How to setup another instance for load balancing in EC2? - amazon-web-services

Right now we have one instance. How do we create another instance with the content and files as the first server? Do we just create an instance?
Also if we make a change to a file on server one, do we have to make the same changes on server two? thanks

The best way to achieve your use case is.
Install AWS CLI on your instance.
Create a S3 bucket and add all your application files to that S3 bucket.
Add a Cron Job on your instance that will run a S3 sync command some thing like this
aws s3 sync s3://mybucket /<path to your application root>
Now take a AMI of your instance.
Attach your instance to load balancer, if you want to add another instance create another instance from the same AMI.
And any file change you want to apply apply it in the S3 bucket so what will happen is no matter how many instance you add to your load balancer they all will be synced with the S3 bucket, so if you change a file add a new file to S3 bucket that file will be changed and added to all the instances that are running behind the load balancer and are in sync with the S3 bucket.

Suppose you have an application which you need to load balance in VM1 then you would require to follow given step
1.Take the snapshot of the VM1 and also of EBS if one is attached
2.Now create VM2 from this snapshot (this ensure you have same to same content of VM2 just different MAC and IP configuration rest data remains same)
3. Add VM1 and VM2 to load balancer which ever application you would like to load balance
4.If want any changes made to the VM1 data be reflected in VM2 as well without requiring a need to do it manually use rsync(remote sync) utility which takes directory and machine name/ip as input you wish to keep in sync between machine(changes to directory (provided to rsync) made in one machine are automatically updated to other machine)

Best thing to do will be:
create an AMI will all the necessary configuration and software
installed. Always try to use a golden AMI where possible. (explore something like
If you cant use a golden AMI use a custom script as part of the user data when launching the EC2 to complete the configuration
Create an Auto Scaling Group using the baked AMI
In the console under Auto Scaling choose Auto Scaling Groups
On the Details tab, choose Edit
For Load Balancers, select your load balancer and save.
This way just by changing the number of instances in the auto scaling group will add (using the baked AMI) or remove instances. Better still, adding thresholds to increase or decrease instances automatically can be achieved. As the entire auto scaling group is associated with the ELB any new instances will be automatically configured with the ELB.
Note: Your ELB and the ASG should be in the same region
Please check the amazon docs link: Attaching a Load Balancer to Your Auto Scaling Group


AWS EC2 Auto scaling philosophy

Hello there!
I'm at beginning of the investigation of AWS, but one of the concepts looks unclear to me. Based on it I want to ask for assistance with an understanding of functionality.
I have a web application on PHP installed on EC2.
My application is huge loaded and I need to use a load balancer for the best performance. How to do and set up this is clear. The Code of my application is hosted on Gitlab.
After EC2 and load balancer setup did I want to use Autoscaling.
So, I need to use the autoscale group.
Main question: what I should do next? As I understand I need somehow create a new instance, but I need a correct image for the instance with all dependencies and source code.
Code auto-deploy is also a big question. When the new feature merged I need to run the GitLab pipeline and delivery code somehow to the new EC2.
So what do I need to read and investigate to have the ability to deploy new code to the new EC2 instance automatically? Is AWS provide some tools for this?
Thank you for the help with my journey.
You can begin with this link which explains to you how to create an autoscaling group based on an EC2 instance.
In short you can generate an AMI ( Amazon machine Image) from your current EC2 (host php) and create a launch configuration/launch template for your autoscaling group.
Next, you may add a load balancer to distribute traffic to theses instances, you can associate it with target groups and your Autoscaling goup
For the Auto deploy, you can automate within your pipeline to create a new launch configuration or to get the last version of your code PHP from S3 or another location in the user data part. You may use gitlab ci or CodeDeploy which is the perfect candidate for this kind of stuff
Be aware also, that the autoscaling group is statless(create/terminate instances) and you must store your images and assets in a shared location like S3, DB or EFS, because if an instance is unhealthy or terminated by the ASG, you may lose data.

