If I run this code
(defmacro foo
(println "expr:" expr))
(foo '(1 2 3))
I will get the following print message
expr: (quote (1 2 3))
but I want to get the following message
expr: '(1 2 3)
I want to handle original reader macro string (before transformed) in defmacro. Maybe, I will access the string by reading a file which the macro is used and parse it, but not so cool. Please let me know if you know a much better way to do the mentioned above.
Thanks in advance.
according to http://www.clojure.org/reference/reader
The behavior of the reader is driven by a combination of built-in constructs and an extension system called the read table.
The read table is currently not accessible to user programs.
so I'd say no. Which is consistent with what I remember from various clojure books.
One thing which seemingly can be preserved are reader-conditionals
{:read-cond :preserve}
"[1 2 #?#(:clj [3 4] :cljs [5 6])]")
;; [1 2 #?#(:clj [3 4] :cljs [5 6])]
I am using Clojure to do the following task -
Write a function named get-divisors which takes a number n as input and returns the all the numbers between 2 and √𝑛 inclusive
I have this code so far, that seems to be working as expected:
(defn get-divisors [n]
(str (range 2 (Math/sqrt n))))
The user inserts and input and the code shall display all numbers between 2 and the square root of that particular number. (I know! get-divisors is a horrible name for the function)
I type (get-divisors 101) I get the following output
"(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)" which is correct.
However, the issue is when I use the number 4 I get a result of nil or () when I should in-fact get 2. Or when I enter 49 I should get all numbers between 2 and 7 but I only get all the numbers between 2 and 6.
I have searched online for some information. I am new to Clojure however, the information on this programming seems to be scarce as opposed to the likes of Java, JavaScript. I have read another thread which was based on a similar situation to mind, however, the suggestions/answers didn't work for me unfortunately.
I would appreciate any help. Thank you.
Please see the Clojure CheatSheet. range does not include the upper bound. So, in general, you probably want something like
(range 2 (inc n))
or in your case
(range 2 (inc (Math/floor (Math/sqrt n))))
Also check out http://clojure.org
I'm currently using Leiningen to learn Clojure and I'm confused about the requirement of doall for running this function:
;; take a function (for my purposes, println for output formatting) and repeat it n times
(defn repeat [f n] (for [i (range n)] (f)))
(repeat println 2) works just fine in an REPL session, but not when running with lein run unless I include the doall wrapper. (doall (repeat println 2)) works and I'm curious why. Without it, lein run doesn't show the two blank lines in the output.
I also have:
(defmacro newPrint1 [& args] `'(println ~args))
(defmacro newPrint2 [& args] `'(println ~#args))
The first function I thought of myself. The next two macros are examples from a tutorial video I'm following on Udemy. Even if I wrap the macro calls with doall, such as (doall (newPrint1 1 2 3)), lein run produces no output, but (newPrint1 1 2 3) in a terminal REPL session produces the desired output of (clojure.core/println (1 2 3)) as it does in the video tutorial. Why doesn't doall work here?
for creates a lazy sequence. This lazy sequence is returned. The P in REPL (read eval Print loop) prints the sequence, thus realizing it. For realizing, the code to produce each element is run.
If you do not use the sequence, it is not realized, so the code is never run. In non-interactive use, this is likely the case. As noted, doall forces realization.
If you want to do side-effects, doseq is often better suited than for.
Here's some code I wrote, using clojure.core.match, which performs a pretty common programmng task. A function takes some "commands" (or "objects", "records", or whatever you prefer to call them), has to do something different with each type, and has to destructure them to figure out exactly what to do, and different command types might have to be destructured differently:
(defn action->edits [g action]
"Returns vector of edits needed to perform action in graph g."
(match action
[:boost from to]
[[:add-edge from to 1.0]]
[:retract from to]
[[:remove-edge from to]]
[:normalize from to] ; a change has just been made to from->to
(map (fn [that] [:remove-edge from that])
(successors-except g from to))
[:recip-normalize to from] ; a change has just been made to from->to
[:reduce-to-unofficial from to competitor]
[[:remove-edge from to] (make-competitive-edge from competitor]))
I'm mostly imitating the way people commonly use the pmatch macro in Scheme. I'd like to know what's the idiomatic way to do this in Clojure.
Here's what I like about the above code:
It's very readable.
It was effortless to write.
Here's what I don't like:
Accessing the from and to fields from anywhere but inside a match macro is extremely unreadable and error-prone. For example, to extract the from element from most of the action vectors, you write (action 1). That code will break if I ever add a new action, and it breaks right now on :recip-normalize.
The code generated by match is inefficient: it searches by repeatedly throwing and catching exceptions. It doesn't just generate a big nested if.
I experimented a little with representing the commands as maps, but it seemed to get verbose, and the name of the command doesn't stand out well, greatly reducing readability:
(match action
{:action :boost :from from :to to}
[{:edit :add-edge :from from :to to :weight 1.0}]
{:action :retract :from from :to to}
[{:edit :remove-edge :from from :to to}]
. . .)
Probably future versions of match will generate better code, but the poor code generated now (and lack of support for records) suggests that in Clojure, people have been handling this kind of thing happily for years without match. So how do you do this kind of thing in Clojure?
I would utilize clojure's build-in destructuring facilities, since I do not see a requirement for core.match here - but I might be missing something.
