Firebase architecture - django

I currently have a server running in Django and a frontend in Angular 2. I'm planning to build a chat messaging using Firebase but I don't know if I should call the saving of data directly in client or send it first in my server and do the calls there.
1) Client sends a message -> Firebase
If I structure it like this, any users can have a read and write access on the database
2) Client sends a message -> My Server (Using a service account) -> Firebase
And if I structure it like this, clients will only have a read access so they can only subscribe but not send any message.
What's the ideal way of doing it?
Thank you

Firebase is meant for the Client sends a message -> Firebase Architecture.
It is your responsibility to setup Rules correctly in Firebase so that read and write access on the database is based upon their Role/Authentication etc.
you may read more about configuring rules at Firebase : Security & Rules Quickstart


How can I make a client server show updated data without send request?

I design a application for a restaurant one of the features is that the user can make an order online and the oreder status is pending until the restaurant cashier or restaurant admin staff convert status by accept or refuse
so i wanna send to client a notification if there is pending orders or something that the admin staff or cashier know that there is an pending order created now without need to update or refresh the client page
so my question is how i make a backend server send to client browser notification without the client need to refresh the page or send request to backend server
i use django rest framework
I hear about websocket and Django channels
Also i hear about SSE
Also i read about client freamwork send requests every n minute to update the page
I need to know what the best approach to implement this and if there is another technology and what is best for server if there is a lot of loading or the application used by millions of users
For example - you can implementig full-state service on nodejs + express + or + signalR. Client connecting to your service via websocket if customer open page where there order status. This solution will allow scale only service if connecting many client, also you should think over communication between service and general app on django, for example use rabbit or kafka or other. Also your can use this service for new realtime features

How can I access ejabberd REST API from server side

I am new to eJabberd, after setting up the server and be able to send messages between users I want to be able to create rooms from our backend server (not from our clients).
I read this article:
But I did not understand how can I use the api from our server side (for example, to automatically create rooms for our users), how can I obtain a token for the server to use the API?
You should consider using mod_rest - http interface to post data to ejabberd. You can read more about configuration & examples here.
Do consider adding some restrictions so that only your server can use the http interface.

Sending SQL emails using AWS and SES

I hope someone will be able to help me with this since I am new with AWS stuff.
I have a Web App using .NET MVC which will be deployed/hosted in AWS. This is the description of what I would like to achieve:
1- Let's say that the Web App will insert products in a Products Table on SQL Server.
2- When this product is inserted, the system (AWS) will send an email to a Client from a Clients Table on SQL Server.
Is that possible with AWS?
Could I set a trigger in SQL Server and send an email by SES?
Is it better to use SQS?. So the Web App will publish messages in SQS, and then having another app listening and sending those emails, for instance a console app.
I will appreciate any direction or useful link.
Thanks all of you in advance.
The answer to your first question is 'yes'. Yes SQL server can use SES to send emails. Because SQL server can send emails, all you need to do is set it up to use the correct SMTP settings from SES once your account is verified and working with SES.
That said, I would never have my db server send emails, just doesn't seem like the right place to do it; even though you can.
I have developed and support several systems like this, and the usual pattern I use is to have the web application insert a message in an SQS queue that will be used as input to another process to send the email out. When possible I like to include all the details about the email into the SQS message, i.e. from, to, subject and the body - everything the downstream process will need to know to send them out.
In my case I use a windows service running on several EC2 instances in an autoscale group to poll the queue and send the emails out. In most cases, where I was able to store all the emails in the SQS body, the windows service is completely general purpose - it reads an SQS message, composes the email and sends it out. Because all of the details of the email are within the SQS message body, this single SQS queue and the windows service that is processing it, can process emails from a variety of applications because the service doesn't need to contain any business logic specific to the application and has no external dependencies.
As you talk about separation of responsibilities, I can't see anything less indicated to send email than a db server (even if it can do it).Sending emails is a task for your business layer, surely not for the data layer.
Use the web app to trigger the process of sending the emails, than implement it directly into the web app, or separate it with a messaging system (like SNS), with a queue system (like SQS) or whatever else.

WSO2 API Manager redirect according to client

Is it possible to have the API Manager redirect an incoming client API call to a back-end URL customized according to the client data?
In our back-end we're activating different instance URLs for each client, e.g.:
Clients connect to the API Manager to a unique shared address, e.g. api.domain.ext, and then clients shall be routed to the internal API accordingly (the parameter is bound to the client profile).
Is this achievable via configuration or is it necessary to develop a custom component?
You can use API manager.
Publish one API-A to the clients to subscribe publicly via publisher. Define another internal API-B (dont publish it) where do routing logic based on the clients' requests.
Point the API_B as the production URL to the API_A. So, requests will be routed to your internal API-B, where you can define your mediation logic.
But for defining mediation logic, what you have to do is, open the API configuration in a TEXT editor and need to edit or via source view of the management console. You can follow ESB guide for various mediators to pick a right one.
Hope this helps!

FireBase connect to server (Not NodeJS)

So I've seen this answer Using NodeJs with Firebase - Security that talks about syncing NodeJS with the Firebase data structure.
I don't use NodeJS (being a Railo/Coldfusion developer) and was wondering if something like this is possible outside of NodeJS? Through java or maybe just using REST endpoints. Or do I have to use the original solution in the above link of separately updating the data in my webserver.
Another way of wording it is; can I make a round trip from firebase to an HTTP server that isn't nodeJS?
EDIT: To clarify, exactly what I wanted to do was have a email webservice post to the REST API of Firebase, then firebase post that to an URL on my external railo server as my users need to know when the email arrives but the server just needs to make sure it stores it.
As I understand it my best bet is to get the email webservice to post to the URL on my railo server which then posts to the REST API on firebase.
Yes you can.
Firebase does not have a Coldfusion client library, so you need to use the REST APIs. You can use the REST API to read / write Firebase data from your server code.
The one thing you'll be missing is the notifications when data changes. With the node.js client, you can subscribe for updates to data but there's no way to do that from a REST API.
So if you need to know when Firebase data changes, and you're using REST, you'll have to poll the data periodically.
(Note: This is mostly copied #Michael's answer in the comments)