Can I create multiple instance of same ec2 image

I have requirement of creating multiple instances of the same EC2 image from lambda as the EC2 image has some Windows Processing creating PDF files. Can I launch multiple instances of the same EC2 image and pass some parameters to each ec2 instance ( say name of the bucket in S3, and names are different).
Thanks in advance.
An AWS EC2 image provides essentially a snapshot of how the server should look.
This would include:
Any packages you need installed
Any configuration you need
If you want custom configuration applied on top you would need to either:
Make use of UserData when you launch the instance to run those additional actions
Create a custom AMI with the custom configuration included

Do I need to duplicate code on every EC2 instance running behind an ELB?

Hi this is a very noob question, but I am trying to deply my Node JS API server on AWS.
Everything is working fine with one m1.large instance that my Front End running on S3 connects to.
Now I want to Scale and put my EC2 instance and possibly many more behing and ELB and an Auto Scaling Group.
Do I need to duplicate my server code on every EC2 instance?
If so , I assume I'll have to create a seperate DB server which all of the EC2 instances will connect to.
Am I right,anyone experienced in Amazon AWS can answer this, I tried googling but most of the links point to detailed tutorials which however don't answer my question.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
yep. that's basically correct. the code needs to be on all instances fronted by the load balancer. for the database you may want to look into RDS.
Of course NOT.. But sure you can do..
That's why there are EFS volumes, which are shared volumes to more than one EC2 instance, but you have to choose a region that support them since they are available on certain regions. As a candidate AWS certified architect I would recommend you more than two options.
You can follow your first approach and create an EC2 instance put your code inside and then create an AMI and use this AMI to launch your upcoming EC2s through autoscaling group. In my opinion bad decision since on any code change you have to go on each one and put the new code and then create a new AMI and a new Auto scaling configuration..Lot's of stuff to do, but it will work.
Second approach, following the first approach but do not create an AMI, instead upload your code on a private (I suppose) Repo like github, bitbucket, install SSM and the appropriate roles for managing EC2 and on every code changes push them to repo and pull them on your EC2, using SSM. Of course you may write a webhook to bitbucket to call an api and run the git pull command on each EC2. Probably the last sentence could be a third approach but needs more coding!!!
Last but not least!! Use an EFS volume put your code there, mount this volume on your EC2, add a auto mount command on every boot, alter your apache httpd main document to point on this EFS/folder and create an AMI with this configuration. Voila! every new EC2 will use the same code which located on this shared/network volume. Whenever you need to change something you have to log in on a third instance outside of your autoscaling group for a certain amount of time upload your changes and then turn it off and all of your EC2 will take immediately the new code. Of course you may pull the changes from a repo following the third approach.
Maybe there are more approaches, I'm using the third one with private repos of course and until now I haven't faced any problem (Fingers crossed)!
One other option is to use Elastic Beanstalk to Deploy NodeJs applications. Here is the guide specific to NodeJs. This will take care of most of the stuff which you would need to do otherwise if you only use EC2 For example: ELB, Autoscaling Cloudwatch etc.
For Database, you may want to use the Master Slave with Read Replicas. Another option is to evaluate NoSql Databases like DynamoDB if it fits your use case. The scalability of DynamoDB tables is managed by AWS so you dont need to worry about it.

