The wiki editor generates a link "Template:Multiple Image" (to a page that does not exist) when I try to use the multiple image template - wiki

I am editing a wiki and I want to insert multiple images thanks to the {{multiple image}} template. Here is my code:
{{multiple image
| footer = foo
| image1 = foo1.png
| caption1 = foo 1
| image2 = foo2.jpg
| caption2 = foo 2
However this code generates a link Template:Multiple Image to a page that does not exist.
I obviously read the wiki documentation and looked for an answer on the web and on stackoverflow but I could find nothing about this bug. What am I doing wrong ?


Add image before bookdown title

I'm trying to add an image before the title in gitbook style bookdown project. This is similar to this question from the RStudio Community page, but I would like the image to appear only before the title, not every top-level heading.
I've created a reprex here:
I've edited the _output.yml to include:
before_body: assets/logo.html
However, as can be seen in the example above, the image now appears before every chapter, not just before the title.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
This question was answered here.
The solution is to add a JS codeblock to the end of the index.Rmd file, such as
```{js, echo = FALSE}
title.innerHTML = '<img src="/path/to/img.png" alt="Test Image">' + title.innerHTML
title: |
Adding a Logo to LaTeX Title
NB: although you cannot see them, there are two trailing spaces after {width=1in}, which means a line break in Markdown. Without the line break, the image and the title would be on the same line, which may not be what you desire.
See also related question: How to have Frontpage Image before chapter title and book title?

Web crawler to extract data particular subset of html tags

<p class="followText">Follow us</p>
<p><a class="symbol ss-social-circle ss-facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a></p>
<p>Gyroscopes can be very perplexing objects because they move in peculiar ways and even seem to defy gravity. These special properties make ­gyroscopes extremely important in everything from your bicycle to the advanced navigation system on the space shuttle. A typical airplane uses about a dozen gyroscopes in everything from its compass to its autopilot. The Russian Mir space station used 11 gyroscopes to keep its orientation to the sun, and the Hubble Space Telescope has a batch of navigational gyros as well. Gyroscopic effects are also central to things like yo-yos and Frisbees!</p>
This is part of source of the website, from which I'm trying to extract contents of the <p> tag from.
This is the code I'm using to do that
def trade_spider(max_pages):
page = 1
while page <= max_pages:
url = '' + str(page) + ".htm"
source_code = requests.get(url)
plain_text = source_code.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(plain_text)
for link in soup.findAll('p'):
paragraph = link.string
print paragraph
But I'm getting both types of data( both 1 and 2) inside the p tag.
I need to get only the data from the part 2 section and not part 1.
Please suggest me a way to leave out tags with attributes but keep the basic tags of the same html tag.

Inserting images using Flask-FlastPages

I have created my blog using Flask-FlatPages and the posts are in Markdown, the challenge I'm having is inserting images in my blog post. The traditional way of inserting images in markdown is not working.
I also tried this without success:
![image]({{ url_for('static', filename="img/my_image.jpg") }})
Here is a quick fix! let's say we have a images folder, and we want to use the images/flower.jpg
Step 1: Put the images folder in the static folder.
Step 2: In the text, link the image with ../static/images/flower.jpg.
for example:
<img src="../static/images/flower.jpg" alt="flower">
Here is what worked for me. It turns out that FLATPAGES_HTML_RENDERER is needed to achieve this goal.
Here is the code:
def my_renderer(text):
prerendered_body = render_template_string(text)
return pygmented_markdown(prerendered_body)
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['FLATPAGES_HTML_RENDERER'] = my_renderer
pages = FlatPages(app)
This is also discussed on this post:
There are nothing wrong during the markdown to html conversion process.
I think it because bleach.clean() function.
You can try to add to allowed_tags.
allowed_tags = ['img']
allowed_attrs = {'img':['src','alt']};
target.body_html = bleach.linkify(bleach.clean(markdown(value,output_format='html'),tags=allowed_tags,attributes=allowed_attrs,strip=True));

Mediawiki templates and generating standardized pages

I'm managing some data using a mediawiki and am wondering if it is possible to have standardized pages generated from existing wiki data without having to create a load of very similar pages. In an ideal situation, I would have a database backend and page templates dynamically filled by CGI, and I'm wondering if the mediawiki template system can be coerced into filling this role.
This is what I'd like to do:
data page
name: banana
colour: yellow
tastiness: extremely high
extra: some more stuff, potentially with complicated wiki formatting
image: banana.jpg
name: apple
colour: red, green
tastiness: variable
extra: some more stuff
and then for each item in the database, generate a standardized page:
<name> Info
It is generally <colour>
Its tastiness rating is <tastiness>
Read more about <name> at <links>
Is this possible with mediawiki templates?
It is possible with templates, though it is not necessarily a good solution. You need to create a data template for each item, something like this (say, Template:FruitData/banana):
{{ {{{template}}}
| name = banana
| colour = yellow
| tastiness = extremely high
| extra = some more stuff, potentially with complicated wiki formatting
| link =
| image = banana.jpg
and a display template (say Template:StandardFruitDisplay):
The {{{name}}} is a {{{colour}}} fruit with {{{tastiness}}} taste. {{extra|}}} See [http://{{{link}}} {{{{link}}}].
and then display it on the actual page like this: {{ Template:FruitData/banana | template = StandardFruitDisplay }}
But you are better of with some data-centric extension, probably (unless your goal is extreme flexibility or user control).

