Search any part of word in any column - ruby-on-rails-4

I'm trying to search full_name, email or phone
For example
if i start input "+16", it should display all users with phone numbers start or contains "+16". The same with full name and email
My ES config is:
"users" : {
"mappings" : {
"user" : {
"properties" : {
"full_name" : {
"analyzer" : "trigrams",
"include_in_all" : true,
"type" : "string"
"phone" : {
"type" : "string",
"analyzer" : "trigrams",
"include_in_all" : true
"email" : {
"analyzer" : "trigrams",
"include_in_all" : true,
"type" : "string"
"dynamic" : "false"
"settings" : {
"index" : {
"creation_date" : "1472720529392",
"number_of_shards" : "5",
"version" : {
"created" : "2030599"
"uuid" : "p9nOhiJ3TLafe6WzwXC5Tg",
"analysis" : {
"analyzer" : {
"trigrams" : {
"filter" : [
"type" : "custom",
"tokenizer" : "my_ngram_tokenizer"
"tokenizer" : {
"my_ngram_tokenizer" : {
"type" : "nGram",
"max_gram" : "12",
"min_gram" : "2"
"number_of_replicas" : "1"
"aliases" : {},
"warmers" : {}
Searching for name 'Robert' by part of name
curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/users/_search?pretty' -d'
"query": {
"match": {
"_all": "rob"
doesn't give expected result, only using full name.

Since your analyzer is set on the fields full_name, phone and email, you should not use the _all field but enumerate those fields in your multi_match query, like this:
curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/users/_search?pretty' -d'{
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "this is a test",
"fields": [


must match query not working as expected in Elasticsearch

I've created my index below using Kibana which connected to my AWS ES domain:
PUT sals_poc_test_20210217-7
"settings" : {
"index" : {
"number_of_shards" : 10,
"number_of_replicas" : 1,
"max_result_window": 50000,
"max_rescore_window": 50000
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"identifier": {
"type": "keyword"
"type": "keyword"
"type": "keyword"
then I've indexed 100 documents, using below command returns all 100 documents:
POST /sals_poc_test_20210217-7/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"_index": "sals_poc_test_20210217-7"
two sample documents are below:
"_index" : "sals_poc_test_20210217-7",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "cd0a3723-106b-4aea-b916-161e5563290f",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"identifier" : "xweeqkrz",
"class_name" : "/Sample_class_name_1",
"client_id" : "random_str"
"_index" : "sals_poc_test_20210217-7",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "cd0a3723-106b-4aea-b916-161e556329ab",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"identifier" : "xweeqkra",
"class_name" : "/Sample_class_name_2",
"client_id" : "random_str_2"
but when I wanted to search by CLASS_NAME by below command:
POST /sals_poc_test_20210217-7/_search
"size": 200,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{ "match": { "CLASS_NAME": "/Sample_class_name_1"}}
Not only the documents that match this class_name returned, but also other ones.
Anyone could shed any light into this case please?
I'm suspecting the way I wrote my search query is problematic. But cannot figure out why.
Elastic search, is case sensitive. class_name is not equal to CLASS_NAME sample documents seems to have class_name but mapping in index seems to have 'CLASS_NAME.
If we GET sals_poc_test_20210217-7, both class name attributes should be in the index mapping. The one when creating the index and second one created when adding documents to index.
so, query should be on CLASS_NAME or class_name.keyword , by default elastic search creates both text and .keyword field for dynamic attributes
"type" : "keyword"
"class_name" : {
"type" : "text",
"fields" : {
"keyword" : {
"type" : "keyword",
"ignore_above" : 256