Move AWS EC2 Instance to another account

I created a Amazon AWS EC2 instance under my account and made an website/ftp on it, now a new partner wants to move the instance under his company account so his company can pay the bills.
We can't change the instance IP because banks in the region are communicating with the server.
How can I move the instance to a different account without having to change anything on the configuration?
The short answer is: No, you cannot move an running instance from one account to another unless and ofcourse AWS Technical support has some magic available behind the curtains.
You can However, Create an AMI from this instance and share this AMI with other users/account. refer:
To share or migrate EC2 instances from a source account to a target
account follow these steps:
Create a custom Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
from the instance you want to share or migrate. Be sure to include all
required EBS data volumes in the AMI.
Note: Data stored on instance store volumes isn't preserved in AMIs, and won't be on the instance store volumes of the instances
that you launch from the AMI.
Share the AMI with the target account
using either the EC2 console or the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI).
From the target account, find the AMI
using the EC2 console or the AWS CLI.
Launch a new instance from the shared AMI
on the target account.
Note: The private IP address of VPC instances will be different in the new account, unless you specifically set them during
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AWS CLI Command Reference (EC2)
Source: Transfer Amazon EC2 Instance
This is not possible.
AWS Support does not have access to copy Amazon EC2 resources or
manipulate any configuration options in AWS accounts. You can't
separate an AWS account from an account or transfer
resources between AWS accounts. It is possible to manually migrate
Amazon EC2 resources from one account to another by completing the
steps described here.
Source :
I'm working with several hundreds on EC2 instances in several AWS regions and accounts. You can move an EC2 instance to another AWS account, however, you can't move the Elastic IP and it will take up 16 steps with AWS CLI, if you want to migrate Tags and clone the Security Groups. I wrote a detailed post with the whole process at
there are more than 10 steps involved in doing the cloud move. I would suggest you use Infrastructure as a Configuration (terraform and CloudFormation) or Infrastructure as a real code (pulumi and CDK)
however if you want to give a go at a nice tool I found called KopiCloud. Please feel welcome to try it and leave your comments below. Is good if you need to move instances on a quick lift and shift scenario.
You can re-think the design of having the banks in the region communicating to your servers via IP.
If the banks communicate using DNS names, you have much more flexibility to move your servers around.
You can also achieve improvements in high availability and resiliency by moving to DNS connections.
So a plan might be
Setup a DNS record for your existing server
Get the banks who connect to your server to connect via the DNS name
Setup your new server in the other account (other answers describe this)
Cut the banks over to your new server in the new account simply by updating the DNS record
I haven't tried load balancing across accounts, but that may be another option, which would give you HA as a bonus. By registering your current instance, and new instance in another account as targets with a load balancer and getting your clients to connect to the load balancer, you could cut over to the other account. The only part I haven't tried is registering targets in different accounts, but looks like this should be possible with an AWS Network Load Balancer

Autoscaling ec2 instance without loss of old data

Recently My Website shifted on Amazon.
I create EC2 Instance. Install lamp and Setup CodeIgnitor in /var/www/http folder.
the structure
Codeignitor folder I have folder name 'UPLOAD'.this folder is used for uploaded images and files.
I make AMI image from EC2 Instance.
I have setup Auto scaling of Ec2 instances.
When my old ec2 instance is failed then automatically new instance is created. But My all data from "UPLOAD" of folder on old ec2 instance has lost.
I want to separate "UPLOAD" folder in codeignitor from ec2 instance.
So whenever new instance is create it will get UPLOAD folder and its contents without loss.
I want to separate this upload folder. so when new instance is create then it will get this data.
how to do this.
Thanks for Advance.
Note . I have used MYSQL on Amazon RDS.
You can use a shared Elastic Block Storage mounted directory.
If you manually configure your stack using the AWS Console, go to the EC2 Service in the console, then go to Elastic Block Storage -> Volumes -> Create Volume. And in your launch configuration you can bind to this storage device.
If you are using the command line tool as-create-launch-config to create your launch config, you need the argument
--block-device-mapping "key1=value1,key2=value2..."
If you are using Cloudformation to provision your stack, refer to this template for guidance.
This assumes Codeignitor can be configured to state where its UPLOAD directory is.
As said by Mike, you can use EBS, but you can also use Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) to store your images.
This way, whenever an instance starts, it can access all the previously uploaded images from S3. Of course, this means that you must change your code for the upload, to use the AWS API and not the filesystem to store your images to S3.