Loading large amount of binary data into RAM - c++

My application needs to load from MegaBytes to dozens of GigaBytes of binary data (multiple files) into RAM. After some search, I decided to use std::vector<unsigned char> for this purpose, although I am not sure it's the best choice.
I would use one vector for each file. As application previously knows file size, it would call reserve() to allocate memory for it. Sometimes the application might need to fully read a file and in some others only part of it and vector's iterators are nice for that. It may need to unload a file from RAM and put other in place, std::vector::swap() and std::vector::shrink_to_fit() would be very useful. I don't want to have the hard work of dealing with low level memory allocation stuff (otherwise would go with C).
I've some questions:
Application must load the more files from a list it can into RAM. How would it know if there is enough memory space to load one more file? Should it call reserve() and look for errors? How? Reference only says reserve() throws an exception when requested size is greater than std::vector::max_size.
Is std::vector<unsigned char> applicable for getting such large amount of binary data into RAM? I'm worried about std::vector::max_size, since its reference says its value would depend on system or implementation limitations. I presume system limitation is free RAM, is it right? So, no problem. But what about implementations limitation? Are there anything regarding to implementations that could prevent me from doing what I want to? Case affirmative, please give me an alternative.
And what if I want to use entire RAM space, except N GigaBytes? Is the best way really to use sysinfo() and deduce based on free RAM if it is possible to load each file?
Obs.: This section of the application must be get the more performance (low processing time/CPU usage and RAM consumption) possible. I would appreciate your help.

How would it know if there is enough memory space to load one more file?
You wouldn't know before hand. Wrap the loading process in try - catch. If memory runs out, then a std::bad_alloc will be thrown (assuming you use default allocators). Assume that memory is sufficient in the loading code, and deal with the lack of memory in the exception handler.
But what about implementations limitation?
Are there anything regarding to implementations that could prevent me from doing what I want to?
You can check std::vector::max_size at run time to verify.
If the program is compiled with a 64 bit word size, then it is quite likely that the vector has sufficient max_size for a few hundred gigabytes.
This section of the application must be get the more performance
This conflicts with
I don't want to have the hard work of dealing with low level memory allocation stuff
But in case low level memory stuff is worth it for the performance, you could memory-map the file into memory.
I've read on some SO questions to avoid them on applications that need high performance and prefer dealing with return values, errno, etc
Unfortunately for you, non-throwing memory allocation is not an option if you use the standard containers. If you are allergic to exceptions, then you must use another implementation of a vector - or whatever container you decide to use. You don't need any container with mmap, though.
Won't handling exceptions break performance?
Luckily for you, run time cost of exceptions is insignificant compared to reading hundreds of gigabytes from disk.
May it be better to run sysinfo() and work on checking free RAM before loading a file?
sysinfo call may very well be slower than handling an exception (I haven't measured, that is just a conjecture) - and it won't tell you about process specific limits that may exist.
And also, it looks hard and costly to repetitively try load a file, catch exception and try load a smaller file (requires recursion?)
No recursion needed. You can use it if you prefer; it can be written with tail call, that can be optimized away.
About memory mapping: I took a look on it sometime ago and found boring to deal with. Would require to use C's open() and all that stuff and say bye to std::fstream.
Once you have mapped the memory, it is easier to use than std::fstream. You can skip the copying into vector part, and simply use the mapped memory as if it was an array that already exists in memory.
Looks like best way of partially reading a file using std::fstream is to derive std::streambuf
I don't see why you would need to derive anything. Just use std::basic_fstream::seekg() to skip to the part that you wish to read.

As an addition to #user2097303's answer, I want to add that vector guarantees contiguous allocation. For long running applications, this will result in memory fragmentation, and in the end, no contiguous block of memory will be present anymore, although between blocks, plenty of space is free.
Therefore it may be a good idea to store your data into deque


How to allocate a large dynamic array in C++?