elasticsearch v5 template to v6

I am currently running elasticsearch cluster version 6.3.1 on AWS and here is template file which I need to upload but can't
"template" : "logstash-*",
"settings" : {
"index.refresh_interval" : "5s"
"mappings" : {
"_default_" : {
"_all" : {"enabled" : true, "omit_norms" : true},
"dynamic_templates" : [ {
"message_field" : {
"match" : "message",
"match_mapping_type" : "string",
"mapping" : {
"type" : "string", "index" : "analyzed", "omit_norms" : true,
"fielddata" : { "format" : "enabled" }
}, {
"string_fields" : {
"match" : "*",
"match_mapping_type" : "string",
"mapping" : {
"type" : "string", "index" : "analyzed", "omit_norms" : true,
"fielddata" : { "format" : "enabled" },
"fields" : {
"raw" : {"type": "string", "index" : "not_analyzed", "doc_values" : true, "ignore_above" : 256}
}, {
"float_fields" : {
"match" : "*",
"match_mapping_type" : "float",
"mapping" : { "type" : "float", "doc_values" : true }
}, {
"double_fields" : {
"match" : "*",
"match_mapping_type" : "double",
"mapping" : { "type" : "double", "doc_values" : true }
}, {
"byte_fields" : {
"match" : "*",
"match_mapping_type" : "byte",
"mapping" : { "type" : "byte", "doc_values" : true }
}, {
"short_fields" : {
"match" : "*",
"match_mapping_type" : "short",
"mapping" : { "type" : "short", "doc_values" : true }
}, {
"integer_fields" : {
"match" : "*",
"match_mapping_type" : "integer",
"mapping" : { "type" : "integer", "doc_values" : true }
}, {
"long_fields" : {
"match" : "*",
"match_mapping_type" : "long",
"mapping" : { "type" : "long", "doc_values" : true }
}, {
"date_fields" : {
"match" : "*",
"match_mapping_type" : "date",
"mapping" : { "type" : "date", "doc_values" : true }
}, {
"geo_point_fields" : {
"match" : "*",
"match_mapping_type" : "geo_point",
"mapping" : { "type" : "geo_point", "doc_values" : true }
} ],
"properties" : {
"#timestamp": { "type": "date", "doc_values" : true },
"#version": { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed", "doc_values" : true },
"geoip" : {
"type" : "object",
"dynamic": true,
"properties" : {
"ip": { "type": "ip", "doc_values" : true },
"location" : { "type" : "geo_point", "doc_values" : true },
"latitude" : { "type" : "float", "doc_values" : true },
"longitude" : { "type" : "float", "doc_values" : true }
I tried loading the template via Dev Tools in Kibana and got the following error
"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
"reason": "Failed to parse mapping [_default_]: No field type matched on [float], possible values are [object, string, long, double, boolean, date, binary]"
"type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
"reason": "Failed to parse mapping [_default_]: No field type matched on [float], possible values are [object, string, long, double, boolean, date, binary]",
"caused_by": {
"type": "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "No field type matched on [float], possible values are [object, string, long, double, boolean, date, binary]"
"status": 400
Can somebody please help with what I need to do to have this working on version 6 elasticsearch. I am completely new to elasticsearch and am just looking to setup logging from cloudtrail -> s3 -> AWS elasticsearch -> kibana.
In order to work on 6.3, the correct mapping for the logstash index would need to be (taken from here):
"template" : "logstash-*",
"version" : 60001,
"settings" : {
"index.refresh_interval" : "5s"
"mappings" : {
"_default_" : {
"dynamic_templates" : [ {
"message_field" : {
"path_match" : "message",
"match_mapping_type" : "string",
"mapping" : {
"type" : "text",
"norms" : false
}, {
"string_fields" : {
"match" : "*",
"match_mapping_type" : "string",
"mapping" : {
"type" : "text", "norms" : false,
"fields" : {
"keyword" : { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 }
} ],
"properties" : {
"#timestamp": { "type": "date"},
"#version": { "type": "keyword"},
"geoip" : {
"dynamic": true,
"properties" : {
"ip": { "type": "ip" },
"location" : { "type" : "geo_point" },
"latitude" : { "type" : "half_float" },
"longitude" : { "type" : "half_float" }

