How do I find an object in image/video knowing its real physical dimension? - c++

I have a sample of images and would like to detect the object among others in the image/video already knowing in advance the real physical dimensions of that object. I have one of the image sample (its airplane door) and would like to find the window in the airplane door knowing its physical dimensions(let we say it has inner radius of 20cm and out radius of 23cm) and its real world position in the door (for example its minimal distance to the door frame is 15cm) .Also I can know prior my camera resolution. Any matlab code or OpenCV C++ that can do that automatically with image processing?
Here is my image sample
And more complex image with round logos.
I run the code for second complex image and do not get the same results. Here is the image result.

You are looking for a circle in the image so i suggest you use Hough circle transform.
Convert image to gray
Find edges in the image
Use Hugh circle transform to find circles in the image.
For each candidate circle sample the values of the circle and if the values corresponds to a predefined values accept.
The code:
clear all
% Parameters
minValueWindow = 90;
maxValueWindow = 110;
% Read file
I = imread('image1.jpg');
Igray = rgb2gray(I);
[row,col] = size(Igray);
% Edge detection
Iedge = edge(Igray,'canny',[0 0.3]);
% Hough circle transform
rad = 40:80; % The approximate radius in pixels
detectedCircle = {};
detectedCircleIndex = 1;
for radIndex=1:1:length(rad)
[y0detect,x0detect,Accumulator] = houghcircle(Iedge,rad(1,radIndex),rad(1,radIndex)*pi/2);
if ~isempty(y0detect)
circles = struct;
circles.X = x0detect;
circles.Y = y0detect;
circles.Rad = rad(1,radIndex);
detectedCircle{detectedCircleIndex} = circles;
detectedCircleIndex = detectedCircleIndex + 1;
% For each detection run a color filter
finalCircles = {};
finalCircleIndex = 1;
for i=1:1:detectedCircleIndex-1
rad = detectedCircle{i}.Rad;
xp = rad*cos(ang);
yp = rad*sin(ang);
for detectedPointIndex=1:1:length(detectedCircle{i}.X)
% Take each detected center and sample the gray image
samplePointsX = round(detectedCircle{i}.X(detectedPointIndex) + xp);
samplePointsY = round(detectedCircle{i}.Y(detectedPointIndex) + yp);
sampleValueInd = sub2ind([row,col],samplePointsY,samplePointsX);
sampleValueMean = mean(Igray(sampleValueInd));
% Check if the circle color is good
if(sampleValueMean > minValueWindow && sampleValueMean < maxValueWindow)
circle = struct();
circle.X = detectedCircle{i}.X(detectedPointIndex);
circle.Y = detectedCircle{i}.Y(detectedPointIndex);
circle.Rad = rad;
finalCircles{finalCircleIndex} = circle;
finalCircleIndex = finalCircleIndex + 1;
% Find Main circle by merging close hyptosis together
for finaCircleInd=1:1:length(finalCircles)
circleCenter(finaCircleInd,1) = finalCircles{finaCircleInd}.X;
circleCenter(finaCircleInd,2) = finalCircles{finaCircleInd}.Y;
circleCenter(finaCircleInd,3) = finalCircles{finaCircleInd}.Rad;
[ind,C] = kmeans(circleCenter,2);
c = [length(find(ind==1));length(find(ind==2))];
[~,maxInd] = max(c);
xCircle = median(circleCenter(ind==maxInd,1));
yCircle = median(circleCenter(ind==maxInd,2));
radCircle = median(circleCenter(ind==maxInd,3));
% Plot circle
hold on
plot(xCircle+xp,yCircle+yp,'Color','red', 'LineWidth',5);
The resulted image:
For other images will still have to fine tune several parameters like the radius that you search for the color and Hough circle threshold and canny edge thresholds.
In the function i searched for circle with radius from 40 pixels to 80. In here you can use your prior information about the real world radius of the window and the resolution of the camera. If you know approximately the distance the camera was from the airplane and the resolution of the camera and also the window radius in cm you can use this to get the radius in pixels and use this for the hough circle transform.

I wouldn't worry too much about the exact geometry and calibration and rather find the window by its own characteristics.
Binarization works relatively well, be it on the whole image or in a large region of interest.
Then you can select the most likely blob based on it approximate area and/or circularity.


