Are variable identifiers totally needless, at the end of the day? - c++

I've taken a good time studying TOC and Compiler design, not done yet but I feel comfortable with the conceptions. On the other hand I have a very shallow knowledge of assembly and machine code, and I have always the desire/need to connect the two sides( HLL and LLL representation of the code ), as I'm learning C++ with paying great attention to performance and optimization discussions.
C++ is a statically typed language:
My question is: Our variables when written as expressions in the statements of the code, do all these variables ( and other entities with identifiers ) become at runtime, mere instructions of addressing to positions of the virtual memory ( for static and for globals ) and addressing relevant to stack address for local variables?
I mean, after a successful compilation including semantic and syntactic verification, isn't wise to deal with data at runtime as guaranteed entities of target memory bytes without any thinking of any identifier or any checking, with the symbol table no more needed?
If my question appeared to be the type of questions that are due to lacking of learning effort ( which I hope it doesn't ), please just inform me about that, and tell me where to read. If that was the case, then it's honestly because I'm concentrating on C++ nowadays and haven't got the chance yet to have a sound knowledge of low level languages, I apologize for that in advance.

You're spot on. Once compiled to machine code, there is no longer any notion of a variable identifier (or variable type, for that matter). It's just bytes at a certain location. Which location was determined by the compiler (when compiling) based on the variable name, or by the linker (when linking) in the case of global variables.
Of course, it can be useful to retain information such as identifiers, for debugging purposes. This is precisely what "compilation with debug information" means: when you do that, the compiler will somehow embed the (redundant) identifiers into the generated code such that a debugger can access them. Or put them in a separate file alongside; the details of that depend on the format of the debugging information.

Yes, mostly. There are a few details that will make identifiers remain more than just addresses or stack offsets.
First we have in RTTI in C++ which means that during runtime the name of at least types may still be available. For example:
const std::type_info &info = typeid(*ptr_interface);
std::cout << << std::endl;
would print the name of whatever type *ptr_interface is of.
Second, due to the way a program is linked the symbols from the object files may still be present in the executing image. You have for example the linux kernel making use of this as it can produce a backtrace of the stack including the function names. Also it uses knowledge of function names in order to be able to load and link modules. Similar functionality exists in Gnu C library, than when linked for it is able to retrieve function names in stack traces.
In normal cases though the code will not be affected by the original names of the variables (but the compiler will of course emit code suitable for the type the variable have).


Computing stack demand for C++; How to get readable symbol table?

