Chunk Ember Model Array - ember.js

I am trying to split up the model array of controller to make it easier to display but the approach I came up with is not right. How do I access the model array of a controller so that it can be manipulated and still maintain computed properties of the model?
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
queryParams: ['page'],
page: "",
playlists: Ember.computed("model", function(){
var playlistContent = this.get("model.content");
return _.chunk(playlistContent, 3);
actions: {
this.set("page", page);
{{#each playlists as |playlistGroup|}}
<div class="row">
{{#each playlistGroup as |playlist|}}
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="card playlist-card">
<img class="card-img-top" src={{playlist._data.thumbnail}} alt="Card image cap">
<div class="card-block">
<h4 class="card-title">{{playlist._data.title}}</h4>
<p class="card-text">{{playlist._data.description}}</p>

In Route,
controller.set('playlists',_.chunk(model, 3));


Loading data that isnt on the route?

I have a dropdown setup on a form but how do i set it up if my data isnt in the route? I am trying to load in a list of territories on a new dealer form. I have added ember-power-select add on but I cant figure out how to load the data to the add on to display the available options. Do I need to create a service or controller?
New to ember just trying to work through the basics. {
this.route('admin', function() {
this.route('territory', function() {
this.route('edit', { path: '/:territory_id/edit'});
this.route('view', { path: '/:territory_id/view'});
this.route('dealer', function() {
this.route('view', { path: '/:dealer_id/view'});
This is my form I am using on creating a new item.
<div class="well">
<form class="form-horizontal">
<legend>New Dealer</legend>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputFirstName" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Name</label>
<div class="col-lg-4">
{{input type="text" value=model.dealerName class="form-control" placeholder="Dealer Name"}}
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputFirstName" class="col-lg-2 control-label">Territory</label>
<div class="col-lg-4">
{{#power-select selected=dealer options=dealer onchange=(action "chooseDestination") as |dealer|}}
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-lg-10 col-lg-offset-2">
{{#link-to '' class="btn btn-default"}}Cancel{{/link-to}}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" {{action 'saveDealer' model}}>Submit</button>
Just because a route is the new action for a territory or the view action for a dealer, doesn't mean that you can't load other data there.
For example, in the territory/view route, you could load all the dealers.
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model(params) {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
territory:'territory', params.territory_id),
Then in your controller and templates, you would have access to model.territory and model.dealers

Ember Object, with a nested array

To learn Ember, I've been trying to make a simple app that computes timezones.
When a person enters their city, and the other person's city, I make a GET request to my API, which returns the dates like so --
great_times: [array]
good_for_me: [array]
good_for_them: [array]
In handlebars, I have
<div class="container">
<div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
<h2>We found <span class="twenty-four-header">{{totalTimes}}</span>
great meeting {{pluralize totalTimes 'time' 'times'}} for you!</h2>
<div class="main-content">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="form-group">
{{view RightTime.AutoCompleteAddressView value=myCity placeholder="What's your city?"
class="form-control input-lg" latLng=myLatLng}}
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="form-group">
{{view RightTime.AutoCompleteAddressView value=theirCity placeholder="What their city?"
class="form-control input-lg" latLng=theirLatLng}}
{{#each meetingTime in greatTimes}}
{{render 'meetingTime' meetingTime }}
This works, but what happens is that when I update the city, It no longer updates this each loop.
I do know however that the model was updated, because the {{totalTimes}} computed property does update.
This is what my meeting Object looks like:
RightTime.Meeting = Ember.Object.extend({
meetingTimes: null,
myCity: null,
theirCity: null,
myLatLng: null,
theirLatLng: null,
totalTimes: function() {
if (this.meetingTimes) {
return this.meetingTimes.great_times.length;
locationsData: function() {
return {
myLatLng: [this.myLatLng.k, this.myLatLng.A],
theirLatLng: [this.theirLatLng.k, this.theirLatLng.A]
}.property('myLatLng', 'theirLatLng'),
findTimes: function() {
var meeting = this;
if (this.myLatLng && this.theirLatLng) {
url: 'api/meetings',
type: 'GET',
data: meeting.get('locationsData')
meeting.set('meetingTimes', Ember.A(response));
}.property('myLatLng', 'theirLatLng')
I have a feeling that the problem lies in
meeting.set('meetingTimes', Ember.A(response));
I'm resetting the whole meetingtimes array, which may be the wrong way to go about it.
How would you go about making the meetingTimes arrray update and reflect in handlebars?
I'd probably just move great_times into a computed property that depends on meetingTimes and isn't chained.
something like
greatTimes: function() {
return Em.get(this, 'meetingTimes.great_times') || [];
With a template like this
{{#each meetingTime in greatTimes}}
{{render 'meetingTime' meetingTime }}

