Hide Tooltip for HTML5 validation defined in ASP.NET/MVC - regex

When the input does not match the pattern specified by the pattern attribute, the browser displays "You must use this format:" in a tooltip on the field.
I cannot hide this tooltip message at all, can I? 'Cause even when I write
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.tbMyNumber, new { #pattern = "[0-9]{6,}", title="" })
it stills brings "You must use this format:" in the tooltip for this field.
How can I avoid this?

I don't think there is a way to do what you want without adding javascript. A simple alternative would be to verify with javascript (example below shown using jQuery) instead...
$('#myform').submit(function() {
if(!/^[0-9]{6,}$/.test($('#mytext').val())) {
return false;
This would prevent the form from submitting if the value doesn't match the pattern... without displaying the tooltip... just make sure you have an alternative so the user doesn't wonder why they can't submit the form.

I guess that is not what you expect as answer, but you can probably work the problem around with javascript
* The string must be at least 6 digits
<input type="text" onkeyup="isNumber(this)" onblur="lengthValidation(this)">
function isNumber(textbox)
textbox.value = textbox.value.replace(/[\D]+/, '');
function lengthValidation(textbox)
if (textbox.value.length < 6) {
document.getElementById("error").style.display = 'block';
} else {
document.getElementById("error").style.display = 'none';
Test it here: https://jsfiddle.net/mvxeous4/1/


Hyperlinks inside object fields

I have an object inside my Ember app, with a description field. This description field may contain hyperlinks, like this
My fancy text <a href='http://other.site.com' target='_blank'>My link</a> My fancy text continues...
However, when i output it normally, like {{ description }} my hyperlinks are displayed as a plain text. Why is this happening and how can i fix this?
Handlebars escapes any HTML within output by default. For unescaped text in markup use triple-stashes:
{{{ description }}}
There's an alternative when one controls the property: Handlebars.SafeString. SafeStrings are assumed to be safe and are not escaped either. From the documentation:
Handlebars.registerHelper('link', function(text, url) {
text = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(text);
url = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(url);
var result = '' + text + '';
return new Handlebars.SafeString(result);
Note - please be careful with this. There are security concerns with rendering unescaped text that has come from user input; an attacker could inject a malicious script into the description and hijack your page, for example.

JavaScript client side (user input) find-and-replace Hyperlinks

I want a clientside user to be able to insert text in text input box, click 'replace' and have a list of hyperlinks replaced accordingly. Anchor text will stay the same, but the hyperlink will change.
My problem: I am only getting the first hyperlink to change. I have a fiddle set up with two links, and you can see only the first changes. I want a list of, say, 20 links to change at once.
<input id="replace" type="text" value="newphrase" />
<input onclick="doReplace()" type="button" value="Replace!" />
<p id="list">Google Keyword Search</p>
<p id="list">Yahoo Keyword Search</p>
function doReplace() {
var s = "keyword";
var r = document.getElementById('replace').value;
var oldtext = document.getElementById('list').innerHTML;
var newtext = oldtext.replace( s, r );
document.getElementById('list').innerHTML = newtext;
I can't work out why you'd want the original strings in the HTML page code to begin with, so I'd suggest that you may have a problem with your approach. Note also that it's illegal in HTML to have more than one element with the same Id, which mostly explains why getElementById only returns one item. Also external urls must be preceded by http:// too.
I usually use jQuery these days - in jQuery you could simply swap id="list" to class="list" and use $('.list') to get a list of them all. $('.list').each(function() { var item = this; /* manipulation code here */ }); would allow you to change them all, but you may have to do some reading.
In any case, I still think that your approach is wrong.
What I'd do is have a normal javascript array of Urls, with replacable keys that are difficult to confuse as part of the url, e.g.
var addresses = [
{ text: "Google Keyword Search", url: "http://google.com?q=%keyword%" },
{ text: "Yahoo Keyword Search", url: "http://yahoo.com?q=%keyword%" }
When your user searches, you then build up your new html code into a string by iterating through the array:
var output = '';
for (var i = 0; i<addresses.length; i++) {
var item = addresses[i];
output += '<p>'+item.text+'</p>';
Note: I haven't checked this code, but you should be able to get the idea. You'd actually write out all the entire list by using innerHTML on the list container.
Hope that this helps.
Best Regards,
Mark Rabjohn
Integrated Arts Limited