Assume that you have not only executable file, but also source code files.
My problem is to calculate correct stack size of running process only for local variables, return address, passing argument. I was trying to use VMMap developed by MS. Because it can catch allocated memory in system with categories such as stack. However, it also contains guard page, paging file(s) and so on. Thus, stack size from VMMap was overestimated.
I would like to change the way to solve the problem. I will trace stack to draw actual call tree by using StackWalker64 of WinAPI and get symbol table from either executable or source code. But there is a problem that symbol table from executable such as ELF is not readable.
Now, I am planning to apply doxygen which is open source project with lexer of compiler. Because doxygen only provides function list with their return type and function argument, I don't know about local variables. So, I also need lexer to make complete symbol table as pre-processing. But it kind of complicated one. I am not sure it is best solution.
Is there better way to solve?
What OP wants to do is statically compute worst-case stack depth.
This is very hard to do. To accomplish it, he needs:
The source code for every function (as raw material used to derive following facts)
The "symbol table" (all declarations) for every function
A call graph of the application code across compilation units
A deep knowledge of what his particular compiler does to generate and optimize code
The "symbol table" needs to be compiler-accurate so that the estimation process knows which declared data (conceptually) goes into the stack. OP will need what amounts to a full compiler front-end for his particular dialect of C++. [OP mistakenly thinks a "lexer" will give him a symbol table. It will not].
Now consider constructing the global call graph. The basics seems simple; if function "bar" contains "foo(x)" then "bar" calls "foo". But there are many complications: overloading, virtual functions, indirect calls, and casts. Overloading is presumably resolved by name and type resolution; this gets messy in the face of templates (consider SFINAE). Virtual functions and indirect calls forces one to build a conservative points-to analyzer; an ugly enough cast may force the assumption of a call to any argument-compatible function. Points-to analyzers come in varying degrees of precision; low precision may produce a call graph with many bogus (conservative) edges which will throw off the size estimation.
The compiler won't provide this global call graph since it only operates on single compilation units.
Finally, we can consider constructing a stack size estimate. Here one needs to understand the sizes and alignments use to represent each declared data type, and how the particular compiler of interest allocates local variables to the stack. Generally sequential coding blocks { .... } { ... } overlap stack locations. One also needs to understand how expressions are evaluated and how arguments are passed as these impact the stack usage. Finally, one needs to understand how the compiler allocates registers and what optimizations the compiler can/did(?) apply, as such optimizations will affect expression stack usage as well as how many local variables actually allocated to the stack. This is an awful lot to know, and the only trustworthy source of knowledge is the compiler itself. Rather than trying to replicate all this machinery, it is likely better to either get the compiler to provide its actual stack size allocation per function (I believe GCC will do this), or give up getting a precise result and conservatively estimate the stack demand by assuming every declared local consumes stack space (in this case it is unclear what one should do to estimate expression stack usage; one might assume that every variable and intermediate expression result takes stack space according to its type).
With stack space estimates per function, and a call graph, a simple analysis of the call graph can produce stack demands per call chain from the root. The max of these is the stack estimate needed. (Note: this assumes that each function uses its full stack demand for every call; that's clearly a conservative estimate). This part is pretty easy.
Overall this is a complex analysis. Ideally you can get the compiler to provide stack size estimates and basic call-graph facts. Building the points-to analysis is difficult and gets very hard as the size of the application gets big.
Arguably you can bend GCC to help provide the compilation-unit level data. Clang is presumably designed to be bent to provide that same data. Neither offers specific support for global points-to analysis to my knowledge. It is unclear the GCC and Clang handle the Windows dialects of C++; they may.
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit and its C++ front end is designed to provide symbol tables, the result of name resolution (e.g., resolving overloads) and can easily extract local call facts. It handles both GCC and MS dialects of C++. DMS also provides support for building global points-to analyses and a global call graph; while we have not used this specifically for C++, we have used it to process C applications of some 16 million lines.
All this difficulty explains why people often punt and try to see how big the stack is using dynamic analysis. If OP wants a static analyzer, he needs to be prepared to invest significant effort to get it.

Is there a reason why not to use link-time optimization (LTO)?

