Verifying QCheckBox stateChanged? - c++

Forgive me, for I know this is likely to be a very simple question, but I need another set of eyes. I've got a Checkbox on my GUI, and the state of the box (on/off) will directly alter my interrupt service routine. This seems super-easy, but I cannot use:
as a validator, because of the "invalid use of "this" is non-member function"
beyond that, I've attempted to just save the value of stateChanged(int arg1)
to some pointer or variable that I can call withing my ISR, but I suppose I'm having scope difficulties.
Any suggestions are welcome!
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent),
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
// connect(on_checkBox_2_stateChanged(int arg1)(),SIGNAL(clicked(bool checked)),this,SLOT(myInterruptRIGHT));
void MainWindow::on_checkBox_2_stateChanged(int arg1)
QCheckBox *cb2 = new QCheckBox;
int sensor = digitalRead(23);
//Does a bunch of stuff
void myInterruptRIGHT (void)
{ //Does stuff
{ //more stuff
I apologize for the sloppish code, I've been testing a bunch of different things and nothing has proven very effective.

Problem 1: MainWindow::on_checkBox_2_stateChanged creates the checkbox and connects itself to slot of checkbox signal? Make sure the checkbox created somewhere in constructor or maybe in UI pre-designed part of code.
Problem 2: PI_THREAD does not seem to be Qt thread to catch a signal on it with the slot. You still can do something about it for your embedded application.
Please note that I of course could not test the solution but I did apply similar techniques in real applications. You may consider std::atomic<T> as well.
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
QAtomicInt& atomicChkBox2State() {return m_chkBox2StateAtomic;}
//// snip
QAtomicInt m_chkBox2StateAtomic;
//// snip
void MainWindow::on_checkBox_2_stateChanged(int state)
m_chkBox2StateAtomic = state;
// where you create MainWindow you need to get that pointer somehow
static MainWindow* s_pMainWnd;
MainWindow* getMainWindow() {return s_pMainWnd;} // declare it in the .h file
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;
s_pMainWnd = &w; // take an address;
return a.exec();
// and that ISR should read the atomic variable in case if does poll for check:
void myInterruptRIGHT (void)
// now poll the atomic variable reflecting the state of checkbox
{ //Does stuff
{ //more stuff
That is for ISR that constantly polling the atomic variable when called by the system interrupt vector. If that Interrupt Service Routine supposed to get very own terminate signal pushed from the checkbox then we cannot answer that without knowing more about your embedded platform "how to terminate the ISR from the 'side' not by system interrupt".


How can I emit a signal of another instance from _clicked() event?

