2 d array, 2 d vector, which is more efficient? - c++

I remember c++ primer said that 2d vector is very inefficient and should be avoided.
but 2d array seems to be rather inconvenient in terms of both creating and deleting.
is there any other way to do it? or 2d vector still competable against 2d array?

I doubt that it matters. There are other factors that will matter more.
I would question the starting premise:
2d vector is inefficient
Sometimes we trade off pure speed for better abstraction. I'll bet the std::string class can be considered inefficient by some measures when compared to raw byte or character array, but I'd still use it.
You'll have a better case if you stop worrying about broad statements and focus on your use case.
The most common application of 2D arrays I know of is for vectors, matricies, and linear algebra. There are other factors for that problem that will be far more important than the choice of underlying data structure.
Since C++ is an object-oriented language, you can solve this easily by starting with an interface and creating implementations that use vector and array. Test them against a meaningful data set and measure.


What are the Issues with a vector-of-vectors?

I've read that a vector-of-vectors is bad given a fixed 2nd dimension, but I cannot find a clear explanation of the problems on http://www.stackoverflow.com.
Could someone give an explanation of why using 2D indexing on a single vector is preferable to using a vector-of-vectors for a fixed 2nd dimension?
Also, I'm assuming that a vector-of-vectors is the preferable data structure for a 2D array with a variable 2nd dimension? If there is any proof to the contrary I'd love to see that.
For a std::vector the underlying array is dynamically allocated from the heap. If you have e.g. std::vector<std::vector<double>>, then your outer vector would look like
{v1, v2, v3, v4, ... vn}
This looks like each of the inner vectors will be in contiguous memory, and they will, but their underlying arrays will not be contiguous. See the diagram of the memory layout in this post. In other words the you cannot say that
&(v1.back()) + 1 == &(v2.front()) // not necessarily true!
Instead if you used a single vector with striding then you would gain data locality, and it would inherently be more cache friendly as all your data is contiguous.
For the sake of completeness, I would use neither of these methods if your matrix was sparse, as there are more elegant and efficient storage schemes than straight 1D or 2D arrays. Though since you mentioned you have a "fixed 2nd dimension" I will assume that is not the case here.
I shall answer with a simple analogy.
What is "better" in general out of the two things?
A telephone book where each entry is a code referring to a different book that you have to find and read to discover someone's telephone number
A telephone book that lists people's telephone numbers
Keeping all your data in a single big blob is more simple, more sensible, and easier on your computer's cache. A vector with N vectors inside it is much more operationally complex (remember, each of those requires a dynamic allocation and size management operations!); one vector is, well, one vector. You haven't multiplied the workload by N.
The only downside really is that to simulate 2D array access with a 1D underlying data store, you need to write a facade. Fortunately, this is very easy.
Now for the subjective part: on balance I'd say that it's worthwhile unless you're really in a rush and your code quality doesn't particularly matter.
Using a vector of vectors:
Is inefficient in terms of memory allocation, due to multiple blocks being allocated.
Models a jagged right hand edge, so bugs can creep in.
Using a single vector is, in general, better as the memory management is simpler. But you can encounter problems if your matrix is large as it can be difficult to acquire a large contiguous block.
If your array is resizeable, then I'd still stick to a single vector: the resize complexity can be isolated in a single function that you can optimise.
The best solution of all is, of course, to use something like the linear algebra library (BLAS), available in Boost. That also handles large sparse matrices beautifully.

