C++11 constexpr causes compiler's internal error (C1001) - c++

I am using Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
I get a fatal error:
(code C1001) : An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
Here is the code :
template<typename T>
constexpr T epsilon = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
I read it was fixed in Visual Studio Update 2. Can someone explain me why I am getting this error? Thanks in advance.

Any internal error (ICE) is a compiler bug. You get it because you have happened to trigger that bug. For this compiler you can report it at Microsoft Connect.
For such a report you need an example with an expected correct result, and the erroneous result.
The following test program compiles & runs nicely with MinGW g++ 5.1
#include <limits>
template<typename T>
constexpr T epsilon = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
auto main() -> int
cout << epsilon<double> << endl;
With Visual C++ 2015 update 2 it produces an ICE:
foo.cpp(10): fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
(compiler file 'f:\dd\vctools\compiler\cxxfe\sl\p1\c\symbols.c', line 28114)
To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program near the locations listed above.
Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++
Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information
foo.cpp(10): note: see reference to variable template 'const double epsilon' being compiled
Compiler version:
> cl /nologo- 2>&1 | find "++"
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.23725 for x86

I've raised this as a bug with Microsoft, but they have had a fix since early 2017 which has not been released from what I can see as of today.
I've also provided a project on GitLab and given information to Microsoft for this project here: https://gitlab.com/cppocl/tostring
Loading the .sln and compiling currently crashes with Visual Studio 2015 update 2 or 3, and Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 version 15.3.1.
It does seem that the combination of template and constexpr causes the compiler to crash.
I've seen reports for Visual Studio 2017 describing similar types of problems.
This link says fixed pending release:
Visual Studio 2015 backlog of bugs relating to constexpr is here:
I also don't believe changing optimization settings will make any difference, as has been recommended in other posts.
I have experimented with these settings and applied recommended patches without success so far.


Compile error with constexpr functions (visual studio 2015)

I am trying to compile the following piece of code in Visual Studio 2015 (Community version) but encountering the error shown further down below.
/*****Source Code Start*******/
constexpr char const* GetStatusAsCString(Status compute)
switch (compute)
case armnn::Status::Success: return "Status::Success";
case armnn::Status::Failure: return "Status::Failure";
default: return "Unknown";
/*****Source Code End*******/
Error message:
> Error (active) a constexpr function must contain exactly one return
> statement ArmNN_MnistTF_64b c:\armnn\armnn-devenv\armnn\include\armnn\TypesUtils.hpp 22
Note that i have made sure of the following settings:
Set the compiler front end as Clang in VS 2015:
I have set the C++ standard as C++14.
Can anyone please advise me on what else am I missing? Been struggling with this error for sometime now.
Visual Studio 2015 does not fully implement C++14 even as of VS 2015 Update 3 although it has a lot of it.
Specifically, N3652 Extended constexpr is not implemented until VS 2017. You should upgrade to the latest VS 2017 Community edition update (which at this point is 15.7)
See Visual C++ Language Conformance

Declaring a static pointer in class [duplicate]