the runnable project is here:
enter link description here
I sincerely glad to have your detail answers to solve this, but I am still confusing on this issue:
case 1: changing socket_session as a member variable of mainwindow
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
SocketThread* socket_session;
But this is not the solution to access setFlag, even after I change the `Form1::on_qpushButton__set_white_level_0_clicked()' function like this:
void Form1::on_qpushButton__set_white_level_0_clicked() {
qDebug() <<"clicked()";
Still it doesn't make sense because form1 instance doesn't have "the" instance of socket_thread which has been instantiated from mainwindow.
There's a solution I think is making another class that includes all instances that I want to use from inside of mainwindow but I don't think that is a good one because I am using thread and accessing a global big instance class that includes all of them to be "shared" is not a good idea for someone like me.
#include <form1.h>
#include <ui_form1.h>
#include "socketthread.h"
Form1::Form1(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::Form1) {
Form1::~Form1() {
delete ui;
void Form1::on_qpushButton__set_white_level_0_clicked() {
qDebug() <<"clicked()";
enter image description here
I know I am lack of understanding about this but, do I wanna make something nobody does...? I think everyone wants to separate all objects and their methods clearly and communicate via signals or calling functions from delivered object instances...
case 2: ... let me try how you suggested make possible first...
I can read C++ code and overall structure, but I don't know why I have to struggle with this, so please help me, dear Guru.
On socketthread.h :
class SocketThread : public QThread {
QTcpSocket *socket_session;
bool connectToServer(QString, int);
void sendData(const char*, int, int);
void run(void);
QString message;
volatile bool threadFlag;
void changedThreadFlag(void);
void changedMessageStr(void);
void setThreadFlag(bool);
void setMessageStr(QString);
private slots:
void setStr(QString);
void setFlag(bool);
void socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError);
And its implementation is...
SocketThread::SocketThread() {
socket_session = NULL;
threadFlag = false;
message = "NULL";
connect(this, SIGNAL(setThreadFlag(bool)), this, SLOT(setFlag(bool)));
void SocketThread::setStr(QString str) {
message = str;
void SocketThread::setFlag(bool flag) {
threadFlag = flag;
void SocketThread::run() {
while(true) {
if(threadFlag) {
qDebug() << message;
} else
qDebug() << "loop ended";
And I have one form which has a button, and I put a clicked() slot of it like this...
void Form1::on_qpushButton__set_white_level_0_clicked() {
qDebug() <<"clicked()";
--how can I emit the signal of the one of socketthread from here??
Now, the mainwindow is like this:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow) {
QString addr_server = "";
int port = 11000;
SocketThread* socket_session = new SocketThread();
socket_session->connectToServer(addr_server, port);
Form1* form1;
form1 = new Form1();
I just simply want to emit the signal setThreadFlag of the socketthread from inside of QPushbutton_clicked() slot.
Once the socket_session->run() started, I need to change the threadFlag by clicking the button by emitting setThreadFlag() of one's from the running thread. And I just stuck in here.
Does it possible even?
Or am I doing this all wrong from the beginning?
As mentioned in this post:
"Emitting a signal" == "calling a function"
So all you really have to do is call the signal function, and all connected slots should be called.
This of course means that the Form1 object needs a pointer to the thread object, i.e. it needs a copy of socket_session. Then you can simply call the signal on the object
Of course, if the Form1 have a copy of the socket_session pointer, it might as well call setFlag directly, if it was public.
I just simply want to emit the signal setThreadFlag of the socketthread from inside of QPushbutton_clicked() slot.
No signal is needed – just call the function.
void Form1::on_qpushButton__set_white_level_0_clicked() {
qDebug() <<"clicked()";
// --how can I emit the signal of the one of socketthread from here??
// E.g. this way:
To make this possible, another fix is needed:
socket_session is a local variable in OP's exposed code.
To make it "persistent", it has to become e.g. a member variable.
So, the constructor MainWindow::MainWindow() has to be changed:
// Nope: SocketThread* socket_session = new SocketThread();
// Instead:
socket_session = new SocketThread();
and SocketThread* socket_session; has to be added to member variables of class MainWindow.
To make it accessible in Form1, it has to be passed to Form1 as well.
This could be done e.g. by making it a member variable in Form1 also which is initialized with a constructor argument (or set from MainWindow afterwards).
(I must admit that I never have used the Qt UI builder QtDesigner but build all my UIs by C++ code exclusively.)
But, now, another fix is necessary:
volatile doesn't make a variable suitable for interthread communication.
(This was used in ancient times before multi-threading started to be supported by C++11.)
However, this is wrong: Is volatile useful with threads?
An appropriate fix would be to use std::atomic instead:
// Wrong for interthread-com.
//volatile bool threadFlag;
// Correct:
std::atomic<bool> threadFlag; // #include <atomic> needed
FYI: SO: Multithreading program stuck in optimized mode but runs normally in -O0
And, finally, in SocketThread::SocketThread():
connect(this, SIGNAL(setThreadFlag(bool)), this, SLOT(setFlag(bool)));
is not necessary in this case.
SocketThread::setThreadFlag() could call SocketThread::setFlag() directly, or even write threadFlag itself:
void setThreadFlag(bool flag) { threadFlag = flag; }
As I (recommended to) make threadFlag atomic, it can be accessed from any thread without causing a data race.
After OP has updated the question:
I just simply want to emit the signal setThreadFlag of the socketthread from inside of QPushbutton_clicked() slot.
The button (created from UI Form1) can be connected in the MainWindow as well (without using any method of Form1):
QObject::connect(form1->button1, &QPushButton::clicked,
socket_session, &SocketThread::setThreadFlag,
About form1->button1, I'm not quite sure.
I noticed that widgets in UI generated forms can be accessed this way but I don't know the exact details (as I never used the Qt UI builder on my own).
I used the Qt5 style of QObject::connect().
This is what I would recommend in any case.
The Qt5 style is verified at compile time. –
Wrong connections are detected by the C++ type checking.
Additionally, any function with matching signature can be used – no explicit exposure of slots is anymore necessary.
Even conversion of non-matching signature or adding additional parameters becomes possible by using C++ lambdas which are supported as well.
Qt: Differences between String-Based and Functor-Based Connections
It is possible to connect signals and slots of distinct threads.
I used Qt::QueuedConnection to remark this as interthread communication.
(However, I roughly remember that Qt might be able to detect it itself.
See the doc. for Qt::AutoConnection which is the default.
Further reading: Qt: Signals & Slots
Btw. using the Qt signals for inter-thread communication would exclude the necissity to make SocketThread::threadFlag() atomic. It could become a simple plain bool threadFlag; instead. The slot SocketThread::setThreadFlag() is called in the Qt event loop of QThread, in this case.

