C++ reading a whole line from string - c++

I have a big problem...
Just run the program and go to "New Gun", then "Handgun".
The problem comes when you have to enter the model.
For example, if i enter "Desert Eagle", in the text file it outputs only "Eagle". Its strange, and i cant solve it.
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
void setcolor(unsigned short color)
int main (){
system("chcp 1251 > nul");
system("title GunnZone");
string gunModel;
int gunManufactureYear;
int itemNumber;
double gunWeight;
double price;
ofstream myfileHandguns("Handguns.txt", ios::app);
ofstream myfileRifles("Rifles.txt", ios::app);
ofstream myfileShotguns("Shotguns.txt", ios::app);
ofstream myfileSnipers("Snipers.txt", ios::app);
ofstream myfileGranades("Granades.txt", ios::app);
ofstream myfileExplosives("Explosives.txt", ios::app);
int choice;
cout << "1.New Gun" << endl;
cout << "2.List Guns" << endl;
cout << "3.Exit" << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter your choice: ";
cin >> choice;
if(choice == 1){
int gunTypeChoice;
cout << "1.Handgun" << endl;
cout << "2.Rifle" << endl;
cout << "3.Shotgun" << endl;
cout << "4.Sniper" << endl;
cout << "5.Granade" << endl;
cout << "6.Explosives" << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter your choice: ";
cin >> gunTypeChoice;
if(gunTypeChoice == 1){
cout << "Model: ";
cin >> gunModel;
getline(cin, gunModel);
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Year of Manufacture: ";
cin >> gunManufactureYear;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Weight: ";
cin >> gunWeight;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Item Number: ";
cin >> itemNumber;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Price: ";
cin >> price;
myfileHandguns << "Model: " << gunModel << "\n\n";
myfileHandguns << "Year of Manufacture: " << gunManufactureYear << "\n\n";
myfileHandguns << "Weight: " << gunWeight << " g" << "\n\n";
myfileHandguns << "Item Number: " << itemNumber << "\n\n";
myfileHandguns << "Price: " << price << "$" << "\n\n";
system("pause > nul");
return 0;

Remove >> operator as suggested. Use clear and ignore to clear errors skip new line characters \n
cout << "Model: ";
//cin >> gunModel;
std::cin.ignore(0xffff, '\n');
std::getline(cin, gunModel);
cout << "Testing... you entered " << gunModel << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
See also Why would we call cin.clear() and cin.ignore() after reading input?


Problems reading edited data after modifying data file using fstream in C++

I'm currently making a record system for ticket booking as an assignment and facing problems when I want the data to read after modifying my file. I saw there were 2 options for me: eof or read in fstream.
The code for my modify records:
ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;
inFile >> item.movieName >> item.movieTime >> item.hallNum >> item.moviePrice;
cout << "\tPlease Enter the Movie to Edit:";
titleMatch = strcmp (editMovie,item.movieName);
while (!inFile.eof()){
if (editMovie == item.movieName){
outFile << item.movieName << " " << item.movieTime << " " << item.hallNum << " " << item.moviePrice << endl;
cout << "\tEditing " << editMovie << "..." << endl;
cout << "\tReInsert Movie Title: ";
cout << flush;
cout << "\tEnter Time(ie:15.00): ";
cin >> movieTime2;
cout << flush;
cout << "\tEnter Hall Number for Movie: Hall ";
cin >> hallNumber;
cout << flush;
cout << "\tEnter Price of Movie Ticket: RM";
cin >> ticketPrice;
outFile << movieTitle << " " << movieTime2 << " " << hallNumber << " " << ticketPrice;
remove ("movieRecord.dat");
rename ("temp.dat","movieRecord.dat");
cout << "\tEdit Saved!" << endl;
goto adminMenu;
My code for reading the file:
ifstream movieCheck;
movieCheck >> item.movieName >> item.movieTime >> item.hallNum >> item.moviePrice;
if (!movieCheck.good()){
cout << "File Open Error!" << endl;
while (movieCheck.read((char*)&item,sizeof(item))){
cout << "\tMovie title: " << item.movieName << endl;
cout << fixed;
cout << "\tTime: " << setprecision(2) << item.movieTime << endl;
cout << "\tHall Number: Hall " << item.hallNum << endl;
cout << "\tMovie Ticket Price: RM " << setprecision(2) << item.moviePrice << endl;
cout << "\t==============================================" << endl;
movieCheck >> item.movieName >> item.movieTime >> item.hallNum >> item.moviePrice;
cout << endl << "\t The End of the Movie Summaries!" << endl;
When I use eof, the output will only show the first data only, simple example:
Desired Output:
Help2 \The edited record
Current Output:
Hello \does not show the edited record
When using read function however, my output is either similar to eof or it would not show at all.