GCC, MSVC, LLVM, and probably other toolchains have support for link-time (whole program) optimization to allow optimization of calls among compilation units.
Is there a reason not to enable this option when compiling production software?
I assume that by "production software" you mean software that you ship to the customers / goes into production. The answers at Why not always use compiler optimization? (kindly pointed out by Mankarse) mostly apply to situations in which you want to debug your code (so the software is still in the development phase -- not in production).
6 years have passed since I wrote this answer, and an update is necessary. Back in 2014, the issues were:
Link time optimization occasionally introduced subtle bugs, see for example Link-time optimization for the kernel. I assume this is less of an issue as of 2020. Safeguard against these kinds of compiler and linker bugs: Have appropriate tests to check the correctness of your software that you are about to ship.
Increased compile time. There are claims that the situation has significantly improved since 2014, for example thanks to slim objects.
Large memory usage. This post claims that the situation has drastically improved in recent years, thanks to partitioning.
As of 2020, I would try to use LTO by default on any of my projects.
This recent question raises another possible (but rather specific) case in which LTO may have undesirable effects: if the code in question is instrumented for timing, and separate compilation units have been used to try to preserve the relative ordering of the instrumented and instrumenting statements, then LTO has a good chance of destroying the necessary ordering.
I did say it was specific.
If you have well written code, it should only be advantageous. You may hit a compiler/linker bug, but this goes for all types of optimisation, this is rare.
Biggest downside is it drastically increases link time.
Apart from to this,
Consider a typical example from embedded system,
void function1(void) { /*Do something*/} //located at address 0x1000
void function2(void) { /*Do something*/} //located at address 0x1100
void function3(void) { /*Do something*/} //located at address 0x1200
With predefined addressed functions can be called through relative addresses like below,
(*0x1000)(); //expected to call function2
(*0x1100)(); //expected to call function2
(*0x1200)(); //expected to call function3
LTO can lead to unexpected behavior.
In automotive embedded SW development,Multiple parts of SW are compiled and flashed on to a separate sections.
Boot-loader, Application/s, Application-Configurations are independently flash-able units. Boot-loader has special capabilities to update Application and Application-configuration. At every power-on cycle boot-loader ensures the SW application and application-configuration's compatibility and consistence via Hard-coded location for SW-Versions and CRC and many more parameters. Linker-definition files are used to hard-code the variable location and some function location.
Given that the code is implemented correctly, then link time optimization should not have any impact on the functionality. However, there are scenarios where not 100% correct code will typically just work without link time optimization, but with link time optimization the incorrect code will stop working. There are similar situations when switching to higher optimization levels, like, from -O2 to -O3 with gcc.
That is, depending on your specific context (like, age of the code base, size of the code base, depth of tests, are you starting your project or are you close to final release, ...) you would have to judge the risk of such a change.
One scenario where link-time-optimization can lead to unexpected behavior for wrong code is the following:
Imagine you have two source files read.c and client.c which you compile into separate object files. In the file read.c there is a function read that does nothing else than reading from a specific memory address. The content at this address, however, should be marked as volatile, but unfortunately that was forgotten. From client.c the function read is called several times from the same function. Since read only performs one single read from the address and there is no optimization beyond the boundaries of the read function, read will always when called access the respective memory location. Consequently, every time when read is called from client.c, the code in client.c gets a freshly read value from the address, just as if volatile had been used.
Now, with link-time-optimization, the tiny function read from read.c is likely to be inlined whereever it is called from client.c. Due to the missing volatile, the compiler will now realize that the code reads several times from the same address, and may therefore optimize away the memory accesses. Consequently, the code starts to behave differently.
Rather than mandating that all implementations support the semantics necessary to accomplish all tasks, the Standard allows implementations intended to be suitable for various tasks to extend the language by defining semantics in corner cases beyond those mandated by the C Standard, in ways that would be useful for those tasks.
An extremely popular extension of this form is to specify that cross-module function calls will be processed in a fashion consistent with the platform's Application Binary Interface without regard for whether the C Standard would require such treatment.
Thus, if one makes a cross-module call to a function like:
uint32_t read_uint32_bits(void *p)
return *(uint32_t*)p;
the generated code would read the bit pattern in a 32-bit chunk of storage at address p, and interpret it as a uint32_t value using the platform's native 32-bit integer format, without regard for how that chunk of storage came to hold that bit pattern. Likewise, if a compiler were given something like:
uint32_t read_uint32_bits(void *p);
uint32_t f1bits, f2bits;
void test(void)
float f;
f = 1.0f;
f1bits = read_uint32_bits(&f);
f = 2.0f;
f2bits = read_uint32_bits(&f);
the compiler would reserve storage for f on the stack, store the bit pattern for 1.0f to that storage, call read_uint32_bits and store the returned value, store the bit pattern for 2.0f to that storage, call read_uint32_bits and store that returned value.
The Standard provides no syntax to indicate that the called function might read the storage whose address it receives using type uint32_t, nor to indicate that the pointer the function was given might have been written using type float, because implementations intended for low-level programming already extended the language to supported such semantics without using special syntax.
Unfortunately, adding in Link Time Optimization will break any code that relies upon that popular extension. Some people may view such code as broken, but if one recognizes the Spirit of C principle "Don't prevent programmers from doing what needs to be done", the Standard's failure to mandate support for a popular extension cannot be viewed as intending to deprecate its usage if the Standard fails to provide any reasonable alternative.
LTO could also reveal edge-case bugs in code-signing algorithms. Consider a code-signing algorithm based on certain expectations about the TEXT portion of some object or module. Now LTO optimizes the TEXT portion away, or inlines stuff into it in a way the code-signing algorithm was not designed to handle. Worst case scenario, it only affects one particular distribution pipeline but not another, due to a subtle difference in which encryption algorithm was used on each pipeline. Good luck figuring out why the app won't launch when distributed from pipeline A but not B.
LTO support is buggy and LTO related issues has lowest priority for compiler developers. For example: mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-10.2.0-5 works fine with lto, mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-10.2.0-6 segfauls with bogus address. We have just noticed that windows CI stopped working.
Please refer the following issue as an example.

manifest constants vs C++ keyword "const"