For example:
(defn action->edits [g [action from to]]
(condp = action
:boost "boosting"
:retract "retracting"
:normalize-ksp-style (recur g [:boost from to])
(action->edits 2 [:normalize-ksp-style 1 2])
;=> "boosting"
I start to read/work on clojure and for that I start to read in parallel 'Programming Clojure' and 'Practical Clojure' books. I saw there one example of how lazy sequence working and for me was very clear in order to understand how lazy-seq work but unfortunately it doesn't work or at least not how I expect.
here is the example:
(defn square[x]
(println "[current.elem=" x "]")
(* x x))
(def var-00 (map square '(1 2 3 5 6 4)))
when I call:
, I expect that no message to print on console(REPL) but I got the follow result:
([current.elem= 1 ][current.elem= 2 ]1 [current.elem= 3 ]4 [current.elem= 5 ]9 [current.elem= 6 ]25 [current.elem= 4 ]36 16)
this mean that the function map was called even I expect to nothing happen since 'var-00' is just a reference to function 'map'; and more awkward from my point of view, if I call:
(nth var-00 2)
I got:
[current.elem= 1 ][current.elem= 2 ][current.elem= 3 ]9
, and if I call again:
(nth var-00 3)
I got:
[current.elem= 1 ][current.elem= 2 ][current.elem= 3 ][current.elem= 5 ]25;
previous elements(1,2,3) was computed again I my opinion those elements should be 'cached' by first call and now only element 5 should be computed. Did I do something wrong or I didn't fully understand how lazy sequence working in clojure ? As a mention I use IntellijIDEA and LaClojure plugin to run the program.
Thanks Sorin.
Just checked your coed in Clojure REPL, it works fine for me. Every element got printed only once (when it's evaluated the first time).
I even tried your example in Clojure online REPL:
But there is one thing that you got wrong. REPL executes each command and then prints its results, so when you type var-00 REPL resolves the symbol and then, in order to print it, executes the whole lazy sequence:
It have nothing to do with lazy sequences, it's just how REPL works:
Lazy Evaluation dosen't mean that things will be cached. It means that inside a calculation an element will only be evaluated, if it is needed for the result. If an element is needed twice for the result, it might be evalueated twice.
If you want to have automatic caching of elements there is the memoize function, which will return a transformed version of the input function with added caching of results. This is also a easy way to implement dynamic programming
I recently started reading Paul Grahams 'On Lisp', and learning learning clojure along with it, so there's probably some really obvious error in here, but I can't see it: (its a project euler problem, obviously)
(ns net.projecteuler.problem31)
(def paths (ref #{}))
; apply fun to all elements of coll for which pred-fun returns true
(defn apply-if [pred-fun fun coll]
(apply fun (filter pred-fun coll)))
(defn make-combination-counter [coin-values]
(fn recurse
([sum] (recurse sum 0 '()))
([max-sum current-sum coin-path]
(if (= max-sum current-sum)
; if we've recursed to the bottom, add current path to paths
(dosync (ref-set paths (conj #paths (sort coin-path))))
; else go on recursing
(apply-if (fn [x] (<= (+ current-sum x) max-sum))
(fn [x] (recurse max-sum (+ x current-sum) (cons x coin-path)))
(def count-currency-combinations (make-combination-counter '(1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200)))
(count-currency-combinations 200)
When I run the last line in the REPL, i get the error:
<#CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong number of args passed to: problem31$eval--25$make-combination-counter--27$recurse--29$fn (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)>
Apart from the question where the error is, the more interesting question would be: How would one debug this? The error message isn't very helpful, and I haven't found a good way to single-step clojure code, and I can't really ask on stack overflow every time I have a problem.
Three tips that might make your life easier here:
Wrong number of args passed to: problem31$eval--25$make-combination-counter--27$recurse--29$fn (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)>
Tells you roughly where the error occurred: $fn at the end there means anonymous function and it tells you it was declared inside recurse, which was declared inside make-combination-counter. There are two anonymous functions to choose from.
If you save your source-code in a file and execute it as a script it will give you a full stack trace with the line numbers in the file.
at net.projecteuler.problem31$apply_if__9.invoke(problem31.clj:7)
Note you can also examine the last exception and stack trace from within the REPL by examining *e eg: (.stackTrace *e) The stack trace is at first quite daunting because it throws up all the Java internals. You need to learn to ignore those and just look for the lines that refer to your code. This is pretty easy in your case as they all start with net.projecteuler
You can name your anonymous functions to help more quickly identify them:
(fn check-max [x] (<= (+ current-sum x) max-sum))
In your case using all this info you can see that apply-if is being passed a single argument function as fun. Apply does this (f [1 2 3]) -> (f 1 2 3). From your comment what you want is map. (map f [1 2 3]) -> (list (f 1) (f 2) (f 3)). When I replace apply with map the program seems to work.
Finally, if you want to examine values you might want to look into clojure-contrib.logging which has some helpers to this effect. There is a spy macro which allows you to wrap an expression, it will return exactly the same expression so it does not affect the result of your function but will print out EXPR = VALUE, which can be handy. Also on the group various people have posted full tracing solutions. And there is always the trusty println. But the key skill here is being able to identify precisely what blew up. Once you know that it is usually clear why, but sometimes printouts are needed when you can't tell what the inputs are.
dont have a REPL on me though it looks like:
(defn apply-if [pred-fun fun coll]
(apply fun (filter pred-fun coll)))
takes a list like '(1 2 3 4 5) filters some of them out '(1 3 5)
and then creates a function call like (fun 1 3 5)
and it looks like it is being called (apply-if (fn [x] with a function that wants to receive a list of numbers as a single argument.
you could change the apply-if function to just pass call to the fun (with out the apply) or you could change the call to it to take a function that takes an arbitrary number of arguments.