Limit concurrent sessions per user in WSO2IS - wso2-identity-server

We are using WSO2 IS as our enterprise identity platform. One of our tenants must restrict the number of concurrent sessions per user for security reasons.
The expected behaviour is the following: when a user logs in, if he/she already has logged in previously and the session is still valid, the new session must overwrite the previous one, so the login ends ok and he/she gets logged out from the first device/browser. Summing up: the new session always invalidates the old one.
I've been researching sites like this or searching for answers, but I couldn't find any.
I think that I need to store the WSO2 IS session id (the one that comes in the commonauthId cookie and gets stored in session cache/persistence store) in the user store, so I can check what's the current user session and log out the user if the cookie id and the store id don't match. But there are two main concerns:
Where do I store the user session id? My main user store is LDAP, but I'd like to avoid one extra attribute there, because it's shared with many other applications and promote changes like this could be difficult for many reasons. Is there any way to put this data into a secondary store?
What's the most appropiate extension point in WSO2 IS to add code for storing the session id in a user store? I've been looking through the authentication framework and found that the method concludeFlow in DefaultAuthenticationRequestHandler class is where new sessions are created when there isn't a previously cached one available. It seems a bit "tricky" to extend that method, but I couldn't find a better solution. Maybe you can customize the authenticator or the user store, but I think that's not a good point of extension inside the authentication flow, because the new sessions are created later, in the request handler.
Thanks in advance.

The WSO2 identity server actually doesn't care about the number of open sessions. IMHO the identity server is not the best enforcement point where to check for the open sessions. Once the user is already logged in, you don't have much control over the framework and the user assertions (or an Oauth token) are returned.
Where do I store the user session id?
If you enable the session persistence, the session information (user session, saml SP sessions, ...) are stored in the database. However - it is intended for internal use. If the user logs out or closes the browser, the records may be still there. There's no information about the user web session.
Just a hint - we've used a VPN proxy (Juniper SA as SP) and WSO2IS as IdP to enforce a unique user session (for a new session the old one is invalidated).
Have fun


Tronweb authentication

I want to build a webapp that uses the wallet address as account, but yet I want to store the user in my db to allow specifying a nickname.
The problem I'm dealing with is that I want to call different apis, where the user needs to be authenticated / authorized in order to gain access .
Since the authentication happens 100% client side in my case (through the tronlink extension and TronWeb), I don't see another way as to add supplementary authentication for my webapp specifically.
If the user logs in to my app with a different password (not using the private key of the wallet), it seems like bad user experience as the user needs to authenticate twice (through Tronweb AND my webapp with a password).
How do you solve this problem?
It seems that the way to handle this is to foresee a separate login flow for the web app after all.
Even when the user already has logged in into Tronlink, it needs to obtain a token to authenticate rest calls.
The way it would appear to work is by generating a random nonce and storing this nonce along with the public key in the User table.
The login flow then consists of signing the nonce in the front-end, and verifying the signature in the backend after which the token will be generated and returned.

Preventing multiple simultaneous logins with Cognito

We have React Native app that uses Cognito for authentication. We would like to prevent the same user ID from logging in simultaneously from multiple devices.
We were hopefully that we could use a Cognito pre-authentication trigger for this. Unfortunately it seems that we can't just call globalSignOut for the user since that wouldn't invalidate tokens that have already been issued and are currently active (see
The other idea was to reject the login if the user is logged in elsewhere. But we can't see a reliable way to tell whether the user is already logged in. We can see if there are valid tokens issued for that user but not if they are currently associated with an active session.
We also thought of maintaining our own DB of active sessions but there is no sign-out trigger so we wouldn't know when to remove a session from the DB.
You can use a token authentication system,
Issue a brand new token for each login, and check for available tokens.
if any token is available for the user that means He/She is logged in some other device, for this case you can prompt user that You are logged in other device.. are you sure you want to log out from that device ? and after clicking yes, you can clear all tokens for that user. And issue a brand new token.
AUTO LOGOUT : this token should be passed all over the back-end i.e. in headers of each and every API call token should be there... and should be checked before doing anything in back-end. if token is not available then throw 401. In your app if any API throws 401 then it means user is UNAUTHORIZED and should be logged out.
your app should be listening to one socket that responds to log out when it receives a message of same. so whenever your user logs in, a logout message will be passed across sockets and appropriate device with some token id or unique id will get that message and will log out a particular user from all other devices.
have a notification receiver which will be used to log out whenever necessary same as socket.
Reading the link you provided the API token / session system seems being faulty by design since long time already.
So without an own token-system inside cognito you won't have reliable results probably, at least in the current state of the system (as the repository is archived it won't be developed further by the owner).
What I propose is an own field in the database-table for users where each login is honored with an own token. A second own field in the same table with a timestamp, where the last access is saved.
If last access is older than a predefined time of 30, 60 or 120 minutes any user gets logged out.
If the last access is younger than the time-limit then the login-mask has to provide a random access token which is compared with that in the database:
- if the access-token in the database is too old for an active session, or just no access-token is stored, then access can be granted which means login is successful.
- the comparison of the current time with the time-stamp saved in the database is for cases where users never have been logged out by purpose but just by being disconnected or passive. I think this case will happen regularly, so it's no exception.
- logging out by click on a button should destroy the access-token in the database, so that the user can immediately login from any device, even from another one then before.
- if there exists a valid access-token in the database then no new access will be granted and the user should get shown a message that he has to sign out first at another login.
- The access-token could be stored together with a third own field for the session-id to make it more reliable and safe. On logout that session-token-field can be cleared too. The session-token can be copied from the global session if required to be saved in the user-record.
- Any checks are only done on login, tokens never have to be included on every page.
- On active logout the token(s) have to be destroyed to allow a direct login again, else the users had to wait till the max. age of the time-limit is reached to login again - at least on another device then before.
As the login itself is currently done independent from the check that has to be implemented, it would be possible to leave the new access-token completely away but use only the session-id as that differs on any device and browser. But perhaps there exists a situation where one of session-id and access-token can change but the other one not - I don't think so but perhaps I missed something in my considerations.
If you provide the access-token on every page like proposed by #Jadeep Galani or in a cookie - beside the corresponding check - you also can offer a button to sign out from all devices. This would enable the users to change login any time even without logging out at the last used device. Without access-token on every page or in a cookie this general logout-function solution is not possible as else access is only checked on login but not on all pages.
A general question is if it's still worth it to rely on the buggy cognito for login or just replace it completely by an own solution. You even could implement the desired authentication in your site in form of a wrapper-class and the concrete login-system could be replaced without changing that implementation.
You can use the UUID of the device to identify whether it is the same user. Add a UUID to each request header to record it in the DB, and then you can do what you want.