elasticsearch showing only 1 docs.count on data migration using logstash

I am trying to move data from S3 (.csv file's data) to elastic search cluster using logstash using custom templete.
But it only shows docs.count=1 and rest of the records as docs.deleted when i check using following query in Kibana:-
GET /_cat/indices?v
My first question is :-
why only one record [the last one] is transmitted and others are transmitted as deleted ?
Now when I query this index using below query in Kibana :-
GET /my_file_index/_search
"query": {
"match_all": {}
I get only one record with comma separated data in "message" : field, So the second question is :-
How can I get the data with column names just like in csv as I have specified all column mappings in my template file which is fed into logstash ?
I tried giving columns field in logstash csv filter also but no luck.
columns => ["col1", "col2",...]
Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT-1: below is my logstash.conf file:-
input {
access_key_id => "xxx"
secret_access_key => "xxxx"
region => "eu-xxx-1"
bucket => "xxxx"
prefix => "abc/stocks_03-jul-2018.csv"
filter {
csv {
separator => ","
columns => ["AAA","BBB","CCC"]
output {
amazon_es {
index => "my_r_index"
document_type => "my_r_index"
hosts => ""
region => "eu-xxxx-1"
aws_access_key_id => 'xxxxx'
aws_secret_access_key => 'xxxxxx+xxxxx'
document_id => "%{id}"
template => "templates/template_2.json"
template_name => "my_r_index"
Version of logstash : 6.3.1
Version of elasticsearch : 6.2
EDIT:-2 Adding template_2.json file along with sample csv header :-
1. Mapping file :-
"template" : "my_r_index",
"settings" : {
"index" : {
"number_of_shards" : 50,
"number_of_replicas" : 1
"index.codec" : "best_compression",
"index.refresh_interval" : "60s"
"mappings" : {
"_default_" : {
"_all" : { "enabled" : false },
"properties" : {
"type" : "keyword"
"type" : "integer"
"type" : "integer"
"type" : "date"
"type" : "keyword"
"type" : "keyword"
"ABC" : {
"type" : "integer"
"PQR" : {
"type" : "keyword"
"KKK" : {
"type" : "keyword"
"type" : "text",
"index" : "false"
"SOMEID" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"DDD" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"EEE" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"FFF" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"GGG" : {
"type" : "text",
"index" : "false"
"LLL" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"MMM" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"NNN" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"OOO" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"PPP" : {
"type" : "text",
"index" : "false"
"QQQ" : {
"type" : "integer",
"index" : "false"
"RRR" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"SSS" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"TTT" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"UUU" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"VVV" : {
"type" : "text",
"index" : "false"
"WWW" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"XXX" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"YYY" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"ZZZ" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "text",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "text",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "text",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "integer",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"CLIECE" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "text",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "text",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "text",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "text",
"index" : "false"
"RRF" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"SRF" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"CNRF" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"CTRF" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"CONSLE" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"CLIDLE" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "text",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"SMIUM" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"CONIUM" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "text",
"index" : "false"
"COT" : {
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"type" : "double",
"index" : "false"
"IME" : {
"type" : "keyword"
"KKE" : {
"type" : "keyword"
My excel content as:-
Header : Actual header is quite lengthy as have lot many columns, please consider other column names similar to below in continuation.
First row : Again column values as below some columns has blank values , I have mentioned above real template file (in mapping file above) which has all column values.
KKK-LMN 2 1815 6/25/2018
PPL-ORL 2 1815 6/25/2018
SLB-ORD 2 1815 6/25/2018
3. Kibana query output
Query :
GET /my_r_index/_search
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"_index": "my_r_index",
"_type": "my_r_index",
"_id": "IjjIZWUBduulDsi0vYot",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"#version": "1",
"message": "XXX-XXX-XXX-USD,2,3190,2018-07-03,UNITED STATES,USD,300,60,Put,2042-12-19,,,,.009108041,q,,,,.269171754,q,,,,,.024127966,q,,,,68.414017367,q,,,,.298398645,q,,,,.502677959,q,,,,,0.040880692400344164,q,,,,,,,159.361792143,,,,.631296636,q,,,,.154877384,q,,42.93,N,Y,\n",
"#timestamp": "2018-08-23T07:56:06.515Z"
...Other similar records as above.
Sample output after using autodetect_column_names => true :-
"took": 4,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 10,
"successful": 10,
"skipped": 0,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 3,
"max_score": 1,
"hits": [
"_index": "indr",
"_type": "logs",
"_id": "hAF1aWUBS_wbCH7ZG4tW",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"2": "2",
"1815": "1815",
"message": """
"6/25/2018": "6/25/2018",
"#timestamp": "2018-08-24T01:03:26.436Z",
"#version": "1"
"_index": "indr",
"_type": "logs",
"_id": "kP11aWUBctDorPcGHICS",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"2": "2",
"1815": "1815",
"message": """
"6/25/2018": "4/22/2018",
"#timestamp": "2018-08-24T01:03:26.436Z",
"#version": "1"
"_index": "indr",
"_type": "logs",
"_id": "j_11aWUBctDorPcGHICS",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"2": "SERVICE",
"1815": "CLIENT",
"message": """
"6/25/2018": "VALUATIONDATE",
"#timestamp": "2018-08-24T01:03:26.411Z",
"#version": "1"
I'm pretty certain your single document has an id of %{id}. The first problem comes from the fact that in your CSV file, you are not extracting a column whose name is id and that's what you're using in document_id => "%{id}" hence all rows are getting indexed with the id %{id} and each indexation deletes the previous. At the end, you have a single document which has been indexed as many times as the rows in your CSV.
Regarding the second issue, you need to fix the filter section like below:
filter {
csv {
separator => ","
autodetect_column_names => true
date {
match => [ "VALUATIONDATE", "M/dd/yyyy" ]
Also you need to fix your index template like this (I've only added the format setting in the VALUATIONDATE field:
"order": 0,
"template": "helloindex",
"settings": {
"index": {
"codec": "best_compression",
"refresh_interval": "60s",
"number_of_shards": "10",
"number_of_replicas": "1"
"mappings": {
"_default_": {
"_all": {
"enabled": false
"properties": {
"type": "keyword"
"type": "integer"
"type": "integer"
"type": "date",
"format": "MM/dd/yyyy"
"type": "keyword"
"aliases": {}

