Type conversion with float_of_int - ocaml

I am starting with ocaml and tried:
float_of_int 8/2;;
I was expecting that it returns 4.0 because 8/2 is 4 but I get an error saying that:
Error: This expression has type float but an expression was expected of type
What am I missing here?

Your expression is parsed like this:
(float_of_int 8) / 2
So you're asking to divide a float using /, which applies to ints.
Function application (indicated in OCaml by putting two expressions side by side) has very high precedence, higher than all the binary infix operators. So you need to use parentheses.
It will work if you write:
float_of_int (8/2)

After reading Jeffrey's answer, I found another way to work with the expression though a little longer statement:
float_of_int 8/. float_of_int 2;;


Why my OCaml "=" operator is only applied to int?

I use vscode, with extensions of "OCaml and Reason IDE"
Here is my result in utop:
utop # 1. = 1. ;;
Line 1, characters 0-2:
Error: This expression has type float but an expression was expected of type
And also for String:
utop # "Me" = "Me";;
Line 1, characters 0-4:
Error: This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type
Same for anything but int:
utop # 2 = 2 ;;
- : bool = true
">" "<" also have the same symptom. I don't know what actually happens. Can anyone help me out ? Thanks a lot!
You are probably using JaneStreet Base library. Maybe you imported it like that:
open Base;;
Base tries to limit exceptions to functions that have explicit _exn suffix, so it shadows the built-in polymorphic equality (=) which can raise an exception on some inputs (for example, if you compare structures containing functions).
You can get polymorphic equality back as follows:
let (=) = Poly.(=);;
Or you can use it with a local import: Poly.(x = y).
There are pros and cons to polymorphic comparison.
The consensus seems to be that using monomorphic comparison (for example, String.equal, etc) is a more robust choice, even though it is less convenient.

The nonfix operator in SML

I read the grammar of SML and I found out that beside infix and infixr it also contains nonfix. I tried to find some basic examples but it seems that no one uses it. Also tried to find some previous threads about that operator but there are none.
What is the idea behind nonfix? Why it seems like no one uses it?
nonfix turns an infix operator into a "regular" function on tuples. For example * is a function of type int * int -> int, but can't be called as e.g. * (2,3). If for some reason you wanted to do that, you could do the following:
nonfix *
and then * (2,3) will evaluate to 6.
Unfortunately, as an annoying side effect, you can no longer use 2 * 3.
The reason why it doesn't seem to be heavily used is that if I wanted to use * as a regular function, I could just use op: For example, op * (2,3) evaluates to 6. The annoyance of not being able to later on use * as an infix operator outweighs the advantage of not having to type op.

Why operator cannot be in parentheses?

The question comes when I tried to make a macro like this:
#define OP1(a,b,op) (a) op (b)
then I was wondering why not also put op into parentheses, as it is also a macro parameter.
I then find I cannot even have this:
1 (+) 1;
otherwise there will be error:
error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
Can anyone tell me where is the rule saying operator cannot be in parentheses? I really cannot find it. Thank you.
ยง 7.6.6 (expr.add) defines "additive expressions" as:
additive-expression + multiplicative-expression
additive-expression - multiplicative-expression
No parens around the operator allowed.
There actually isn't any rule that says an operator should not be in parenthesis. But there is a rule that states that, "for a binary operator like +, the value on either sides of the operator must be valid operands like 5, 5.2".
So the expression (+) to the compiler means you are adding two parentheses (left paren, plus, right paren) together which is not supported by the language.
Putting macro parameters in parenthesis is good practice of course, but there is actually no need for putting the operator in this case inside parenthesis as there is no way of passing a complicated operator expression so you can rest assured that your macro will always work.
In programming, as in mathematics, the parentheses are used to override the operators precedence.
Without parentheses, 2 + 3 * 4 is evaluated as 2 + (3 * 4) because the multiplication (*) has a higher precedence than the addition (+). One can use parentheses to force the addition of 2 and 3 happen before the multiplication (of the result) by 4 by placing them around the addition operator and its operands as (2 + 3) * 4.
Both 3 * 4 and 2 + 3 in the expressions above are valid expressions.
+ in the expression 1 (+) 2 is not a valid expression. More, assuming the parentheses contain a valid sub-expression, the entire expression is invalid because it is just a list of values without operators to connect them into an expression.
Even more, this is also not the way you learned in school to write mathematical expressions.
Back to your #define, to avoid hidden errors and headache (due to the operators precedence) you should always enclose the expanded value of such a macro into parentheses like this:
#define OP1(a,b,op) ((a) op (b))

What's the formal name for this Syntax?

Sometimes in Scheme, I have functions that take arguments like this
add 3 4
What do you call this kind of "list" where it's elements are like a1 a2 a3 ? I don't think you can call it a list because lists are contained in parenthesis and elements are comma-seperated.
The (add 3 4) statement is "function application" from the lambda calculus. The 3 4 from the expression are bindings for the parameters; alternatively, it is the parameter list for the function.
Lisp uses prefix or Polish notation syntax.
Polish notation, also known as prefix
notation, is a form of notation for
logic, arithmetic, and algebra. Its
distinguishing feature is that it
places operators to the left of their
operands. If the arity of the
operators is fixed, the result is a
syntax lacking parentheses or other
brackets, that can still be parsed
without ambiguity.
add is the operator and the right part are the operands.
The arity of the operators isn't fixed so Lisp uses parens in it's syntax to group the expressions.

C++ infix to prefix conversion for logical conditions

I want to evaluate one expression in C++. To evaluate it, I want the expression to be converted to prefix format.
Here is an example
wstring expression = "Feature1 And Feature2";
Here are possible ways.
expression = "Feature1 And (Feature2 Or Feature3)";
expression = "Not Feature1 Or Feature3";
Here And, Or, Not are reserved words and parentheses ("(", )) are used for scope
Not has higher precedence
And is set next precedence to Not
Or is set to next precedence to And
WHITE SPACE used for delimiter. Expression has no other elements like TAB, NEWLINE
I don't need arithmetic expressions. I can do the evaluation but can somebody help me to convert the strings to prefix notation?
You will need to construct the grammar up front. So why do all the parsing by hand.
Instead use a parser builder library like Boost-Spirit. Or lex/yacc or flex/bison.
Then use the AST generated by the parser builder to output the data in any way you see fit. Such as infix to prefix or postfix, ...etc.
I guess your intention is to evaluate condition. hence you dont need a full fledged parser.
First of all you dont need to work with strings here.
1. Convert "Feature 1" to say an Id (An integer which represents a feature)
So, the statement "Feature1 And (Feature2 Or Feature3)"; to say (1 & (2 | 3)
From here on...you can use the standard Infix to prefix conversion and evaluate th prefix notation.
Here is the algorithm to convert infix to prefix
Use a parser generator like the Lex/Yacc pair.