Accessing the QPushButton in the callback function

I want to enable a pushbutton in a callback function. I have tried to do the following but I have got:
Runtime received SIGSEGV (address: 0x28 reason: address not mapped to object)
class MyWindow: public QDialog
QPushButton *Btn;
void Scan();
extern void StartScan(pfcallback);
void MyWindow::Scan()
void static Scanfinished()
How to access the button in the callback function Scanfinished() ?
You're attempting to manually manage memory. As you can see, it's very easy to use a dangling pointer or commit other blunders. Instead, let the compiler do it for you.
You use static incorrectly.
If I were to do it, I'd do as follows. The destructor is generated by the compiler and will correctly release all resources and reset m_instance to a null value.
class MyWindow : public QDialog
static QPointer<MyWindow> m_instance;
QVBoxLayout m_layout{this};
QPushButton m_button{"Scan"};
MyWindow(QWidget * parent = nullptr) : QDialog(parent) {
Q_ASSERT(! m_instance);
m_instance = this;
void Scan();
static void ScanFinished();
QPointer<MyWindow> MyWindow::m_instance;
void StartScan(void(*callback)());
void MyWindow::Scan()
void MyWindow::ScanFinished()
At this point it's rather obvious that the API of StartScan is horribly broken, and this brokenness forces the use of a singleton MyWindow. When doing any kind of callbacks, you never use a sole C function pointer. You must accept both a function pointer that takes a void* and a void* that will be used to carry the data the function needs to work. This is an idiom. If you use C-style callbacks, you cannot not use the idiom without severely crippling the usability of your API.
Thus, this is a complete example and works in both Qt 4 and Qt 5. You should have posted something like it - a self-contained test case - in your question. It compiles and it works and you can even get the complete Qt Creator project from github. It will compile and run on all platforms supported by current Qt. It's not supposed to be hard: that's why you're using Qt, after all. Getting in the habit of creating such concise test cases to demonstrate your issues will make you a better developer, and make your questions much easier to answer.
#include <QtGui>
#include <QtWidgets>
#include <QtConcurrent>
class MyWindow: public QDialog
QVBoxLayout m_layout{this};
QPushButton m_button{"Scan"};
Q_SIGNAL void ScanFinished();
MyWindow(QWidget * parent = nullptr) : QDialog(parent) {
connect(&m_button, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(Scan()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(ScanFinished()), this, SLOT(OnScanFinished()));
Q_SLOT void Scan();
static void ScanFinishedCallback(void* w);
Q_SLOT void OnScanFinished();
void StartScan(void(*callback)(void*), void* data) {
// Mockup of the scanning process: invoke the callback after a delay from
// a worker thread.
struct Helper : QThread { using QThread::sleep; };
void MyWindow::Scan()
StartScan(ScanFinishedCallback, static_cast<void*>(this));
void MyWindow::ScanFinishedCallback(void* data)
emit static_cast<MyWindow*>(data)->ScanFinished();
void MyWindow::OnScanFinished()
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MyWindow w;;
return app.exec();
#include "main.moc"
Of course StartScan cannot do the work in the thread it was called from: it'd block the GUI thread and make your application unresponsive. That's the prime source of bad user experience. Instead, it should spawn a concurrent job that will notify the caller when the scanning is done.
Since the callback will be called from that concurrent thread, it's not safe to use MyWindow's non-thread-safe methods. The only thread-safe methods are signals - thus we can emit a signal that Qt will the safely forward to MyWindow's thread and invoke OnScanFinished from the right thread.

