Check input for UCase (RegEx) and convert in UCase if LCase - regex

I'm having the following script:
Function IsValidLetter( Letter )
const IVNAME_TEST = "[A-Z]{1,2}"
Dim regEx, match, myMatches
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = IVNAME_TEST
regex.IgnoreCase = false
Set myMatches = regEx.Execute( UCase(Letter) )
If myMatches.Count > 0 Then
IsValidLetter = true
End If
End function
It works great, because I want maximum 2 letter from A-Z in an input field. My question; how do I check if the input is lower or uppercase? Best solution would be if it converts it 'on the fly' with this function.
PS: 'Letter' is an input value from a HTML file.
Sub SetFullName
UppercaseConvert.Value = Letter.Value
CombinedName.Value = Ucase(CombinedName.Value)
End Sub
Works great! :)

Alternatively you could have:
set regex.IgnoreCase = true
set IVNAME_TEST = "[A-Za-z]{1,2}"


Remove " and =+ from cells in Google Sheets

I have cells like
=+Organe +is +good
I want to remove all the characters i.e. = and " and +
Tried =SUBSTITUTE(C3,"+" ,"",1) but didnt work
I am using Google Sheets and can't use Excel (in MAC)
If you know which and how many characters should be removed N nested substitutes would work. Just make sure that the input cell is not an error:
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"="," "),"+"," "),"""","")
If you need to exclude anything but the alphabet characters A to Z and the numbers from 0 to 9, VBA + RegEx come into power:
Public Function RemoveNonAlphabetChars(inputString As String) As String
Dim regEx As Object
Dim inputMatches As Object
Dim regExString As String
Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With regEx
.Global = True
.Pattern = "[^a-zA-Z0-9]"
.ignoreCase = True
Set inputMatches = .Execute(inputString)
If regEx.test(inputString) Then
RemoveNonAlphabetChars = .Replace(inputString, vbNullString)
RemoveNonAlphabetChars = inputString
End If
End With
End Function
or if you want to use SUBSTITUTE then:

Regex not Triggering VBA

This is my regex:
Dim vbRegX As Object, vbRegXMatch As Object
Set vbRegX = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With vbRegX
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,20}$"
End With
code that uses it:
Set vbRegXMatch = vbRegX.Execute(Me.txtProduct.Text)
If vbRegXMatch.Count = 1 Then
MsgBox "This string has invalid characters in it. Illegal characters are out side of the following ranges:" & vbNewLine & vbNewling & "a-z or A-Z" & vbNewLine & vbNewling & "0-9, - or _. Please try again."
Cancel = True
Set vbRegXMatch = Nothing
Set vbRegX = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
This code fires with invalid characters but not when length is > 20. This is the output given to me by Regex Buddy:
Dim FoundMatch As Boolean
Dim myRegExp As RegExp
Set myRegExp = New RegExp
myRegExp.Pattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,20}$"
FoundMatch = myRegExp.Test(SubjectString)
Can anyone so kindly point out what Im missing?
visual of the control:
Your regex matches valid input. Thus, you need to .Test(your_string) and if the result is False, you need to fire an error.
Set vbRegXMatch = vbRegX.Execute(Me.txtProduct.Text)
If vbRegXMatch.Count = 1 Then
If vbRegX.Test("1234555") = False Then
Also, since you expect a single match, use
.Global = False

How can I matche an string using regex with access and VBA

I have this code, but when I use this, the UrlTest variable return the entire URL and not the capturing groups where I have defined in the regex. ^http:\/\/myanimelist\.net\/animelist\/(.*[^\/])(?:\/|)$
Here is my code:
Private Function UrlTest(strUrl As String) As String
'Do the regEx for get the user in url
Dim regEx As New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "^http:\/\/myanimelist\.net\/animelist\/(.*[^\/])(?:\/|)$"
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = False
If regEx.Test(strUrl) Then
Dim matche As Object
Set matche = regEx.Execute(strUrl)
If matche.Count <> 0 Then
UrlTest = matche(0)
End If
UrlTest = "false"
End If
End Function
This function with strUrl with as value return the same value, and not what I want: example.
I can't understand that ! You can see, this Regex test work !
UrlTest = matche(0).submatches(0)
You should try this.

