executing default fault sequence error code 303001 wso2 esb - wso2

i have a proxy service that call a web service . sometimes it send out error code 303001 and after refresh it work again . my mind of refresh is i open admin panel in list of service choose design view of my service and click next next finish. after that service work correctly and after 1 hour it throw out error code
my service :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse"
<class name="org.sample.mediators.citydi.HashMediatorCityDI"/>
<log level="full" category="FATAL">
<property name="fprever" value="justyou"/>
<property name="DISABLE_CHUNKING"
<address uri="http://checkbill2.citydi.net/CheckBill.asmx?wsdl" format="soap12">
<log level="full" category="FATAL">
<property name="send1" value="send1"/>
<log level="full">
<property name="beforeSENDout" value="2"/>
<log level="full" category="FATAL">
<property name="send2" value="send2"/>
<publishWSDL uri="http://checkbill2.citydi.net/CheckBill.asmx?wsdl"/>

303001 = Address Endpoint is not ready to connect
Perhaps because of a corporate proxy / firewall ?
You'r wrong thinking your endpoint is active always : use a named endpoint instead of your anonymous one and have a look to wso2 web console : I guess it will be deactivated (the "action" become "Switch on")
In your case, with an anonymous endpoint, when you edit / save your proxy, the endpoint is switched on.
If you don't want your endpoint to be suspended add something like this :
If you don't want your endpoint to manage a specific timeout, add something like this :


Iterator mediator counter esb wso2

I'm using the iterate mediator for calculate the sum of a note variable i tried with the script mediator
but when i send the api in postman for test we takes a long time without answer and i have this error :
ERROR {PassThroughNHttpGetProcessor} - Unable to find axis service for service name : studenttest/getsomme
here is my code:
<resource methods="GET" uri-template="/gettotal">
<property expression="$url:nom" name="uri.var.nom" scope="default" type="STRING"/>
<http method="get" uri-template="http://ITMTNF3RRJSJ:8290/services/studenttest/getsomme?nom={uri.var.nom}">
<property name="it_count" scope="operation" type="STRING" value="0"/>
<iterate expression="//symbols/symbol" sequential="TRUE">
<property expression="json-eval($.note)" name="note" scope="default" type="STRING"/>
<script language="js"><![CDATA[var note = mc.getProperty('note');
var totalnote =it_count+note;
mc.setProperty('it_count', totalnote);]]></script>
This error "Unable to find axis service for service name" is a known issue[1] when a data service is invoked as a Rest service with query parameters in MI-1.2.0 and this is already fixed in MI-1.2.0 with the latest updates. If you have a valid wso2 subscription you can get the latest updates using the Update 2.0 tool[2].
However, you can invoke the data service in soap manner or rest manner without query parameters and check the mediation.
[1] https://github.com/wso2/micro-integrator/issues/2351
[2] https://updates.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/

Message Details are not shown in Apache ActiveMQ 5.16.3 with WSO2 EI 6.5.0

I'm using WSO2 EI 6.5.0 to send message to activemq 5.16.3. I have followed this blog steps to set up WSO2 EI and ActiveMQ.
API Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<api context="/activemqsapi" name="ActiveMQAPI" xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse">
<resource methods="POST">
<log level="custom">
<property name="===ActiveMQAPI" value="is called===="/>
<property name="OUT_ONLY" scope="default" type="STRING" value="true"/>
<property name="FORCE_SC_ACCEPTED" value="true" scope="axis2"/>
<address uri="jms:/WSO2EIQ?transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryJNDIName=QueueConnectionFactory&java.naming.factory.initial=org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory&java.naming.provider.url=tcp://localhost:61616&transport.jms.DestinationType=queue">
Message Details are shown like below in activeMQ.
Failed to build body from content. Serializable class not available to broker. Reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.synapse.message.store.impl.commons.StorableMessage
As per this question i have added property in %ACTIVEMQ_HOME%\bin\win64\wrapper.conf which also not working.
Can anyone help me on this?
As per this doc, added below line in windows.bat file which resolved my issue.
Now I can able to see newly posted message in active-mq console.

Proxy service giving error "Connection time out after request is read"