RAII and Qt signals

I'm trying to understand and use RAII and wanted opinions on this implementation:
I want the RAII PauseProcessRAII to emit a signal and another one in the destructor. Example:
// Header
PauseProcessRAII(QObject *parent = 0);
void Execute();
void PauseProcess(bool pause_process);
// Source
emit PauseProcess(false);
void PauseProcessRAII::Execute()
emit PauseProcess(true);
// MainWindow code
void MainWindow::OnPauseProcessRAII(bool pause_process)
qDebug() << "pause_process: " << pause_process;
void MainWindow::OnButtonSaveClicked()
PauseProcessRAII pauseProcessRAII(this);
connect(&pauseProcessRAII, &PauseProcessRAII::PauseProcess, this, &MainWindow::OnPauseProcess);
// ... Some code runs
// ... pauseRAII desctructor is called
When I run the code both emits are firing as expected. My question is this a good solution? At first I though the emit call in PauseProcessRAII destructor wouldn't have worked because it may have destroyed the signal and slot connection. Of course that would mean I would have to add the connect to every function that I use it on.
The whole idea is fundamentally broken if your premise is that the code indicated by "Some code runs" runs long enough to block the GUI. If so: don't do that. The only code that is supposed to ever execute in the GUI thread is short, run-to-completion code that doesn't take long enough for the user to notice.
If the time taken by "Some code runs" is very short - on the order of single milliseconds at most - then you can certainly use such a construct. The term RAII doesn't apply here, as you're dealing with some sort of a scope guard.
If you wish, you can forgo the execute method and perform the connection in the constructor:
// main.cpp
#include <QtCore>
class ScopeSignaller : public QObject {
Q_SIGNAL void inScope(bool);
template <typename F>
ScopeSignaller(QObject * target, F && slot, QObject * parent = 0) : QObject(parent) {
connect(this, &ScopeSignaller::inScope, target, std::forward<F>(slot));
~ScopeSignaller() {
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QCoreApplication app{argc, argv};
ScopeSignaller s(&app, +[](bool b){ qDebug() << "signalled" << b; });
#include "main.moc"