Reading the book of Meyers (item 2 "Prefer const to #define) I'd like to understand some sentences that I list below:
With reference to the comparison between #define ASPECT_RATIO 1.653 and const aspect_ratio = 1.653 Meyers asks that "... in the case of floating point constant (such as in this example) use of the constant may yield smaller code than using #define."
The questions are:
With smaller code Meyers means the a smaller space on disk of executable file?
Why it is smaller? I thought that this may be valid on system with 32 bit because in this case an int (or pointer) needs 4 bytes and a double 8 bytes. Because ASPECT_RATIO may not get entered into symbol table the name is replaced with the value, while in other cases may be used a const pointer to a unique double value. In this case this concept would no longer be valid on machines with 64 bit (because pointer and double are the same number of bytes). I do not know if I explained well what I mean, and especially if this idea is correct?
Then Meyers asks that " ...though good compilers won't set aside storage for const objects of integral types (unless you create a pointer or reference to the object) sloppy compilers may, and you may not be willing to set aside memory for such objects..."
In this context the memory is the RAM occupied by the process in execution? If it is correct to verify this I can use task manager (in Win) or top (in Linux)?
First, micro-optimizations are stupid. Don't care about a couple of constant double values eating up all your RAM. It won't happen. If it does, handle it then, not before you know it's even relevant.
Second, #define can have nasty side effects if used too much, even with the ALL_CAPS_DEFINES convention. Sooner or later you're going to mistakenly make a short macro that is used in some other variable's name, with preprocessor replacement giving you an unfathomable and avoidable error and no debuggability at all. As the linked question in the question comments states, macro's lack namespace and class scope, and are definitely bad in C++.
Third, C++11 adds constexpr, which allows typesafe macro-performant (whatever this misnomer should mean) constant expressions. There are even those (see the C++ Lounge in SO Chat) that do whole calculations at compile time using constexpr. Unfortunately, not all major compilers claiming C++11 support, actually support enough C++11 features to be truly useful (I'm looking at you, MSVC2012!).
The reason that it "may" yield smaller code is that multiple uses of a define will probably (probably: optimizers do weird stuff) also generate the same constant again and again. Whereas using a const will only generate one definition, and then reference the same definition (if the optimizer doesn't calculate stuff inline).
The linker outputs several parts when linking your executable. Some part contains constants, some other part executable code. Wether or not your (operating) system loads the executable into ram before executing, is not defined within the C++ standard. I've used systems where the code executes from flash storage, so only the stack and dynamically allocated memory uses ram.

Is it possible to strip type names from executable while keeping RTTI enabled?