How to invalidate a users token in CouchDB?

The offical documentation states the following about deleting a users cookie:
DELETE /_session
Closes user’s session by instructing the browser to clear the cookie. This does not invalidate the session from the server’s perspective, as there is no way to do this because CouchDB cookies are stateless. This means calling this endpoint is purely optional from a client perspective, and it does not protect against theft of a session cookie.
I can invalidate the cookie on the client but what if somebody siphons the AuthSession=123abc and uses it on the quiet? Isn't this a security problem?
I would like to know how I can avoid this behavior and really destroy the cookie because I would like to have a somewhat secure application with CouchDB.
I'm certain I've answered this question before, but I can't find the duplicate question, so here goes again:
The cookie is a simple hash of the user's login name, the time the cookie was created, the user's password salt, and the server's secret.
This means that to invalidate an existing cookie, you must either wait for enough time to pass that the created timestamp is far enough in the past that the cookie is not considered valid, or change one of the other parts of the hash.
In effect, this typically means it's impossible, because:
Changing the user name means the user will no longer be able to log in.
Changing the user's password salt will also mean the user can no longer log in, unless you also store the user's plaintext password, so that their password hash can be re-calculated. (probably a very bad idea)
Changing the server secret will render all sessions invalid for all users, not just the one you're targeting.
If invalidating active sessions is a hard requirement of your application, it's best done in a reverse proxy server that handles authentication, and uses proxy authentication to interact with CouchDB.

Understanding the Client's Responsibilities in OAuth 2.0

I've been trying to learn the inner workings of OAuth 2.0 in my own RESTful app, and I can't seem to find any good explanation of how my Javascript client handles the process.
At this point, I have the client (an Angular 2 SPA) ask the user for their username and password (running Django Rest Framework along with Django Oauth Toolkit). The client makes an AJAX post to the server (specifically to /o/token), and using the resource owner password credentials flow is authenticated and receives the response with the token.
Now, assuming I'm doing everything correctly up to this point, I'm unsure how to properly handle the token from that point forward.
At this point, I'm having my Angular app save the token in a variable and attach the authorization header (with the token) to the calls made to the API. This works as far as granting the correct permissions, but im having a hard time understanding how to maintain persistence of the header (so if the user navigates to a different page, the token is still callable). Initially I stored it in a cookie, but I have concerns with security.
So, first, am I understanding all this correctly? What kind of security concerns should I take into account here? And, of course, how can I save the token on the client?
Yes, you need to store access tokens as user session data because they should be persistent. For example if user leaves your site and then reopens he expects to see himself logged in.
It will be better if you make your sessions server-side: user-agent will store only session ID and all user data will be in your database. User don't need his access token, only your application does.
Instructions for implementation of server-side sessions for Django look pretty simple:
If you want to use a database-backed session, you need to add 'django.contrib.sessions' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.
Once you have configured your installation, run migrate to install the single database table that stores session data.

Storing a session using cookies or http session variables for a scalable solution?

I have one web app which under the login process stores the userId in a http session variable(After confirmation of course!). I'm not using any session variables other than this one to retrieve information about the user. I don't know if this one is the most scalable solution for me yet. Do my server reserve any memory for this? Is it better to use cookies instead?
If you are using multiple application servers (now or in the future), I believe the http session variable is dependent to the server the user is on (correct me if I'm wrong), so in this case, you can find a "sticky session" solution that locks the user to a particular server (e.g. EC2's Load Balancers offer this: ).
I recommend using a cookie (assuming my logic above is right), but you should make sure you have some sort of security measure on that so users can't change their cookie and gain access to another user's account. For example, you could hash some string w/ a secret key and the user ID which you check server-side to confirm it has not been tampered with.