Postgresql not connecting in django project - django

Working on django project with postgresql database but its giving me error :-
psql: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "::1", user "dev_onpoint", database "dev_mypsdb", SSL off
My database configuration in django is :-
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
'NAME': 'dev_mypsdb',
'USER': 'dev_onpoint',
'PASSWORD': '*****',
'HOST': 'localhost',
'PORT': '5432'
I also checked in postgresql configuration file for port and found that i am using right port number.
Then i checked ph_hba.conf file but because I am not familiar with postgresql database and I am using it first time, that's why I could not understand this file :-
enter image description here
Please let me know if i skipped anything in configuration.

Your pg_hba.conf file has no access control entry for IPv6 connections, that's why connect from ::1 fails. You can add the following line to your pg_hba.conf:
host all all samehost md5
to allow connections from all local IPs using password authentication (you must restart postgresql after editing this file). For more information refer to the postgres documentation.


Django Unit tests fail over domain socket

I have Django configured to use the database with peer authentication over the local Unix Domain socket, instead of user/password authentication.
Here's the settings.DATABASES:
{'default': {'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
'NAME': 'mcps',
'PORT': 5433,
'TEST': {'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
'NAME': 'mytestdb',
'PORT': 5433,
'USER': 'mcp'},
'USER': 'mcp'}
The port is correctly configured, the application itself has no problem working correctly.
Yet, when I try to run pytest, with the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE set to the above settings, a database is created - with the correct owner 'mcp' - but before tables are created I get an error:
django.db.utils.OperationalError: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "mcp"
What are unit tests doing differently anmd how can I fix this please?
#Nader Alexan There's no host to set, communication goes over the local Unix domain socket. I tried adding
'HOST': '/run/postgresql'
as I had to do in pgAdmin, but that didn't solve the issue.
It turns out that pytest also tries to access the database named 'postgres', even though the maintenance database is set to template1. I haven't been able to determine why, but adding access to that database explictely in pg_hba.conf enabled me to run the tests.
Sorry if this explanation is a bit shaky, I'm new to forms of PG authentication other than username/password myself.

Access denied when connecting Django to RDS via SSL

I'm trying to connect Django to AWS Aurora server(RDS Aurora 5.6.10a) but I'm getting
django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1045, "Access denied for user 'admin'#'xx.xx.xx.xx' (using password: YES)
In Django, I've used the following settings
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'PORT': '3306',
'ssl': {
'ca': '/Users/mac-user/workspace/project/settings/rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem',
I've also looked at similar questions like this but didn't work
I've also tried to connect using mysql-connector-python and mysql.connector.django as database engine, and ensured that I'm setting the right configuration (setting OPTIONS's ssl_ca and ssl_verify_cert) but I've also got a similar error:
mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'admin'#'xx.xx.xx.xx' (using password: YES)
I've tried to connect to the database using PHP and command line and it worked fine:
mysql -h '<host>' -u '<username>' -p'<password>' --ssl-ca='<SSL_certificate_absolute_path>'
Am I missing any configuration for Django?
I don't have a direct answer to your problem, but apparently Aurora does not respond meaningfully (or correctly?) when MySQL client does not have ssl enabled (like MySQL command line and your PHP solution).
So my advice is to somehow force the MySQL client used by Django to use SSL connection, apparently it's not enabled/forced by default (the options you used might be insufficient).

Django settings when using pgbouncer

I have a Django website with Postgresql backend, for which I'm utilizing pgbouncer for db connection pooling (transaction mode).
The application and the DB reside on separate servers (1 server each). I have installed pgbouncer on the application server. My question is: what should the config be in Note that I'm using Unix sockets for connecting to pgbouncer.
My current contains:
DATABASE_URL = 'postgres://'
'default': dj_database_url.config(default=DATABASE_URL)
Relevant sections of pgbouncer.ini are:
db1 = port=5432 dbname=db1
listen_addr = *
listen_port = 6432
auth_type = md5
unix_socket_dir = /var/run/postgresql
pool_mode = transaction
max_client_conn = 200
default_pool_size = 300
userlist.txt contains:
"user1" "pass1"
Note: One answer is here, but doesn't work for me since the DB isn't available locally in my case. I need to set the DATABASE_URL environment variable, instead of using default = '...'.
One suggestions seems to be to treat pgbouncer as a database in In that case, would something like the following work?
if PRODUCTION == '1':
#PRODUCTION is set to '1' if in production environment
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'pgbouncer',
'USER': 'user1',
'PASSWORD': 'pass1',
'HOST': '/var/run/postgresql',
'PORT': '6432',
From the docs:
pgbouncer is a PostgreSQL connection pooler. Any target application
can be connected to pgbouncer as if it were a PostgreSQL server, and
pgbouncer will create a connection to the actual server, or it will
reuse one of its existing connections.
Have your application (or the psql client) connect to pgbouncer
instead of directly to PostgreSQL server.
The configurations:
pgbouncer.ini: An example pgbouncer.ini with comments about defaults
db1 = port=5432 dbname=db1
listen_addr = *
listen_port = 6432
auth_type = md5
auth_file = userlist.txt
unix_socket_dir = /var/run/postgresql
pool_mode = transaction
max_client_conn = 100
default_pool_size = 20
"user1" "pass1"
to put in
if PRODUCTION == '1':
#PRODUCTION is set to '1' if in production environment
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'db1',
'USER': 'user1',
'PASSWORD': 'pass1',
'HOST': '/var/run/postgresql',
# 'PORT': '6432',
In case not using unix socket - you can set HOST : '' or 'localhost' if pgbouncer is running locally, or whatever the IP of server pgbouncer will be running on.
From the docs:
If you’re using PostgreSQL, by default (empty HOST), the connection to
the database is done through UNIX domain sockets (‘local’ lines in
pg_hba.conf). If your UNIX domain socket is not in the standard
location, use the same value of unix_socket_directory from
postgresql.conf. If you want to connect through TCP sockets, set HOST
to ‘localhost’ or ‘’ (‘host’ lines in pg_hba.conf). On
Windows, you should always define HOST, as UNIX domain sockets are not
In case of postgreSQL For ENGINE you can use postgresql or postgresql_psycopg2 - there's difference between the both given your Django version - postgresql_psycopg2 vs posgresql.
All of your DB settings in should be identical to the settings in your pgbouncer config, except the host in will point to pgbouncer. You probably need to change 'NAME': 'pgbouncer' to 'NAME': 'db1'. Since you're using a unix socket the port shouldn't matter.