Purpose of multidimensional arrays and when to use them? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I use arrays in C++?
(5 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
So I have started learning about coding in C++ and I'm just starting on arrays, but I just don't understand the concept of multidimensional arrays, does it save memory and make the program faster or something else? And also under what circumstance should I use them?
Answer not specifically C or C++.
Imagine a chess board, it has some squares. Each square can have a playing piece on it. You could store the state of each square in an array.
If you number the squares 0, 1, 2, 3 … 63 then you can put them in a one dimensional array. To go left add 1, to go right subtract 1, to go down add width (8), to go up subtract width (8) (With some bounds checking).
Alternatively you can use a 2 dimensional array 0…7, 0…7 now you do not add 8 you just add one to y dimension. Note the computer converts it all to one dimensional in the end, but C and C++ arrays have no bounds checking, and you have to keep telling it the width. There are some good classes in the library to make things easier.
Also you can have 3, 4, 5 or any other number of dimensions.
you'll get it just in practice! there are lot's of situationts where you use bidimensional arrays, just because it'll be not enough to use a simple array, for example simple backtracking problems such as labyrinths, sudoku, the lee's algorithm. Or another example: you have a table of data of students from your class, the columns is data of every student, but the raws can be: the first raw the average grade, the second raw his height, the third raw his number, and so on
In practice, don't use multidimensional arrays in C or C++. Just use a single dimension array, perhaps by making a class containing it with some getter and setter methods.
However, there are many occasions where you would use a container of containers, e.g. types like std::set<std::vector<long>> or occasionally std::vector<std::array<double,3>> etc...
The practical exception for using raw 2D arrays might be for matrixes whose dimensions are a compile-time constant. So a 3D linear transform (from R3 to itself) might be represented by a double m[3][3]; ; then a good optimizing compiler might even be able to vectorize the code.
But for a matrix whose both dimensions are only known at runtime, making it a bidimensional array is generally a mistake or an overkill (and this is why the STL does not provide you with a std::matrix template). You could use std::vector<std::vector<double>> but that requires allocating each row of your matrix.
Of course, you'll find a lot of existing linear algebra libraries like LAPACK, BLAS, etc... Use them for 2D or 3D computations. Some of them might even use hardware acceleration (e.g. using OpenCL to run on a GPGPU).
More generally, very often you should use and combine existing C++ standard containers (or even define your own templates providing your containers, perhaps by combining existing ones).

Storing Matrix information in STL vector. Which is better vector or vector of vectors?

I've created my own Matrix class were inside the class the information regarding the Matrix is stored in a STL vector. I've notice that while searching the web some people work with a vector of vectors to represent the Matrix information. My best guess tells me that so long as the matrix is small or skinny (row_num >> column_num) the different should be small, but what about if the matrix is square or fat (row_num << column_num)? If I were to create a very large matrix would I see a difference a run time? Are there other factors that need to be considered?
Have you considered using an off-the-shelf matrix representation such as boost's instead of reinventing the wheel?
If you have a lot of empty rows for example, using the nested representation could save a lot of space. Unless you have specific information in actual use cases showing one way isn't meeting your requirements, code the way that's easiest to maintain and implement properly.
There are too many variables to answer your question.
Create an abstraction so that your code does not care how the matrix is represented. Then write your code using any implementation. Then profile it.
If your matrix is dense, the "vector of vectors" is very unlikely to be faster than a single big memory block and could be slower. (Chasing two pointers for random access + worse locality.)
If your matrices are large and sparse, the right answer to your question is probably "neither".
So create an abstract interface, code something up, and profile it. (And as #Mark says, there are lots of third-party libraries you should probably consider.)
If you store everything in a single vector, an iterator will traverse the entire matrix. If you use a vector of vectors, an iterator will only traverse a single dimension.

Choice of the most performant container (array)

