C++ multidimensional data visualization [closed] - c++

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Closed 6 years ago.
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For a dataset of N records and M columns (features), I want to visualize it in 2d or 3d. Does anyone know if such a c++ library exists?

Thanks to #MatthewLueder's comment pointing out the PCA, I found libpca.

I assume you want online plotting. That is, animation plot at runtime, correct?
If so, then there are few libraries and one of which is gnuplot-iostream http://www.stahlke.org/dan/gnuplot-iostream/. I use it and recommend it. It requires the Boost library however.
Otherwise, you can write your data on files and use in a subsequent step a visualizer of your choice. Again, gnuplot is very powerful.


plot vertices in c++ graphically for graphs [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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is it possible to draw a adjacency graph like the one shown below in c++
and show it graphically.
is this even possible with C++
if yes can some one please point me to the correct library or tutorial.
or an example or would be really helpful.
i would be using visual studio 2015 for this task.
There are plenty of plotting libraries google search will offer you, but they do require downloading source and building them which is sometimes not trivial especially for a beginner.
I suggest looking at graphviz which as you can see has similar graphics to your example. Good walk through on how to build it could be found here with specifics related to VS here.

Native library for stereo-images and computing disparity/depth map [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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For a more complex project, I need to compute the approximate, relative distances of objects from two images (from stereo-cameras). Practically what this neat tutorial explains: https://chrisjmccormick.wordpress.com/2014/01/10/stereo-vision-tutorial-part-i/ and with a result like that
Think I shouldn't be reinventing the wheel for this project and since speed is very important (realtime from two videostreams) I'm looking for a native library (preferably in C++ where the whole project is written in) for this task.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
Open source would be greatest but not mandatory.
Huge thanks in advance!
try with LIBELAS library (Library for Efficient Large-scale Stereo Matching).

C/C++ alternative for matlab reshape and permute functions [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I need to port a piece of code from matlab into C or C++. Matlab implementation of the code extensively use reshape and permute functions to manipulate the layout of multidimensional arrays. Is there any library in c or c++ to get effect of these two matlab routines. Any suggestion would be helpful.
You can use OpenCV library, which contains similar Mat::reshape() routines to do transforms and permutations.
If someone has found the answer for the Matlab permute function I am interrested.
I think the reshape can be done with boost::multi_array::reshape.

image manipulation library [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I need a library for mostly color manipulation, I want to make a image become black and white, and augment the contrast, so that Tesseract (Google OCR library) can read better the images that I throw at it.
Or if someone has a better idea on how to improve Tesseract results, I am all for it.
Try OpenCV
Or imagemagick
or CImg, probably the easiest to use: no install it's just a header file.
If you do not want to use a big library you can code the algorithm yourself:

Symbolic Math Library in C/C++/Obj-C [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am trying to implement a graphing calculator on the iPhone. I am looking for a library that can take strings of expressions or functions and let me manipulate them (find derivatives, intercepts, zeros, etc). Does anything like this exist?
There's GiNaC for C++. GPL-licensed and actively maintained, last update only a month ago. I found old links to many others that don't seem to exist anymore; perhaps people simply found it easier to use GiNaC?