vbscript: replace text in activedocument with hyperlink

Starting out at a new job and I have to go through a whole lot of documents that my predecessor left. They are MS Word-files that contain information on several hundreds of patents. Instead of copy/pasting every single patent-number in an online form, I would like to replace all patent-numbers with a clickable hyperlink. I guess this should be done with vbscript (I'm not used to working with MS Office).
I have so far:
This is not working for me:
1. I (probably) need to add something to loop through the ActiveDocument
2. The replace-function probably needs a string and not an object for a parameter - is there a __toString() in vbscript?
I have this partially working (regex and finding matches) - now if only I could get the anchor for the hyperlink.add-method right...
Sub HyperlinkPatentNumbers()
' HyperlinkPatentNumbers Macro
Dim objRegExp, Matches, match, myRange
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Content
Set objRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With objRegExp
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = "(WO|EP|US)([0-9]*)(A1|A2|B1|B2)"
End With
Set Matches = objRegExp.Execute(myRange)
If Matches.Count >= 1 Then
For Each match In Matches
ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=objRegExp.match, Address:="$1&NR=$2&KC=$3"
End If
Set Matches = Nothing
Set objRegExp = Nothing
End Sub
Is this VBA or VBScript? In VBScript you cannot declare types like Dim newText As hyperLink, but every variable is a variant, so: Dim newText and nothing more.
objRegEx.Replace returns the string with replacements and needs two parameters passed into it: The original string and the text you want to replace the pattern with:
Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
objRegEx.Global = True
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = False
objRegEx.Pattern = "^(WO|EP|US)([0-9]*)(A1|A2|B1|B2)$"
' assuming plainText contains the text you want to create the hyperlink for
strName = objRegEx.Replace(plainText, "$1$2$3")
strAddress = objRegex.Replace(plainText, "$1&NR=$2&KC=$3"
Now you can use strName and strAddress to create the hyperlink with.
Pro-tip: You can use objRegEx.Test(plainText) to see if the regexp matches anything for early handling of errors.
Problem solved:
Sub addHyperlinkToNumbers()
Dim objRegExp As Object
Dim matchRange As Range
Dim Matches
Dim match
Set objRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With objRegExp
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = "(WO|EP|US|FR|DE|GB|NL)([0-9]+)(A1|A2|A3|A4|B1|B2|B3|B4)"
End With
Set Matches = objRegExp.Execute(ActiveDocument.Content)
For Each match In Matches
'This doesn't work, because of the WYSIWYG-model of MS Word:
'Set matchRange = ActiveDocument.Range(match.FirstIndex, match.FirstIndex + Len(match.Value))
Set matchRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With matchRange.Find
.Text = match.Value
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchCase = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
End With
ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=matchRange, _
Address:="" _
& match.Submatches(0) & "&NR=" & match.Submatches(1) & "&KC=" & match.Submatches(2)
MsgBox "Hyperlink added to " & Matches.Count & " patent numbers"
Set objRegExp = Nothing
Set matchRange = Nothing
Set Matches = Nothing
Set match = Nothing
End Sub

Using regexp in Excel can I perform some arithmetic on the matched pattern before replacing the matched string?

I am using `VBscript.RegExp`` to find and replace using a regular expression. I'm trying to do something like this:
Dim regEx
Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
regEx.Pattern = "ID_(\d{3})"
regEx.IgnoreCase = False
regEx.Global = True
regEx.Replace(a_cell.Value, "=HYPERLINK(A" & CStr(CInt("$1") + 2) )
I.e. I have cells which contain things like ID_006 and I want to replace the contents of such a cell with a hyperlink to cell A8. So I match the three digits, and then want to add 2 to those digits to get the correct row to hyperlink to.
But the CStr(CInt("$1") + 2) part doesn't work. Any suggestions on how I can make it work?
Ive posted given these points
you should test for a valid match before trying a replace
from your current code the Global is redundant as you can add 1 hyerplink (1 match) to a cell
your current code will accept a partial string match, if you wanted to avoid ID_9999 then you match the entire string using ^ and $. This version runs me, you can revert to your current pattern with .Pattern = "ID_(\d{3})"
Normally when adding a hyperlink a visible address is needed. The code beloe does this (with the row manipulation in one shot)
The code below runs at A1:A10 (sample shown dumping to B1:B10 for pre and post coede)
Sub ParseIt()
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
Dim regEx
Set rng1 = Range([a1], [a10])
Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With regEx
'match entire string
.Pattern = "^ID_(\d{3})$"
'match anywhere
' .Pattern = "ID_(\d{3})"
.IgnoreCase = False
For Each rng2 In rng1
If .test(rng2.Value) Then
'use Anchor:=rng2.Offset(0, 1) to dump one column to the right)
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=rng2, Address:="", SubAddress:= _
Cells(.Replace(rng2.Value, "$1") + 2, rng2.Column).Address, TextToDisplay:=Cells(.Replace(rng2.Value, "$1") + 2, rng2.Column).Address
End If
End With
End Sub
This is because: "=HYPERLINK(A" & CStr(CInt("$1") + 2) is evaluated once, when the code is executed, not once for every match.
You need to capture & process the match like this;
a_cell_Value = "*ID_006*"
Set matches = regEx.Execute(a_cell_Value)
Debug.Print "=HYPERLINK(A" & CLng(matches(0).SubMatches(0)) + 2 & ")"
Or if they are all in ??_NUM format;
a_cell_Value = "ID_11"
?"=HYPERLINK(A" & (2 + val(mid$(a_cell_Value, instr(a_cell_Value,"_") +1))) & ")"
The line -
regEx.Replace(a_cell.Value, "=HYPERLINK(A" & CStr(CInt("$1") + 2) )
won't work as VBA will try to do a CInt on the literal string "$1" rather than on the match from your RegEx.
It would work if you did your replace in 2 steps, something like this -
Dim a_cell
a_cell = Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1)
Dim regEx
Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
regEx.Pattern = "ID_(\d{3})"
regEx.IgnoreCase = False
regEx.Global = True
a_cell = regEx.Replace(a_cell, "$1")
Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1) = "=HYPERLINK(A" & CStr(CInt(a_cell) + 2) & ")"