Repaint splash screen from thread / disable assertion

I want to use a QTimer to update a derived QSplashScreen that draws a progress bar (using paint commands, not a widget) to estimate when the program will start running.
By necessity, this happens prior to the exec call of the QCoreApplication. I've gotten this to work (in release mode only) on both X11 and Windows, by putting a timer in a second thread, and calling a function in the splash screen which updates the progress and repaints the widget. However, this doesn't work in debug mode as it produces the following error:
"ASSERT failure in QCoreApplication::sendEvent: "Cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread."
I'm not really worried about this assertion as the code doesn't crash in release and it's just a splash screen, however I need to be able to run the program in debug so I'd like to either a) refactor the code so it doesn't trigger the assertion, or b) dissable this particular assertion.
Using update() instead of repaint(). This doesn't cause an assertion, but it also doesn't repaint because the main thread is too busy loading in the shared libraries, etc, and the timer events don't get processed until I'm ready to call finish on the splash screen.
starting QTimer in main loop. Same result as above.
Using a QT::QueuedConnection. Same result.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QtGui>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QThread>
#include "mySplashScreen.h"
#include "myMainWindow.h" // contains a configure function which takes a
// LONG time to load.
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
// estimate the load time
int previousLoadTime_ms = 10000;
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MySplashScreen* splash = new MySplashScreen(QPixmap(":/splashScreen"));
// progress timer. Has to be in a different thread since the
// qApplication isn't started.
QThread* timerThread = new QThread;
QTimer* timer = new QTimer(0); // _not_ this!
timer->setInterval(previousLoadTime_ms / 100.0);
QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [&]
qApp->processEvents(); splash->incrementProgress(1);
QObject::connect(timerThread, SIGNAL(started()), timer, SLOT(start()));
myMainWindow w;
QTimer::singleShot(0, [&]
// This will be called as soon as the exec() loop starts.
w.configure(); // this is a really slow initialization function;
return a.exec();
Splash Screen
#include <QSplashScreen>
class MySplashScreen : public QSplashScreen
MySplashScreen(const QPixmap& pixmap = QPixmap(), Qt::WindowFlags f = 0)
: QSplashScreen(pixmap, f)
m_pixmap = pixmap;
virtual void drawContents(QPainter *painter) override
// draw progress bar
public slots:
virtual void incrementProgress(int percentage)
m_progress += percentage;
int m_progress = 0;
QPixmap m_pixmap;
#include <QMainWindow>
class myMainWindow : public QMainWindow
void configure()
// Create and configure a bunch of widgets.
// This takes a long time.
The problems are because the design is backwards. The GUI thread should not be doing any loading. The general approach to GUI threads is: do no work in the GUI thread. You should spawn a worker thread to load what you need loaded. It can post events (or invoke slots using a queued connection) to the GUI thread and its splash screen.
Of course, the worker thread should not create any GUI objects - it can't instantiate anything deriving from QWidget. It can, though, instantiate other things, so if you need any expensive-to-obtain data, prepare it in the worker thread, and then cheaply build a QWidget in the GUI thread once that data is available.
If your delays are due to library loading, then do load all the libraries in a worker thread, explicitly, and ensure that all of their pages are resident in memory - for example by reading the entire .DLL after you're loaded it as a library.
The MyMainWindow::configure() could be called in a worker thread, as long as it doesn't invoke any QWidget methods nor constructors. It can do GUI work, just not visible on screen. For example, you can load QImage instances from disk, or do painting on QImages.
This answer provides several approaches to executing a functor in a different thread, GCD-style.
If you are constructing widgets that are expensive to construct, or construct many of them, it's possible to make sure that the event loop can run between the instantiation of each widget. For example:
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow {
QTimer m_configureTimer;
int m_configureState = 0;
Q_SLOT void configure() {
switch (m_configureState ++) {
case 0:
// instantiate one widget from library A
case 1:
// instantiate one widget from library B
case 2:
// instantiate more widgets from A and B
MainWindow(QWidget * parent = 0) : QMainWindow(parent) {
connect(&m_configureTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(configure()));

Signal/Slot with return value doesn't work

I made a signal slot in Qt and the program runs without error or warnings about the connect i made. The problem is that when i want to use the signal slot, it always returns NULL.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
Game* game = new Game;
Scrabble mainWindow;;
return a.exec();
class Game: public QObject
Game(QObject *parent = 0);
int m_turn;
public slots:
int giveTurn();
Game::Game(QObject *parent)
m_turn = 1;
int Game::giveTurn()
return m_turn;
class Scrabble : public QMainWindow
explicit Scrabble(QWidget *parent = 0);
Ui::Scrabble *ui;
int getTurn();
when i use int turn = emit getTurn(); in Scrabble.cpp, turn will become 0 and not 1.
Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
You're using signals and slots incorrectly. Signals cannot return value. See the Signals & Slots documentation page:
Signals are automatically generated by the moc and must not be implemented in the .cpp file. They can never have return types (i.e. use void).
Returning values from signals is not required when you use Qt features correctly. Maybe you should create another question and describe what you want to do and why you need such connection. You're definitely doing something wrong.
Signals/slots cant return any value. Possible solution:
signal: void requestTurn();
public slot: receiveTurn(int);
public slot: onrequestTurn();
signal: sendTurn(int);
emit "keyword" is highly undocumented right now, but from Qt's source, it is only empty define, so your code
int turn = emit getTurn();
will be expanded to:
int turn = getTurn();
However, this is not covered in oficial documentation and it might change any time - so - don't use it!
Now, please note that turn variable is not getting value from slot, but from signal. There is nothing about passing return value from slot to signal - and it doesn't make sense (well, it may make sense in your sample, but what if I connect multiply slots to a single signal - what slot will return value, what if slots are executed asynchronously - should we wait for return value, etc.).
You can use regular function call (just call giveTurn() function: int turn = giveTurn()).