Rotation between two frame similar to interactive markers

What do I want to do?
I work with a Franka Emika Panda and use the "cartesian_impedance_example_controller" with its "equilibrium_pose" topic to move the panda arm.
I want to use a command to rotate the arm along its axes of the "panda_rightfinger" joint axes (axis of interactive marker seen in picture). The roation only happens around the axis and happens by pressing a specific button.
(Right finger frame with the interactive marker around it and panda_link0 frame on the left)
How do I do it?
The rotation quaternion gets created by a function that uses following script:
axis = {
"roll": 0,
"pitch": 0,
"yaw": 0
def pyr_producer(self, gesture_msg):
global axis
axis[gesture_msg.cls] += 1 * 0.01
return list(axis.values())
def get_quaternion(self, gesture_msg):
roll, pitch, yaw = pyr_producer(gesture_msg)
q_rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw)
return Quaternion(*q_rot)
Afterwards, this rotation quaterion will be used by another script and gets published to the corresponding equilibrium_pose topic.
This part of the script calculates the rotation:
eq_pose: the new pose that will be used for the topic
current_goal_pose: the pose that contains the actual rotation
last_goal_pose: the pose that contains the last rotation
eq_pose.pose.position = last_goal_pose.pose.position
eq_pose.pose.orientation = orientation_producer.get_quaternion(goal_pose.gesture)
# calculate the relative quaternion from the last pose to the new pose
# (see
# add relative rotation quaternion to the new equilibrium orientation by multiplying
q_equilibrium = [eq_pose.pose.orientation.x, eq_pose.pose.orientation.y,
eq_pose.pose.orientation.z, eq_pose.pose.orientation.w]
q_2 = [current_goal_pose.pose.orientation.x, current_goal_pose.pose.orientation.y,
current_goal_pose.pose.orientation.z, current_goal_pose.pose.orientation.w]
# Negate w value for inverse
q_1_inv = [last_goal_pose.pose.orientation.x, last_goal_pose.pose.orientation.y,
last_goal_pose.pose.orientation.z, (-1)*last_goal_pose.pose.orientation.w]
q_relative = tf.transformations.quaternion_multiply(q_2, q_1_inv)
q_equilibrium = tf.transformations.quaternion_multiply(q_relative, q_equilibrium)
eq_pose.pose.orientation.x = q_equilibrium[0]
eq_pose.pose.orientation.y = q_equilibrium[1]
eq_pose.pose.orientation.z = q_equilibrium[2]
eq_pose.pose.orientation.w = q_equilibrium[3]
# update last pose
last_goal_pose = current_goal_pose
# Only publish poses when there is an interaction
The eq_pose gets generated by this part:
def franka_state_callback(msg):
global eq_pose
global initial_eq_pose_found
# the initial pose has to be retrieved only once
if initial_eq_pose_found:
initial_quaternion = \
(4, 4))))
initial_quaternion = initial_quaternion / np.linalg.norm(initial_quaternion)
eq_pose.pose.orientation.x = initial_quaternion[0]
eq_pose.pose.orientation.y = initial_quaternion[1]
eq_pose.pose.orientation.z = initial_quaternion[2]
eq_pose.pose.orientation.w = initial_quaternion[3]
eq_pose.pose.position.x = msg.O_T_EE[12]
eq_pose.pose.position.y = msg.O_T_EE[13]
eq_pose.pose.position.z = msg.O_T_EE[14]
initial_eq_pose_found = True
rospy.loginfo("Initial panda pose found: " + str(initial_eq_pose_found))
rospy.loginfo("Initial panda pose: " + str(eq_pose))
if __name__ == "__main__":
state_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/panda/franka_state_controller/franka_states", FrankaState, franka_state_callback)
while not initial_eq_pose_found:
What actually happens
The rotation itself works, but only happens around the "panda_link0" axis, which is the fixed position of the panda foot. The rotation should be the same like the one around the interactive marker in the interactive marker example.
Final Question
So I want to know, how to calculate the quaternions for this rotation?
I am quite new to robotics and hope my description was clear.
Okay, I just found my mistake, as expected, it was very easy:
The multiplication of quaternions is not cummutative. With respect to that, I just had to change the calculation of the quaternion from
q_equilibrium = tf.transformations.quaternion_multiply(q_relative, q_equilibrium)
q_equilibrium = tf.transformations.quaternion_multiply(q_equilibrium,q_relative)