Error uploading swagger file to API Manager v2.5.0

I'm testing the currrent version of wso2 API Manager (2.5.0) and I've a problem with my current swagger files that I've already imported in the version 2.2.0.
The error message is: "The HTTP method 'parameters' provided for resource '/tasks/{taskid}' is invalid":
at org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.utils.APIUtil.handleException(
at org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.definitions.APIDefinitionFromOpenAPISpec.getURITemplates(
at org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.hostobjects.APIProviderHostObject.jsFunction_updateAPIDesign(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.mozilla.javascript.MemberBox.invoke(
... 69 more
This is the API sample from
"swagger" : "2.0",
"info" : {
"description" : "An API for managing a list of tasks that need to be done. \n\nDon't forget to take it for a spin by clicking on the **Try in Client** button next to each operation! All read operations are public and don't require authentication.\n",
"version" : "1.1.0",
"title" : "Tasks API",
"termsOfService" : "",
"contact" : { }
"host" : "",
"basePath" : "/v1",
"schemes" : [ "https" ],
"consumes" : [ "application/json" ],
"produces" : [ "application/json" ],
"paths" : {
"/tasks/" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Load the list of Tasks",
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "$size",
"in" : "query",
"required" : false,
"type" : "integer",
"description" : "Size of the page to retrieve.",
"x-example" : 10
}, {
"name" : "$page",
"in" : "query",
"required" : false,
"type" : "integer",
"description" : "Number of the page to retrieve.",
"x-example" : 1
}, {
"name" : "$sort",
"in" : "query",
"required" : false,
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Order in which to retrieve the results. Multiple sort criteria can be passed. Example: sort=age ASC,height DESC",
"x-example" : "createdAt DESC"
}, {
"name" : "id",
"in" : "query",
"required" : false,
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Allows to filter the collection of results by the value of field `id`",
"x-example" : "47ee3550-b619-11e6-8408-0bdb025a7cfa"
}, {
"name" : "name",
"in" : "query",
"required" : false,
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Allows to filter the collection of results by the value of field `name`",
"x-example" : "Learn about hypermedia APIs"
}, {
"name" : "createdAt",
"in" : "query",
"required" : false,
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Allows to filter the collection of results by the value of field `createdAt`",
"x-example" : "2016.07.03"
}, {
"name" : "completed",
"in" : "query",
"required" : false,
"type" : "boolean",
"description" : "Allows to filter the collection of results by the value of field `completed`",
"x-example" : true
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "Status 200",
"schema" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Task"
"examples" : {
"application/json" : "[{\n \"id\": \"47ee3550-b619-11e6-8408-0bdb025a7cfa\",\n \"name\": \"Feed the fish\",\n \"completed\": false,\n \"createdAt\": \"2016.07.03\"\n}]"
"headers" : {
"X-Page-Count" : {
"type" : "integer",
"x-example" : 1
"X-Page-Number" : {
"type" : "integer",
"x-example" : 1
"X-Page-Size" : {
"type" : "integer",
"x-example" : 25
"X-Total-Count" : {
"type" : "integer",
"x-example" : 2
"400" : {
"description" : "Status 400",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Error"
"post" : {
"summary" : "Create a new Task",
"consumes" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "body",
"in" : "body",
