes made to datasources in item doesn't reflect in publish site.
I am publishing items with sub items and related items check box ticked and as per documentation from sitecore it only publishes alias, media and clone references. But datasources changes on item doesn't get published.

Switch to the Core database
Open the Content Editor
Navigate to /sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Ribbons/WebEdit/Page
Duplicate this item
Change the value of the "Click" field to "system:publish(id=$Target)", the value of "Header" to "Publish Site" and the value of "Tooltip" to "Publish the current item."
Switch to the Master database
Open the Experience Editor and you will be able to see the "Publish Site" button on the ribbon.


Workflow state in Sitecore is blank when you create and save a datasource from experience editor

So here is the step to replicate.
Create a blank page,
Open Experience Editor and add a component that needs a datasource.
Select create a new datasource in the popup window.
Save the page in experience editor
Open the datasource in the Content editor and take a look at the workflow state section. It will be blank instead of having the initial workflow state.
This only happens for non admin users.
Creating a new datasource directly in Content Editor (not Experience Editor) works fine.
** Note that when experience editor creates the datasource, if you go to Content Editor and open the item, the workflow state will be there. It is after you save the page in experience editor that the worflow state is set as null.
So after 5 days debugging Sitecore code and pipelines I found the issue.
The enableWorflow="true" attribute was missing in the site definitions.
The code that was causing the issue was the .Lock step in the SaveUI pipeline.

Home node missing after Publish in Sitecore 8.0

Our business users were publishing few items. But unfortunately now Home node is missing from web database. We have 1 CM server and 2 CD server. Both cd server point to same web database.
Check if there are any restrictions. Please check the following:
Go to the Publish tab then click on the Change button. The checkbox should be checked as shown below:
On the Item tab of the Popup, the Publishable Checkbox should be checked:
Finally, on the Targets Tab, none of the checkboxes should be checked.
Note that you can have different publishing targets and you can use this options to publish the item to a specific target.

Sitecore Settings With Page Editor

I have Site settings item for my site, and i have field there for logo, in my code i am using Sitecore Field to display this field on my pages. and from experience editor it can be editable, but when i change the logo and publish the current item from experience editor (ex: home page), all items related to the page is published except the logo. I have to go to Site settings item from content editor and publish it. any idea how i can publish it from experience editor (Logo or any fields in Site Settings)
Normally, logo is a field on the home item you don't change it every day.
In your case you can publish your logo using edit related item and publish that item.
Please check below picture:

Sitecore Content editor pop up/ New tab does not publish items

I have created a custom search module in an Iframe to search Sitecore items,
I have implemented a link on that module to view each Sitecore item in the content editor. Since I call this as a pop up from code behind I use following code. It actually works fine.
string url = string.Format("{0}/sitecore/shell/Applications/Content Editor?id={1}&vs={2}&la={3}&fo={1}&sc_content=master", serverUrl, item.ID.ToString(), item.Version.ToString(), item.Language.ToString());
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "OpenClassifiedItem", string.Format("'{0}','_blank');", url), true);
When I click on the link, Sitecore item opens up in a pop up, and the item get selected from the content tree. I can edit and save, changes gets saved.
But I can not publish the item (or any item) using this pop up. Publishing works fine in the parent window. It only does not work in pop up window. It does not even open up the publishing wizard.
Why is this happening? Seems like Publishing events do not gets fired.
(Sitecore 6.6 update 5)

How to use workflow commands in the page editor without opening workbox?

I've setup a basic workflow in Sitecore on my content items, the workflow states consists of Draft, Awaiting Approval and Approved (which proceeds to auto publish). In the Content Editor you can use the review tab to action commands within your workflow, so I can submit from the ribbon.
Is there an option in sitecore out-of-the-box to do this in the page editor without opening the workbox?
Ideally I'd like to have the submit command action in the page editor ribbon.
Thanks in advance!
I don't know which version of Sitecore you use, but I do recommend updating your solution to the most current version (Sitecore 6.6 update 3). It does have Submit / Approve / Reject commands in the notification bar under the ribbon in Page Editor out of the box (see attached screenshots).