Finding repeated pattern in a series of numbers in C++

I am trying to implement an auto grid detection system for an electrocardiogram, ecg, paper see the figure below.The idea behind is to add the pixel values(only considered the red channel) by going through pixel by pixel of the ecg image as shown in the code below.
QImage image("C:/Users/.../Desktop/ECGProject/electrocardiogram.jpg");
std::vector<int> pixelValues;
for (int y = 0; y < img.height(); y++)
int rowSumR = 0, rowSumG = 0, rowSumB = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < img.width(); x++)
QRgb rgb = img.pixel(x, y);
rowSumR += qRed(rgb);
rowSumR /= img.width();
const int &value = rowSumR/4;
The vector pixelValues contains summed values which has repeated pattern in a y direction. The goal is to detect those repeated pattern (for instance the line drawn in black color on in the ecg image is the interest or what I am looking to identify in a y direction). I also draw the summed pixel value in y direction using matlab(see the figure below) and the red circles are the pattern I am interested in. Any suggestion/algorithm to find these repeated pattern would be appreciated.
[![Ecg paper][1]][1] [![enter image description here][2]][2]
If you need to identify the number of bold red grid lines and "cut off" the similar patterns associated with each "period" in it I would suggest using of pitch tracking algorithms used in speech processing. One such approach, which computes the so-called pitch track is described in this work:
If you need help implementing that algorithm I can do it for you if you provide me the data.
I wrote a following program for you in matlab:
load data.txt
y = data(:,2);
yr = resample(y,10,1);
xhat = cceps(yr);
maxima = zeros(10000,1);
cnt = 1;
for i = 2:length(xhat)-1
if xhat(i-1) < xhat(i) && xhat(i+1) < xhat(i)
maxima(cnt) = i-1;
cnt = cnt + 1;
maxima(cnt:end) = [];
The cepstra are a signal processing tool, which allow detection of periodicity. It actually deconvolve signals. Say, in our case, we have an impuls train and some pattern convolved. Cepstral analysis 'decouples' the impuls train and the pattern. The impuls train period results in a maximum at given time spot in the cepstrum. If you run this program you can state from the output that the fine grained periodicity has mean period of 3.5 pixels and the greedy periodicity (you marked the corresponding impulses red) has mean period of 23.4 pixels (note the interpolation). Based on this observation you can try by the correlation analysis to refine the local placement of impulses with a technique known from speech processing as pitch-analysis (which is based on the correlation analysis). This last step might be necessary since there are apparent irregularities in peaks placement. Let me know if you have further doubts.

Perspective Transformation for bird's eye view opencv c++

I am interested in perspective transformation to bird's eye view. So far I have tried getPerspectiveTransform and findHomography and then passing it onto warpPerspective. The results are quite close but a skew in TL and BR is present. Also the contourArea are not translated equally post transformation.
The contour is a square with multiple shapes inside.
Any suggestion on how to go ahead.
Code block of what I have done so far.
std::vector<Point2f> quad_pts;
std::vector<Point2f> squre_pts;
cv::approxPolyDP( Mat(validContours[largest_contour_index]), contours_poly[0], epsilon, true );
if (approx_poly.size() > 4) return false;
for (int i=0; i< 4; i++)
if (! orderRectPoints(quad_pts))
return false;
float widthTop = (float)distanceBetweenPoints(quad_pts[1], quad_pts[0]); // sqrt( pow(quad_pts[1].x - quad_pts[0].x, 2) + pow(quad_pts[1].y - quad_pts[0].y, 2));
float widthBottom = (float)distanceBetweenPoints(quad_pts[2], quad_pts[3]); // sqrt( pow(quad_pts[2].x - quad_pts[3].x, 2) + pow(quad_pts[2].y - quad_pts[3].y, 2));
float maxWidth = max(widthTop, widthBottom);
float heightLeft = (float)distanceBetweenPoints(quad_pts[1], quad_pts[2]); // sqrt( pow(quad_pts[1].x - quad_pts[2].x, 2) + pow(quad_pts[1].y - quad_pts[2].y, 2));
float heightRight = (float)distanceBetweenPoints(quad_pts[0], quad_pts[3]); // sqrt( pow(quad_pts[0].x - quad_pts[3].x, 2) + pow(quad_pts[0].y - quad_pts[3].y, 2));
float maxHeight = max(heightLeft, heightRight);
int mDist = (int)max(maxWidth, maxHeight);
// transform TO points
const int offset = 50;
squre_pts.push_back(Point2f(offset, offset));
squre_pts.push_back(Point2f(mDist-1, offset));
squre_pts.push_back(Point2f(mDist-1, mDist-1));
squre_pts.push_back(Point2f(offset, mDist-1));
maxWidth += offset; maxHeight += offset;
Size matSize ((int)maxWidth, (int)maxHeight);
Mat transmtx = getPerspectiveTransform(quad_pts, squre_pts);
// Mat homo = findHomography(quad_pts, squre_pts);
warpPerspective(mRgba, mRgba, transmtx, matSize);
return true;
Link to transformed image
Image pre-transformation
corner on pre-transformed image
Corners from CornerSubPix
Your original pre-transformation image is not so good, the squares have different sizes there and it looks wavy. The results you get are quite good given the quality of your input.
You could try to calibrate your camera ( to compensate lens distortion, and your results may improve.
EDIT: Just to summarize the comments below, approxPolyDp may not locate the corners properly if the square has rounded corners or it is blurred. You may need to improve the corner location by other means such as a sharper original image, different preprocessing (median filter or threshold, as you suggest in the comments), or other algorithms for finer corner location (such as using the cornersubpix function or detecting the sides with Hough Transform and then calculating the intersections of them)