"required" : true,
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Task"
"x-examples" : {
"application/json" : "{\n \"name\": \"Feed the fish\",\n \"completed\": false,\n \"createdAt\": \"2016.07.03\"\n}"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "Status 200",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Task"
"examples" : {
"application/json" : "{\n \"id\": \"47ee3550-b619-11e6-8408-0bdb025a7cfa\",\n \"name\": \"Feed the fish\",\n \"completed\": false,\n \"createdAt\": \"2016.07.03\"\n}"
"security" : [ {
"HTTP_BASIC" : [ ]
} ]
"/tasks/{taskid}" : {
"get" : {
"summary" : "Load a specific Task",
"parameters" : [ ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "Status 200",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Task"
"examples" : {
"application/json" : "{\n \"id\": \"47ee3550-b619-11e6-8408-0bdb025a7cfa\",\n \"name\": \"Feed the fish\",\n \"completed\": false,\n \"createdAt\": \"2016.07.03\"\n}"
"400" : {
"description" : "Status 400",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Error"
"put" : {
"summary" : "Update a Task",
"consumes" : [ ],
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "body",
"in" : "body",
"required" : true,
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Task"
"x-examples" : {
"application/json" : "{\n \"name\": \"Feed the fish\",\n \"completed\": false,\n \"createdAt\": \"2016.07.03\"\n}"
} ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "Status 200",
"schema" : {
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Task"
"examples" : {
"application/json" : "{\n \"id\": \"47ee3550-b619-11e6-8408-0bdb025a7cfa\",\n \"name\": \"Feed the fish\",\n \"completed\": false,\n \"createdAt\": \"2016.07.03\"\n}"
"security" : [ {
"HTTP_BASIC" : [ ]
} ]
"delete" : {
"summary" : "Delete a Task",
"parameters" : [ ],
"responses" : {
"200" : {
"description" : "Status 200"
"security" : [ {
"HTTP_BASIC" : [ ]
} ]
"parameters" : [ {
"name" : "taskid",
"in" : "path",
"required" : true,
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Identifier of the Task",
"x-example" : "47ee3550-b619-11e6-8408-0bdb025a7cfa"
} ]
"securityDefinitions" : {
"description" : "All GET methods are public, meaning that *you can read all the data*. Write operations require authentication and therefore are forbidden to the general public.",
"type" : "basic"
"definitions" : {
"Task" : {
"type" : "object",
"required" : [ "completed", "id", "name" ],
"properties" : {
"id" : {
"type" : "string",
"description" : "Auto-generated primary key field",
"example" : "3fa2eb40-b61c-11e6-9de0-fdbe71bceebb"
"name" : {
"type" : "string",
"example" : "Figure out how to colonize Mars"
"completed" : {
"type" : "boolean"
"createdAt" : {
"type" : "string",
"example" : "2016.10.06"
"description" : "An object that represents a Task.",
"example" : "{\n \"id\": \"47ee3550-b619-11e6-8408-0bdb025a7cfa\",\n \"name\": \"Feed the fish\",\n \"completed\": false,\n \"createdAt\": \"2016.07.03\"\n}"
"Error" : {
"type" : "object",
"required" : [ "code" ],
"properties" : {
"code" : {
"type" : "integer",
"minimum" : 400,
"maximum" : 599
"description" : {
"type" : "string",
"example" : "Bad query parameter [$size]: Invalid integer value [abc]"
"reasonPhrase" : {
"type" : "string",
"example" : "Bad Request"
"description" : "This general error structure is used throughout this API.",
"example" : "{\n \"code\": 400,\n \"description\": \"Bad query parameter [$size]: Invalid integer value [abc]\",\n \"reasonPhrase\": \"Bad Request\"\n}"
This is fixed in APIManager 2.6. Please refer attached screen capture video for verification. Please refer for developer testing record.