So I am currently trying to allocate dynamically a large array of elements in C++ (using "new"). Obviously, when "large" becomes too large (>4GB), my program crashes with a "bad_alloc" exception because it can't find such a large chunk of memory available.
I could allocate each element of my array separately and then store the pointers to these elements in a separate array. However, time is critical in my application so I would like to avoid as much cache misses as I can. I could also group some of these elements into blocks but what would be the best size for such a block?
My question is then: what is the best way (timewise) to allocate dynamically a large array of elements such that elements do not have to be stored contiguously but they must be accessible by index (using [])? This array is never going to be resized, no elements is going to be inserted or deleted of it.
I thought I could use std::deque for this purpose, knowing that the elements of an std::deque might or might not be stored contiguously in memory but I read there are concerns about the extra memory this container takes?
Thank you for your help on this!
If your problem is such that you actually run out of memory allocating fairly small blocks (as is done by deque) is not going to help, the overhead of tracking the allocations will only make the situation worse. You need to re-think your implementation such that you can deal with it in blocks that will still fit in memory. For such problems, if using x86 or x64 based hardware I would suggest blocks of at least 2 megabytes (the large page size).
Obviously, when "large" becomes too large (>4GB), my program crashes
with a "bad_alloc" exception because it can't find such a large chunk
of memory available.
You should be using 64-bit CPU and OS at this point, allocating huge contiguous chunk of memory should not be a problem, unless you are actually running out of memory. It is possible that you are building 32-bit program. In this case you won't be able to allocate more than 4 GB. You should build 64-bit application.
If you want something better than plain operator new, then your question is OS-specific. Look at API provided by your OS: on POSIX system you should look for mmap and for VirtualAlloc on Windows.
There are multiple problems with large allocations:
For security reasons OS kernel never gives you pages filled with garbage values, instead all new memory will be zero initialized. This means you don't have to initialize that memory as long as zeroes are exactly what you want.
OS gives you real memory lazily on first access. If you are processing large array, you might waste a lot of time taking page faults. To avoid this you can use MAP_POPULATE on Linux. On Windows you can try PrefetchVirtualMemory (but I am not sure if it can do the job). This should make init allocation slower, but should decrease total time spent in kernel.
Working with large chunks of memory wastes slots in Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB). Depending on you memory access pattern, this can cause noticeable slowdown. To avoid this you can try using large pages (mmap with MAP_HUGETLB, MAP_HUGE_2MB, MAP_HUGE_1GB on Linux, VirtualAlloc and MEM_LARGE_PAGES). Using large pages is not easy, as they are usually not available by default. They also cannot be swapped out (always "locked in memory"), so using them requires privileges.
If you don't want to use OS-specific functions, the best you can find in C++ is std::calloc. Unlike std::malloc or operator new it returns zero initialized memory so you can probably avoid wasting time initializing that memory. Other than that, there is nothing special about that function. But this is the closest you can get while staying withing standard C++.
There are no standard containers designed to handle large allocations, moreover, all standard container are really really bad at handling those situations.
Some OSes (like Linux) overcommit memory, others (like Windows) do not. Windows might refuse to give you memory if it knows it won't be able to satisfy your request later. To avoid this you might want to increase your page file. Windows needs to reserve that space on disk beforehand, but it does not mean it will use it (start swapping). As actual memory is given to programs lazily, there are might be a lot of memory reserved for applications that will never be actually given to them.
If increasing page file is too inconvenient, you can try creating large file and map it into memory. That file will serve as a "page file" for your memory. See CreateFileMapping and MapViewOfFile.
The answer to this question is extremely application, and platform, dependent. These days if you just need a small integer factor greater than 4GB, you use a 64-bit machine, if possible. Sometimes reducing the size of the element in the array is possible as well. (E.g. using 16-bit fixed-point of half-float instead of 32-bit float.)
Beyond this, you are either looking at sparse arrays or out-of-core techniques. Sparse arrays are used when you are not actually storing elements at all locations in the array. There are many possible implementations and which is best depends on both the distribution of the data and the access pattern of the algorithm. See Eigen for example.
Out-of-core involves explicitly reading and writing parts of the array to/from disk. This used to be fairly common, but people work pretty hard to avoid doing this now. Applications that really require such are often built on top of a database or similar to handle the data management. In scientific computing, one ends up needing to distribute the compute as well as the data storage so there's a lot of complexity around that as well. For important problems the entire design may be driven by having good locality of reference.
Any sparse data structure will have overhead in how much space it takes. This can be fairly low, but it means you have to be careful if you actually have a dense array and are simply looking to avoid memory fragmentation.
If your problem can be broken into smaller pieces that only access part of the array at a time and the main issue is memory fragmentation making it hard to allocate one large block, then breaking the array in to pieces, effectively adding an outer vector of pointers, is a good bet. If you have random access to an array larger than 4 gigabytes and no way to localize the accesses, 64-bit is the way to go.
Depending on what you need the memory for and your speed concerns, and if you're using Linux, you can always try using mmap and simulate a sort of swap. It might be slower, but you can map very large sizes. See Mmap() an entire large file