Trouble With Regex and Velocity

I just started using dotCMS for work to modify the existing website. I am trying to create a widget that takes a custom structure field called urlTitle. It takes the Title of an event and makes it url friendly. Here is a tutorial describing the urlTitle
I have a regex that is written fine for javascript. My problem is when I try to use the same regex in velocity, I am getting some troubles.
Here is the javascript from the tutorial:
function updateDisplayURLTitle(){
// get the title entered by the user
var plainTitle = dojo.byId("title");
// make a friendly url
var urlTitle = plainTitle.value.toLowerCase();
urlTitle= urlTitle.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
urlTitle = urlTitle.replace(/[^a-zA-Z 0-9]+/g,' ');
urlTitle = urlTitle.replace(/\s/g, "-");
while(urlTitle.indexOf("--") > -1){
urlTitle = urlTitle.replace("--",'-');
// set the values of the display place holder and the custom field
// the is to hold the div open
dojo.byId("displayURLTitle").innerHTML = urlTitle;
// attach this the text1 field onchange
dojo.connect(dojo.byId("title"), "onchange", null, "updateDisplayURLTitle");
// populate the field on load
<div id="displayURLTitle" style="height:20px"> </div>
Then here is my velocity code for my widget:
#set($nowsers = $date.format('yyyyMMddHHmmss', $date.getDate()))
#set($con = $dotcontent.pull("+structureName:calendarEvent +(conhost:48190c8c-42c4-46af-8d1a-0cd5db894797 conhost:SYSTEM_HOST) +calendarEvent.startDate:[$nowsers TO 21001010101000]",1,"calendarEvent.startDate"))
#foreach($event in $con)
<p> $event.description</p>
#set($temp = $event.title.toLowerCase())
#set($temp = $temp.replaceAll('/^\s+|\s+$/g', ""))
#set($temp = $temp.replaceAll('/[^a-zA-Z 0-9]+/g', " "))
#set($temp = $temp.replaceAll('/\s/g', "-"))
My goal is to have the regex from the javascript work with the velocity. Right now it doesn't work and I'm not that skilled with regex, so far my research has lead me nowhere.
Another thing I cant figure out is what the /g does. I can't find it in any regex resource website.
I figured it out. It turns out that the escape characer / in front of the regex patter, and the /g were causing the pattern to fail so it must not be needed for the method used in velocity.

How To I Replace New Elements Added To A Page With Jquery

Here is the scenario... I have a a checkbox next to each field that I am replacing on page load with jquery with "Delete" text that enables me to delete the field via jquery, which is working fine. Like so...
$(".profile-status-box").each(function(){ $(this).replaceWith('<span class="delete">' + 'Delete' + '</span>') });
The problem comes in however is that after page load, I am also giving the user the option to dynamically add new fields. The new added fields though have the checkbox and not the delete link because they are not being replaced by jquery since they are being added after the initial page load.
Is't possible to replace the content of new elements added to the page without doing a page refresh? If not, I can always have two templates with different markup depending one for js and one for non js, but I was trying to avoind taht.
Thanks in advance.
You can use the .livequery() plugin, like this:
$(this).replaceWith('<span class="delete">Delete</span>')
The anonymous function is run against every element found, and each new element matching the selector as they're added.
Have a look at this kool demo. It removes and adds elements like a charm.
Here's how:
First of all, the (x)html is real simple.
xHTML Snippet
<input type="hidden" value="0" id="theValue" />
<p>Add Some Elements</p>
<div id="myDiv"> </div>
The hidden input element simply gives you a chance to dynamically call a number you could start with. This, for instance could be set with PHP or ASP. The onclick event handler is used to call the function. Lastly, the div element is set and ready to receive some children appended unto itself (gosh that sounds wierd).
Mkay, so far so easy. Now the JS functions.
addElement JavaScript Function
function addElement() {
var ni = document.getElementById('myDiv');
var numi = document.getElementById('theValue');
var num = (document.getElementById('theValue').value -1)+ 2;
numi.value = num;
var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
var divIdName = 'my'+num+'Div';
newdiv.innerHTML = 'Element Number '+num+' has been added! <a href=\'#\' onclick=\'removeElement('+divIdName+')\'>Remove the div "'+divIdName+'"</a>';
And if you want to,
removeElement JavaScript Function
function removeElement(divNum) {
var d = document.getElementById('myDiv');
var olddiv = document.getElementById(divNum);
and thats that. bobs your uncle.
This is taken from this article/tutorial: http://www.dustindiaz.com/add-and-remove-html-elements-dynamically-with-javascript/
I've just learnt this myself. thank you for the question
Hope that helps.

Replacing a substring using regular expressions

I want to add a call to a onclick event in any href that includes a mailto: tag.
For instance, I want to take any instance of:
<a href="mailto:user#domain.com">
And change it into:
<a href="mailto:user#domain.com" onclick="return function();">
The problem that I'm having is that the value of the mailto string is not consistent.
I need to say something like replace all instances of the '>' character with 'onclick="return function();">' in strings that match '<a href="mailto:*">' .
I am doing this in ColdFusion using the REreplacenocase() function but general RegEx suggestions are welcome.
The following will add your onclick to all mailto links contained withing a string str:
"\1 onclick=""return function();"">",
What this regular expression will do is find any <a ...> tag that looks like it's an email link (ie. has an href attribute using the mailto protocol), and add the onclick attribute to it. Everything up to the end of the tag will be stored into the first backreferrence (referred to by \1 in the replacement string) so that any other attributes in the <a> will be preserved.
If the only purpose of this is to add a JavaScript event handler, I don't think Regex is the best choice. If you use JavaScript to wire up your JavaScript events, you'll get more graceful degradation if JS is not available (e.g. nothing will happen, instead of having onclick cruft scattered throughout your markup).
Plus, using the DOM eliminates the possibility of missing matches or false positives that can occur from a Regex that doesn't perfectly anticipate every possible markup formation:
function myClickHandler() {
//do stuff
return false;
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var link in links) {
if(link.href.indexOf('mailto:') == 0) {
link.onclick = myClickHandler;
Why wouldn't you do this on the frontend with a library like jQuery?
// place the code you want to execute here