Ember template does not remove when transition to different route

I feel as if this is a very simple problem to fix I am just not aware of how to fix it. Currently I have an outlet that displays a template like this:
<div id="user-profile">
<img {{bind-attr src="avatarURL"}} alt="User's Avatar" class="profilePic"/>
<span>Created {{creationDate}}</span>
<button {{action "edit"}}>Edit</button>
The template to be rendered at the outlet is this:
<div id="user-edit">
<h3>Edit User</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="row">
<label class="edit-user-label">Choose user avatar</label>
{{input class="form-control" value=avatarUrl}}
<div class="row">
<label>User name</label>
{{input class="form-control" value=name}}
<div class="row">
<label class="edit-user-label">User email</label>
{{input class="form-control" value=email}}
<div class="row">
<label class="edit-user-label">User short bio</label>
{{textarea class="text-control" value=bio}}
<div class="row">
<button {{action "save"}}>SAVE</button>
<button {{action "cancel"}}>CANCEL</button>
When I first visit the user route, the outlet does not display because the button has not been clicked. The button is hooked to a controller which takes care of the action. The action just transitions to the route where the template is displayed at the outlet. It appears just as expected but when I click on a different user model, the outlet from the previous user is still there without everything in the <div class="panel-body"> </div>. So Ember hides the panel-body div on transition but not the user-edit div. If you need more information I will be happy to provide it.
Here are the controllers:
App.UserController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
actions: {
edit: function() {
Here is the userEditController:
App.UserEditController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
actions: {
save: function() {
var user = this.get('model');;
this.transitionToRoute('user', user);
cancel: function() {
var user = this.get('model');
this.transitionToRoute('user', user);
Hi why dont you use {{#link-to 'edit' model}} instead of action ???
you can pass model to link-to so you dont have to get model in controller and then transitionToRoute
Look at this

Why would a newly created record not show up in a list?

I have a form that creates a record, then transitions to the list of resources for a particular object. However once the record is created, it is not reflected in the list of resources. If I refresh the page, the record is saved in the correct place. I have the ember chrome extension installed and if I look under Resources, then the resource is there pointing to the correct Badge. But if I go to badge first, and look for resources, it is not listed. Any ideas? I would be happy to provide any more information necessary to clarify. Thank you in advance
Create Resource Form Controller and Route
App.ResourcesCreateController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
resourceTypes: ["link","file","video"],
needs: ['badge','resourcesIndex'],
actions: {
save: function() {
//Gather the info from the form
var description = this.get('description');
var url = this.get('url');
var type = this.get('type');
var text = this.get('text');
var badge = this.get('controllers.badge').get('model');
//set the data to the model of the route (ResourceCreateRoute)
var resource = this.get('model');
var self = this;
//save the route
var a = {
//if success
console.log('%c that resource saved rather nicely','color:green;');
}, function() {
//if failure
console.log('%c Yea boss...that didnt go so hot', 'color:red;');
reset: function() {
App.ResourcesCreateRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
List Resources Route
App.ResourcesRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(){
return this.modelFor('badge').get('resources');
Resource Model
App.Resource = DS.Model.extend({
'badge': DS.belongsTo('badge'),
'text': attr('string'),
'url': attr('string'),
'description': attr('string'),
'type': attr('string')
Badge Model
App.Badge = DS.Model.extend({
'category': DS.belongsTo('category'),
'title': attr('string'),
'type': attr('string'),
'ord': attr('number'),
'short_description': attr('string'),
'full_description': attr('string'),
'mentor': DS.belongsTo('employee'),
'icon': attr('string'),
'required': attr('boolean'),
'signoff_role': attr('string'),
'created_at': attr('string'),
'updated_at': attr('string'),
'resources': DS.hasMany('resource', { async: true } ),
'quiz': DS.belongsTo('quiz', { async: true } )
List of Resources
{{#link-to "resources.create" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs pull-right"}} Create Resource {{icon "plus"}}{{/link-to}}
{{#each resource in controller}}
{{render resources/resource resource}}
<p class="lead text-muted">There are no resources</p>
Resource Item Template
{{#if isEditing}}
<div {{bindAttr class="controller.isError:alert-danger:alert-info :alert"}}>
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-lg-2">
{{view Ember.Select contentBinding="resourceTypes" classNames="form-control" valueBinding="type"}}
<div class="col col-lg-10">
<small>Resource Name</small>
{{input valueBinding="text" class="form-control"}}
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-lg-12">
{{textarea valueBinding="description" rows="5" class="form-control"}}
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-lg-12">
<small>URL,File Name, or Vimeo ID</small>
{{input valueBinding="url" class="form-control"}}
<div class="btn-group">
<div {{action "save"}} class="btn btn-primary">{{icon "floppy-save"}} Save</div>
{{#if confirmDelete}}
<div {{action "delete"}} class="btn btn-danger">{{icon "trash"}} Are You sure?</div>
<div {{action "confirm"}} class="btn btn-danger">{{icon "trash"}} Delete</div>
<div {{action "reset"}} class="btn btn-default"> {{icon "ban-circle"}} Cancel</div>
<div class="btn-group pull-right btn-group-xs">
{{#if view.hover }}
<div {{action "edit"}} class="btn btn-default">{{icon "cog"}}</div>
<span class="text-muted">{{resource_icon type}}</span> {{text}}
{{#if description}}
<dd class="text-muted" style="margin-bottom:1em">
{{markdown description}}
Create Resource Template
<h3>Create Resource</h3>
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-lg-2">
{{view Ember.Select contentBinding="resourceTypes" classNames="form-control" valueBinding="type"}}
<div class="col col-lg-10">
<small>Resource Name</small>
{{input valueBinding="text" class="form-control"}}
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-lg-12">
{{textarea valueBinding="description" rows="5" class="form-control"}}
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-lg-12">
<small>URL,File Name, or Vimeo ID</small>
{{input valueBinding="url" class="form-control"}}
<div {{action "save"}} class="btn btn-primary">{{icon "floppy-save"}} Save</div>
<div {{action "test"}} class="btn btn">Test</div>
{{#link-to "resources.index" class="btn btn-default" }} {{icon "ban-circle"}} Cancel {{/link-to}}
Just some general notes first.
With this much code, everyone's going to have a much easier time helping you if you provide a JSBin or something. It's a bit of extra work for you, but you're asking for help, and this is a lot to just mentally parse and run. Personally, it was some extra overhead for me because you didn't include your router, so I had to do a pass just to try to figure out how badge and resource were related.
When you're using an ObjectController with the route model set to a new record, with input helpers, you shouldn't need to do all of that setting. That's why you specified those value bindings on the helpers. But when you do need to set a bunch of properties, you can just do that all at once with something like record.setProperties({prop1: prop1Value, prop2: prop2Value ...}); and save yourself a lot of typing.
I don't understand why you're using resourcesIndex as a ResourcesCreateController need. To actually answer your question, it might work to specify just 'resources' as a need
then use something like{
self.transitionToRoute("resources.index", badge); // I don't know if this makes any sense because you didn't show your router, but at the very least, don't use self.badge, or even self.get("badge"), because badge is already accessible in this scope.
It'd be nice to see your Model definitions, and even better if you had a jsbin setup showing the problem.
You could always try hooking it up on createRecord.
App.ResourcesCreateRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return'resource', {badge: this.modelFor('badge')});
It seems like when you create the new resource, you aren't putting it in the store. You should try something like then instead of your, do a
I'm not entirely sure I'm right. But it may be a possibility.
Fixed. I am not sure if this is the correct way to handle this but basically the parent model needed to be reloaded once the child model was created and saved. So like this
save: function() {
var self = this;
var resource ='resource',{
property: 'property',
relatedProperty: this.get('model'),
//do stuff because the resource didnt save