OpenCV 3.1 Stitch images in order they were taken

I am building an Android app to create panoramas. The user captures a set of images and those images
are sent to my native stitch function that was based on
Since the images are in order, I would like to match each image only to the next image in the vector.
I found an Intel article that was doing just that with following code:
vector<MatchesInfo> pairwise_matches;
BestOf2NearestMatcher matcher(try_gpu, match_conf);
Mat matchMask(features.size(),features.size(),CV_8U,Scalar(0));
for (int i = 0; i < num_images -1; ++i)
{<char>(i,i+1) =1;
matcher(features, pairwise_matches,matchMask);
Problem is, this wont compile. Im guessing its because im using OpenCV 3.1.
Then I found somewhere that this code would do the same:
int range_width = 2;
BestOf2NearestRangeMatcher matcher(range_width, try_cuda, match_conf);
matcher(features, pairwise_matches);
And for most of my samples this works fine. However sometimes, especially when im stitching
a large set of images (around 15), some objects appear on top of eachother and in places they shouldnt.
I've also noticed that the "beginning" (left side) of the end result is not the first image in the vector either
which is strange.
I am using "orb" as features_type and "ray" as ba_cost_func. Seems like I cant use SURF on OpenCV 3.1.
The rest of my initial parameters look like this:
bool try_cuda = false;
double compose_megapix = -1; //keeps resolution for final panorama
float match_conf = 0.3f; //0.3 default for orb
string ba_refine_mask = "xxxxx";
bool do_wave_correct = true;
WaveCorrectKind wave_correct = detail::WAVE_CORRECT_HORIZ;
int blend_type = Blender::MULTI_BAND;
float blend_strength = 5;
double work_megapix = 0.6;
double seam_megapix = 0.08;
float conf_thresh = 0.5f;
int expos_comp_type = ExposureCompensator::GAIN_BLOCKS;
string seam_find_type = "dp_colorgrad";
string warp_type = "spherical";
So could anyone enlighten me as to why this is not working and how I should match my features? Any help or direction would be much appreciated!
TL;DR : I want to stitch images in the order they were taken, but above codes are not working for me, how can I do that?
So I found out that the issue here is not with the order the images are stitched but rather the rotation that is estimated for the camera parameters in the Homography Based Estimator and the Bundle Ray Adjuster.
Those rotation angles are estimated considering a self rotating camera and my use case envolves an user rotating the camera (which means that will be some translation too.
Because of that (i guess) horizontal angles (around Y axis) are highly overestimated which means that the algorithm considers the set of images cover >= 360 degrees which results in some overlapped areas that shouldnt be overlapped.
Still havent found a solution for that problem though.
matcher() takes UMat as mask instead of Mat object, so try the following code:
vector<MatchesInfo> pairwise_matches;
BestOf2NearestMatcher matcher(try_gpu, match_conf);
Mat matchMask(features.size(),features.size(),CV_8U,Scalar(0));
for (int i = 0; i < num_images -1; ++i)
{<char>(i,i+1) =1;
UMat umask = matchMask.getUMat(ACCESS_READ);
matcher(features, pairwise_matches, umask);

How to remove elongated structures(contours) from the binary image

I am trying to remove elongated contours from my binary image but I am still getting most of them. I have tried to remove them using but considering compactness and eccentricity factors but that didn't work in my case.
gray = cv2.cvtColor(im,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
gray2 = gray.copy()
mask = np.zeros(gray.shape,np.uint8)
contours, hier = cv2.findContours(gray2,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
for cnt in contours:
if area>=5:
ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(cnt)
# center, axis_length and orientation of ellipse
(center,axes,orientation) = ellipse
# length of MAJOR and minor axis
majoraxis_length = max(axes)
minoraxis_length = min(axes)
eccentricity = np.sqrt(1-(minoraxis_length/majoraxis_length)**2)
equi_diameter = np.sqrt(4*area/np.pi)
if(eccentricity<=0.6 or eccentricity >1) or (compactness <0.8):
Can anyone suggest me some method for removing these elongated contours.
One option i can think of, is to calculate each object area and max length, than set a threshold to area/length.