I recently disabled RTTI on my compiler (MSVC10) and the executable size decreased significantly. By comparing the produced executables using a text editor, I found that the RTTI-less version contains much less symbol names, explaining the saved space.
AFAIK, those symbol names are only used to fill the type_info structure associated with each the polymorphic type, and one can programmatically access them calling type_info::name().
According to the standard, the format of the string returned by type_info::name() is unspecified. That is, no one can rely one it to do serious things portably. So, it should be possible for an implementation to always return an empty string without breaking anything, thus reducing the executable size without disabling RTTI support (so we can still use the typeid operator & compare type_info's objects safely).
But... is it possible ? I'm using MSVC10 and I've not found any option to do that. I can either disable completely RTTI (/GR-), or enable it with full type names (/GR). Does any compiler provide such an option?
So, it should be possible for an implementation to always return an empty string without breaking anything, thus reducing the executable size without disabling RTTI support (so we can still use the typeid operator & compare type_info's objects safely).
You are misreading the standard. The intent of making the return value from type_info::name() unspecified (other than a null-terminated binary string) was to give the implementers of the compiler/library/run-time environment free reign to implement the RTTI requirements as they see best. You, the programmer, have no say in how the Application Binary Interface (if there is one) is designed or implemented.
You're asking three different questions here.
The initial question asks whether there's any way to get MSVC to not generate names, or whether it's possible with other compilers, or, failing that, whether there's any way to strip the names out of the generated type_info without breaking things.
Then you want to know whether it would be possible to modify the MS ABI (presumably not too radically) so that it would be possible to strip the names.
Finally, you want to know whether it would be possible to design an ABI that didn't have names.
Question #1 is itself a complex question. As far as I know, there's no way to get MSVC to not generate names. And most other compilers are aimed at ABIs that specifically define what typeid(foo).name() must return, so they also can't be made to not generate names.
The more interesting question is, what happens if you strip out the names. For MSVC, I don't know the answer. The best thing to do here is probably to try it—go into your DLLs and change the first character of each name to \0 and see if it breaks dynamic_cast, etc. (I know that you can do this with Mac and linux x86_64 executables generated by g++ 4.2 and it works, but let's put that aside for now.)
On to question #2, assuming blanking the names doesn't work, it wouldn't be that hard to modify a name-based system to no longer require names. One trivial solution is to use hashes of the names, or even ROT13-encoded names (remember that the original goal here is "I don't want casual users to see the embarrassing names of my classes"). But I'm not sure that would count for what you're looking for. A slightly more complex solution is as follows:
For "dllexport"ed classes, generate a UUID, put that in the typeinfo, and also put it in the .LIB import library that gets generated along with the DLL.
For "dllimport"ed classes, read the UUID out of the .LIB and use that instead.
So, if you manage to get the dllexport/dllimport right, it will work, because your exe will be using the same UUID as the dll. But what if you don't? What if you "accidentally" specify identical classes (e.g., an instantiation of the same template with the same parameters) in your DLL and your EXE, without marking one as dllexport and one as dllimport? RTTI won't see them as the same type.
Is this a problem? Well, the C++ standard doesn't say it is. And neither does any MS documentation. In fact, the documentation explicitly says that you're not allowed to do this. You cannot use the same class or function in two different modules unless you explicitly export it from one module and import it into another. The fact that this is very hard to do with class templates is a problem, and it's a problem they don't try to solve.
Let's take a realistic example: Create a node-based linkedlist class template with a global static sentinel, where every list's last node points to that sentinel, and the end() function just returns a pointer to it. (Microsoft's own implementation of std::map used to do exactly this; I'm not sure if that's still true.) New up a linkedlist<int> in your exe, and pass it by reference to a function in your dll that tries to iterate from l.begin() to l.end(). It will never finish, because none of the nodes created by the exe will point to the copy of the sentinel in the dll. Of course if you pass l.begin() and l.end() into the DLL, instead of passing l itself, you won't have this problem. You can usually get away with passing a std::string or various other types by reference, just because they don't depend on anything that breaks. But you're not actually allowed to do so, you're just getting lucky. So, while replacing the names with UUIDs that have to be looked up at link time means types can't be matched up at link-loader time, the fact that types already can't be matched up at link-loader time means this is irrelevant.
It would be possible to build a name-based system that didn't have these problems. The ARM C++ ABI (and the iOS and Android ABIs based on it) restricts what programmers can get away with much less than MS, and has very specific requirements on how the link-loader has to make it work (3.2.5). This one couldn't be modified to not be name-based because it was an explicit choice in the design that:
• type_info::operator== and type_info::operator!= compare the strings returned by type_info::name(), not just the pointers to the RTTI objects and their names.
• No reliance is placed on the address returned by type_info::name(). (That is, != does not imply that t1 != t2).
The first condition effectively requires that these operators (and type_info::before()) must be called out of line, and that the execution environment must provide appropriate implementations of them.
But it's also possible to build an ABI that doesn't have this problem and that doesn't use names. Which segues nicely to #3.
The Itanium ABI (used by, among other things, both OS X and recent linux on x86_64 and i386) does guarantee that a linkedlist<int> generated in one object and a linkedlist<int> generated from the same header in another object can be linked together at runtime and will be the same type, which means they must have equal type_info objects. From 2.9.1:
It is intended that two type_info pointers point to equivalent type descriptions if and only if the pointers are equal. An implementation must satisfy this constraint, e.g. by using symbol preemption, COMDAT sections, or other mechanisms.
The compiler, linker, and link-loader must work together to make sure that a linkedlist<int> created in your executable points to the exact same type_info object that a linkedlist<int> created in your shared object would.
So, if you just took out all the names, it wouldn't make any difference at all. (And this is pretty easily tested and verified.)
But how could you possibly implement this ABI spec? j_kubik effectively argues that it's impossible because you'd have to preserve some link-time information in the .so files. Which points to the obvious answer: preserve some link-time information in the .so files. In fact, you already have to do that to handle, e.g., load-time relocations; this just extends what you need to preserve. And in fact, both Apple and GNU/linux/g++/ELF do exactly that. (This is part of the reason everyone building complex linux systems had to learn about symbol visibility and vague linkage a few years ago.)
There's an even more obvious way to solve the problem: Write a C++-based link loader, instead of trying to make the C++ compiler and linker work together to trick a C-based link loader. But as far as I know, nobody's tried that since Be.
Requirements for type-descriptor:
Works correctly in multi compilation-unit and shared-library environment;
Works correctly for different versions of shared libraries;
Works correctly although different compilation units don't share any information about type, except it's name: usually one header is used for all compilation units to define same type, but it's not required; even if, it doesn't affect resulting object file.
Work correctly despite fact that template instantiations must be fully-defined (so including type_info data) in every library that uses them, and yet behave like one type if several such libs are used together.
The fourth rule essentially bans all non-name based type-descriptors like UUIDs (unless specifically mentioned in type definition, but that is just name-replacement at best, and probably requires standard-alterations).
Stroing thuse UUIDs in separate files like suggeste .LIB files also causes trouble: different library versions implementing new types would cause trouble.
Compilation units should be able to share the same type (and its type_info) without the need to involve linker - because it should stay free of any language-specifics.
So type-name can be only unique type descriptor without completely re-modeling compilation and linking (also dynamic). I could imagine it working, but not under current scheme.