In EmberJS my event triggers all the sub-views instead of just the targeted one

i'm learning EmberJS and building a comment section that allows 1 level of sub comments. I have an Ember View listing all the comments, when you click "reply" on a particular comment, it should display a textarea input for a user to write a sub-comment.
In my EmberJS code when you click "reply" it shows the textarea input for all the comments not just the specific one. Any advice would be appreciated :)
// View
App.commentsView = Em.View.create({
templateName: 'commentsTmpl',
showReply: false,
reply: function(e) {
e.view.set('showReply', true);
App.replyCommentsView = Em.View.extend({
showReplyBinding: 'App.commentsView.showReply'
// Template
<script data-template-name="commentsTmpl" type="text/x-handlebars">
{{#each App.commentsController}}
<div class="comment-group clearfix">
<div class="comment">
<img class="comment-pic" {{bindAttr src="userPic"}} alt="user pic">
<div class="comment-content">
<span class="comment-body">{{text}}</span>
<div class="comment-actions clearfix">
<a href="#" {{action "reply"}}>Reply</a>
{{#view App.replyCommentsView}}
{{#if showReply}}
<div class="comment-reply">
<textarea class="txt-comment-reply" rows="2" cols="65"></textarea>
Currently you are binding the showReply to App.commentsView which is the whole container. To be make it easy activate single comments, I'd suggest looking into a CollectionView, this way each of your comments will have their own view and you can toggle showReply on an individual comment's view.
Something like this: (Sorry, I haven't tested it)
App.commentsView = Em.View.create({
templateName: 'commentsTmpl'
App.CommentView = Em.View.extend({
classNames: "comment-group clearfix".w(),
showReply: false,
reply: function(e) {
this.set("showReply", true)
// Template
<script data-template-name="commentsTmpl" type="text/x-handlebars">
{{#collection contentBinding="App.commentsController" itemViewClass="App.CommentView"}}
<div class="comment">
<img class="comment-pic" {{bindAttr src="content.userPic"}} alt="user pic">
<div class="comment-content">
<span class="comment-body">{{content.text}}</span>
<div class="comment-actions clearfix">
<a href="#" {{action "reply"}}>Reply</a>
{{#if showReply}}
<div class="comment-reply">
<textarea class="txt-comment-reply" rows="2" cols="65"></textarea>