How to append new data to a text file in C++ without outputting the title again?

I have a problem in outputting my code to a text file. I just wanted to print a title at the beginning of a .txt file, but it happened to end up printing along with new lines of data. Basically, I am appending new data to the text file using ios::app. How can I achieve not printing my title in the text file all over again after appending other data?
Text File Output
Here is my code btw...
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
void QuaranDiary();
struct quarantine3 //structure for QuaranDiary
string QuaranDiaryMonth;
string QuaranDiaryDay;
string QuaranDiaryYear;
string QuaranDiaryHour;
string QuaranDiaryMinute;
string QuaranDiaryUpdate;
quarantine3 diary[500];
void QuaranDiary()
int i = 0, update = 0;
char QuaranDiaryMore;
cout << "=====================================================================================" << endl;
cout << " COVID-19 QUARANDIARY " << endl;
cout << "=====================================================================================" << endl << endl;
cout << "DATE (MM/DD/YYYY)" << endl << endl;
cout << "Month : ";
cin >> diary[i].QuaranDiaryMonth;
cout << "Day : ";
cin >> diary[i].QuaranDiaryDay;
cout << "Year : ";
cin >> diary[i].QuaranDiaryYear;
cout << endl;
cout << "[" << diary[i].QuaranDiaryMonth << "/" << diary[i].QuaranDiaryDay << "/" << diary[i].QuaranDiaryYear << "]" << endl << endl;
cout << "TIME (23:59)"<<endl<<endl;
cout << "Hour : ";
cin >> diary[i].QuaranDiaryHour;
cout << "Minute : ";
cin >> diary[i].QuaranDiaryMinute;
cout << endl;
cout << "[" << diary[i].QuaranDiaryHour << ":" << diary[i].QuaranDiaryMinute << "]" << endl << endl;
cout << "Health Update: ";
getline(cin, diary[i].QuaranDiaryUpdate);
cout << "\n\nAdd More to QuaranDiary? [Y/N]: ";
cin >> QuaranDiaryMore;
QuaranDiaryMore = toupper(QuaranDiaryMore);
while (toupper(QuaranDiaryMore) != 'Y' && toupper(QuaranDiaryMore) != 'N')
cout << "\nWrong Input. Try Again!\n" << endl;
cout << "Add More to QuaranDiary? [Y/N]: ";
cin >> QuaranDiaryMore;
//fstream for QuaranDiary
ofstream QuaranDiary;
QuaranDiary.open("QuaranDiary.txt", ios::app);
QuaranDiary << "=====================================================================================" << endl;
QuaranDiary << " COVID-19 QUARANDIARY " << endl;
QuaranDiary << "=====================================================================================" << endl;;
QuaranDiary << "\nDate: " << diary[i].QuaranDiaryMonth << "/" << diary[i].QuaranDiaryDay << "/" << diary[i].QuaranDiaryYear;
QuaranDiary << "\tTime: " << diary[i].QuaranDiaryHour << ":" << diary[i].QuaranDiaryMinute << endl << endl;
QuaranDiary << "[Health Update]\n\n" << diary[i].QuaranDiaryUpdate << endl;
QuaranDiary << "=====================================================================================" << endl;
if (QuaranDiary.is_open())
cout << "\nCheck QuaranDiary.txt for your written health updates!" << endl;
cout << "\n\nUnable to Open File!" << endl;
} while (toupper(QuaranDiaryMore == 'Y'));