Static source code analysis with LLVM

I recently discover the LLVM (low level virtual machine) project, and from what I have heard It can be used to performed static analysis on a source code. I would like to know if it is possible to extract the different function call through function pointer (find the caller function and the callee function) in a program.
I could find the kind of information in the website so it would be really helpful if you could tell me if such an library already exist in LLVM or can you point me to the good direction on how to build it myself (existing source code, reference, tutorial, example...).
With my analysis I actually want to extract caller/callee function call. In the case of a function pointer, I would like to return a set of possible callee. both caller and callee must be define in the source code (this does not include third party function in a library).
I think that Clang (the analyzer that is part of LLVM) is geared towards the detection of bugs, which means that the analyzer tries to compute possible values of some expressions (to reduce false positives) but it sometimes gives up (in this case, emitting no alarm to avoid a deluge of false positives).
If your program is C only, I recommend you take a look at the Value Analysis in Frama-C. It computes supersets of possible values for any l-value at each point of the program, under some hypotheses that are explained at length here. Complexity in the analyzed program only means that the returned supersets are more approximated, but they still contain all the possible run-time values (as long as you remain within the aforementioned hypotheses).
EDIT: if you are interested in possible values of function pointers for the purpose of slicing the analyzed program, you should definitely take a look at the existing dependencies and slicing computations in Frama-C. The website doesn't have any nice example for slicing, here is one from a discussion on the mailing-list
You should take a look at Elsa. It is relatively easy to extend and lets you parse an AST fairly easily. It handles all of the parsing, lexing and AST generation and then lets you traverse the tree using the Visitor pattern.
class CallGraphGenerator : public ASTVisitor
virtual bool visitFunction(Function *func);
virtual bool visitExpression(Expression *expr);
You can then detect function declarations, and probably detect function pointer usage. Finally you could check the function pointers' declarations and generate a list of the declared functions that could have been called using that pointer.
In our project, we perform static source code analysis by converting LLVM bytecode into C code with help of llc program that is shipped with LLVM. Then we analyze C code with CIL (C Intermediate Language), but for C language a lot of tools is available. The pitfail that the code generated by llc is AWFUL and suffers from a great loss of precision. But still, it's one way to go.
Edit: in fact, I wouldn't recommend anyone to o like this. But still, just for a record...
I think your question is flawed. The title says "Static source code analysis". Yet your underlying reason appears to be the construction of (part of ) a call graph including calls through a function pointer. The essence of function pointers is that you cannot know their values at compile time, i.e. at the point where you do static source code analysis. Consider this bit of code:
void (*pFoo)() = GetFoo();
Static code analysis cannot tell you what GetFoo() returns at runtime, although it might tell you that the result is subsequently used for a function call.
Now, what values could GetFoo() possibly return? You simply can't say this in general (equivalent to solving the halting problem). You will be able to guess some trivial cases. The guessable percentage will of course go up depending on how much effort you are willing to invest.
The DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit provides various types of control, data flow, and global points-to analyzers for large systems of C code, and constructs call graphs using that global points-to analysis (with the appropriate conservative assumptions). More discussion and examples of the analyses can be found at the web site.
DMS has been tested on monolithic systems of C code with 25 million lines. (The call graph for this monster had 250,000 functions in it).
Engineering all this machinery from basic C ASTs and symbol tables is a huge amount of work; been there, done that. You don't want to do this yourself if you have something else to do with your life, like implement other applications.