Redmine workflows doesn't work - redmine

I have already working Redmine workflows and Roles. I try to change workflow for a certain role, but changes doesn't make any sense. I have the same list of statuses as before workflow update. Redmine version is 3.0.4.

Thank you John for answer. Yes they work for users with out admin permissions. But for admins workflow change doesn't make sense.


Disable/Hide/Remove Docs menu in Apache Airflow GUI

I have installed Airflow in my Ubuntu system and trying to deploy Airflow to production. I would like to turn off the menu Docs on the UI (browser).
I was reading setting permissions on the menus here access-control but it is hard to turn off this menu for each role. I am curious to know if we can Disable/Hide/Remove Docs menu from the root.
There's no one-click way to turn it off globally. I wonder why it's hard to turn it off for each role? The only way to truly perform this in one action is to query the metastore directly and remove the menu access on Docs permission from all roles using a single SQL query.
Assuming you don't have too many roles, it takes just a few clicks in the UI. First you'll need Admin permissions and go to Security -> List Roles. In there, edit each role and remove the menu access on Docs permission.

django-oscar and multitenancy

I am researching Django Oscar for the ecommerce part of our business. One of the required features is that we need to host multiple shops on one Oscar instance, i.e. every shop owner should manage his own products, his own partners etc. And should not have access to other owner's content.
Google says it had this feature as of version 0.6:
But the current version (1.5 as of today) does not mention this feature. How to do multitenancy in later Oscar versions?
Oscar is great! I'm using the "multiple dealers" as described in here
Until now I don't know another solution for multi-vendor.
The multiple dealers support is now possible in Oscar 0.6 without any
code changes, and called "permission-based dashboard". It's documented
"Staff users (users with is_staff==True) get access to all views in the dashboard. To better support Oscar’s use for marketplace scenarios, the permission-based dashboard has been introduced. If a non-staff user has the partner.dashboard_access permission set, they are given access to a subset of views, and their access to products and orders is limited."
I know this post is old, however there is shuup if you are looking for a multi-vendor python based shop. It does basically everything Oscar does with a really responsive and productive admin.

How to configure wagtail to log admin actions

Our team at 18F is working on requirements to obtain an Authority to Operate (ATO). We use Wagtail for our CMS and we currently have the need to log Admin actions. Django should provide this functionality (and should write logs to the table django_admin_log). However it seems that Wagtail is not logging any Admin actions to that table. We really need this capability, is there a configuration we are missing to make this happen, or is a code change/modification needed. Thanks for any assistance.
At the moment, Wagtail do not record user's activity in the admin UI, but there is a feature request for this.
You can submit a pull request to add this functionality, if you wish.

Workflow error in Sharepoint Online

I am having this error in Sharepoint Online when I run a workflow to create an Enterprise Project from a list
The details of the error was
Retrying last request. Next attempt scheduled in less than one minute.
Details of last request: HTTP Forbidden to
Correlation Id: f9d2736f-8a66-4425-a5cc-cb30adf980ff Instance Id:
PJClientCallableException: GeneralSecurityAccessDenied
I tried changing my workflow to just send an email to check whether there is something wrong with the workflow but emailing work
I suspect it has something to do with the workflow engine service user (if there is such a thing) trying to create and Enterprise Project.
I and the admin so I have the full access but for some reason the workflow is running as a different user on my behalf.
It is a simple workflow and it looks like this
And the list looks like this with its mapping with the Project Web App Fields
Any reasons why this is happening?
How do I resolve the issue?
If its a workflow service user what is the user that I can give full access to creating Enterprise Projects
Since this is SharePoint Online we are talking about it leverages Azure Workflows. Impersonation is discontinued in SharePoint Designer so you will have to use the App Step, to do that you will need to first to activate Allow workflow to use app permissions feature, then create App Step action where you will place your create project action.
You can find more information on how to add App Step as well as how to setup permissions here:
App step in SharePoint Designer
(MSDN) Create a workflow with elevated permissions by using the SharePoint 2013 Workflow platform
Do you have schedule template associated with your EPT?
if yes, then you have to include that template to that group's category within selected projects section.
Go to the category of that user's group, select the project template and include it into selected projects.
You can find steps and details in this blog by my colleague:
hope this helps.

Redmine bug reporter to add watchers?

Is it possible and how to give permissions to issue Reporters to add watchers to the issues they open?
Yes, this is a role option. Under Administration | Roles, edit the role (I'm assuming you have a role named "Reporters"?). Enable the "Add Watchers" option, within the Issue tracking section.