sorl-thumbnail won't delete thumbnails

Having issues with SORL Thumbnail and deleting thumbnails files or refreshing thumbnails when a file is overwritten. The scenario is that I have a file that for each entry is always the same but can be overwritten. Need the thumbnail to be recreated when a new file is uploaded and the old file is overwritten.
This is at the model + form level so I'm using the low level API to generate thumbs.
Have tried using:
from sorl.thumbnail import delete
But with no success, the thumbnail is never deleted or overwritten.
I have even tried:
from sorl.thumbnail.images import ImageFile
from sorl.thumbnail import default
image_file = ImageFile(filename)
Again with no success.
Please help!
I found a work around by creating an alternate ThumbnailBackend and a new _get_thumbnail_filename method. The new method uses a file's SHA-1 hash to always have a thumbnail specific to the current file.
Here's the backend for anyone else that might encounter a similar scenario.
class HashThumbnailBackend(ThumbnailBackend):
def _get_thumbnail_filename(self, source, geometry_string, options):
Computes the destination filename.
import hashlib
# hash object
hash = hashlib.sha1()
# open file and read it in as chunks to save memory
f ='%s' % source, 'rb')
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk:
# close file
key = hash.hexdigest()
# make some subdirs
path = '%s/%s/%s' % (key[:2], key[2:4], key)
return '%s%s.%s' % (settings.THUMBNAIL_PREFIX, path,
Its a little hard to explain so I made this awesome table. the first column's commands are listed below, the other columns marks wheter it deletes using an X. Original is the original file, thumbnails the thumbnails for the original and KV means the Key Value store reference.
| Command | Original | Thumbnails | KV Original | KV Thumbnails |
| #1 | X | X | X | X |
| #2 | | X | | X |
| #3 | | X | X | X |
sorl.thumbnail.delete(filename, delete_file=False)
As I understand it you really want to do #3. Now, your problem... a guess is that filename does not refer to a filename relative to MEDIA_ROOT (if you are using another storage backend the situation would be similar). But I think I need to know what you are doing besides this to get a better picture, note that ImageFields and FileFields do not overwrite, also note that django changed the deletion behaviour in 1.2.5, see release notes.
Anyone reading this should note that the above way to generate thumbnail filenames is extremely inefficient, please do not use if you care anything at about performance.
I'm not completely sure whether this answers your question, but I was having the same problem and this was my solution.
I have a model with a FileField on it, like such:
material = models.FileField(upload_to='materials')
When handling an uploaded file, I use get_thumbnail() to generate the thumbnail, passing the FileField in as the parameter vs the python level file behind it. ie:
thumb = get_thumbnail(modelinstance.material, '%dx%d' % (thumb_width, thumb_height))
As with your issue, I also found that when a file had the same name, sorl would just grab the thumbnail from the cache instead of generating a new one. Aggravating!
What worked was using sorl's delete method and passing the FileField. I first tried passing in the python file behind the FileField object, which is possibly what you were trying? Going from this:
To this:
Seemed to line up with sorl-thumbnail's KV Store, and would properly get the cached thumbnail out of the way so the new one could be created from the new file. Yay!
This was helpful for me:
Also, even after running ./ thumbnail cleanup and ./ thumbnail clear, I couldn't get Django to stop looking for the old thumbnails in the same place. I had to manually clear the Django cache (I'm using memcached). Here's how you can do that:
import os
# Set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable.
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = "yourproject.settings"
from django.core.cache import cache
# Flush!
This is my first SO answer. Hope it helps someone :)
The thing is you cannot use the shortcut delete(file) with a File class that is different to the one you employed to generate that very thumbnail through get_thumbnail() or the {% thumbnail ...%} templatetag.
The reason is ImageFile instances constructed from the file objects will get differents keys (ImageFile.key) and delete() will never be able to retrieve the good thumbnails to remove because the keys don't match.
I'm not sure that it won't works if you use a Python File object and then a Django File object for instance, but in Django, if you generate the thumbnail with a FileField object and try to delete it (and its thumbnails) with a File instance, it will not works for sure.
So, in your templates, don't do:
{% load thumbnail %}
{% thumbnail image "100" as im %}
<img src="{{ im.url }}" width="{{ im.width }}" height="{{ im.height }}">
{% endthumbnail %}
Where image is a models.ImageField instance, but use its file attribute:
{% load thumbnail %}
{% thumbnail image.file "100" as im %}
And to delete it in your Python code (the following is an example of Storage to overwrite the existing file if the name is the same):
from import FileSystemStorage
from django.core.files import File
from sorl.thumbnail import delete
class OverwriteStorage(FileSystemStorage):
def _save(self, name, content):
if self.exists(name):
img = File(open(os.path.join(self.location, name), "w"))
return super(OverwriteStorage, self)._save(name, content)
Not sure if its a bug in sorl or if there is a good reason to generate different keys.
I saw this problem. It was happening because Sorl was being used oddly.
All the thumbnail were got in the following style:
sorl.thumbnail.get_thumbnail(self.picture.url, geometry_string, **options)
# picture being a FieldFile
And when deleting the thumbnail (removing them from cache) it was being done like this:
sorl.thumbnail.delete(, delete_files=False)
Shortly, we were using the image's URL to generate and fetch the thumbnails, and when deleting we were using the image's name. Although Sorl didn't complain about it, the KV Store and the FS weren't never cleaned up.
The fix was to just change the get_thumbnail name argument to