This is my little big question about containers, in particular, arrays.
I am writing a physics code that mainly manipulates a big (> 1 000 000) set of "particles" (with 6 double coordinates each). I am looking for the best way (in term of performance) to implement a class that will contain a container for these data and that will provide manipulation primitives for these data (e.g. instantiation, operator[], etc.).
There are a few restrictions on how this set is used:
its size is read from a configuration file and won't change during execution
it can be viewed as a big two dimensional array of N (e.g. 1 000 000) lines and 6 columns (each one storing the coordinate in one dimension)
the array is manipulated in a big loop, each "particle / line" is accessed and computation takes place with its coordinates, and the results are stored back for this particle, and so on for each particle, and so on for each iteration of the big loop.
no new elements are added or deleted during the execution
First conclusion, as the access on the elements is essentially done by accessing each element one by one with [], I think that I should use a normal dynamic array.
I have explored a few things, and I would like to have your opinion on the one that can give me the best performances.
As I understand there is no advantage to use a dynamically allocated array instead of a std::vector, so things like double** array2d = new ..., loop of new, etc are ruled out.
So is it a good idea to use std::vector<double> ?
If I use a std::vector, should I create a two dimensional array like std::vector<std::vector<double> > my_array that can be indexed like my_array[i][j], or is it a bad idea and it would be better to use std::vector<double> other_array and acces it with other_array[6*i+j].
Maybe this can gives better performance, especially as the number of columns is fixed and known from the beginning.
If you think that this is the best option, would it be possible to wrap this vector in a way that it can be accessed with a index operator defined as other_array[i,j] // same as other_array[6*i+j] without overhead (like function call at each access) ?
Another option, the one that I am using so far is to use Blitz, in particular blitz::Array:
typedef blitz::Array<double,TWO_DIMENSIONS> store_t;
store_t my_store;
Where my elements are accessed like that: my_store(line, column);.
I think there are not much advantage to use Blitz in my case because I am accessing each element one by one and that Blitz would be interesting if I was using operations directly on array (like matrix multiplication) which I am not.
Do you think that Blitz is OK, or is it useless in my case ?
These are the possibilities I have considered so far, but maybe the best one I still another one, so don't hesitate to suggest me other things.
Thanks a lot for your help on this problem !
From the very interesting answers and comments bellow a good solution seems to be the following:
Use a structure particle (containing 6 doubles) or a static array of 6 doubles (this avoid the use of two dimensional dynamic arrays)
Use a vector or a deque of this particle structure or array. It is then good to traverse them with iterators, and that will allow to change from one to another later.
In addition I can also use a Blitz::TinyVector<double,6> instead of a structure.
So is it a good idea to use std::vector<double> ?
Usually, a std::vector should be the first choice of container. You could use either std::vector<>::reserve() or std::vector<>::resize() to avoid reallocations while populating the vector. Whether any other container is better can be found by measuring. And only by measuring. But first measure whether anything the container is involved in (populating, accessing elements) is worth optimizing at all.
If I use a std::vector, should I create a two dimensional array like std::vector<std::vector<double> > [...]?
No. IIUC, you are accessing your data per particle, not per row. If that's the case, why not use a std::vector<particle>, where particle is a struct holding six values? And even if I understood incorrectly, you should rather write a two-dimensional wrapper around a one-dimensional container. Then align your data either in rows or columns - what ever is faster with your access patterns.
Do you think that Blitz is OK, or is it useless in my case?
I have no practical knowledge about blitz++ and the areas it is used in. But isn't blitz++ all about expression templates to unroll loop operations and optimizing away temporaries when doing matrix manipulations? ICBWT.
First of all, you don't want to scatter the coordinates of one given particle all over the place, so I would begin by writing a simple struct:
struct Particle { /* coords */ };
Then we can make a simple one dimensional array of these Particles.
I would probably use a deque, because that's the default container, but you may wish to try a vector, it's just that 1.000.000 of particles means about a single chunk of a few MBs. It should hold but it might strain your system if this ever grows, while the deque will allocate several chunks.
As Alexandre C remarked, if you go the deque road, refrain from using operator[] and prefer to use iteration style. If you really need random access and it's performance sensitive, the vector should prove faster.
The first rule when choosing from containers is to use std::vector. Then, only after your code is complete and you can actually measure performance, you can try other containers. But stick to vector first. (And use reserve() from the start)
Then, you shouldn't use an std::vector<std::vector<double> >. You know the size of your data: it's 6 doubles. No need for it to be dynamic. It is constant and fixed. You can define a struct to hold you particle members (the six doubles), or you can simply typedef it: typedef double particle[6]. Then, use a vector of particles: std::vector<particle>.
Furthermore, as your program uses the particle data contained in the vector sequentially, you will take advantage of the modern CPU cache read-ahead feature at its best performance.
You could go several ways. But in your case, don't declare astd::vector<std::vector<double> >. You're allocating a vector (and you copy it around) for every 6 doubles. Thats way too costly.
If you think that this is the best option, would it be possible to wrap this vector in a way that it can be accessed with a index operator defined as other_array[i,j] // same as other_array[6*i+j] without overhead (like function call at each access) ?
(other_array[i,j] won't work too well, as i,j employs the comma operator to evaluate the value of "i", then discards that and evaluates and returns "j", so it's equivalent to other_array[i]).
You will need to use one of:
other_array(i, j) // if other_array implements operator()(int, int),
// but std::vector<> et al don't.
other_array[i].identifier // identifier is a member variable
other_array[i].identifier() // member function getting value
other_array[i].identifier(double) // member function setting value
You may or may not prefer to put get_ and set_ or similar on the last two functions should you find them useful, but from your question I think you won't: functions are prefered in APIs between parts of large systems involving many developers, or when the data items may vary and you want the algorithms working on the data to be independent thereof.
So, a good test: if you find yourself writing code like other_array[i][3] where you've decided "3" is the double with the speed in it, and other_array[i][5] because "5" is the the acceleration, then stop doing that and give them proper identifiers so you can say other_array[i].speed and .acceleration. Then other developers can read and understand it, and you're much less likely to make accidental mistakes. On the other hand, if you are iterating over those 6 elements doing exactly the same things to each, then you probably do want Particle to hold a double[6], or to provide an operator[](int). There's no problem doing both:
struct Particle
double x[6];
double& speed() { return x[3]; }
double speed() const { return x[3]; }
double& acceleration() { return x[5]; }
BTW / the reason that vector<vector<double> > may be too costly is that each set of 6 doubles will be allocated on the heap, and for fast allocation and deallocation many heap implementations use fixed-size buckets, so your small request will be rounded up t the next size: that may be a significant overhead. The outside vector will also need to record a extra pointer to that memory. Further, heap allocation and deallocation is relatively slow - in you're case, you'd only be doing it at startup and shutdown, but there's no particular point in making your program slower for no reason. Even more importantly, the areas on the heap may just around in memory, so your operator[] may have cache-faults pulling in more distinct memory pages than necessary, slowing the entire program. Put another way, vectors store elements contiguously, but the pointed-to-vectors may not be contiguous.