Do memory mapped files provide advantage for large buffers?

My program works with large data sets that need to be stored in contiguous memory (several Gigabytes). Allocating memory using std::allocator (i.e. malloc or new) causes system stalls as large portions of virtual memory are reserved and physical memory gets filled up.
Since the program will mostly only work on small portions at a time, my question is if using memory mapped files would provide an advantage (i.e. mmap or the Windows equivalent.) That is creating a large sparse temporary file and mapping it to virtual memory. Or is there another technique that would change the system's pagination strategy such that less pages are loaded into physical memory at a time.
I'm trying to avoid building a streaming mechanism that loads portions of a file at a time and instead rely on the system's vm pagination.
Yes, mmap has the potential to speed things up.
Things to consider:
Remember the VMM will page things in and out in page size blocked (4k on Linux)
If your memory access is well localised over time, this will work well. But if you do random access over your entire file, you will end up with a lot of seeking and thrashing (still). So, consider whether your 'small portions' correspond with localised bits of the file.
For large allocations, malloc and free will use mmap with MAP_ANON anyway. So the difference in memory mapping a file is simply that you are getting the VMM to do the I/O for you.
Consider using madvise with mmap to assist the VMM in paging well.
When you use open and read (plus, as erenon suggests, posix_fadvise), your file is still held in buffers anyway (i.e. it's not immediately written out) unless you also use O_DIRECT. So in both situations, you are relying on the kernel for I/O scheduling.
If the data is already in a file, it would speed up things, especially in the non-sequential case. (In the sequential case, read wins)
If using open and read, consider using posix_fadvise as well.
This really depends on your mmap() implementation. Mapping a file into memory has several advantages that can be exploited by the kernel:
The kernel knows that the contents of the mmap() pages is already present on disk. If it decides to evict these pages, it can omit the write back.
You reduce copying operations: read() operations typically first read the data into kernel memory, then copy it over to user space.
The reduced copies also mean that less memory is used to store data from the file, which means more memory is available for other uses, which can reduce paging as well.
This is also, why it is generally a bad idea to use large caches within an I/O library: Modern kernels already cache everything they ever read from disk, caching a copy in user space means that the amount of data that can be cached is actually reduced.
Of course, you also avoid a lot of headaches that result from buffering data of unknown size in your application. But that is just a convenience for you as a programmer.
However, even though the kernel can exploit these properties, it does not necessarily do so. My experience is that LINUX mmap() is generally fine; on AIX, however, I have witnessed really bad mmap() performance. So, if your goal is performance, it's the old measure-compare-decide stand by.

Fastest way of reading a file in Linux?