Referencing vector causes error when running program

I am trying to make a program that will take a users input to make multiple forms. I am stuck on trying to get the vector (that will be filled with objects of the form class that the user creates) to be use-able in other functions. When I use the address-of operator (&) it gives me this error when the program gets to letting the user input the data to the objects.
This is the screen capture of the program and the error.
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Form {
string Fname;
string Lname;
string City;
string Street;
string State;
string ZipCode;
void menuMain();
void menu1st(vector<Form> &Fvect);
void menu1st(vector<Form> &Fvect)
int MainM;
int n;
cout << "NEW FORM(s)" << endl;
cout << "Enter the number of forms you would like to make (Maximum of 5): "; cin >> n; cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout << "First Name: "; cin >> Fvect[i].Fname; cout << endl;
cout << "Last Name: "; cin >> Fvect[i].Lname; cout << endl;
cout << "City: "; cin >> Fvect[i].City; cout << endl;
cout << "Street: "; cin >> Fvect[i].Street; cout << endl;
cout << "State: "; cin >> Fvect[i].State; cout << endl;
cout << "Zip Code: "; cin >> Fvect[i].ZipCode; cout << endl;
cout << "Enter 1 to go back to main: "; cin >> MainM;
if (MainM == 1)
cout << "Error not a correct input." << endl;
void menu2nd()
int MainM;
//int Fnum;
vector<Form> Fvect;
cout << "EDIT A FORM" << endl;
cout << Fvect[1].Fname;
cout << "Enter the ";
cout << "Enter 1 to go back to main: "; cin >> MainM;
if (MainM == 1)
cout << "Error not a correct input." << endl;
void menuMain()
int Pnum;
cout << "1. Create new form's." << endl;
cout << "2. Edit a form." << endl;
cout << "3. Print forms." << endl;
cout << "4. Erase a form." << endl;
cout << "5. Exit Program." << endl;
cout << "Enter the action you want to take (1-5): "; cin >> Pnum;
vector<Form> Fvect;
if (Pnum == 1)
if (Pnum == 2)
cout << "Error not a correct input." << endl;
int main()
You are accessing Fvect using an invalid index in the following lines:
cout << "First Name: "; cin >> Fvect[i].Fname; cout << endl;
cout << "Last Name: "; cin >> Fvect[i].Lname; cout << endl;
cout << "City: "; cin >> Fvect[i].City; cout << endl;
cout << "Street: "; cin >> Fvect[i].Street; cout << endl;
cout << "State: "; cin >> Fvect[i].State; cout << endl;
cout << "Zip Code: "; cin >> Fvect[i].ZipCode; cout << endl;
Consequently, your program has undefined behavior.
You need to have items in a std::vector before you can access an item from it using the array syntax. What you need to do is:
Read the data to an object of type Form.
Add the object to the std::vector.
Replace those lines with:
Form form;
cout << "First Name: "; cin >> form.Fname; cout << endl;
cout << "Last Name: "; cin >> form.Lname; cout << endl;
cout << "City: "; cin >> form.City; cout << endl;
cout << "Street: "; cin >> form.Street; cout << endl;
cout << "State: "; cin >> form.State; cout << endl;
cout << "Zip Code: "; cin >> form.ZipCode; cout << endl;
I am not sure why you have the cout << endl; in those lines. You don't need them. It will be sufficient to use:
cout << "First Name: "; cin >> form.Fname;
cout << "Last Name: "; cin >> form.Lname;
cout << "City: "; cin >> form.City;
cout << "Street: "; cin >> form.Street;
cout << "State: "; cin >> form.State;
cout << "Zip Code: "; cin >> form.ZipCode;