We have created proxy service in wso2 esb using esb project in eclipse.
We have two web service calls and a data mapper.
proxy service is giving error "2017-02-23 12:06:32,131 [-] [HTTP-Listener I/O dispatcher-4] WARN SourceHandler Connection time out after request is read: http-incoming-40 Socket Timeout : 180000 Remote Address : /" as we add data mapper.
Without data mapper proxy service is running successfully. some times it also runs successfully with data mapper.
can someone guide about this issue?
Following is the proxy source
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse"
<address format="soap11"
<log level="full"/>
<datamapper config="gov:datamapper/EslSfaOFAOMSOIntegrationMapping.dmc"
<log description="" level="full"/>
<header name="Authorization"
value="Basic --"/>
<log level="full"/>
<address format="soap11"
<log level="full"/>
calling proxy through scheduled task, attached is the source
<task class="org.apache.synapse.startup.tasks.MessageInjector"
group="synapse.simple.quartz" name="testtask2">
<trigger count="1" interval="60"/>
<property name="proxyName" value="EslSfaOFAOMSOIntegrationPS" xmlns:task="http://www.wso2.org/products/wso2commons/tasks"/>
<property name="soapAction" value="operation" xmlns:task="http://www.wso2.org/products/wso2commons/tasks"/>
<property name="injectTo" value="proxy" xmlns:task="http://www.wso2.org/products/wso2commons/tasks"/>
<property name="message" xmlns:task="http://www.wso2.org/products/wso2commons/tasks">
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:esl="esl" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
Secondly how can we have the response from proxy service. our web-service create record in db and return status success when run stand alone form soap ui.
Replace <drop/> with a <respond />

adding post request in my WSO2 proxy service

I have created a proxy service who transform a message using a xslt mediator and then transformed to JSON,
I want now to post the JSON message in a rest web service how i can do that directely in my proxy service?
This is my proxy service :
<proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="CategoryProxy" transports="https,http" statistics="disable" trace="disable" startOnLoad="true">
<property name="Authorization" expression="fn:concat('Basic ', base64Encode('admin:admin'))" scope="transport" type="STRING"/>
<address uri="http://localhost:8068/database/library.author/301"/>
<xslt key="conf:/ressources/catXsl.xsl"/>
<property name="messageType" value="application/json" scope="axis2" type="STRING"/>
I want the message sent by this proxy to be post in a rest web ressource, How I can do it in my proxy?
Looks like you are looking for service chaining and you can do that in two ways:
1) Using a receiving sequence
<property name="Authorization" expression="fn:concat('Basic ', base64Encode('admin:admin'))" scope="transport" type="STRING"/>
<send receive="receivingSeqForChaining">
<address uri="http://localhost:8068/database/library.author/301"/>
You can define whatever sequence of operations you want in that receiving sequence. Output from this will be handed out to receiving sequence. If you don't want to do any specific action in outSequence for this case you can just add a to that.
2) Using outSequence to trigger other service call
You can also make that http call directly from outSequence something like this:
<http method="get"
Hope this helps.

WSO2 ESB Service Proxy not timing out as per configuration

We are using latest version of WSO2 ESB(4.6.0).We are exploring on implementing Proxy Service to a web service. The details are as follows:
An Axis2 Webservice Custom service proxy is setup using WSO2. The configuration is as follows:
Proxy XML: This synapse configuration was generated using WSO2 UI.
<proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="StockQuoteProxy" transports="https,http" statistics="enable" trace="enable" startOnLoad="true">
<target faultSequence="myFaultHandler">
<property name="DISABLE_CHUNKING" value="true" scope="axis2" type="STRING"/>
<address uri="http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService">
<publishWSDL uri="http:// localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService?wsdl"/>
Sequence myFaultHandler XML:
<sequence xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="myFaultHandler" trace="enable">
<header name="To" action="remove"/>
<property name="RESPONSE" value="true"/>
<property name="NO_ENTITY_BODY" action="remove" scope="axis2"/>
<log level="custom">
<property xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd" name="error-message" expression="get-property('ERROR_MESSAGE')"/>
<property xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd" name="error-code" expression="get-property('ERROR_CODE')"/>
<property xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd" name="error-detail" expression="get-property('ERROR_DETAIL')"/>
<property xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd" name="error-exception" expression="get-property('ERROR_EXCEPTION')"/>
<makefault version="soap12">
<code xmlns:soap12Env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" value="soap12Env:Receiver"/>
<reason value="Webservice is either down or currently not reachable."/>
When the webservice is down, this configuration throws a soap fault as defined.
When the webservice is taking time to send the response back, as defined in the proxy XML configuration it should timeout after 3 sec:
Even after the timeout period the proxy is still waiting for the response instead of throwing the fault back.
On analysis of the log file, we tried by modifying the following parameters in the below mentioned properties file but still the thread was stuck waiting for the response.
It eventually times out and throws socket exception.
As per the specification (http://wso2.com/library/articles/wso2-enterprise-service-bus-endpoint-error-handling) after the timeout happens the endpoint should go to Timeout state, but in this case the endpoint is still in Active state and it is neither faulting nor discarding message. Some times it throws an error code 504. But this action is not consistent.
Please let know the changes required for a given proxy service to timeout/discard message, if the final webservice is very slow.
If you are using http transport from the axis2.xml (which locates at CARBON_HOME/repository/conf/axis2 directory), you can fix that by configuring the time out parameters in that particular transport sender by adding parameters. For example,
<parameter name="SO_TIMEOUT">3000</parameter>
<parameter name="CONNECTION_TIMEOUT">3000</parameter>
Asanka Sanjeewa.