While compiling on x64 plattform I am getting following error:
c:\codavs05\hpsw-sc\ovpacc\tools\codaaccesstest\coda_access.cpp(1572): fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
(compiler file 'f:\dd\vctools\compiler\utc\src\p2\sizeopt.c', line 55)
To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program near the locations listed above.
Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++
Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information
------ Build started: Project: asyncexample, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
If I change settings to preprocessor file (Yes) i am not getting any error.
About my environment: Upgrading Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 to 2010
Please help.
I have had this problem with VS2015 while building locally in Windows.
In order to solve it, I deleted my build folder (Output Directory as seen in Properties/General) and rebuilt the project.
This always seems to help when strange things happen during the build.
I’ve encountered this error many times in VC++. Do the following steps. They’ve sometimes helped me with this issue:
Take a look at the exact location, pointed out by compiler error.
Find any external types or classes used there at that location.
Change the order of “include path” of those files found in step 2 and rebuild the solution.
I hope that help !!!!
I am getting same error with VC2012. Setting up the project properties Optimization to Disabled (/Od) resolved the issue.
In my solution, i've removed output dll file of the project, and I've made project rebuild.
I encountered the same error and spent quite a bit of time hunting for the problem. Finally I discovered that function that the error was pointing to had an infinite while loop. Fixed that and the error went away.
In my case was the use of a static lambda function with a QStringList argument. If I commented the regions where the QStringList was used the file compiled, otherwise the compiler reported the C1001 error. Changing the lambda function to non-static solved the problem (obviously other options could have been to use a global function within an anonymous namespace or a static private method of the class).
I got this error using boost library with VS2017. Cleaning the solution and rebuilding it, solved the problem.
I also had this problem while upgrading from VS2008 to VS2010.
To fix, I have to install a VS2008 patch (KB976656).
Maybe there is a similar patch for VS2005 ?
I got the same error, but with a different file referenced in the error message, on a VS 2015 / x64 / Win7 build. In my case the file was main.cpp. Fixing it for me was as easy as doing a rebuild all (and finding something else to do while the million plus lines of code got processed).
Update: it turns out the root cause is my hard drive is failing. After other symptoms prompted me to run chkdsk, I discovered that most of the bad sectors that were replaced were in .obj, .pdb, and other compiler-generated files.
I got this one with code during refactoring with a lack of care (and with templates, it case that was what made an ICE rather than a normal compile time error)
Simplified code:
void myFunction() {
using std::is_same_v;
for (auto i ...) {
myOtherFunction(..., i);
void myOtherFunction(..., size_t idx) {
// no statement using std::is_same_v;
if constexpr (is_same_v<T, char>) {
I had this error when I was compiling to a x64 target.
Changing to x86 let me compile the program.
Sometimes helps reordering the code. I had once this error in Visual Studio 2013 and this was only solved by reordering the members of the class (I had an enum member, few strings members and some more enum members of the same enum class. It only compiled after I've put the enum members first).
In my case, this was causing the problem:
std::count_if(data.cbegin(), data.cend(), [](const auto& el) { return el.t == t; });
Changing auto to the explicit type fixed the problem.
Had similar problem with Visual Studio 2017 after switching to C++17:
boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessed/plain/full_lambda.hpp(203): fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
1>(compiler file 'msc1.cpp', line 1518)
1> To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program near the locations listed above.
Solved by using Visual Studio 2019.
I first encountered this problem when i was trying to allocate memory to a char* using new char['size']{'text'}, but removing the braces and the text between them solved my problem (just new char['size'];)
Another fix on Windows 10 if you have WSL installed is to disable LxssManager service and reboot the PC.

Unable to compile example boost::multiprecision with intel compiler on windows

I am using VS 2017 Community edition, Intel Compiler 17.00 update 6 and and boost 1.66, trying to learn my way around boost::multiprecision::float128. Literally taking the example code from here and putting it in a new project for VS.
Compiling gives multiple errors, in roughly two categories/files:
In float128.hpp:
three errors of "error : identifier "xxx" is undefined" for fmaq, remquoq and remainderq. Indeed I am not able to find definitions for them - a missing include?
the global scope has no "signbitq" - this again looks like missing definition (i.e. the same as above)
For GCC the above functions are found within quadmath.h, however, the boost header doesn't seem to include it when using ICC (i.e BOOST_MP_USE_QUAD is set).
In C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.13.26128\include\xutility: an explicit template argument list is not allowed on this declaration. There are three counts
I assume that i need to remove something that has been put in by default from the VS, but I am at a loss what exactly.
Thank you for your help
EDIT: Errors #2 above are actually not against boost at all (should I move this to a separate question?).
The following code copied from here! is not being compiled in my setup:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main() {
std::string str("Test string");
for (std::string::iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it)
std::cout << *it;
std::cout << '\n';
return 0;
The exact error (one of them) is:
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.13.26128\include\xutility(680): error : an explicit template argument list is not allowed on this declaration
1> _INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Is_iterator_v<_Ty, void_t<_Iter_cat_t<_Ty>>> = true;
1> ^
1> detected during:
1> instantiation of "const bool std::_Is_iterator_v [with _Ty=char *, <unnamed>=void]" at line 520 of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.13.26128\include\string"
1> instantiation of "std::basic_string<_Elem, std::char_traits<_Elem>, std::allocator<_Elem>> std::_Integral_to_string<_Elem,_Ty>(_Ty) [with _Elem=char, _Ty=int]" at line 554 of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.13.26128\include\string"
I found this which indicates that there could be a problem with the particular versions used (ICC- 17.0 Up6 and VS 15.6), however i cannot really move to new intel compiler and i cannot test VS 15.4
I would like to write down how I managed to deal with error #2 from the original question, as it might be useful to someone.
Just as a reminder, the second errors I was seeing were in xutility. With the help of everyone that provided suggestions, it turned out that icc was in fact failing on very simple code - the following is enough to "break" it
int main() {
std::string str("Test string");
I have posted the question to intel's forums, however so far I have not received answers (for the 17.0 version of the compiler). Link here if anyone is interested.
That said, I came upon this blog post from the VC++ team, showing that the base toolset shown as v141 in VC2017 actually has had several minor revisions. It is possible to change the version of the MSVC toolchain but this needs to happen via editing of project files (rather than UI parameter changes).
My testing shows that version 14.11 (which is part of VS2017 15.3 and 15.4) works for Intel 17.0 while versions 14.12 and 14.13 (the last one is the current default for VS2017 15.6.4) do not. This has been done for Update 6 of the compiler. So in order to use the intel compiler on windows with visual studio, one needs to use particular MSVC toolchain versions.
Side note: I also installed icc version 18.0 update 1 for testing -- it too was giving compiler errors (and not just for me this time). The reason there though can be linked to some internal issue for icc, per this forum post. I can confirm that removing the compiler option /permissive- from the compiler fixes the errors irrespective of the base toolchain. Using v14.11 as base toolchain also fixes this particular problem for me with or without the option. /permissive- is a new option for icc (it is not part of 17.0).
The above solves more or less the second part of my problem with the icc. The rest of the question (boost's float128) though still remains. I will add more if i hear from boost's guys.
EDIT: the errors coming from boost turned out to be an issue there -- it was fixed by the maintainers in development branch, so this is resolved as well.
For Error #1, I got the same thing. However, after commenting the code blocks in boost float128.hpp where those four functions invoked, the float128 example code can be compiled with success. The side effect is unknown. I'm looking forward a revision on boost::multiprecision::float128.