On Linux what would be the fastest way of reading a file in to an array of bytes/to process the bytes? This can include memory-mapping, sys calls etc. I am not familiar with the many Linux-specific functions.
In the past I have used boost memory mapping, but I need faster Linux-specific performance rather than portability.
mmap should be the fastest way to access the contents of a file if the file is large enough. There's an initial cost for setting up the memory mappings, but that's offset by not needing to copy the data from the page cache into userland. And if you want all the contents of the file, the cost to allocate the memory to your program should be more or less the same as the cost of mmap.
Your best bet, as always, is to test and benchmark.
Don't let yourself get fooled by lazy stuff like memory mapping. Rather focus on what you really need. Do you really need to read the whole file into memory? Then the straight-forward way of opening, reading chunks in a loop, and closing the file will be as fast as it can be done.
But often you don't really want that. Instead you might want to read specific parts, a block here, a block there, jump through the file, read a block at a specific position, etc.
Then still fseeking out those positions and freading the blocks won't have overheads worth mentioning. But it can be more convenient to use memory mapping to let the operating system or a library deal with stuff like memory allocation etc. It won't get the job done faster, though.

How to implement a memory heap

Wasn't exactly sure how to phrase the title, but the question is:
I've heard of programmers allocating a large section of contiguous memory at the start of a program and then dealing it out as necessary. This is, in contrast to simply going to the OS every time memory is needed.
I've heard that this would be faster because it would avoid the cost of asking the OS for contiguous blocks of memory constantly.
I believe the JVM does just this, maintaining its own section of memory and then allocating objects from that.
My question is, how would one actually implement this?
Most C and C++ compilers already provide a heap memory-manager as part of the standard library, so you don't need to do anything at all in order to avoid hitting the OS with every request.
If you want to improve performance, there are a number of improved allocators around that you can simply link with and go. e.g. Hoard, which wheaties mentioned in a now-deleted answer (which actually was quite good -- wheaties, why'd you delete it?).
If you want to write your own heap manager as a learning exercise, here are the basic things it needs to do:
Request a big block of memory from the OS
Keep a linked list of the free blocks
When an allocation request comes in:
search the list for a block that's big enough for the requested size plus some book-keeping variables stored alongside.
split off a big enough chunk of the block for the current request, put the rest back in the free list
if no block is big enough, go back to the OS and ask for another big chunk
When a deallocation request comes in
read the header to find out the size
add the newly freed block onto the free list
optionally, see if the memory immediately following is also listed on the free list, and combine both adjacent blocks into one bigger one (called coalescing the heap)
You allocate a chunk of memory at the beginning of the program large enough to sustain its need. Then you have to override new and/or malloc, delete and/or free to return memory from/to this buffer.
When implementing this kind of solution, you need to write your own allocator(to source from the chunk) and you may end up using more than one allocator which is often why you allocate a memory pool in the first place.
Default memory allocator is a good all around allocator but is not the best for all allocation needs. For example, if you know you'll be allocating a lot of object for a particular size, you may define an allocator that allocates fixed size buffer and pre-allocate more than one to gain some efficiency.
Here is the classic allocator, and one of the best for non-multithreaded use:
You can learn a lot from reading the explanation of its design. The link to malloc.c in the article is rotted; it can now be found at http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/pub/misc/malloc.c.
With that said, unless your program has really unusual allocation patterns, it's probably a very bad idea to write your own allocator or use a custom one. Especially if you're trying to replace the system malloc, you risk all kinds of bugs and compatibility issues from different libraries (or standard library functions) getting linked to the "wrong version of malloc".
If you find yourself needing specialized allocation for just a few specific tasks, that can be done without replacing malloc. I would recommend looking up GNU obstack and object pools for fixed-sized objects. These cover a majority of the cases where specialized allocation might have real practical usefulness.
Yes, both stdlib heap and OS heap / virtual memory are pretty troublesome.
OS calls are really slow, and stdlib is faster, but still has some "unnecessary"
locks and checks, and adds a significant overhead to allocated blocks
(ie some memory is used for management, in addition to what you allocate).
In many cases its possible to avoid dynamic allocation completely,
by using static structures instead. For example, sometimes its better (safer etc) to define a 64k
static buffer for unicode filename, than define a pointer/std:string and dynamically
allocate it.
When the program has to allocate a lot of instances of the same structure, its
much faster to allocate large memory blocks and then just store the instances there
(sequentially or using a linked list of free nodes) - C++ has a "placement new" for that.
In many cases, when working with varible-size objects, the set of possible sizes
is actually very limited (eg. something like 4+2*(1..256)), so its possible to use
a few pools like [3] without having to collect garbage, fill the gaps etc.
Its common for a custom allocator for specific task to be much faster than one(s)
from standard library, and even faster than speed-optimized, but too universal implementations.
Modern CPUs/OSes support "large pages", which can significantly improve the memory
access speed when you explicitly work with large blocks - see http://7-max.com/
IBM developerWorks has a nice article about memory management, with an extensive resources section for further reading: Inside memory management.
Wikipedia has some good information as well: C dynamic memory allocation, Memory management.