Elastic Search only matches full field

I have just started using Elastic Search 6 on AWS.
I have inserted data into my ES endpoint but I can only search it using the full sentence and not match individual words. In the past I would have used not_analyzed it seems, but this has been replaced by 'keyword'. However this still doesn't work.
Here is my index:
"seven" : {
"aliases" : { },
"mappings" : {
"myobjects" : {
"properties" : {
"id" : {
"type" : "text",
"fields" : {
"keyword" : {
"type" : "keyword",
"ignore_above" : 256
"myId" : {
"type" : "text"
"myUrl" : {
"type" : "text"
"myName" : {
"type" : "keyword"
"myText" : {
"type" : "keyword"
"settings" : {
"index" : {
"number_of_shards" : "5",
"provided_name" : "seven",
"creation_date" : "1519389595593",
"analysis" : {
"filter" : {
"nGram_filter" : {
"token_chars" : [
"min_gram" : "2",
"type" : "nGram",
"max_gram" : "20"
"analyzer" : {
"nGram_analyzer" : {
"filter" : [
"type" : "custom",
"tokenizer" : "whitespace"
"whitespace_analyzer" : {
"filter" : [
"type" : "custom",
"tokenizer" : "whitespace"
"number_of_replicas" : "1",
"uuid" : "_vNXSADUTUaspBUu6zdh-g",
"version" : {
"created" : "6000199"
I have data like this:
"took" : 3,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 5,
"successful" : 5,
"skipped" : 0,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 13,
"max_score" : 1.0,
"hits" : [
"_index" : "seven",
"_type" : "myobjects",
"_id" : "8",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"myUrl" : "",
"myText" : "Objects for Welsh Things",
"myName" : "Wales"
"_index" : "seven",
"_type" : "myobjects",
"_id" : "5",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"myUrl" : "",
"myText" : "Objects for Flowery Things",
"myNoun" : "Flowers"
If I then search for 'Objects' I get nothing. If I search for 'Objects for Flowery Things' I get the single result.
I am using this to search for items :
POST /seven/objects/_search?pretty
"query": {
"multi_match" : { "query" : q, "fields": ["myText", "myNoun"], "fuzziness":"AUTO" }
Can anybody tell me how to have the search match any word in the sentence rather than having to put the whole sentence in the query?
This is because your myName and myText fields are of keyword type:
"myName" : {
"type" : "keyword"
"myText" : {
"type" : "keyword"
and because of this they are not analyzed and only full match will work for them. Change the type to text and it should work as you expected:
"myName" : {
"type" : "text"
"myText" : {
"type" : "text"