How to use contentURL in Research Kit to preform a online PDF file? - researchkit

I've been looking into source code of Research Kit Example called ORKTest:
if (type.integerValue == ORKConsentSectionTypeDataGathering) {
Tests PDF content instead of text, HTML for Learn More.
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"SAMPLE_PDF_TEST" ofType:#"pdf"];
consentSection.contentURL = [NSURL URLWithString:path];
It used a local PDF file path in .contentURL,and I'd like to replace it with a online PDF url such as
consentSection.contentURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath("")
consentSection.contentURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath("")
but only got an empty page(the url that I used worked fine on browser,just a pdf file).
Anyone got any ideas,please?

NSURL.fileURLWithPath only works with local files. You have to put it in app's sandbox, then ask consentSection to load it.


Why is libxml not storing html in my htmlDocPtr?

I am working on a piece of software that uses libxml to store xml on webpages in an xmlDocPtr. I need to expand this functionality to do the same for html.
The original code:
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseEntity(filename.c_str());
Where filename = and everything works just fine
Now, I have html filename = and would like to store this as well. I have tried using htmlParseDoc with no success.
htmlDocPtr doc = htmlParseFile(filename.c_str(), "windows-1252");
The resulting doc object is not null but it does not contain the contents of the index.html
Netbeans spits out: HTML parser error : Document is empty
Any suggestions?

How to read word each page?

I know doc.Save() function save all page in one HTML file.
doc.RenderToScale() function save each page to the independent image file.
but i want read or save each page in independent HTML file,I had not idea,can you help me?
You can use the following code sample to convert each page to HTML or any other format supported by Aspose.Words.
String srcDoc = Common.DATA_DIR + "src.docx";
String dstDoc = Common.DATA_DIR + "dst {PAGE_NO}.html";
Document doc = new Document(srcDoc);
LayoutCollector layoutCollector = new LayoutCollector(doc);
// This will build layout model and collect necessary information.
// Split nodes in the document into separate pages.
DocumentPageSplitter splitter = new DocumentPageSplitter(layoutCollector);
// Save each page to disk as separate documents.
for (int page = 1; page <= doc.getPageCount(); page++)
Document pageDoc = splitter.getDocumentOfPage(page);"{PAGE_NO}", page+""));
It depends on 3 other classes, which you can find in this zip file.
I work with Aspose as Developer Evangelist.

How do I use the version number of a C++ program in the program itself? [duplicate]

I would like to add the current version into the "about" section of my app.
As seen in this attached screenshot Apple offers versioning.
How do you display these settings in your app?
After further searching and testing, I found the solution myself.
NSDictionary* infoDictionary = [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary];
NSLog(#"%i Keys: %#", [infoDictionary count],
[[infoDictionary allKeys] componentsJoinedByString: #" ,"]);
This snipplet gave me the following output:
20 Keys : NSBundleResolvedPath ,CFBundleVersion ,NSBundleInitialPath ,CFBundleIdentifier ,NSMainNibFile ,CFBundleIconFile ,CFBundleInfoPlistURL ,CFBundleExecutable ,DTSDKName ,UIStatusBarStyle ,CFBundleDevelopmentRegion ,DTPlatformName ,CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion ,CFBundleSupportedPlatforms ,CFBundleExecutablePath ,CFBundleDisplayName ,LSRequiresIPhoneOS ,CFBundlePackageType ,CFBundleSignature ,CFBundleName
So the solution is as simple as:
NSString *version =[[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] valueForKey:#"CFBundleVersion"];
However, this is not the Current Project Version as seen in the screenshot but the Bundle Version of the plist file.
Look into your Info.plist file which should have keys like CFBundleVersion and CFBundleShortVersionString
Those items in the Build Info are not available to your built app. They are placeholders that you could possibly pull into your app. What is in your app is anything that you place in, say, the Resources folder of your app, like any text files, or plists, or a nice picture of your versioning engineer.
Now, you could pull some of the items in the Build Info window into a info.plist, using special identifiers, such as ${VERSION_INFO_PREFIX} or other token. The tokens are available if you click on any of the items on the left hand side in the window you have included above. For example, click on the word "Current Project Version" and copy the token that you see at the bottom, "CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION". Then go to your plist file, and add an entry. Give it any name you want or "Current Project Version". Paste in ${CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION} on the right hand side. Now that value is available to you from your app, programmatically. Of course, someone now has to enter that value into the appropriate place either in the Build Info window or elsewhere. It might just be easier just to manage this and fields like this in the info.plist file. It's up to you how you'd like to handle these things.
Here is how I get version info out of my info.plist:
+ (NSString *) getAppVersionNumber;
NSString *myVersion,
myVersion = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:#"CFBundleShortVersionString"];
buildNum = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:(NSString*)kCFBundleVersionKey];
if (myVersion) {
if (buildNum)
versText = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Version: %# (%#)", myVersion, buildNum];
versText = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Version: %#", myVersion];
else if (buildNum)
versText = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Version: %#", buildNum];
return versText;
NSString *currentVersion = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] valueForKey:#"CFBundleVersion"];
returns me always the same value(initial version) even if i change the version from the project settings but.
NSString * appVersionString = [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:#"CFBundleShortVersionString"];
does the trick.
For the lazy here is the swift version :