How to properly grant access to a database user in Google Cloud SQL?

I've been stuck with this problem for a couple of days.
I developed an application for appengine using Django and I'd like to use Google Cloud SQL for my database. Everything works fine until I want to apply migrations on the development server when it fails with the following error:
django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1045, "Access denied for user 'MY_DB_USER'#'MY_IP' (using password: YES)")
What I've done is as follows:
I followed the instructions in the Django Support page to
develop my application.
In order to create a 1st generation Cloud SQL instance I followed
the steps outlined here, using the Cloud SDK.
I then created a new user following the instructions here and assigned it a password.
I deployed the application using the following command line:
gcloud preview app deploy MY-APP-DIR/app.yaml --version 0-1-0
I authorized my IP and my AppEngine Application ID. They are both listed in the ''Authorization'' section under ''Access Control'' in my SQL instance.
Finally, I tried to apply migrations using the following command line:
SETTINGS_MODE='prod' MY-APP-DIR/ migrate
The relevant portion of my looks as follows:
if os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE', '').startswith('Google App Engine'):
DEBUG = False
# Running on production App Engine, so use a Google Cloud SQL database.
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'USER': 'root',
elif os.getenv('SETTINGS_MODE') == 'prod':
DEBUG = False
# Running in development, but want to access the Google Cloud SQL instance
# in production.
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'NAME': '[MY-DB-NAME]', # db name.
'PORT': '3306',
# Running in development, so use a local MySQL database.
DEBUG = True
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'USER': 'root',
'PASSWORD': 'root',
Any idea as to what might be causing the problem?
Thank you!
I finally figured out what was the problem.
The proper way to grant a user database access, in order to apply migrations, is the following:
White list your IP. It should be shown under 'Authorized Networks'
Create a new database user account, but do not choose the 'Allow any host (%)' wildcard, instead select the "Restrict host by name, address, or address range" option and assign your IP ( The one you just whitelisted ).
You should now be able to run migrations with the command: SETTINGS_MODE='prod' PROJECT_DIR/ migrate
As a side note, make sure the root user whose host is localhost doesn't have a password, else your App Engine application won't be able to connect to the database.
Hope this helps someone else!

Upload Django app and set database correctly

Hi I want to upload my django app to openshift rhc with git. After push and refresh the mainpage is displayed, however everything which needs user instance is not working.
My error is:
'Ident authentication failed for user "admin"'
...py2.6.egg/django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/ in _cursor, line 177
I think database is not connected properly:
in my
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'USER': 'admin',
'HOST': '',
'PORT': '',
I didn't do syncdb, I do not know how to do it. Maybe that is the problem, because superuser is not created ?
What about path to db? On my computer looks a litle bit different:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': '//home//pachucx//Project//db//sqlite3.db',
'USER': '',
'HOST': '',
'PORT': '',
Everything worked fine on the computer.
The difference is that in NAME I am using path to the DB file, where on serwer side I use only name of it. Should I add extension .db, or maybe there is need to add a path I dont know.
Or maybe the problem will be solved just by syncdb? If it is so, tell me how to do it properly e.g with git
Many thanks.
This is an error that is occurring because of your attempt to access the database that is either not created, or you have invalid username and password credentials in your settings file.
Make sure you configure all the settings correctly. - Check your host, db username and password as well as the port - it could be different from your local box.
In order to sync the database you need to navigate in SSH to your project root and locate the file. Once you have that run the following command:
python syncdb
This will either:
Create all the tables,
Give you a nasty error saying your settings for your database are not correct, this is a great error to get as you know you need to look into the settings again and correct the problem.
To test whether or not your server can be initiated run the following command in SSH again
python runserver
If successful, this will give you a local test environment and should spit out a url to test. Should be localhost:8000 or something similar.
If fails, this will let you know if you have models improperly configured, mainly your settings, or url file it will give an error on so you can double check everything is up.
As for using the database that is on your machine on a machine outside of your network I advise to not do that. Go and create the database on the box you have, and make notes of the host, username, password, database name etc, and go back to start of this answer.
All the best,