Warnings not being generated in VS2017

It seems to me that VS2017 fails to catch some fairly obvious compiler warnings which older versions do not. This seems so fundamental to me that I'm guessing the problem has to be something I'm missing (e.g. some new default compiler setting, perhaps?). Has anyone else seen this?
To test this, I create a simple console application in both 2013 and 2017. The only change I made the to the project settings was to set the compiler warning level to 4 and to report warnings as errors. Below is the entirety of the source
In VS2013 this fails. In 2017, it builds just fine...
// TestWarning4127.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
int main()
if (true) // *** SHOULD generate warning 4127
std::cout << "Warning";
return 0;
Am I missing something obvious here...?
When used inside an if or while conditions the trivial constants such as 1 or true do not generate warnings in VS 2017 as described in the Compiler Warning (level4) official documentation. Excerpt from the official documentation:
The controlling expression of an if statement or while loop evaluates
to a constant. Because of their common idiomatic usage, trivial
constants such as 1 or true do not trigger the warning, unless they
are the result of an operation in an expression.
That being said it's not a warning in VS 2013 with the default warning levels of W3 either. Only with the elevated W4 settings does the VS 2013 report a warning. It was removed in VS 2017 altogether.
For comparison, the GCC does not generate the warning either:
Live example on Coliru.

Smart pointer: runtime crash in VS 9 running WinXP-Sp3

I am getting run time crash in the following piece of code and not able to debug also. Please review and let me know what's going on.
// CppConsole.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
//#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>#include <assert.h>
class Test : public std::tr1::enable_shared_from_this<Test>
int x;
float y;
double z;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
std::tr1::shared_ptr<Test> t1(new Test);
std::tr1::shared_ptr<Test> t2 = t1->shared_from_this();
return 0;
I have include all the headers and the program is compiling fine. This is the error i am getting:
CppConsole.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point
?_Xweak#tr1#std##YAXXZ could not be located in the dynamic link
library MSVCP90D.dll
If I comment out this line
std::tr1::shared_ptr t2 = t1->shared_from_this();
the program runs without crashing.
Update: Question can be closed for now. I will try to install VS feature pack and see weather the program executes without any crashes.
Googled it (The procedure entry point ?_Xweak),found this : http://blog.nilretain.org/
EDIT : I Build and Run it successfully on my msvc 2008 on xp-sp3 ,which has later version of msvcp90d.dll.
Maybe you can download and install the latest redist-version of msvc90 and rebuild.
EDIT: your dependencies says something is missing. check this out :
You need a template argument:
std::tr1::shared_ptr<Test> t1(new Test);
std::tr1::shared_ptr<Test> t2 = t1->shared_from_this();
The compiler should report an error if it is not present. (Visual C++ 2010 does)
It appears that your compiler is not linking against a DLL with the needed runtime functions. For instance, if you added the headers to your include path, but don't link to the latest version of the C++ runtime (check your project's settings), or installing the Visual C++ 2008 feature pack didn't work, or you installed the feature pack but then tried to compile from Visual Studio 2005, etc.
Basically the "process the source code (including headers)" step is working fine, but the "link all the DLLs" step is failing. And it's failing because the runtime you're linking against doesn't have the needed functions for shared_ptrs or weak_ptrs.
I had this problem when developing under M$ Windows SP3 with M$ Visual Studio 2008. I tried and combined many hints that I could find on the web. To no avail. The solution was simple, I had to install SP1 pack for M$ Visual Studio 2008!
The thing is that my external DLLs used C++ TR1 functions that I was not aware of. The M$ Visual Studio 2008 without SP does not have the right runtime DLLs.
So, just make sure you have that SP1 for your M$ Visual Studio 2008 first before trying any other solution.