Using Assetic's Css Rewriter outside of Symfony

Let me start by saying I have absolutely no idea what I should be doing because the documentation and available information on Assetic is either limited or Symfony oriented.
Here is my folder structure.
+ assets
+ css
+ example.css
+ docs
+ src
+ tests
+ vendor
+ index.php
+ styles.php
Now, I have the following test code. Basically I cloned a clean copy of Assetic and ran composer install. Then I create an index.php file which simply links to my styles.php file with HTMLs <link> tag.
Here is my styles.php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$assetPath = __DIR__.'/assets/css/example.css';
$assetBasePath = __DIR__.'/assets/css';
$asset = new Assetic\Asset\FileAsset($assetPath, array(), $assetBasePath, 'example.css');
header('Content-Type: text/css');
echo $asset->dump(new Assetic\Filter\CssRewriteFilter);
Here is my example.css stylesheet.
body {
background-image: url('../img/background.png');
When I load up the styles.php in my browser I get the following output.
That's the same as the actual CSS. If I use the CSS URI Rewriter from Mr. Clay I get the expected output.
So what am I doing wrong with Assetic? I have no idea what paths I should be passing in and to where.
Just a pretty hard time with it, but finally (after reading the doc. of webassets, python library on which assetic is based) I won over the lack of documentation.
Here you go
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$assetPath = __DIR__.'/assets/css/example.css';
$asset = new Assetic\Asset\FileAsset($assetPath, array(new Assetic\Filter\CssRewriteFilter), dirname($assetPath), '/assets/css');
// I assume the 'assets' directory is at the root of your website
header('Content-Type: text/css');
// As above, it's the path to the generated asset from your http root
echo $asset->dump();
I'm not sure to be very clear, so ask if you didn't understand something.

Does Qt Linguist offer the ability to add new entries to the editable .ts file?

I didn't find a way to do this - only to edit the translations to the existing fields.
If there is no way to achieve this - how should this be done (somehow automatically, because right now I was manually adding
blocks to my .ts file and I assume that's not the correct way.
No, that's not the correct way :) Use tr() in the code to mark strings for translation.
For example
label->setText( tr("Error") );
The you run lupdate for your project to extract them to a .ts. See here for more details.
Or do you need to translate strings that are not in the source code?
I just wrote a python script to insert new entries
into the .ts file for a homegrown parser using ElementTree. It doesnt make the code pretty
when it adds it, but I believe it works just fine (so far):
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse(infile)
doc = tree.getroot()
for e in tree.getiterator()
if e.tag == "context":
for child in e.getchildren():
if child.tag == "name" and child.text == target:
elem = ET.SubElement(e, "message")
src = ET.SubElement(elem, "source")
src.text = newtext
trans = ET.SubElement(elem, "translation")
trans.text = "THE_TRANSLATION"
Where infile is the .ts file, outfile may be the same as infile or different.
target is the context you are looking for to add a new message into,
and newtext is of course the new source text.