c++ file reading into memory

i'm trying to load the file into an array when the program starts so i can
modify or search in it i don't know if my code works or not ( it's not reading the file )i have the file
and there's two books in
i have tried to debug it but couldn't find the problem the code works
but it think there's a problem with the load() function i don't know what
my code :
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
struct books{
//identfying books with all needed things
int id, status;
string title, p_name, p_address;
string date;
string aut_name, aut_nationality;
}newbook[10000], aut[10000];
int i = 0;
void load(){
ifstream myfile("books.txt", ios::in);
while (myfile >> newbook[i].id >> newbook[i].title >> newbook[i].p_name >> newbook[i].p_address >> aut[i].aut_name >> aut[i].aut_nationality >> newbook[i].date >> newbook[i].status)
void search_for_book(){
int temp = 0;
int idx;
cout << "enter the ID of the book you're looking for : ";
cin >> idx;
for (int srh = 0; srh < i; srh++){
if (newbook[srh].id == idx){
cout << setw(10) << "book found :" << endl;
cout << "title :" << newbook[srh].title << endl;
cout << "publisher name : " << newbook[srh].p_name << endl;
cout << "publisher address" << newbook[srh].p_address << endl;
cout << "author name :" << aut[srh].aut_name << endl;
cout << "author Nationality :" << aut[srh].aut_nationality << endl;
cout << "publish Date :" << newbook[srh].date << endl;
cout << "status :" << newbook[srh].status << endl;
if (temp == 0){
cout << "couldn't find book" << endl << endl;
int main(){
char choice;
cout << "enter your choice (3)";
cin >> choice;
if (choice == '3'){
note :*( there are other functions like adding new book but not necessary to write )
*(i'm new to c++ don't really know how to read file into memory but i'm trying)
this is the code to save data into file :
void add_new_book_5(){
int booksnumber;
books newbook[1000], aut[100];
cout << "how many books you want to add ? ";
cin >> booksnumber;
cout << "what books you want to add :" << endl;
d_base.open(path, ios::out | ios::app);
for (int i = 0; i < booksnumber; i++){
cout << "id please : "; cin >> newbook[i].id;
cout << "title : "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, newbook[i].title);
cout << "publisher name :"; getline(cin, newbook[i].p_name);
cout << "publisher address : "; getline(cin, newbook[i].p_address);
cout << "author" << " name : "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, newbook[i].aut_name);
cout << "Nationality : "; getline(cin, newbook[i].aut_nationality);
cout << "Publish date :"; getline(cin, newbook[i].date);
cout << "How many copies of " << newbook[i].title << " "; cin >> newbook[i].status;
d_base << newbook[i].id << "\ " << newbook[i].title << "\ ";
d_base << newbook[i].p_name << "\ " << newbook[i].p_address << "\ ";
d_base << newbook[i].aut_name << "\ " << newbook[i].aut_nationality << "\ ";
d_base << newbook[i].date << "\ " << newbook[i].status << endl;
cout << setw(76) << "Books Have Been Saved Sucessfully" << endl;

Getline output won't work?

I have this code where the string info is not working as it should.
I have a getline where info is inside and it saves a hole sentence, but it won't output more than the first word.
"Hello world!"
I will only show me "hello"
Here is the part of the code:
void add() {
string name;
string faction;
string classe;
string race;
string info;
ofstream wowdatabase("wowdatabase.txt", ios::app);
cout << "Add a race or class" << endl;
cout << "---------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "Enter the name of the race or class (only small letters!):" << endl;
cin >> name;
cout << "Enter Race (Type -, if writen in name section):" << endl;
cin >> race;
cout << "Enter Class (Type -, if writen in name section):" << endl;
cin >> classe;
cout << "Enter faction (Alliance/Horde):" << endl;
cin >> faction;
cin.ignore( numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
cout << "Enter the information:" << endl;
getline(cin, info);
cout << info;
wowdatabase << name << ' ' << faction << ' ' << classe << ' ' << race << ' ' << info << endl;
void searchname() {
ifstream charecter("wowdatabase.txt");
string name;
string find;
string faction;
string classe;
string race;
string info;
int i = 0;
cout << "Search for a race or class" << endl;
cout << "---------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "Please enter name:";
cin >> find;
while (charecter >> name >> faction >> classe >> race >> info ) {
if (find == name) {
cout << "Charecter found" << endl;
cout << "---------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "Name of race/class: " << name << endl;
cout << "Race: " << race << endl;
cout << "Class: " << classe << endl;
cout << "Faction: " << faction << endl;
cout << "Info: " << info << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "Press enter to return to menu" << endl;
You use variable info in several functions. For example in function searchname() you enter it as
while (charecter >> name >> faction >> classe >> race >> info )
that is in this function you do not use getline. Also your code is invalid because you may not recursively call main in C++.