Memory management while loading huge XML files

We have an application which imports objects from an XML. The XML is around 15 GB. The application invariably starts running out of memory. We tried to free memory in between operations but this has lead to degrading performance. i.e it takes more time to complete the import operation. The CPU utilization reaches 100%
The application is written in C++.
Does the frequent call to free() will lead to performance issues?
Promoted from a comment by the OP: the parser being used in expat, which is a SAX parser with a very small footprint, and customisable memory management.
Use SAX parser instead of DOM parser.
Have you tried resuing the memory and your classes as opposed to freeing and reallocating it? Constant allocation/deallocation cycles, especially if they are coupled with small (less than 4096 bytes) data fragments can lead to serious performance problems and memory address space fragmentation.
Profile the application during one of these bothersome loads, to see where it is spending most of its time.
I believe that free() can sometimes be costly, but that is of course very much dependent on the platform's implementation.
Also, you don't say a lot about the lifelength of the objects loaded; if the XML is 15 GB, how much of that is kept around for each "object", once the markup is parsed and thrown away?
It sounds sensible to process an input document of this size in a streaming fashion, i.e. not trying a DOM-approach which loads and builds the entire XML parse tree at once.
If you want to minimise your memory usage, took a look at How to read the XML data from a file by using Visual C++.
One thing that often helps is to use a lightweight low-overhead memory pool. If you combine this with "frame" allocation methods (ignoring any delete/free until you're all done with the data), you can get something that's ridiculously fast.
We did this for an embedded system recently, mostly for performance reasons, but it saved a lot of memory as well.
The trick was basically to allocate a big block -- slightly bigger than we'd need (you could allocate a chain of blocks if you like) -- and just keep returning a "current" pointer (bumping it up by allocSize, rounded up to maximum align requirement of 4 in our case, each time). This cut our overhead per alloc from on the order of 52-60 bytes down to <= 3 bytes. We also ignored "free" calls until we were all done parsing and then freed the whole block.
If you're clever enough with your frame allocation you can save a lot of space and time. It might not get you all the way to your 15GiB, but it would be worth looking at how much space overhead you really have... My experience with DOM-based systems is that they use tons of small allocs, each with a relatively high overhead.
(If you have virtual memory, a large "block" might not even hurt that much, if your access at any given time is local to a page or three anyway...)
Obviously you have to keep the memory you actually need in the long run, but the parser's "scratch memory" becomes a lot more efficient this way.
We tried to free memory in between operations but this has lead to degrading performance .
Does the frequent call to free() will lead to performance issues ?
Based on the evidence supplied, yes.
Since your already using expat, a SAX parser, what exactly are you freeing? If you can free it, why are you mallocing it in a loop in the first place?
Maybe, it should say profiler.
Also don't forget that work with heap is single-thread. I mean that if booth of your threads will allocate/free memory in ont time, one of them will waiting when first will done.
If you allocating and free memory for same objects, you could create pool of this object and do allocate/free once.
Try and find a way to profile your code.
If you have no profiler, try and organize your work so that you only have a few free() commands (instead of the many you suggest).
It is very common to have to find the right balance between memory consumption and time efficiency.
I did not try it myself, but have you heard of XMLLite, there's an MSDN artical introducing it. It's used by MS Office internally.