Best Data Structure for Genetic Algorithm in C++?

i need to implement a genetic algorithm customized for my problem (college project), and the first version had it coded as an matrix of short ( bits per chromosome x size of population).
That was a bad design, since i am declaring a short but only using the "0" and "1" values... but it was just a prototype and it worked as intended, and now it is time for me to develop a new, improved version. Performance is important here, but simplicity is also appreciated.
I researched around and came up with:
for the chromosome :
- String class (like "0100100010")
- Array of bool
- Vector (vectors appears to be optimized for bool)
- Bitset (sounds the most natural one)
and for the population:
- C Array[]
- Vector
- Queue
I am inclined to pick vector for chromossome and array for pop, but i would like the opinion of anyone with experience on the subject.
Thanks in advance!
I'm guessing you want random access to the population and to the genes. You say performance is important, which I interpret as execution speed. So you're probably best off using a vector<> for the chromosomes and a vector<char> for the genes. The reason for vector<char> is that bitset<> and vector<bool> are optimized for memory consumption, and are therefore slow. vector<char> will give you higher speed at the cost of x8 memory (assuming char = byte on your system). So if you want speed, go with vector<char>. If memory consumption is paramount, then use vector<bool> or bitset<>. bitset<> would seem like a natural choice here, however, bear in mind that it is templated on the number of bits, which means that a) the number of genes must be fixed and known at compile time (which I would guess is a big no-no), and b) if you use different sizes, you end up with one copy per bitset size of each of the bitset methods you use (though inlining might negate this), i.e., code bloat. Overall, I would guess vector<bool> is better for you if you don't want vector<char>.
If you're concerned about the aesthetics of vector<char> you could typedef char gene; and then use vector<gene>, which looks more natural.
A string is just like a vector<char> but more cumbersome.
Specifically to answer your question. I am not exactly sure what you are suggestion. You talk about Array and string class. Are you talking about the STL container classes where you can have a queue, bitset, vector, linked list etc. I would suggest a vector for you population (closest thing to a C array there is) and a bitset for you chromosome if you are worried about memory capacity. Else as you are already using a vector of your string representaion of your dna. ("10110110")
For ideas and a good tool to dabble. Recommend you download and initially use this library. It works with the major compilers. Works on unix variants. Has all the source code.
All the framework stuff is done for you and you will learn a lot. Later on you could write your own code from scratch or inherit from these classes. You can also use them in commercial code if you want.
Because they are objects you can change representaion of your DNA easily from integers to reals to structures to trees to bit arrays etc etc.
There is always learning cure involved but it is worth it.
I use it to generate thousands of neural nets then weed them out with a simple fitness function then run them for real.
Assuming that you want to code this yourself (if you want an external library kingchris seems to have a good one there) it really depends on what kind of manipulation you need to do. To get the most bang for your buck in terms of memory, you could use any integer type and set/manipulate individual bits via bitmasks etc. Now this approach likely not optimal in terms of ease of use... The string example above would work ok, however again its not significantly different than the shorts, here you are now just representing either '0' or '1' with an 8 bit value as opposed to 16 bit value. Also, again depending on the manipulation, the string case will probably prove unwieldly. So if you could give some more info on the algorithm we could maybe give more feedback. Myself I like the individual bits as part of an integer (a bitset), but if you aren't used to masks, shifts, and all that good stuff it may not be right for you.
I suggest writing a class for each member of population, that simplifies things considerably, since you can keep all your member relevant functions in the same place nicely wrapped with the actual data.
If you need a "array of bools" I suggest using an int or several ints (then use mask and bit wise operations to access (modify / flip) each bit) depending on number of your chromosomes.
I usually used some sort of collection class for the population, because just an array of population members doesn't allow you to simply add to your population. I would suggest implementing some sort of dynamic list (if you are familiar with ArrayList then that is a good example).
I had major success with genetic algorithms with the recipe above. If you prepare your member class properly it can really simplify things and allows you to focus on coding better genetic algorithms instead of worrying about your data structures.